I Reincarnated Into a Gender-Reversal World and Became Everyone’s Ideal Type chapter 42

42. The difference between the body and the head

42. The difference between the body and the head

We stood at the entrance to the rooftop garden for a while, waiting for Detective Kim to return.

And soon after, Detective Kim returned from the garden.

There was no problem with Detective Kim, so he said it was okay and led us inside.

Entering the entrance like that, I couldn’t help but admire the appearance of the rooftop garden.

The first thing that surprised me was the scale.

In this rooftop garden, the entire roof was made into a garden, not just a part of the roof.

As a result, the scale was very large.

The next thing that stood out was the quality.

Even I, who have a low aesthetic sense, could feel that the garden was extremely well decorated.

And what surprised me the most was the glass dome covering the entire roof.

All of this large scale was surrounded by a glass dome, thanks to which no outside noise could be heard.

It was a garden that was truly wonderful and admirable than I thought.

I thought that this amount was equivalent to the garden in the shelter.


I was thrilled that no one had ever used such a wonderful garden.

Oh, that’s very sad.

If it wasn’t for men only, it was clear that it would have become one of the popular spots in the near future, enough to join the ranks of hot spots.

When I turned my head with such a pity inside, my mother was also looking around the garden with a very admiring expression, perhaps unexpectedly.

“Oh, what a wonderful garden.”

“I will. It was a great place.”

“Yes. By the way, no one has ever used such a wonderful garden… It’s a bit lonely.”


My mother was thinking the same thing as me.

That’s how the mother left her lonely impression and smiled bitterly. She then led me and she walked towards the outdoor table.

My mother said as she put her handbag on the outdoor table.

“Son, let’s watch together.”


So I started looking around the garden with my mother.


Reporter Shin So-jeong was nervous.

She had noticed that the gaze she had felt until just now was gone.

Since it was the gaze that followed her

Even as she moved from place to place, she was definitely the one who judged herself to be the gaze of the person watching her.

But those who watched over him disappeared? She

She was the one who decided that there must have been a reason.

And what the reason was, she had pondered.

She initially thought she might have been bitten because she didn’t feel the need to keep an eye on herself any longer.

But she soon decided that it wasn’t her.

She had been hiding her body, moving from place to place many times.

Despite her efforts, her surveillance was persistent.

It was evident that she was a very capable watcher.

After you watched yourself so tenaciously, you suddenly stopped monitoring yourself?

She was the one who judged that the front and rear were inconsistent.

Then why did they break surveillance?

After making many hypotheses and worrying, she was able to arrive at one correct answer.

It was just a place change.

Now, in order to move away from this place, the guards must also move together, so she judged that the surveillance was canceled.

So she hurriedly got into her car and pulled over on her shoulder.

Then, he was watching the exit of the parking lot where the party of the ex-convicts entered.

If her prediction was correct, it was clear that the car of the ex-convicts would be pulled out soon.

However, no matter how long I waited, there was not even a stroller in the parking lot, let alone a car.

Nervously, she lifted the pad from her passenger seat.

Let’s turn on the lifted pad, when did you get it,

The blueprint of the building where the ex-convicts were in appeared on the pad screen.

She went through her blueprints, lost in thought once more.

‘No matter how much I look, the only exit to the parking lot is here. This is for sure

There is no road leading to another parking lot, and it is a perfect male-only parking lot in the first place.

But, why doesn’t it come out?’

She looked very nervous, biting her nails and watching her parking lot exit.

As she watched the exit from the parking lot,

She accidentally moved her gaze towards the entrance of the building and spotted a person.

That person was someone who had been around often since before. She and she had been one of the people who went into the building when her surveillance was lost.

Reporter Sojeong, due to her strange sense of deja vu,

She began to examine the person’s movements.

Then, I soon decided that that person might be someone who had a relationship with the ex-convict.

She was acting as if she was looking around for some reason, and above all, she was wearing an uncommon small earpiece.

Then she fell into thought again.

‘If that person is an official or security guard of the person who is discharged… Why did you go in and reappear?

Maybe something unknown happened while trying to move?

She took out her pad once again and slowly examined the blueprints.

‘Pass the 1st floor, and the 2nd to 4th floors are also general stores, so the pass, and fine dining on the 5th floor are the most likely places to visit… The 6th floor is… The 9th floor is… 15Th floor…… Rooftop?’

While looking at the blueprints, she noticed something strange.

The roof in the blueprint was empty, but the roof of the current building definitely had a glass dome installed.

‘Illegal expansion? No… There’s no such thing as…

Wait a minute, why does this blueprint add a rooftop to the allotment of male-only areas?’

Noticing something strange, she looked towards the roof of the building with her eyes shining.

She then looked at the buildings across the street.

‘If the rooftop can be seen at a glance…

It must be the roof of that building.’

She was the tallest of the buildings across the street.

Looking at the building with the XX Bank sign hanging on it, I started the car.

She drove the car and parked the car in the parking lot of the building with the XX Bank sign hanging on it.

She then took the bag she had placed on the passenger seat, then entered the building and sneaked onto the roof.

She climbed onto the roof and looked at the rooftop of the building opposite. She was puzzled by the appearance of her rooftop.

