I Was Threatened To Go Out With Her Majesty the Princess chapter 5

Episode 5 The Princess Became a Magic Professor in charge of Her Highness

5 – Episode 5 The Princess Became a Magic Professor in charge of Her Highness

“At the Mage Tower, this kind of test is called the so-called cutting of the

realm. It is said that the more resistance stones are broken with lower-grade

magic, the higher the opponent’s ability to handle magic and mana is.”

I held out the resistance stone in front of Her Highness.

“Try to break this with magic.”

Stella asked intrigued.

“Have you tried breaking the resistance stone with magic?”

“0f course I did.”

“Then what kind of magic did you break it with?”

“It was basic magic.”

Stella’s forehead furrows. Basic magic is literally basic magic. It’s just a

level of magic that uses simple mana.

But you broke this resistance stone with it? An upper-middle class resistance


The clear eyes don’t seem to be telling lies. Stella, who has a very good sense

of distinguishing lies from truth, noticed that the wizard in front of her was

calm as if she were telling the truth.

Stella’s mouth twitched.

she is lazy

she is bored


she is arrogant

Stella is that if others can do it, you should be able to do it too.

She tried a spell on the resistance stone.

The magic you try is basic magic. The mana, which is no different from a simple

lump of mana, is arranged and then placed as one magic.


A small echo spread through the resistance stone. There was not a single

scratch. Stella’s eyebrows crumpled randomly.

‘It’s annoying.’

Annoyance surged for no reason. Perhaps the cause is because they failed to

succeed at one time.

She was indolent and wanted to take a break and solve these things at once.

However, it did not go as well as Stella thought.

“Shouldn’t I meddle at this point?’

Seeing a series of failures, I feel the need for advice. I said softly.

“Don’t focus on magic, focus on handling mana. If you do that, it will never be

broken with just basic magic.”

Advice, to be sure, but Stella strangely felt it more like provocation than

advice. The excellent Stella’s physical and sixth senses tell you. That’s a


However, there was no clear physical evidence, only feelings, and the words were

more like advice than provocation.

But in reality, the provocation was right. I made fun of my gray tongue. If you

build up a stack of twists and turns like this, one day the princess will come

out at once! I hope that it will explode and cut me off.

I provoked the princess with halfway words between provocation and advice.

Every time I do something, I slightly interfere and say, ‘Isn’t that what you

do?’ In some cases, it uses a provocation that becomes a wide-area provocation.

16th attempt to break resistance stone with basic magic.

“Ehehehehe, this is not like that, you have to do this like this and that and that.

And that…”

As I was about to give an instruction without fail, Her Highness the Princess

raised her eyes wide and ordered me.

“You try.”

Her Highness, the princess’s eyes, shone fiercely.

“But if you don’t succeed, you will have to take responsibility for your words.”

Eh… Even if it was eaten, the provocation was a bit excessive.

Responsible for my words.

Suddenly, why are you like that? Princess.

A shrill voice leaked out.


I know it’s not polite at the moment, but I asked back.

Stella snorted.

“Why can’t you? I told you to do it yourself.”

The provocation worked well and the princess was furious.

“And if you don’t succeed, you’ll be guilty of daring to open up.”

I passed the resistance stone into my hand. Her Highness, the princess, smiles


“Crimson, if you deceive her, how can you deal with that sin?”

“The crime of deceiving the imperial family is usually sentenced to imprisonment

for more than 10 years, or if the crime is serious, the death penalty is

immediately imposed.”

“Did you hear? It’s called the death penalty.”

Why do you leave out the word 10 years? I barely swallowed the question that was

going to the end of my throat.

The intent of saying the death penalty here is obvious. Does that mean you’re

going to bother me?

No matter how trivial it is, you can’t kill me, the second son of the count’s

family and the vice minister of magic, or make me serve 10 years’ worth of


The will to torment that much was felt from the two eyes of the princess.

‘Did it get filmed?’

was this filmed?

Princess 1 is the most likely candidate for the next emperor. Even now, it is

possible to some extent, but after she ascends the throne.

As a public official who eats rust in a single country, he can abuse his power

and put me in a dungeon.

Or make them do more work, or send them to the outskirts where they seem to be

legally exiles.

Whatever it is, if she gets stamped out by her as the princess, her throat will

go out when she later becomes emperor.

