I Was Threatened To Go Out With Her Majesty the Princess chapter 3

I Became the Princess's Magic Professor

3 – I Became the Princess’s Magic Professor

Magic as a field of study is endless. It’s something no single human can fully know in a lifetime. Magicians who pursue the truth are devoted to ‘magic’.

Therefore, those who study magic will inevitably gain curiosity.

Magic sparked from minor curiosity has unlimited potential, so those first treading the path of sorcery will walk their own path no matter where they go.

Curiosity of the unknown, yearning for enlightenment. Those desires make magic fun for magicians.

“But you are not a magician, are you?”

While magician refers to those who study magic, it also refers to those who take up magic as their profession.

“But if you learn magic, you’ll be a magician.”

Stella’s expression distorts. She takes in Cardian spouting something that sounds reasonable yet isn’t.

An interesting guy. That was Stella’s evaluation of Cardian.

I subtly observed the Princess’s reaction.

“Hmm, for now it sounds like you’re saying something that makes sense, so let’s move on.”

Fortunately, the Princess passed over my bullsh*t.

No matter how much the First Princess studies magic, she can’t become a magician pursuing the truth.

So it was contradictory and flawed from the start, but.

As long as it just sounds plausible.

She turns her head. Stella looked at the magician right next to Cardian.

Sensing it was his turn, the magician opens his mouth.

“I plan to teach Your Highness one of my specialties, psychic magic…”

The second magician subtly appealed himself, explaining what magic he excelled at and why it was interesting.

‘I should’ve done that too.’

Regretting now was useless, so I obediently waited for the other magicians to finish explaining.

Enough time for a cup of tea passed and Stella questioned the magicians.

“Alright. I’ve heard the explanations, so you may leave now.”

Without any word of who she would pick as professor or even taking an exam, just after the interviews, the magicians left the garden.

The bustling magicians gone, Stella blinked her drowsy eyes.

“Crimson. Who do you think is best?”

“You need only pick someone to your liking.”

She was picking her own professor. The Princess had every right to eliminate and choose whoever she wanted. Crimson’s reply was boilerplate.

“Then let’s go with that guy from earlier.”

The one who spouted something that sounded plausible yet was full of contradictions without appealing himself or revealing ambition for the professor post. The only one who didn’t vie for the role of teaching her.

“I couldn’t read his emotions. That guy.”

The other magicians were filled with the same ambition. The thick ambition to take the Princess’s professor post.

However, Cardian had no ambition whatsoever, simply watching the situation with clear eyes.

“His answers were quite interesting too. Lessons will be fun as well.”

Originally, an exam was planned next to assess the professors’ caliber. But since an interesting responder came out, Stella discarded all the exam papers.

Cardian became the First Princess’s appointed Magic Professor.

Stella came to that conclusion.

Crimson bows his head. He relayed the decision to the officials.


After the interview with the Princess, I left the palace and took a walk around the capital after a long time before returning to my department.

“You’re back?”

The Minister was sitting at my seat, staring straight at me.

“Why are you sitting at my desk?”

“Because my office is cramped.”

Even though he has a private office, he says it’s cramped. Since the Minister’s antics weren’t just a day or two, I let it go.

“So how was the exam for the Princess’s professor candidate?”

“I thought the exam was tomorrow?”

Since we only had the interview today.

“Is that so? Then how was the interview?”

Thinking for a bit at the Minister’s question, I decided to tell the truth.

“No idea.”

I really don’t know.

But I do have one hope.

“Probably failed.”

With the nonsense answers I gave to the Princess’s questions during the interview, I must have failed. No, I need to fail.

At first, afraid my father would smash my head if I failed, I did hope I’d pass, but thinking about it now, no. Failing would be better.

Just imagining becoming the Princess’s professor on top of my department work is dreadful. I’d rather get my head smashed by my father once.

Can’t even retire but have to work two jobs? Ugh, I don’t even want to imagine it.

So someone else, a better professor, can take on the Princess’s lessons.

‘Professor Trinan appealed himself well.’

I was quite impressed by his full 5 minute self-promotion.

His speaking skills aren’t particularly amazing but he spoke quite interestingly.

With a full 5 minutes of appealing, he must have left an impression on the Princess’s mind, so his chances of being picked are higher.

As I was getting unnecessary hopes up, the Minister beamed brightly. Something is off.

The cackling Minister exacerbates my anxiety.

“Why are you laughing? It’s unsettling.”

My expression becomes uneasy. And the more so I become, the wider the Minister’s smile grows.

“Because I heard good news.”

Good news…? Good news for the Minister, did a bunch of dark magicians get captured? Or did that guy the Minister has been cursing finally die?

If it’s news like that, I can cheer together with him. That guy the Minister cursed is a guy I cursed too.

But there’s no way he’s dead already so, it must be different news.


The Minister makes a mischievous expression. I’m curious but don’t want to hear it.

I sense it. A feeling that it’s information I won’t like comes over me.

But still curious, the magician asks.

“I’m curious. What’s the good news?”

“Wait just a moment.”

The Minister took something out of the drawer. A long, cylindrical firecracker with a string attached at the end. He handed me one.

“? Why are you giving this to me?”

“Pull it.”


From noble mtl dot com

“I said pull it.”

I don’t understand but do as the Minister says and set off the firecracker.

Bang! Scraps of paper scatter from the popped firecracker and then a long paper bundle reveals itself.

[Congratulations! Appointed as the Princess’s Professor!]


The Minister widely opens his arms and shouts. He cackles heartily.


Oh come on!

Reflexively, I threw the resignation letter I had prepared this morning at the Minister. I was going to submit it this morning but got dragged to the palace before I could.

And of course.

The letter was shredded to pieces.

Ugh… I want to retire.

Why can’t I…

The Minister asked in a husky voice.

“You don’t know why?”

I answered sullenly.

“I know. I know very well, that’s the problem.”

“Then instead of blabbering about retirement, go work.”

The Minister stood up from his seat. The chair squeaked.


[I heard the news.]


He must have gotten in contact through the Minister.

My father immediately got in touch.

‘The Minister must have contacted him as soon as he heard.’

Our family’s information network is quick but still, not this quick. Considering the distance between my territory and the capital.

News just decided a few tens of minutes ago couldn’t possibly have reached my father’s ears. But with the Minister’s help, the information was conveyed at almost lightning speed, and my father who heard said:

[I heard you became the Princess’s professor. Congratulations.]

“Yes, thank you.”

[Your brother says congratulations as well.]

I see.

Talking like that, I suddenly realized my younger brother’s name wasn’t mentioned so I revealed my puzzlement.

“What about Johanne?”

I heard congratulations from father, mother, and brother but nothing about my younger brother.

My father answered.

[I did send a letter to the Academy but receiving it seems to be taking some time.]

That made sense. Communication orbs are quite expensive items. And long distance orbs that can communicate this great a distance are especially costly to use.

So it’s unlikely my third son, academy student brother Johanne, would have a communication orb connecting the territory and academy, and conveying news by letter takes time.

“I understand.”

[Work is busy so I’ll end the call here, but stop by home within this year.]

It’s been already… 2 years? Or was it even longer since I last visited home?

Recalling the last year I went to the territory, I nodded my head.

“I’ll come when I have time.”


Before long, the communication orb loses its light and blinks out.

The call disconnects quickly and the orb darkened after losing its light.

And…the Minister who was silent throughout the call meaningfully smiled.

“The call ended?”


I turned my head to look at the Minister. Huh…?

Seeing what he held in his hand, I grasped my forehead.

Why is he holding that?

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  1. Ozaki Ozaki says:

    Hehe finally got me some free time kekekekeke

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