I Want To Escape From the Vampire’s Blood Bag chapter 56

56 - Death (6)

56 – Death (6)

– Do you want to see the sunset together there…?

What Prissy now recommends to Hayu is,

In fact, it was almost like running away together.

– Run away with me.

A word that rose to the tip of his chin every time he looked at her,

Right before death, watching the sunset with someone you like, it wouldn’t be a bad ending for this game.

Hayu looked out the window and said.

“I don’t know if the lady will allow it.”

“Then, secretly, secretly go together…”


* * *

The time Prissy set for Hayu was just before dawn the next day.

There was no guarantee that he would be able to escape from Lane’s eyes, but since he was no longer one of her followers, there was no possibility.

Also, her ability as a Prissy priest is certain.

Hayu’s body, which was a wreck, was able to function properly to some extent.

Of course, the body would not be suitable for a long journey, but with Prissy right next to her, she would be able to avoid major problems.

The most regrettable thing for Hayu in this situation was that he might not be able to protect Prissy in a dangerous situation, rather than that the time given was short.

‘They say you have to be quiet to avoid a bad ending…’

Because he is about to become a felon, and if Prissy is with him, misunderstandings can arise.

However, her courageous remarks moved him too.

The last regret in this world raised its head again.

As the dawn breaks, Hayu carries a bag on her back and heads out.

– Tiring.

[Life remaining: 31 hours 57 minutes]


-Whee Oh.

It’s quite chilly.

If you get caught by Lane, you can’t help it. it’s not destiny

Rather, the side that takes it may have a better ending.

Because Prissy needs to be safe.

– Turbuck. Turbuck.


However, as intended, no event occurred for him to come to the entrance of the mansion.

-Greuk, greuk. Well well.

Through the still-dark morning mist, Felix was feeding the wagon horses snacks.

“Here you are.”


He pointed to the horse he had just been grooming and said a word to Hayu.

“At this rate, long distances should be no problem.”

“……Mr. Felix.”

When Hayu looked at him quietly, he shyly avoided his gaze and scratched the back of his head.

“Thank you for that time. Me and Threscia, everyone got to work here because you recommended them.”

“…If the lady finds out that you helped me, she might not stay still.”

He cleared his throat once, then spoke bluntly.

“If it weren’t for you in the first place, we would have already been digested and excreted in the stomachs of monsters. Somewhere in this forest.”

Makes terrible noises casually.

That would be true, too, because Felix was a mercenary who had gone through all the hardships of childbirth befitting a middle-aged man.

He pointed to the back of the carriage as well.

“The saintess is riding first. Thresia packed a lot of your favorite snacks in the luggage compartment.”

He said, wiping his nose with his finger.

“Because she cries a lot. They say they don’t want to come out.”

According to Hayu’s personal history, it was Trecia who was a widow.

At Lane’s mansion, she always treated everyone like an aunt next door.

Since she was such a loving person, just thinking about her husband immediately brought tears to her eyes, Felix’s words must be true without betrayal.

“How did you know everything?”

“…The saintess has been earnestly asking for it since yesterday evening. I’ve been blessed many times, so what? It helps and helps.”

As Hayu’s empty expression tried to show his regret, Felix clicked his tongue as if it was nothing.

“Write… Don’t worry about us and go.”

And he always handed over a finely curled whip, just like when Hayu took the saintess.

“You have a lot of stories too. He suffered a lot during that time.”

“Why are you talking like someone I won’t see?”

Felix looked around the carriage and brought up his own story.

“Well. During my mercenary life, I met and broke up with many people repeatedly. People say that they become numb to various emotions, but in reality, there are many people who do not. Well, even so, when we meet again, it couldn’t be more pleasant than that. I also want you to go far away and live well…”


He held out his hand as if asking for a final handshake.



Hayu slowly took her hand.

In the cold air, the trembling of his hands had stopped.

“thank you.”

“Still, the latter would be nice.”




– Hee hee!

After Felix sent off, Hayu climbed into the carriage, and Prissy also came out to the coachman’s seat.

“It is still cold. Stay behind.”

“I like this…”

Prissy covers Hayu with a blanket and gently sticks to her side.

– Suck.

And sweep the place a little.

