I Want To Escape From the Vampire’s Blood Bag chapter 30

30 - Duels (2)

30 – Duels (2)


heavy roar.

The moment he tried to stop it by deploying blood magic, the sphere of lightning was oxidized by another wave of magical energy.

And the ring doesn’t seem to have worked by the margins.


Maybe he put his hand on my ring so it doesn’t get in the way.

“I almost went to the goal…”

“Step back. Lee Ha-yu. I’m sorry.”

It was Lane who stopped Isabella’s attack.

She was breathing heavily.

“If you interfere, I will kill you both!”

I hear Isabella’s high-pitched voice.

to kill The problem is that this remark is not heard by neither the noisy crowd nor the watching academy officials.

It seems that only Dame, the observer who doubles as referee, can hear it. He pretends not to hear.

The match continues without interruption.

‘You bought it.’


Theta attacked one after another to prevent me from thinking about anything else.

‘It’s black magic.’

What is certain is that Isabella uses Theta’s vitality as collateral to gain mana.

Theta asked for my cooperation.

“Isn’t it the goal to release the family? Don’t get involved with Isabella any more.”

“…why are you doing this?”

“You would know.”


“Are you a genius too? We are destined from the moment we were born.”


Their bodies continue to collide with each other.

Having lived in Korea, which pursues liberal democracy, I cannot easily sympathize with the caste system.

Of course, for 10 years, I was forcibly educated here at the risk of my life.


When I didn’t answer, Seta gritted her teeth and said.

“Status is irreversible. You just get used to it with a lifetime tag on it.”

– Papat.

“So you chose Mana Battery?”

“okay. i will die But my family can live humanly.”

Did he entrust his life to Isabella with her family as collateral?

disgusting Are you facing a situation like this?

Seta stomped her foot down on me and said.


“I thought that if you were in the same situation, you would understand. Also.”


her voice in a fit of evil.

The distance widens again.

“The difference between you and me is having a family. I hear you, don’t you have nothing to protect?”

“That’s right. But if you die, won’t your family mourn?”

will keep Respond to obvious questions with obvious questions.

But instead of answering my question, Seta said something else.

“A war will soon break out anyway. We, the poor, are sacrificed meaninglessly in between.”


“That’s right. Isabella-sama will put an end to this bloody war between the empire and the demons that repeats every century. Then there will be no more war refugees like us.”

Let’s match the information we know.

First, Iris heard that Isabella was trying to kill Lane.

And, according to Harold, Isabella has a plan.

What Seta is saying now is that Isabella is going to start a war.

Putting it all together, that is, killing Lane to start a war…? is this

This is Isabella’s ruse.

Iris and Harold, I don’t know why everyone said this part by part, but

Roughly, the whole story begins to emerge.

Certainly, if Lane dies in a duel at the academy, it’s suspicious. The demons will demand an investigation.

Even if it is not a war, it is natural that the Cold War will flow.

I asked Theta.

“Then… let’s say a war breaks out. So what are the victims doing here?”

“I have sacrificed so far. But do we need to care about other people? It’s all for a cause.”

okay. It’s a game too.

To weigh the life before your eyes and the greater life of the future.

It’s definitely a game-like story.

However, hearing it with your ears and feeling it with your skin is different.

something is not

Of course, you can’t put a price on life, and war is also a bad trend.

If the big stem of the game changes, it will affect how I see the ending.

Then what kind of ending can we see in this route?


※There are 3 endings available.

· Go to the academy directly under the imperial family and interact with royalty and nobles!

· Let’s defeat the devil with a stronger character!

· An empire of chaos, in the whirlpool of rebellion, you might get caught up in the center of catastrophe!


An ending to defeat the demon king?

Should I go that route?

So can I just jump on the bandwagon?

-bang! Kwak!

A few more flashes followed.

“I’m so sorry.”

A shallow moan escaped Lane’s mouth.

She was trembling as if exhausted or cornered.

Isabella sees it and smiles.

And when he sees this, he screams out loud.

“Lee Ha-yu! If you disturb me one more time, I won’t let you go!”


“Theta! do it!”

“yes. master.”

– North North!

Seta suddenly starts tearing her clothes.

Even in the audience, questions arise.


Then she lay down on the floor in tattered clothes.

