I Was Confessed to by the Golden Sun chapter 5

I Was Confessed to by the Golden Sun 5

5 – 5. A Beautiful Day on the Railroad

The countless criminal organizations that were nothing less than the festering remains of the former Empire.

In the underworld of the Empire, the days of chaos that could easily be called the Warring States period continued without interruption.

Until just four years ago.

“..What did you just say?”

The power struggle that had persisted for decades without anyone taking coNT*Rol suddenly came to an end.

It was all thanks to a 17-year-old boy who, within a few months, managed to bring down most of the criminal organizations in the Empire.

Outstanding leadership and an insight that could be called prescience, not to mention an inexhaustible resourcefulness.

Furthermore, despite having every criminal organization under his command, the only thing revealed about him is his young age.

The people of the underworld certainly exist, but everything about the kingpin of that hidden world is concealed like this.

“You should know that you can’t get away with calling that name in front of me.”

A non-existent entity. Nihil, they call him.

And right now, Nihil, who was about to turn the Camble Academy-bound train upside down, is caught red-handed by me.

“Tell me, where did this guy come from? What’s my name?”

In Nihil’s hand is an unmistakable firearm.

It’s a threatening situation with the barrel pointed at my head.

If he decides to pull the trigger here, there will be a gaping hole in my head.

And this madman is the type who would gladly shoot me in the head even if I tell him where I came from.

“Aren’t you curious about your wife’s whereabouts? I know everything about her.”

So, the only way to get him to the negotiating table right now is to make it seem like we’ve found information about his missing wife, as if we’ve located her during the inter-organization war.

“…Tell me once, and if I don’t buy it, you die.”

Nihil still hasn’t lowered his gun as he questions.

His wife is a significantly important figure to him.

That’s why he’s giving me time, even though he could kill me immediately.

So, for the few minutes he has given me, I have to weave a convincing tale with all the skill I can muster.

I say this with a heart full of hope that it will be believed.

“First, I came here as a turncoat from Pandemonium.”

I said that and then closed my eyes quietly and opened them again.

That statement was a real gamble; I was worried he might shoot me in anger.

Fortunately, it seemed like he wasn’t going to act recklessly, given that it concerned his wife.

“Go on… Keep talking.”

It was the only choice, as the group responsible for Nihil’s wife’s disappearance and practically the only group that hadn’t been retributioned by Nihil was the cult of demon worshipers, Pandemonium.

To be honest, they were such sworn enemies that they couldn’t share the same sky.

“Put simply, Nihil. I found information about your wife there.”

My task was to use the information I obtained from the original source to expedite the timing of Nihil’s ‘Pandemonium Retribution’ to rescue his wife.

As much as possible, making him a reliable ally.

“…That’s certainly a secret, even within. How do you know?”

Of course it’s a secret, as I have caught its numbers that can threaten the giants of the underworld.

If that is not a secret, it would be rather strange.

What I need to show him here is evidence that I am someone he can trust to some extent.

“According to Asmodeus, the eNT*Rance is located near the Huanglip Medical Center, about 14km southeast. You should check it later.”

Most people may not know the name and exact location of the top-ranking officer, so even if it is not reliable, it will pique his interest.

Moreover, there is no need to explain elaborately. It is the way of Pandemonium to speak only what is necessary.

Moreover, the mere fact that I know the existence and identity of Nihil is information that can be inferred that I have a place in Pandemonium.


“Pandemonium bastards.”

In this way, he silenced his wavering attitude and tried to say something to test me again in one word.

As a kind of cult, they are restricted from speaking about themselves.

It may have been proven that there is no connection with them when I called Pandemonium earlier, but this emphasized it once again.

Moreover, Nihil knew well that those prideful cultists would not engage in unnecessary chatter even if they were belittling themselves.

From Noble mtl dot com

“Just a moment… Give me some time to think.”

Since I have shown everything that can be seen, he may feel threatened by now.

Just as true as the love he shows to his wife.

Perhaps the reason he is obsessed with Heidi is because she resembles his wife so much.

In the original work, after seeing Heidi, who looks exactly like his wife, he gives up on the train terrorist attack and silently follows her at the academy.

While gathering information about his own wife, he obsessively clings to Heidi, perhaps as an obsession with his lost wife.

“For now, let’s put the train terrorist attack on hold. I’m planning to start anew at the academy. It wouldn’t be good if the train were to derail before I go.”

He cherishes his own wife so much that, knowing this, I won’t carry out a train terrorist attack where I am.

No matter how much of a person of the underworld he may be, he still has his own beliefs and at least a minimal amount of conscience.

“…Ever since I heard about my wife, that plan has been on hold.”