While riding in the carriage with him until now, I always thought that this seat would be my exclusive use.

It feels like he doesn’t want to lose his warmth that still remains.

– Hee hee hee!!

– Quickly, rattle.

As the carriage cut through the darkness, Prissy quietly leaned on his shoulder with her eyes closed.


When his head gently touches him, his shoulder muscles tense up for a moment.

But soon, it is released. Can I see that it was accepted?

His cute reaction brings a smile to Prissy’s lips.

‘Still… the Mr. Hayu I know remains…’

These days, I keep making skinship with Hayu.

On the day I asked to organize my underwear, the thought of ‘I must be really crazy’ tormented me for three days.

After that, as a priest, every time I took classes at the academy, I felt like my conscience was being tested.

‘Because Mr. Hayu may be in trouble… Let’s restrain ourselves a little bit. It might look too hefty…’

Prissy was also surprised. He never thought that the day would come when he would have such thoughts.

However, I want to make all of his bandaged arms and body odors on his clothes mine for now.




– Knocked up. All right.


The forest just before dawn was all emerald green.

When Prissy was immersed in a dreamy world, Hayu said.

“…Can I stop by first?”

he asks first

Prissy felt a strange sense of stability.

“Yes Yes…! Anywhere is good for me as long as I’m with Hayu.”

It’s not a dog that wags its tail when you ask for a walk, it’s embarrassing.

But how do you say that every moment is sincere?

‘…… Mr. Hayu.’

What is unfortunate is that his face in this light darkness is still sad.

Like light dust in the middle of that void, his words are spit out lonely.

“Then, let’s go to Norris Village first.”


Norris Village, Abbey.

It is said that it is a place that Serius breathes on, but Hayu intended to see the children of the monastery one last time.

* * *





When I arrived at the monastery like that, it was the morning when the birds were chirping.

‘Ugh… How can I sleep…’

It was Hayu who encouraged Prissy, who had consumed a lot of divine power, to sleep, but there was no way she could sleep properly.

His shoulders are warm, but they make my heart beat.

Norris Abbey, which is built on a flat hill, is compact but neatly made of bricks.

This is the place where Prissy stayed until she came to the academy.

And Hayu knocks lightly on the door of the monastery.


“Who are you…”

In the monastery, there was Sister Tyrmia, who temporarily took care of the children in place of Prissy.

With brown hair visible through her nun’s uniform, she is older than the two of them.

“Tyr, I’m here.”

“Stop, saintess…! What do you do with the academy… more than that…”

The nun’s expression darkened rapidly.

It was because Hayu, who was famous as a servant of the demons in this area, was not very welcome.

“that is……”

By the time Prissy and Hayu were thinking about how to explain,

-Today’s daily bread…

Behind Tyrmia’s shoulder, I could see the children praying for breakfast.



However, as soon as they found Hayu, they got out of the table.

-He’s a demon brother!

-The saintess too!

– Black brother!

‘It’s grown a lot.’

The children pulled Hayu and the saint by the hand.

“Hey guys…?”

Contrary to Tyrmia’s thoughts, they came naturally into the building.

In the past, the children who had been laughing as if they were having fun even when Hayu was still laughing were now quite calm.


-Hi oppa?

-I heard that the saintess is at the academy…

The children, who had matured quite a bit and grew by one head, still maintained their vitality and innocence.

Hayu speaks at eye level, affectionately.

“Looks like you’ve been fine.”



The children sing in chorus, and Prissy lets out a sigh of relief.

His warm voice, which was hard to hear recently.

But anxiety soon sets in.

Because that feeling that settled a little in the void was like a very precarious fire.

– Noisily.

Before anyone knew it, Hayu was surrounded by children.

-Do I have to go back early this time?

-Read the book!

Due to Hayu’s position in the Demon Tribe in the past, he only played with children on one hand, and it was all outdoors, but for some reason, many children follow him.

In fact, every time Prissy sees a scene like this,

I secretly projected how he would treat his children if he started a family.

He will treat you kindly regardless of whether you are a daughter or a son, and he will be devoted to his wife-to-be.

However, that ordinary happiness seems to be a right that cannot be given to him.


Tarmia whispers this to Prissy, who blankly looks at Hayu.

“Lady. Bringing him all this way… I told you it was dangerous.”

