I Possessed It Instead of My Younger Sibling chapter 90

90 - A Hundred Names, A Thousand Faces, A Thousand Powers

90 – A Hundred Names, A Thousand Faces, A Thousand Powers

‘Hmm…. How will we do it….’

I was at a loss as to what to say to the gloomy Char.

Actually, Char was in a state where the gift could bloom right now.

—But at this rate, it could have been a long time before Char’s Gift bloomed.

‘It’s a contradiction, but…. Actually, I mean….’

Char’s vessel, which has reached the level of a superhuman, is already more than enough for Gift to bloom…….

Although Shar may have felt it through her instincts, she unconsciously felt a ‘rejection’ towards the gift that had not yet bloomed, so she was not yet able to blossom her gift.

So, if you correct that perception, she will immediately bloom a gift that will make Shar a leap to her tier 1 class tank…….

‘Even if I give you advice now, it’s meaningless if Shar doesn’t realize the advice deep in his heart….’

Her problem was that Char, she had to truly accept her own complex and move on so that her gift could bloom.

So even if she clumsily intervened, she might rather delay the gift…… She couldn’t even speak to her first.

From noble mtl dot com

Whether I was seriously worried or not, the lecture continued.

“Next, let’s talk about the grade of gifts. Gifts are basically divided into 7 levels, from F grade to S grade. There are also ‘+’ or ‘-‘ added depending on the output. E+ grade As if it means that it has exceptional output among the E-class.”

“Then, if E+ grade and D- grade gifts collide…Which one is more dominant?”

“Under the condition that the users are equally skilled, the latter wins by far.”

Professor Ellini answered very firmly. As if it were an unshakable law established by the world.

“The difference between gift tiers is much larger than you might think. And it widens even more as you go higher up. Even gifts that seem useless at first glance can have absurd abilities if they are of higher tier.”

“…Hmm. Even if you say so…”

“I don’t have an image that comes to me like this…”

Professor Ellini said so, but looking at the faces of the students, they had expressions that didn’t really make sense.

Professor Ellini looked around at the students and thought for a moment, then snapped her fingers as if thinking of a good example.

“Then let me give you an example. Before I took up the professorship at the academy, I was traveling all over the continent hunting the bad guys. In the meantime, in a barren desert region, I met a seeker who had a gift. I got it. At this point, can you guys guess what the seeker’s gift was?”

“…Uhh, since I’m a seeker… Maybe a gift that sharpens my senses…Something similar…Wasn’t it?”

“No, that guy’s gift was [Sosik Small Food].”

“Is this news…?”

“Yes, small food. It’s literally a gift to eat less food. According to the searcher, it was rated E when it bloomed, but the amount of food I usually eat was cut in half.”

At the appearance of a gift that seemed useless no matter how you think about it, the students’ expressions changed strangely.

“I thought all gifts had great abilities… But I guess that’s not the case…”

“Our informants often have to lie dormant in one place for a long time when collecting information, so it’s not really useless… But if you ask if you really want to have it as a gift, that’s not it…”

“Still, it will be helpful when reducing food expenses or going on a diet.”

The people around me also showed subtle reactions as if they couldn’t say anything.

“Well, I expected you guys to react that way.”

Professor Eleni nodded her head once, as if expecting the students’ reaction, and now she opened her mouth as if it were the main topic.

“The last time I saw that seeker, he raised his Gift, [News], To ‘A grade’. Even if you only eat——”

──I was able to act without any problems even without drinking a sip of water for at least a month.

The moment Professor Ellini’s behind-the-scenes remarks resonated in the classroom, the students widened their eyes in amazement.

No matter how much the grade went up, it was because I never imagined that a gift that seemed useless to anyone would change to such a cataclysmic level.

Those who have awakened mana have physical abilities that easily exceed the limits of ordinary humans. At the same time, the metabolism is also very active, so you need a lot of calories to move.

‘The amount I eat has increased nearly four times compared to when I was in modern times.’

If you consider that, you will be able to immediately realize the heterogeneity of being able to move without problems with a piece of bread a month at least superhuman.

“As I said as an example, the performance of gifts rises steeply whenever the grade goes up. Especially from grade A, the difference is so great that it cannot be compared to the previous one. Let’s postpone that for a while, and start with the lowest rank. Don’t talk like that”

Professor Eleni pointed to the lowest grade among the seven grades written on her blackboard and opened her mouth.

“Grade F. It is the lowest grade gift. To be honest, there is not much difference between present and non-existent gift at this level. It is a power with a slight output enough to hear such a voice. If it is an F grade fire attribute system, it is about the size of a candle. Will it be able to light a fire?”

She continued her explanation fluently, her fingers pointing up one grade after another.

“Grade E. It is only with gifts of this rank that the ability to output what is called supernatural power can be demonstrated. …Well, since gifts of this rank are as powerful as low-level wizards use magic, unless it is a special ability. ‘It was better than nothing.’ , ‘It is a magical hahuihwan.’ I don’t hear that much.”

“D grade. Starting from this grade, the gift demonstrates the ability to escape from the sound of backward compatibility of other superpowers’ magic or technology. It is a [Fireball] Gift that fires an attack similar to a fire ball, a low-level fire magic method. For example, a D-class [Fireball] Can exert ‘2-3 times’ firepower with the same amount of magical power that wizards use for fireballs.”

“Grade C. If you come this far, you can confidently say that you are a gift user, ‘gifted’ anywhere. Perform.”