It’s not a title, it’s actually my neck. Well, the odds of that happening are

very slim.

It is important that such things can happen.

“…All right.”

I showed my magic

Basic magic shimmers. The basic magic that passed through my fingertips stuck to

the resistance stone.

Since I am also a teaching professor, I will add an explanation.

“There is a clear limit to the amount of mana that can be stored in basic magic.

If so, the magic to use that mana is ‘basic magic’, but it is ‘basic magic made

by using mana itself’.”

I am creating a new magic that meets my current requirements. Basic magic, but

not basic magic, was born.

The magic wrapped around the fingers bursts mana, maximizing the destructive

power even for a moment.

The thin film of mana surrounding the resistance stone puffs up! It exploded and

the resistance stone cracked.

I elaborated the theory of why this happened.

“First of all, Her Highness knows and posts it, but the level of magic isn’t

From noble mtl dot com

just decided.”

The difficulty of learning, the calculation method, the amount of mana required

to use magic, etc.

Various magic grades are divided according to various conditions.

And, of course, the amount of mana that has the most influence on class


No matter how basic magic is, its power varies greatly depending on the amount

of mana that goes into it.

For example, the destructive power of a 1-ton weight is greater than that of a

1-ton weight dropped on a sandy bottom.

Its power also ‘depends on how much mana went into it.’ Even basic magic could

use the power of advanced magic.

Therefore, the Wizards Association and the Magic Tower recognized basic magic as

basic magic only if it used less than 1 Mana.

“The introduction is long, so what do you want to say?”

For Her Highness, who wanted a three-line summary, I gave a special one-line


“Just create a new basic magic and break the resistance stone.”

how is it? How easy is it?

Her Highness’s vulgar words stuck in my ears.

“That’s bullsh*t.”

Her Royal Highness, whose eyes were rotten and tired from boredom, threw her

head down on the pillow on the desk with the expression of someone who was

exhausted from life.

“Anyway, I’ve seen it succeed, so I won’t hold you accountable anymore. Quit it


Her Highness the Princess issued a congratulatory order. I said yes and ran


I still have a little more time left for class, but I hurry out of the palace.

Stella let out a yawn. Her eyes turn to Cadian, who is looking back.

a guy i don’t like

But at the same time, he’s a fun guy.

“It’s like a skinny guy.”

The class was quite fun. Stella closed her eyes again and dozed off.


It’s a little strange to say this, but.

Her Highness’s provocation to the princess worked well, but somehow he managed

to deal with it well, and somehow he returned safely without being fired from

his professorship.

Naturally, no one was in the department…


For some reason, the minister standing behind me fell.


And, of course, the place where the minister fell was the place where the papers

were dried and organized yesterday… The papers hit me directly.

The minister and my eyes met awkwardly.


A bottle of champagne rolled across the floor. I was dumbfounded, but I spoke to

him to understand the situation.

“Minister… what on earth are you doing this time…?”

The documents that had been organized yesterday by the minister popping

champagne were scattered in all directions.

“huh? Ahh…”

The minister responded dryly. He also smiled sheepishly, perhaps because this

situation was awkward.

“That’s it.. I was getting ready to pop the champagne when I tripped and fell.”

I looked closely at the minister’s face. It was true.

Minister Lee. They were actually going to pop champagne at the moment I came in,

but I turned my head and fell.

oh my god.

A boss who falls over while trying to pop champagne on the head of a direct


‘Should I change jobs?’

I was seriously thinking.

If I stayed here longer, it seemed that either the minister’s head would break

or mine would break with champagne.

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  1. The minister is just joshin

  2. TheDiir says:

    typical Japanese writing skills. no wonder it’s boring

    1. Reii i Reii i says:

      I don’t feel it is boring, you should say that after fully read it

    2. time traveller says:

      The premise is quite good, MC is someone who is mentally exhausted from working a lot. because the stress was bad enough that a few screws in his brain were loose, he didn’t feel like he stood out, and just wanted to retire. but in the eyes of others he can be seen as incompetent, cold, and heartless. perhaps he was feared by many subordinates and superiors. because he was too competent, his resignation letter was never accepted. This is almost the same as the story I once read, I forgot the title but it has the same plot

      1. might be the civil servant in a romance fantasy. this novel is the downgrade version of that novel.

    3. Reio M Reio M says:

      Yeah he keeps repeating the same monologue

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