“Tyr, I’m sorry. Can’t you just wait a moment…”

“When did the children introduce themselves again… If the Serius family knew about this…”

Norris Abbey’s greatest benefactor, Serius.

Tarmia was temporarily in charge of the monastery on behalf of Prissy, so she didn’t want to cause any misunderstanding.

In the first place, Prissy also went in and out of Lane’s mansion, so knowing this would make her even more confused.

– Took.

Hayu started unpacking her luggage on the floor.

“My brother is a bit busy today. I’ll just give you this.”

-Uh, go already…?

-Don’t go…

In front of the children’s expression of regret, expensive sweets that were presented by Rain appear in large numbers.

Also, children are children. The guys’ expressions full of regret quickly change.

-Oh!! That’s what I ate last time!

-me too!

It is an expensive snack that is hard to find even in the imperial city, but have children from the periphery ever eaten it?

When I asked what happened to Hayu, the children chattered.

-The day hyung-ah took us to play, a very pretty black-haired noona gave it to me.


-no it’s not! The saintess is prettier!

– What?!

When the kids start arguing over trivial things, Prissy intervenes.

“now. everyone. Snacks are meant to be eaten after meals…”

mindless situation.

At that time, a mischievous-looking boy said while fiddling with the cookies.

-When you eat this… I secretly told you to open your eyes wide and see what the two of you are doing together… Oops!

And a freckled, pouty-haired girl covers his mouth.

-You promised not to tell me!

Then he boldly knocks on his chest and tells us.

-don’t worry! I’m not going to do any observations this time!


– Stop.

At this innocent remark, the movements of the three people except for the children stop.

Tyrmia is quick-witted.

Even at the convent, I had seen so many hearts of longing.

It’s hard to bear that the demon’s servant and the saint get along…

‘The two of us secretly…do something?’

Prissy, whose daily routine is almost fixed, does it secretly…

What these kids are saying right now is that they can’t even see each other?

Tarmia muttered incomprehensibly.

“Two minutes? This is now… I mean, am I not getting it? no…”



Eventually, the two look at each other.

“You run away.”

“Shall we run away…?”

“excuse me?!?! You have to be specific about this…”

And with one heart and one mind, they say goodbye to the children and leave.

“Children, listen to the nun and get along well.”

The children also rushed over and started asking questions.

-When are you coming again?

– Tung.

In response to the children’s question, Hayu lifted the saintess onto the carriage and said,

“What if you guys are all grown up?”

– Then me too, I want to go to the academy too…!


– Suck.

Snacks are an afterthought, and Hayu strokes the hair of the distraught girl as she watches the two leave.

“Okay, everyone will definitely come, I promise.”

As he soothed the children, Tarmia asked Prissy.

“Saintess… Now, where are you going?? If the higher up finds out about this…!”

“Mi, I’m sorry! Tyr… I’ll be right back. Until then, please…”

“More, moreover, an extraterrestrial man. No, that’s also from the demons… with a man now, just the two of us.”

As if Tarmia would grab the back of her neck at any moment, her tongue twisted and her brain was overloaded.

And Hayu didn’t miss it.

– Hee hee!

-Come again!

-Saintess, have fun!

With Tarmia’s cry buried in the voices of the children, the carriage departs.

* * *

The monastery gradually turns into a dot shape.

I left sooner than I thought, but circumstances are circumstances.


– Whoops…

We smile at each other awkwardly.

‘What should I do now…’

[Life remaining: 27 hours 44 minutes]

Even if you do nothing, time gradually approaches.

What will be the end for me…


At that time, the saintess put her hand on my thigh.


Instead of answering, I stare at the side of her face.

The gray side hair that came down like fine silk suits him well.

The lines are thin and fine, and you keep looking at them.

And in that splendor, her lips moved like petals.

“…would you like to go somewhere… just the two of you?”

– Salang.

A slight breeze blew her hair back, and she spoke in a more subdued tone.

“To Hayu… I have something to confess…”




Perhaps because of the fog yesterday, the clear sun is heading towards the middle of the hill on top of the carriage.


A cozy hill bathed in warm sunlight, the rustle of grass tickles my heart.

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  1. Forgotten one says:

    I feel like crying..😭😭😭😭

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