“And Class B. If you deal with a gift of this class, it can be said to be a first-class Gifted. It is a level of ability that even strong people who have risen to the edge of being superhuman often use it as a kind of ‘trump card’. In fact, , This grade can be said to be the limit that a normal person can climb with effort. And…”

Professor Ellini, who continued to explain like a liquidation flow, dragged on his words as if from here on was important, and soon began to strongly emphasize one word in a strong circle.

“Among the numerous gifteds that exceed millions across the continent, only the top 0.001% Can rise… Those who are gifted with talent that can truly be called geniuses about gifting can achieve it after hard work— -It’s grade A.”


Students swallowed dry saliva and began to concentrate at the heavy voice that seemed to contain even pressure from her.

“A grade. It is a power that can destroy quite a few cities in one night. Despite the difference of only one grade from B grade, its power is ‘not even comparable’. It cannot be simply called an increase in output… Literally, it shows extreme changes that can be called ‘evolution’. ──Severe changes to the point of ‘Changing’ Parts of the owner’s body and genes.”

Grade A gift.

It is a powerful force that exerts such an influence on the holder’s ‘descendant’ that a part of the gift fragment is ‘inherited’.

And by stimulating the fragments of power dormant in the veins with a specific pattern of magic, forcibly manifesting the supernatural powers of the ancestors…… It is the ‘blood line function’ possessed by aristocratic families, which is said to be the secret secret of the family.

“Gifts of Grade A or higher are ‘altered’, …no, ‘Optimized’ To suit the gift holding part of the holder’s body.”

Having said that, Professor Ellini raised her finger and closed his eyes… She pointed at her beautiful red eyes, which had a vivid red color that reminded her of the Hianhwa.

“My pupils were also affected by my gift [Axe Salt], And they were endowed with a ‘unique supernatural ability. That is the ability to discriminate.”

After saying that, Professor Ellini quietly looked around at the students with red eyes.

She seems to be looking at something other than herself even while looking at herself…. The students trembled at the bizarre yet creepy sensation.

“In my eyes, I can see the ‘smoke’ surrounding your body.”

“Yeah, Ki…Yo…?”

“Yes. And that refers to the karma you’ve done in your lifetime. The more you do evil, the darker the smoke becomes, and the more you do good, the brighter it gets. You don’t have to be so embarrassed. That’s because no one has built it.”

…… There seems to be a little strange guy.

‘Yes… ? What… ?’

Professor Ellini seemed to be looking at me strangely for a second….

“Then, I think I’ve given you a rough idea of the characteristics of Class A, so let’s move on.”

But as if the sensations I felt were due to my mood, Professor Ellini calmly continued her lecture.

“Lastly, I would like to explain the S-grade gift… This is a natural talent bestowed from heaven, a body optimized for the gift, and heavenly luck called a miracle… If any of the three is lacking, the fingers It is a grade that can only be reached by ‘those chosen by the world’.”

‘It’s a bit like painting my face with gold….’ Prof. Ellini cleared her throat and continued her words.

“To be honest, as a person who possesses an S-rank gift, it can be said that it is more like a god’s ‘Authority’ That transcends the boundaries of supernatural ability.”

God’s power.

In a way, that could be said to be very mad, but…….

As a person who also has an S-class gift (although not a combat-type gift), I deeply agreed with her words.

‘It’s only been about a month since I entered this world, but at the point of copying more than 10 gifts with [Chunbyeon S], The fraudulent nature of S-class gifts is revealed.’

Even I, the owner, could not have predicted how many gifts I would have copied years later, at the very end of the game.

“The number of holders of officially registered S-class gifts is small, less than 30 on the current continent… But a blow from the heart of the holder of an S-class gift in the battle world literally Cuts a mountain, It is a force close to that of a natural disaster That can destroy the earth and divide the sea……Gifteds of S rank are literally The incarnation of a living disaster< /B> Can be said.”

“…If the professor attacks with all his might…How much power will he have…?”

“…Hmm? I see… I did my best to attack… Maybe—”

Miris asked with half fear and half curiosity.

Professor Eleni stroked his chin and pondered, then spat out a word casually.

“──A big city can be reduced to pitch-black ashes.”

Literally Hundreds of thousands of people, A gigantic metropolis, can be reduced to ashes in one fell swoop.

To the words that were spoken lightly, and that’s why above all, the truth…… The students held their breath.

The inside of the lecture hall suddenly became quiet.


The music announcing the end of morning classes rang out as if to break the silence.

“Well, let’s end class now. Good job everyone.”

After taking a look around the classroom where the silence began to fade, Eli Ni Pisen turns around and leaves the classroom.

“Professor Ellini, Professor Ellini. I have a question.”


“As an S-class gifted, which gifted did Professor Ellini think was the strongest?”

Nice, who was watching her back as she walked out, suddenly had a question, and asked her one question as she walked away.

After listening to Nice’s question, Professor Ellini pondered for a while, then she said with a weak smile that contained a bit of playfulness.

“When it comes to strong Gifted, several people come to mind… But there is only ‘one’ person I respect as a Gifted. I’m sure all of you know that person.”

“Oh…? Who the hell are you?”

“──He is said to have a hundred names, a thousand appearances, and ten thousand abilities. He is the great mage who created the foundation for the ‘Blood System Function’, and subdued the Demon God 500 years ago. He is the head of one of the five heroes, and no one knows his true face——an unknown hero.”

The moment I heard Professor Ellini’s words.


Suddenly, my heart beat loudly.

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  1. Moonlit Walker says:

    Blud… That’s you 🤣👉. 😐(MC travelled back in time)

    1. Weenie_west says:

      I dislike these type of novels

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