I Raised Snow White chapter 63

63. First Friends (4)

63. First Friends (4)

[Episode 63] – First Friends (4)

How much alcohol have you been drinking?

It was difficult to stay awake thanks to Mrs. Serena who kept refilling the wine glass in my hand. If you look at the bottom a little bit, it’s a dark red wine that comes to the end.

I think it’s not polite to not empty the glass I filled, so I drink a lot, but I had to restrain myself because I thought the film would break if I drank just a little more.

As we drank so much and talked about things that were so distracting that we didn’t know what kind of words were coming out of our mouths, the cold night air that flowed in from somewhere cooled our hot faces.

I opened my eyes and looked around the room with a playful gaze. A room where only bluish moonlight flows. A gentle night breeze blew in through the cracks in the small open window and shook the curtains.

Thanks to that, I felt the heat on my cheeks cool down a bit, so I turned my head and blankly looked at the two people sitting in front of me. Countess Serena, who has yet to shed her youthful tact with Mrs. Serena.

The two of them seemed to be drunk, and they were continuing their conversation while blushing. It’s just a conversation with each other, but for some reason, it’s alluring, so I swallowed my saliva without knowing.

‘I can’t seem to get rid of the heat in my head because of the alcohol.’

The hem of her negligee was up to the top of her thighs as she and her wife were moving on a bed with a small margin, and the negligee that came off one shoulder was barely covering the dangerous part.

No matter how you look at it, it looks like you’re trying to seduce the other person. It was just the heat brought on by the alcohol, and I was always busy shaking my half-filled wine glass to distract myself.

‘What a temptation to a woman like her… She must have just been drunk and let loose.’

Let’s get so drunk and lost in thought-

“Your Highness the Queen? Are you all right?”

At some point, Mrs. Serena, who had crawled in front of me, glanced up at me. Surprised by the shape, the wine glass he was holding shook and the red wine came out of the glass.

Tuduk tuduk. Wine splattered on the white negligee she was wearing while making a noise. A small sigh came out with the thought that I was really lucky that I wasn’t wearing a dress.

I pushed the shoulders of Mrs. Serena, who was looking up at me with drunken eyes in front of me, to spread her distance, and licked the wine that started to flow down my hand with my tongue.

…Mrs. Serena’s eyes were a bit sharp just now.

“It’s okay. I’m sorry I soiled her borrowed clothes.”

From noble mtl dot com

“…No, it’s okay. It’s clothes you wear to get dirty anyway.”

Mrs. Serena smiled and went back to her place. She gently leaned her head on Count Yeo’s shoulder, snatched the wine from Count Yeo’s hand, and began to drink.

Countess Yeo puffed out her cheeks and complained, “Why did you steal her instead of drinking her own?” And Mrs. Serena, who giggled and rubbed her face on the Countess Yeo’s shoulder, saying, “It doesn’t matter.”

It was something I learned while drinking, but the relationship between the wife and the countess seemed infinitely good. I thought it was a little unusual that they were so close to each other as if they were sisters.

According to my investigation, I know that the count, who was the wife’s husband, ‘died’ and the wife inherited all of the count’s property. Everything, without exception.

However, the wife did not waste her fortune, and she began to ‘share’ her property with the Count at the same time that ‘Yvette Serina’, the Count’s sister, took over her title as Countess. Do.

After hearing this story, the Minister of Finance, Vinshaw, opened his mouth saying that it was a little unusual case. ‘Usually eight out of ten of these cases do not remain in the husband’s family, as the wife returns to her own home with her possessions,’ Vinchaud shook her head.

Hearing the story of Mrs. Serena, who ‘shared’ her property inherited from her husband’s sister and still stands there, keeping the title of ‘Countess’, Vinchaud shed tears of emotion as she said this.

‘Surely, her wife must have loved her husband, the Earl, with all her heart. If this is not pure love, what is it? Pure love like this is rarely seen in aristocratic society…’

Until then, I also nodded along with her while listening to her story. She said that the love between the count and his wife was what eventually made it possible for the family to continue, and she once discussed the theory of sincere love with Bang Shaw.

