I Reincarnated Into a Gender-Reversal World and Became Everyone’s Ideal Type chapter 3

03. Hug me

03. Hug me

A luxurious hallway.

Fluffy carpets with luxurious patterns were spread on the floor, and all kinds of famous paintings and ornaments were hung on the walls. An ornate chandelier hung from the ceiling, illuminating every corner of the hallway.

It’s a very luxurious hallway, but I didn’t like this hallway very much.

First of all, practicality aside, the reason for decorating the hallway like this is because it is very spectacle.

First of all, this hallway is the only passage you must pass to get out of the shelter.

To be precise, it is a corridor that connects the Men’s Comprehensive Welfare Center and the Men’s Shelter.

In other words, this corridor is an important passage for men to move.

Moreover, the hallway was decorated with so much effort just for the reason that men would use it.

Do you think it is designed so that extremely sensitive men can use the hallway with a little peace of mind?

Ha, what would you do if you decorated it like this?

“Men actually call this hallway the Way of Wailing.”

Aside from the fancy decorations, the men were calling them by very horrible names.

Because this road leading out of the shelter was, for men, a hallway to hell.

It’s dangerous because there are women outside!

It was the men of this world who never tried to leave the shelter.

So, unless it was a special day like today, it was extremely rare for a man to pass through this hallway.

Therefore, such an ornate hallway was no better than a useless waste.

But it was amazing that it was always cleaned. The staff here are also very hard working.

There really isn’t a speck of dust.

It’s amazing that there are no windows, and the high level of cleanliness is maintained.

After looking around the hallway and thinking about other things, before I knew it, I arrived at the corner at the end of the hallway.

And a large notice on the corner wall.

「-Careful at the end of the section!-

Men’s Safety Zone: Stage 4 will be unlocked around this corner.

From now on, the male safety zone: Stage 3 section will begin, and female security personnel will be on standby, so please be careful. Men, please enter after taking enough mental stability.”


It was a warning sign that made me laugh out loud every time I saw it.

I understand the end of the section, but what is the female security guard warning?

What kind of wild bear is the female security guard? It’s not even a wildlife caution sign, what the hell is this.

Besides, mental stability?

Hi, what a real fuss.

I shook my head in bewilderment and passed the warning board.

Looking around the corner is a not-so-long hallway and a large door. And there were two female security guards guarding the door.

One was a woman with long straight hair and the other was a woman with neat short hair. In particular, the woman with long straight hair was a face I knew.

Glad to see a familiar face, I eagerly ran to the door.

As I ran, the security guards’ reactions were divided.

The bobbed-haired woman was seen flinching and flinching as if she was greatly embarrassed.

On the other hand, the woman with long straight hair was looking at me calmly with her calm face.

I went up to the woman with long straight hair and said hello.


“… ….”

A security officer who doesn’t respond to my greetings. She just stared straight at me.

The body was fixed in a posture of attention and the expression did not change, but the corners of the mouth could be seen slightly rising.

That’s right, I forgot the permission.

“It’s okay to talk.”

In this facility, except for special cases, female employees could not speak without permission from the male.

It’s a funny rule, but it all had a reason.

The biggest reason was for the protection and safety of men, followed by preventing female employees from approaching men recklessly.

It was such a ridiculous rule, but I understand it.

A really serious kid, even hearing a woman’s voice would trigger a seizure. In the end, all the shelter notification broadcasts were replaced with mechanical sounds of male voices because of that one child, so I said it all.

“Thank you very much for your permission.

Hello, Jinhyo.”

As soon as my permission was granted, she waited patiently to let her expression loose and greet me with a soft smile.

As expected, she’s pretty just as she is, but she’s even prettier when she smiles.

Aren’t agents here chosen based on their looks?

Admiring her beauty in my mind, I waved her hand and greeted her again.

“Hello~ Are you working here today?”

“Yes, it is.”

“Hey, you must be having a hard time today. The other kids will come soon.”

“It’s hard work, don’t say anything.”

As we were happily exchanging stories, I felt a warm gaze from the side.

When I turned my head, a bobbed-haired security guard was looking at me with a surprised expression.

I waved her hand to her as well.

“It’s okay if you say that too. Hello~”

“… ….”


Even after permission was granted, the short-haired woman showed no reaction.

No, to be precise, I should say that he is out of his mind.

“Hey, come to your senses. What are you doing.”

“…… Hot!”

When a woman with long straight hair warned her, the woman with short hair seemed to come to her senses.