Exposed through her torn clothes, her bare skin was covered with something like ancient runes.

More at noblemtl

Just looking at it, the handwriting was creepy and eerie magic.


Isabella then mumbles an ancient language.


“Big! Aww!”

Seta screams at Isabella’s spell.



The runes written on Seta made a bizarre noise and crawled to the floor of the arena.

It is to execute ancient black magic throughout this place.

This is the judge’s version…?

Isabella is completely crazy.

“Lee Ha-yu… It’s dangerous… Get away… Behind me…”

– Fluffy.

Lane sat down in place as if he had no more strength.

but don’t even surrender

Even if I retire, Lane will try to win with evil.

There is no stopping the game.

Then the result is obvious.

Lane dies, and war can break out as Isabella wishes.

Dark magic that has already been cast cannot be blocked.

checkmate properly

‘Fuck. fuck. Shit.’

What should I do? What’s right?

Wouldn’t it be better to just surrender, step back as Lane said, save your life like that, and live a thin and long life in a state of disassociation?

okay. No matter how much war it is, if I go to the saintess, she will take care of me.

The saintess’ bright smiling face came to mind.

Sunset in Norris village and a small but pretty monastery.

– Mr. Hayu. The children here are the same.

-Is it the same?

-yes. I lost all my parents. So for these kids… the monastery is home.

The monastery where the saintess resides also serves as an orphanage.

Parents who lost their parents in war or left their children behind because their family collapsed.

When war breaks out again, the monastery will be more crowded with new children.

The saintess and I must work for Burinake Monastery.

The saintess is so kind, and since I’m not good at refusal, I will accept children endlessly.

Then this road may be very arduous.

Wouldn’t there still be happiness in it? If you’re with the saintess, there will be occasional laughs.

For example, preparing food, doing laundry, helping with farming, sharing affection with villagers, and just such small things.

The children who have reached puberty make fun of us. We look at each other shyly and smile.

Is that enough? The saintess… maybe because she likes me.

‘Yeah, what about that?’

It’s a common sad story. This is a fantasy world. maybe it’s a game

Maybe it’s a story that happens a lot on Earth.

‘Anyway, I just have to defeat the demon king for the last time, right? Isn’t that a happy ending?’

Greatness entails sacrifice. As Seta said, this might be for the best.

That kind of mind encroaches on me.




– Kuk.

In an instant, laughter comes out again.

What was I thinking?

The saintess… She must be saddened more than anyone else by the congestion of the monastery.

– Mr. Hayu is the most kind-hearted person I’ve ever seen!

[※ Equivalent exchange will be cancelled]

“It’s like a fucking thing and it’s bursting.”

-What are you doing!! Referee!

The crowd buzzes. Dame, the referee, is just standing still, wondering what’s going on.

Conversely, seats with officials are quiet.

Are you all in one? That there are so many people who want war?

“…Blood is forged with blood.”

Says a starter word that you don’t have to do.

The eyes of Isabella, Rain, and Seta are felt at the same time.


[Use as much as 14!]

[Maximize spells!]

[Use as much as 11!]

[Use as much as 9!]

[Use as much as 10!]

[Maximize spells!]

[Use as much as 10!]

[Use as much as 12!]

[Maximize spells!]

[Use as much as 13!]

[Maximize spells!]

[Remaining Blood: 50]


I frantically deployed a veil of blood around my body.

A transparent crystal film surrounds me.

‘I should have taken more flexible shots.’

– Challang.


The pain started all over my body. Once again, the holy grail inside my body flickers.

This is what happens when you use a lot of blood at once.

“What, what are you doing!!! To the heavenly rule! Don’t you want to be disowned?!!”

– Chijijijik!

Isabella yells at me and fires a series of spells.

-bang! Kwak!

Well, it would be difficult to break through this barrier even if you hit it directly, but Rain blocked it instead.

“Ah, Arain!! This year!”

“ha. ha.”

It seemed that Isabella’s power had weakened because she was in the middle of a spell.


Most of the characters had already left Seta’s body.

Seta laughed and questioned my actions.

“Now… what, what are you trying to do?”

“great. shall we start.”

Black magic in progress is hard to mess with casting.

It’s not magic that is executed through a simple medium, because it uses difficult ingredients such as curses, emotions, and the blood of a specific person.

