I Raised Snow White chapter 34

34. Promise with the Princess (2)

34. Promise with the Princess (2)

[Chapter 34] – Promise with the Princess (2)

It was late in the morning when the maids were also asleep.

It was too late to wake her maid and order her snacks, so the princess and I quietly walked down the hallway to the palace kitchen. Originally, I was going to eat the snacks piled up like a mountain outside my room, but…

When I came out of the room, the snacks piled up like a mountain had already been removed. It was quite late, and I was going to wake up and eat, but-

Thanks to the loud rumbling sound resounding in the princess’ stomach, the princess and I decided to try breaking into the kitchen. Since it’s the kitchen of the palace, wouldn’t there be something to eat even at dawn? The mission started with the idea of

“Princess, going to the kitchen at night shouldn’t be caught. How can I get to the kitchen without being seen?”

“Sneaking and slipping…!”

That’s how the Princess and I’s ‘Late Night Kitchen Invasion Operation’ began.

The princess and I stood on tiptoe and quietly, without making a sound, headed for the kitchen of the palace.

I also met knights standing guard as I passed by, but when I gave a signal to the knights by covering my lips with my finger, the quite sensible knights of the royal palace said they hadn’t seen anything when they saw me and the princess going to rob the kitchen. Closed his eyes like

Rather, he did a play and heightened the tension of the princess. If hiding behind a wall, a knight who strides forward and stops in front of us.

In order not to be noticed by the knight, the princess hid her breathing, covering her nose and mouth with both hands, and held her breath until her face turned red. Only when the footsteps of the knight got farther away, puha! The princess exhaled.

After enjoying such a thrilling game, we arrived at the kitchen of the palace where the lights were turned off. After sneaking into the kitchen like that, we were finally able to find our goal.

Looking at the cakes and egg tarts piled up like a mountain, the princess blinked her eyes and gulped.

I covered my mouth with my finger and whispered to the princess with a hiss.

“It’s not good to eat too much at night… Which do you want to eat, cake or egg tart?”

The princess answered in a whisper, covering her mouth with her hands.

“Can’t I eat both…?”

“No. Pick one. If you eat two snacks at night, you will get fat like the cat I drew last time.”

Okay, the princess, who was agonizing over one or the other in front of the cake and the egg tart with a noise, eventually picked up both snacks and handed the egg tart to herself and the cake to me.

“Can we share a bite with Her Majesty the Queen and me? Then I can eat both…!”


Should I say he’s short-haired or smart? The princess, who offered me a cake with her eyes twinkling, urged me to take the cake.

As I stared at the princess as if I couldn’t accept the cake, the princess looked at the cake and egg tart in her hands alternately with a sullen expression. And-

“Well, then, I’m going to eat cake… Would Her Highness have an egg tart…? Then, Her Highness the Queen can eat more egg tarts… And it tastes even better when shared…”

The princess handed me the egg tart she wanted to eat, and lifted the plate with the cake on it with a sullen expression. Do you think I rejected the egg tart because I wanted to keep it all to myself?

A smile burst out at the sight of the princess holding out an egg tart to me with a sullen expression. When I accepted the egg tart offered by the princess, the princess let out a deep sigh as if feeling very sorry.

As I stroked the princess’ hair, I accepted her offer.

“Whoops, yes. As the princess said, if you share a bite, you can eat both the cake and the egg tart. Do you want to go back to your room and share something?”

When asked to share a snack, the princess smiled brightly.


Thus sneaking back into the room, we sat on the bed and started sharing snacks. Normally, if you see yourself eating snacks on the bed like this, you’d say it’s a bad habit, but…

Now it is late at night when everyone is asleep.

And the princess and I were the only two in the room. Wouldn’t it be possible to deviate to this extent at a time like this? I pierced the egg tart with a fork and put it into the princess’s open mouth.

A bite to the princess sitting between my legs, a bite to me. In this way, they shared each other’s snacks using only one fork. It was the result of forgetting a spoon because I was only packing snacks.

“Is it that delicious?”


I couldn’t believe that she was a child who had been crying a lot until just now. The princess smiled and took the snack I handed her to her in one bite.

At the time I finished eating the egg tart, the princess grabbed the fork I was holding and took a bite-sized piece of cake from her lap and held it out to me.

“Eat Her Highness, too.”

From noble mtl dot com

As the princess shoved her fork into my mouth in a loud ah-ah, I had no choice but to open my mouth wide and eat the cake the princess handed to me.

The scene was directed as if the baby bird was feeding the mother bird. Out of some embarrassment, I told the princess that she could eat the whole thing by herself, but the princess insisted on taking one bite of you and one bite of me.

After the cake and egg tart were quickly finished, the princess put her hand on her own swollen belly and blinked her sleepy eyes, as if her stomach was full and she fell asleep.

It’s very late, and you must be sleepy because you’ve been crying all this time.

“If you want to get up early in the morning, go to bed early.”

“Umm… I don’t like…”

I tried to lay the sleepy princess on the bed to sleep, but the princess held my hand tightly and whined that she didn’t want to sleep yet.

Reluctantly, I lay down next to her and patted the princess’s stomach vigorously, and then the princess glanced up at me. Still uneasy, the princess muttered in her sleepy voice.