The bobbed-haired woman who barely came to her senses lowered her head in amazement.

“Ah, hello, Mr. Jinhyo!

Lee, committing such a big disrespect! Sorry! I’m really sorry!”

“Ahahahaha, it’s okay not to apologize that much. It’s okay, so raise your head.”

“──!! Thank you so much for your forgiveness!”

Only then did a woman with bobbed hair raise her head.

She raised her head and had a very ambiguous face, unable to tell whether she was crying or laughing.

Somehow, he seems like a fun person.

“By the way, is this the first time you’ve seen a face? Newcomer?”

“Yes? Yes That’s right! Newly hired this time! I wish you all the best in the future!”

I answered the woman’s words with a smile.

“Ah, I have to ask. You always work hard for us.”

After I answered that, the woman looked at me with a blank face.

Huh? What did i say wrong

I thought about what was wrong with what she just said, tilting her head.

“Hmm? Did I miss something?”

“Ah, no, I, that… ….”

The bobbed-haired woman hesitated, blushing. Just as she was about to continue her words, a woman with long straight hair, who had been quietly watching her, stepped in between her and said,

“No, Mr. Jinhyo. This friend was just moved by Jin-hyo’s kindness.”


Is that so?

But you’ll be impressed.

“Rather than that, weren’t you on your way to visit your family?”

“Yes! That’s right!”

“Huh, it’s good that you’re lively. But, Mr. Jinhyo.”

She bent her waist and her knees slightly and brought me to eye level with her. There was a reason for my short stature, but also for her tall stature.

To be honest, I was a bit on the small side, even by male standards. Ouch, my pride hurts.

She erased her smile and started talking to me with a serious face.

“It’s dangerous to run around in the hallways. It will be a big deal if you do fall.”

Ah, that’s right.

The problem was that I was so happy that I ran in the hallway. Well, this is a hallway without carpet, so if you fall, you’ll get seriously hurt.

For some reason, I am touched that you care so sincerely about me.

“Hee hee, I get it. I will be careful from now on.”

“Please. Jinhyo-nim is our, no, this country’s treasure.”

I couldn’t help but burst into laughter at her exaggerated words.

“Poop, a treasure of the country. Aren’t you giving me a plane ride too much?”

Eh, it’s not a national treasure anyway.

Isn’t that too exaggerated? You were more humorous than I thought.

I tried to pass it lightly with a smile like that.

However, her expression was infinitely serious.

Her face seemed to show that what she said was sincere, without adding a hint of exaggeration.

Perhaps I was overwhelmed by the atmosphere, so I nodded and said.

“Yeah, okay. I will be careful in the future.”

Were you satisfied with my answer?

Her serious expression loosened, and she returned to a gentle smile.

“Thank you for your understanding.

Oops, haven’t I been holding on to Jinhyo’s feet for too long?”

“It’s okay, it’s okay. Because there is still plenty of time.

If anything, just run a little and go—”

Her face hardened again at my words of running away.

Ah, this is my mistake.

I just promised I wouldn’t run, and I said I’d run right away.

I shook my head quickly and opened my mouth to correct my mistake.

“Just a mistake! Huh! I will never run!”

“…… Are you promising?”

“Yes! A real promise! Even if it’s a little late, mother will understand.”

You might be a little worried, maybe?

No, are you worried too much?

To be honest, I can’t promise.

“Gee, I made a huge mistake.

Mother Will be waiting a long time.”

Oh, right! Your mother will be waiting for you!

Rather than that, why do you seem to put so much effort into the pronunciation of mother?

“It will be fine. My mother will understand if I tell her that she did not run and came slowly because she was afraid of danger.”

“Even so, it is still true that Jinhyo-nim’s Mother Was a nuisance.

If that happens, I won’t be able to see Jinhyo’s Mother, So I’ll escort Jinhyo from now on.”


Are you afraid to see your mother? Why?

Were you close with your mother?

And if you’re an escort, isn’t walking the same?

I’m not getting lost, so I don’t think you need an escort.

“It’s okay, it’s okay. Walking together doesn’t mean my walking speed will increase anyway.”

“No, there is a way to go faster.”

“Ohh, is there a way?”

Is there a secret to walking fast?

After all, elite agents are different.

“However, this is only possible with Jinhyo-sama’s permission for physical contact….”

She seemed concerned, looking at my reaction, blurring the end of her words.

Oh, do we have to hold hands?

I raised her right hand and held it out to her. It doesn’t matter what this is.