She also said that she was the wife that Vincent praised and invited to the princess’s tea party, and after hearing that story, she said that if she really is that kind of person, she must be a good person to the point of wanting to be her friend- I used to think

Once again, I saw the closeness of Lady Serena and the Countess. It was nice to see them looking so close to each other, making eye contact and smiling.

It looks too friendly, but…

I sipped my wine glass and looked at the two of them with a smile. Sensing my gaze, the wife smiled and curled her eyes coquettishly, then she suddenly crawled on her bed and settled down on either side of her. To her left is Madame Serena, and to her right is the Countess, shyly blushing.

Huh? Suddenly what?

“It seems like we’re only talking to each other, so I’m going to include Her Highness the Queen. Right? Yvette?”

“…Yes, as Hailey said. I also want to hear Her Highness’s story…”

While saying that, the lady filled my glass with wine again.

Suddenly, with me in the middle, the three of them were lying in a straight line, and I frowned in embarrassment. It felt like my brain was being paralyzed by strange information such as skin, heat, and scent suddenly sticking to me from both sides.

I straightened my posture and gently pushed the shoulders of the two of them apart, telling them to move away. Then, to cool off the boiling heat in my head, I sipped only cold wine and cooled the heat in my body.

“…Okay, move away a bit.”

“Come to think of it, I was a bit surprised when I first received the invitation. A tea party for a princess hosted by Her Highness… Was a little awkward. There are rumors from the social world…”

At the word rumor, I smiled bitterly.

Even though I worked so hard in the royal castle, rumors in the social circle didn’t change after all. Well, there was no place for the story to flow, and it was inevitable because I didn’t show my face in the social world…

Perhaps it was because of my drunkenness, I grabbed the chin of Mrs. Serena, who was staring at me, as she turned her head around for some reason. Then she asked me to look straight into my face, and asked if I was the same person as ‘that person’ that you had heard rumors about.

“Yes, how is it for you to see for yourself? Am I just what you heard?”

“Oh, that, that…”

Mrs. Serena’s pupils began to tremble.

I trembled slightly, but Mrs. Serena’s gaze did not leave my eyes. Surely, I thought that if I scared her like this, the frightened wife would get away from me and go back to her place, but-

‘…Why do you look happy…?’

Mrs. Serena smiled even more than before.

The way she smiled even though I grabbed her chin seemed somehow excited, so I involuntarily frowned at her eyes. The wife, who exhaled her breath as she held her chin to me, she replied in a quivering voice.

“The rumors that spread in society were certainly… Rumors that spoke ill of Her Highness the Queen. It was said that she was violent and looked at people like stones on the side of the road, and it was no different from rumors of a ‘villain’ that only appears in novels. Rumors like that circulated, so I was very worried when I received the invitation, but…”


“Seeing you in person, I can’t believe rumors from socialites.”

Mrs. Serena smiles brightly. In response to a fairly satisfactory answer, I gently let go of my wife’s chin. Then, embarrassed by what she had just done, she gulped down her wine and handed her empty glass to her.

“Huh, Her Highness, the queen, is as expected. I thought my heart stopped for a moment.”

“I-I was surprised too…”

“…Okay, pour me a drink.”

It seems like both sides are telling me not to be shy and say anything, but that was more embarrassing. I drank only the wine I was pouring, trying to quickly forget the embarrassing act I had just done. What the hell was I thinking when I grabbed her chin…

As I gulped down my wine, Mrs. Serena wrapped her arms around me and looked at me with a bewitching smile. The exhilarating breath from her slightly parted lips penetrated her skin and felt hot, and the soft skin against her forearm stimulated her nerves.

Why are you clinging to me like this…!

The moment I was about to get up with the thought that I had to change seats-

Thump! Thud! Thud!

Someone hurriedly knocked on the tightly closed door.


After reading all the books Viola recommended, Titania was lying in bed and talking about the books she and Viola had read. She read the entire book, but asked Viola about scenes and words she didn’t understand. Viola then excitedly described the scene.