And, as expected, he gave the answer I anticipated.

In the original development of the novel, the train is flipped right at the beginning.

Just preventing that alone is a success, and having Nihil follow is even better.

“In any case, thank you very much. By the way, do you have a name?”

For now, I have prevented the danger of terrorism and Nihil’s obsession with Heidi. The task is completed.

Therefore, I slowly stood up from my seat and as I headed towards my spot, I whispered to Nihil.

“Jack Orlande. The grandson of the author Orlande.”


“I was so scared that I almost died..”

Have you ever tried persuading someone while having a gun pointed at your head?

I experienced that situation for the first time just now.

I had simulated it countless times in my head, but now that it actually happened, my mind went blank.

There were more logical arguments and evidence, but I couldn’t say them properly under the pressure of the investigation.

“Did something happen in the restroom?”

“I told you not to talk, didn’t I?”


It’s already so difficult, and now this Kumbadaeng* is bothering me.

Looking at the clock, only about 20 minutes had passed and the conversation we had wasn’t even that long.

It felt like I had come out after going into an eternal hell.

Despite it not being a hot day, my body was soaked in sweat.


I felt like I couldn’t bear the heat without taking off my outerwear right away.

Since I was wearing the school uniform, the only thing I had on top was a white shirt and a tie.

When I took off my outerwear, my body felt better, but there was someone who looked burdened in front of me.

“Why are you looking at me like that?”

Lucia Klein, the personification of our dislike, why is she bothering to look at someone else’s body instead of just sleeping quietly like the other students?

It felt like I was being inspected by a strict examiner with everything laid bare.

“You seem to be sweating a lot. Do you want a handkerchief?”

Then she took out a handkerchief from the pocket of her own school uniform…

Wait, why is it coming out from there?

“..Wasn’t that handkerchief given by me?”

“Yes, it was, right?”

“So why did you put it there?”

“Because it’s a handkerchief?”


“Sure, if you think about it, it’s a gift and a handkerchief, so I don’t really have anything to say about it…”

You know, you spilled tea on me, so why are you carrying it around in your school uniform pocket like it’s something precious?

“So, you’re not going to wipe off the sweat? Your face is covered in sweat.”

“I definitely won’t wipe it off.”

Am I crazy? You’re using the handkerchief that wiped your face.

“If it’s because I used it, don’t worry, I washed it clean.”

As she said that, she unfolded the handkerchief to show me.

It was definitely very clean, and there was a faint lemon scent that made me feel good.

“I even sprayed the perfume I use on it, do you like it?”

Damn it.

I wanted to slap the me from five seconds ago who thought the fragrance was nice.

When you think about it, isn’t this the same as thinking the fragrance of that cologne is nice?

“Get rid of that right away, I don’t need it.”

“Uh… you don’t like the perfume? Should I change it to a peach scent…?”

“No, it’s not that…”

How do I explain this?

I can’t accept it because your scent is too nice?

God, really, it’s not even a cheap pick-up line.

“Well, it seems like you’re not feeling well… then just eat this for now.”


And then Lucia suddenly put something into my mouth.

Resentful woman, she’s finally trying to poison me.



As I rolled the round object in my mouth, accompanied by a hard texture, a sour taste spread in my mouth.

This is candy. It’s the lemon-flavored candy she said she had a lot of earlier and even gave me one.

“I eat something sweet when I’m feeling down, do you like it?”

I should spit it out since I don’t know what’s in it, I should definitely spit it out.

There’s a high chance there’s some kind of laxative, hallucinogen, or sleeping pill in it…

“It’s really delicious…”

Did I like lemons? I should check where the candy was made when I throw it away later.

Ah, I don’t know, I can’t possibly die from eating a little of this.

“Hoho, are you feeling better?”

I snapped to attention at Lucia’s words and, when I touched my face, it seemed like I had been smiling happily.

Oh, what a humiliation this is.


Covering my face, which had turned bright red from embarrassment, she chuckled and leaned toward me.

“Ugh… Why are you doing this?”

With a mocking look, she leaned in and whispered to me as if sharing a secret.

“There’s a lot of candy, so if you want to eat more, just let me know.”

Somehow, the words that came through my ears with a sweet lemon scent made me think that way.

“Ah, damn it.”

At the same time, I hated myself for having such a thought and seriously considered jumping off the train.

…It was truly a beautiful day outside.

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  1. Weirdo says:

    Bro got rizzed at the end mann😭

  2. Rone says:

    Wtf noble why there are so many NT*R puns

  3. Stop with the NT*R jokes lmao

    1. Daver55 says:

      You areNT*Ready for that.

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