‘What the hell is that….’

It was because the scale of the glass dome was very large, unlike what she had seen under the building.

In addition, many fresh green colors were shining through the large glass dome.

I couldn’t help but feel very suspicious.

She took her telescope out of her bag and began examining the glass dome on the roof.

And soon she was able to discern what was inside the glass dome.

‘… A rooftop garden? All rooftops? Oh my god.’

She couldn’t help but be amazed by the garden that took up the entire roof.

And the scale is large, but I was able to confirm that the garden was well decorated at a very high level.

Seeing such a garden made her feel strange.

‘A well-decorated rooftop garden of that scale should have information… Why was there no information? And no matter how early it is, there’s no sign of presence at all, right? Why?’

Taking her eyes off her telescope, she began to think again.

She also remembered the male-only area she had identified on the blueprints she had seen earlier.

‘… Wait, a male-only section? Could it be that all of that rooftop garden is a male-only area? So is it unknown? Then it makes sense.

In that case… ‘

She put her eyes on the telescope again and began examining every nook and cranny of the garden carefully.

And she was finally able to find the figures in the garden, and she called for joy inside.

‘…… !! …… Bingo!’

Through the telescope, she finally found the man and family, Jinhyo and Yoonhee, who were presumed to be expelled.

She was jumping for joy inwardly.

She was right about the fact that she was finally able to see the discharged person in person.

At that time when she was happy inside for a long time,

She could feel a strange aura.

The energy she felt was none other than her gaze.

It was the sharp gaze she felt before,

From noble mtl dot com

In other words, it was the observer’s gaze.

‘Could it be that it was a trap? No, it’s not worth it.

Then how did you notice and approach it?

Or maybe… Did you predict my route?’

She set her telescope down nervously, swallowing her dry saliva.

If there was a problem because of vain greed, it would be a headache for her, so it was to save her body.

However, her greed for coverage did not disappear at all.

‘It’s too much of a waste to leave like this.

Now that this has happened, shall we contact the watcher?

If I persuade well, I might be able to cover it?

… No, it’s more likely that he won’t respond.’

How can she make this coverage successful? She did and she began to contemplate.

‘Going in and out of the rooftop garden?

No. Entering a male-only area is a line that should never be crossed and is insane.

Wouldn’t it be better if I called it out…

Wait, you’re calling me?’

Then she came up with a good idea.

Although it’s risky, it’s the method with the highest possibility of negotiating with the other side to some extent.

She pondered for a long time whether to do it or not. She

She In the end, she decided to follow the method she came up with.

So, as she planned,

Take out the camera from the bag,

She pointed her lens at the discharged person.


Rooftop garden entrance.

In front of the entrance was Detective Kim.

Detective Kim entrusted Detective Yoo with close security, and he himself was in charge of guarding the entrance to the garden.

However, in the eyes of others, rather than a bodyguard,

It didn’t look like he was just hitting his time.

Of course, she brought her folding chair, which she didn’t know where she got it from, set it down in front of the entrance, and sat comfortably.

She was sitting in her chair, stretching her tired legs, but no matter how she looked, she seemed to be just relaxing.

While she was beating her hard time,

She suddenly heard a radio call.

「This is a crow. Sparrow, communication request.”

When the radio came on, Detective Kim immediately activated the earpiece.

“Sparrow, good communication. What’s up crow?”

「It is said that the magpie that was waiting on the roof of the XX signboard building found the uninvited guest again.」

Detective Kim, who heard the radio, was proud that his prediction was correct.

She gave her next order with a nod of her head.

“Confirm communication. Keep an eye on it.”

「However, there is a problem.」

Detective Kim’s face began to harden slightly at the sudden radio message.

“Problem, is there something wrong with the uninvited guest?”

「That’s right, but this is a bit difficult.」

At the words of the crow with a very embarrassing voice, Detective Kim felt some unknown anxiety.

“Are you in trouble? I hope you see it straight.”

「… Communication check. The uninvited guest acted unexpectedly.”

Unexpected action?

Detective Kim asked again, wondering if he had heard it correctly.

“Sudden action? What do you mean?”

「… An uninvited guest pointed the camera in the direction where the factor was.”

Detective Kim, who heard the radio, hit his forehead.

And she lamented inwardly.

You did it after all, you man.

“So, what did you do? Did the magpie step out?”

「… Literally. The magpie, who was watching, stepped up to protect the factor and stopped it. The uninvited guest denies everything and does not comply with the magpie’s request. As the resistance intensified, the magpie was forced to subdue it.”

After hearing that, Detective Kim hit his forehead again.

And he lamented with an expression that he had eaten a blow.

You’ve worn his hair after all, you gentleman.

“Haa, was it a trap?”

「… I think it was. When I looked at the camera after subduing it, nothing was recorded. Also, the lens was a general lens, so it was impossible to zoom in and see where the factors were.”

Detective Kim, who had heard that far, could only laugh.

And he was Detective Kim who thought the next words would be obvious.

「The uninvited guest is currently looking for the chief officer, namely the sparrow, to hold him accountable for the damage.」

“…… Hey.”

Hearing the crow’s radio, Detective Kim thought to himself:

This is why guys who only use their bodies are always beaten by smart guys.

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