“So about this scene-“

Lying together on the spacious bed, Titania asked Viola, pointing with her finger at a paragraph in her book. I know it’s a stimulating sentence, but I don’t know what the hell it means.

[“Are you saying you want to take away the purity of my lips and then wipe your mouth like that?” Youngsik said so and continued to press the young lady. Due to the size of the young child, the young lady could not escape and was driven to the wall. I just accidentally kissed my lips, but at this age, I’m chastity.]

“Viola, what do you mean by taking away the ‘purity’ of your lips?”

“Umm- I mean-“

Viola struggled with his hands and tried hard to explain something, but it wasn’t easy. He said he read books like this eagerly, but Viola is also ten years old like Titania.

It’s safe to say that I had no knowledge of anything s*xual like this. Just as it was in the book, Viola continued to explain to Titania while struggling with her hands.

“I saw it in those two books… There were many scenes where Yeong-sik kissed Young lady and claimed her virginity was given or taken away. So obviously…”

This is it! Viola shouted with a confident expression.

“Surely, when we kiss for the first time, we say ‘I gave you virginity’! If you force your lips together, you’ll be saying, “Your virginity has been stolen!” There is such a thing as chastity in the first kiss on the lips!”

“I see!”

Titania widened her eyes as if she finally understood. Come to think of it, her mother didn’t even kiss her to match her lips. She only occasionally kisses her on the cheek or forehead, but she has never kissed her mother or anything like that from her novels.

‘That’s right! Mama knows this, so she never kissed me on the lips!’

Smiling as if she had finally noticed, Titania turned her page again and pointed out a paragraph that Viola didn’t understand. Then Viola, in her excitement, told Titania several stimulating stories she knew.

At first, she questioned what was interesting about a book with such strange content, but before she knew it, Titania fell in love with her and Viola was recommending other books. When Titania asked her Viola to recommend her book, she said that she must read this, and took out her hidden books while searching her bookshelves.

“This is a book that was hidden in her mother’s room. I haven’t read it yet… But it’s definitely enough for my mother to hide in the bookshelf, so it must be a fun book! And-“

Viola pointed to the cover of the book. Even the cover is a bright red book. As she looked at Titania, saying that she was mysterious, Viola began to tell the story of her, which she had heard from the young lady who told her about her book.

“The young lady who told me about the novel said that the more red a book like this is, the more fun it is! It’s a really hard book to get, and he said he couldn’t get it out of her mansion. So Young lady recommended looking through your parents’ bookshelves.”

“I see… the red book…”

“Why don’t you go back to the castle and look for it, too? Surely, in the royal palace library, where all the books of the country are gathered, wouldn’t there be a lot of books like this hidden?”

“Yeah, I’ll definitely look for it when I get back.”

Just like that, the moment you open the cover of the red book with a beating heart-

-Princess! Princess!! This is not the time!! Vivian!! Vivienne!!!


Titania’s eyes widened at the sound of Ainsel’s voice screaming an emergency from her necklace. As Titania lowered her head and looked at her necklace, Ainsel, who was floundering with her hands in embarrassment, called out to Titania in an urgent voice.

-Please go to the Countess’s room and call Vivian! That person is drunk now…! He doesn’t know what he’s going to do…!

Hurry up! At the call of Ainsel, who urged her, Titania jumped up from her seat and jumped out of her bed, opened her door, and started running. Viola chased after Titania at her swift movement, but-

“Go, princess?!”

“Viola! Talk to you later!”

Viola looked at the back of Titania, who disappeared as she sped through the hallway in an instant, with a dazed expression on her face. ‘That way must be the way to Mother’s room…’ Viola tilted her head, and she had no choice but to enter her room and start to organize her books.

Just as Ainsel taught, Titania arrived at the Countess’s room in an instant and knocked on the door before she even had time to catch her breath! She knocked And she thump thump again! Titania looked at the door, which remained firmly closed no matter how hard she knocked, and finally cried out.


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  1. Johan says:

    Is it unfortunate that this is not +18? I do not know but for little and this took another direction

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