It is both physically and mentally.

but only one The blood of a specific person, the flower of black magic, this might be enough.

The magic circle and blood that symbolize black magic are the key elements among them.

Also, my blood has mana, and it’s delicious like a dog, making vampires crazy.

So… if my blood touches this magic circle, won’t it overload?

It’s such a simple idea.

And to procure a lot of blood, the Blood Veil is suitable.


And in order to turn the veil into blood… I didn’t have to do anything else. Just… just think of something else.

Then the magic will be dispelled and it will pour out on the floor.

“Arein…! I can not see?! Lee Ha-yu is trying to release his family!”


Lane had a slightly agitated expression, but since she had already exhausted herself, she couldn’t do anything.

I mumble softly into the air.

“… Isabella-sama, you are ugly.”


– Chi-ching! Chi Chi Ching!

A veil of blood surrounds the dark magic circle.

This world sucks.

I don’t know why I have to sacrifice.

Right life in elementary school? Morality in middle school? Life and ethics in high school?

Every time I test my moral crosses that I learned in a funny way, I see only losses.

In the end, I had to pay for it with death.


[Use as much as 9!]

[Use as much as 12!]

[Maximize spells!]

[Use as much as 13!]

[Use as much as 8!]

[Maximize spells!]

[Use as much as 10!]

[Use as much as 11!]

[Maximize spells!]

[Residual Blood: -13]

[A penalty is created]

[visual impairment]

[All stats are reduced by half]

[※-17 or lower, you will be in a dying state. You can lose your mind as a defense mechanism]

[Let’s save blood!]

-Yi Yi Ying!

The crimson-colored thin crystals are like petals. It wraps around me in layers and embraces.

like a single flower.

“What, what what what what what what. What are you trying to do?”

The consonants and vowels in Isabella’s voice break down.

-What is that?

-This is my first time seeing magic…?

– Shouldn’t it be stopped?

Unexpected reactions erupt from the audience.

“Lee Ha-yu? Bullshit…”

“Shut up.”

“Lee Ha-yu…?”

lane. A year of stubborn stubbornness.

As I think of something else, the spell begins to break from the previously created veil.

It turns into blood and is scattered all over the place.


And when this liquid touches the magic formula on the floor, it starts to overload.

– Chijijijik!

But it didn’t break easily.

“Yeah, eat all of them.”

[Use as much as 10!]

[Maximize spells!]

[Use as much as 6!]

[Use as much as 12!]

[Use as much as 11!]

[Maximize spells!]

[Residual Blood: -52]

I scream coolly like scratching a card.

[A penalty will be imposed!]

‘Well, I’ll definitely die.’


Theta, exhausted, is staring blankly at me.

‘Ah, did he stay?’

Before falling behind or falling apart, even the equivalent exchange is used before the flowers interlock.

[Use as much as 25!]

[Strength increases by 75%]

[Current Blood: -77]

’77 is perfect for an unlucky life.’

My eyes are red and I feel dizzy as if I am about to collapse.

– Dig!



I pushed Theta hard.


she gets pushed out

A veil envelops me without gap.

– What are you refereeing?!



That’s how only me and the black magic ceremony were trapped inside the crystal.

[※Penalty: Dies after 4.352 seconds]


Even if you stay still, the blood will burst out of you.


The noisy surroundings are completely quiet.

Like a flower bud, as if waiting to bloom.

Like a zombie movie on the other hand!

“lane! bitch bitch! I’m leaving. It was dirty to meet you, let’s not see each other again!”

But it doesn’t feel lingering and cool like the movie.

– Wow!

Even if I die, Rain will just live proudly like that.

Demons who are crystallized of cruelty, because they are very ‘noble’ vampires.

So many regrets. I’m angry. just like a dog I lost 99% of my life.

So the last thing… can I think of the people I like?


But death didn’t even give me a chance to be happy like that.

– Crispy.

– Chaeng-Geurang!

The veil shattered and flowed down, and everything around me, including my body, collapsed like a dream.

‘Saintess, I’m sorry for Floria’s family…’






– Tiring.

[You are dead]




– Tiring.

[Release of Debuff: Vampire’s Clan]

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  1. Wait, what the hell????

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