“Really? It doesn’t matter as long as I can go fast—”

“Okay, excuse me.”

As soon as I gave my permission, she gave me a hug.

And I certainly saw it.

It was a fleeting moment, but her eyes shone like the eyes of a predator on her prey.


“Seo, senior?!”

I was hugged by her in the form of her princess hug. No, in this world, is it called holding a prince?

Surprised by the sudden increase in my field of vision, I reached out and wrapped my arms around her neck without realizing it.

“Sorry. Are you uncomfortable?”

“It’s not uncomfortable, but I was surprised.”

You were surprised by the sudden increase in your field of vision!

If I had been a little higher, I would have been tired!

From noble mtl dot com

“Huh, sorry to surprise you. If you don’t like it, I’ll take it down right now.”

“I don’t hate it… ….”

“Then I’m really glad.”

She stared at me with a smile on her face of satisfaction.

It’s kind of embarrassing that her face is so close.

“Am I not heavy?”

“No, not at all. Rather, you should eat more. It’s so light that I’m worried about Jinhyo’s health.”

It can’t be.

Even if you see me like this, I eat pears more than other kids.

No, if you see that your height and body shape do not change even though you eat like that, is there really a problem with your health?

Putting body shape aside, I wish I could grow taller. Why are you not growing so tall?

At the next health checkup, I’ll have to seriously examine and get counseling.

“Whoa, this is more stimulating than I thought….”

“Huh? Are you having a hard time?”

“Absolutely not. Mr. Jinhyo.”

Oh no.

Seeing your cheeks dyed red, you must be having a hard time.

“No. If it’s hard, get off and go-“

“Jinhyo. Please do not take this honor from me, which will never come again.”


She looked at me with a stern face like a knight making her trumpet decision.

The pressure is no joke….

No, what. Okay.

If you are, then you must be.

“Yeah, okay. Excuse me then.”

“Thank you. I will bring you safely—”

“What kind of situation is this?”

Then I heard a familiar voice from the back of the girl who was holding me, in the direction of the door.

However, the voice was not the kind voice I knew, but a voice filled with anger.

I stuck my head out and looked over my shoulder at the subject of the voice.

“Ah, it’s the supervisor.”

The main character of the voice was, of course, the visiting supervisor I knew.

She was staring at the back of the security guard who was holding me with her arms crossed with a very angry face.

“What the hell are you envious of, no, what kind of rudeness are you doing? Agent D7 (D7).”

D7? The code name of the agent holding me was D7. First time i knew

Agent D7 slowly turned around and looked at the supervisor while holding me.

“For you to open your mouth without permission in front of a man. Are you insane?”

“When a supervisor encounters a dangerous situation for a man, he can open his mouth without special permission. How dare you bring the rules to me, the supervisor?”

“Dangerous situation? I’m sure Jinhyo-sama gave me permission to contact you, right?”

“Don’t be ridiculous! Jinhyo-sama, why are you asking permission to contact me!

Even if you gave permission, you, gloomy, would have fooled the naive Jinhyo!”

“… More than that, aren’t you leaving your place of work? Why did you come all the way here?”

“Ha! I heard that Jin-hyo passed through the security gate a long time ago. However, you still haven’t arrived, so I was worried and came!

But sure enough, this absurd situation was happening right in front of my eyes!”

You came here because you were worried because I was late.

Overseer, you look very upset.

The momentum of that anger was so strong that my body trembled slightly without realizing it.

Ugh~ I’m scared.

“… Calm down your anger for once. Isn’t Jinhyo-nim trembling because of you?”


After hearing D-7’s words, the supervisor who confirmed my condition began to panic.

The supervisor, who was flustered by rolling his pupils here and there, spoke to me in his usual friendly voice, as if trying to appease me.

“Hello~ Jinhyo~ Were you scared?~

It’s absolutely not that I’m angry with Jinhyo~ That’s why you don’t have to be scared~ It’s okay~ It’s okay~”

“… That’s a really bad tone.”

“Will you be quiet?

I’m talking to Jinhyo~

Now Jinhyo-nim, would you like to put it down?~

Really, if you don’t want to die?~”

“I refuse, Agent C8.”

“I told you not to call me that!”

At D7’s words, the C8 supervisor exploded again.

It was clear that he was more angry than before.

This is going to be a long fight.

I quietly watched the irresistible fight between the two agents while being held by D-Seven for a while.

Will I be able to reach the meeting place within today?

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