“Don’t go… I’m going to sleep here… Huh?”

A child holding my hand tightly and begging me not to go. I said that I would always be by my side, but as if I was anxious about what I said, the princess held my hand tightly and begged me to sleep here.

“Don’t worry.”

I smiled bitterly as I straightened the princess’ messy bangs. I promised in words, but I’m still very anxious. When I woke up and opened my eyes, it was clear that he had a desire to do something without me.

The wounds received from not being loved by parents must be difficult to heal, but at least until this child becomes an adult, no, until he graduates from the academy, I wanted to help him heal.

“I will always be by your side.”

As I looked at the princess, I said ‘lie’ again.

So that the princess can be at peace, so that she can sleep at least a little.

Perhaps she was pleased with my ‘lie’, the princess smiled and burrowed into my arms. I also gently stroked the hair of the princess who was digging into my arms, and slowly closed her eyes and went to bed.

…And that day, I had a dream.

A grown-up princess looks at me with disgust.

In my dream, I couldn’t move for some reason. As if his hands and feet were tied with guilt, and he couldn’t escape. In the dream, the princess shouted something to me, but I couldn’t hear her.

Just, the princess looked at me and made various expressions.

Laugh, get angry, or shout.

Also, he made an expression that looked like he was about to cry.

It was just a dream, but for some reason, my heart trembled. Feeling the beating of my heart, both scary and sad, I awoke as if I had a nightmare.


When I woke up, I saw the princess sleeping in my arms. Unlike the grown-up princess I saw in my dreams, she fell asleep with a bashful smile as if she was really happy.

It’s just a nightmare that I saw because of guilt, and I’m sure it would be-

I thought so and slowly shook the princess’ shoulders to wake her up.

“Princess, get up. It is already morning.”


That day, afternoon.

After the princess’s dance practice, I was on my way to my room with the princess. Last night, since the princess made a promise to me, like a shadow, she refused to leave my side.

Because he held out his hand to hold hands whenever he had a chance, it seemed like he was holding hands with the princess for more than half of the day. Naturally, I had no choice but to draw attention from the people around me.

The maids passing by, the aristocrats working in the palace, and even the vinchos who came to see the class were surprised by the princess and me and smiled contentedly.

Because Bang Shaw, who was really worried about the princess’s confinement incident, shed tears saying that he was truly fortunate. To be honest, as soon as I heard that the princess was going to live alone, I only knew that her heart sank.

‘Where did you learn the bad things…’

I turned her head and glanced down at the princess holding my hand, and the princess, perhaps feeling my gaze, raised her head and met her eyes with mine. Then, the princess smiled brightly. It looked very different from yesterday.

I don’t think I’ll do anything like chips anymore…

I wondered what would happen if adolescence came later and said, ‘I’m going to live alone!’ Shouldn’t the king at least make a law against seclusion? I wanted to, but… What’s the use of being above the law as royalty?

As I was thinking about such small things, the princess and I arrived at my room before I knew it. As I unconsciously turned the doorknob and entered the room-



Sylphy, flying like the wind, hit my chest and buried me. Sylphy, who had disappeared for almost a month, flew to me and shed tears saying she was happy to see me.

“Why are you so late…? Did something happen?”

Sylphy shook her head at my worried question. Then it flew up gently and flew in front of a window that was obviously closed but for some reason was wide open.

It was hard to see because it was covered by the curtains and the backlight, but someone was standing where Sylphy flew. She was not a royal maid’s uniform, but she was a small girl wearing a similar maid’s uniform.

My first impression of a girl was a ‘doll’.

She was a girl with silver hair that looked like finely plucked silver, and clear blue eyes like the clear autumn sky.

Her skin looked as white as snow, and even her eyebrows were white because she had silver hair, but only her lips were slightly reddish, making her look like a well-made doll.

Sitting lightly on the shoulder of the small girl, Sylphy began to introduce herself by patting the girl like a ‘doll’ on the cheek.

-You must be very late because you had some work to do. Still, this ‘witch’ who read Aga’s letter came to help Aga, what is it? This ‘witch’ is-

When Sylphy tried to introduce the ‘witch’ instead, the girl raised her hand and covered Sylphy’s mouth. As if to introduce herself, the girl took a step forward and bowed her head.

“Nice to meet you. Vivian.”

As she nodded, her straight bangs swayed gently. She raised her head again and the girl just stared at me with an endlessly expressionless expression before slowly opening her mouth.

“I read the letter well. As written in the letter, I’ve come to help your friend Ainsel. Also, I would like to hear a little more specifically about the ‘incident’ you went through.”

“Then, you…”

“Yes, it is.”

The doll-like girl proudly stretched out her chest and placed her hands on her hips. Then, she raised her voice proudly and began to introduce herself, but her expression remained expressionless.

“My name is Frankenstein. One of the ‘Witches of the Kerven’,

She is the biological daughter of the genius scientist ‘Victor Frankenstein’.

I am the only ‘doctor who treats fairies’ in this world.”

Is that… That ‘witch’ Frankenstein?

I was quite surprised by Frankenstein’s appearance, which was so different from what I thought, and Frankenstein, who suddenly became sullen, continued to speak in a sullen voice.

“However, as a human being, he is a third-rate ‘cyborg’…”

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