I Will Live as a Villain the Magical Girl Is Obsessed With chapter 1

I Will Live as a Villain the Magical Girl Is Obsessed With 1

1 – 1. Meeting a Miserable Magical Girl -1

Ever regretted something in life?

It doesn’t matter if it’s not a big deal.

For instance.

When you confessed to a friend you liked and got rejected, skipped class and got scolded, invested in stocks and lost everything.

There must be countless.

Yes, human life is filled with regrets.

Of course, me too As a human being, there are countless regrets. From trivial to significant ones, there are plenty.

I have one regret recently. It’s so significant, it has completely changed my life.

“Noah, calm down, okay?”



“Please, let me have a baby without any problems.”

I slowly closed my eyes as I saw the magical girl twinkling her eyes and approaching me. I wonder why things have turned out this way.

Yes, this may all have started from then.

If I were to talk about my regrets…I shouldn’t have played that game. It was the start of everything, being possessed by the game.

“Hee hee…brother…”

Feeling the round sensation wrapping around me, I began to reminisce about the past.


I like happy endings.

The story that I had spent time playing ends horribly. I was never fond of those.

An ending where, although cliché, the protagonist can finish off with a smile. That was the kind of ending that I liked.

So, one could say it was out of a kind of stubbornness that I continued that game.

‘Magical Girl Wants Salvation.’

As you can tell by the name, this is a game centered around a magical girl.

However, there’s a problem…

‘I can assure one thing. This game is filled with the developers’ s*xual preferences.’

‘The game begins with the lewd setting where a magical girl loses her power if she loses her virginity.’

‘The protagonist is violated in all sorts of ways.’

‘Tentacles, dirty parties, drugs, etc.’

‘And in order to see a happy ending, you have to see all the bad endings. Truly, this game couldn’t be more terrible.’

A game with a very high difficulty level, maybe it’s hentai from the abuse genre.

[BAD ENDING – New Mother]

[Condition Achieved: S-class Villain, Status abnormality due to Kraken, Falls into a trap while being pregnant by tentacles.]

“Ha…this sucks…”

I sighed as I looked at the words that appeared in the center of the monitor. It had happened so many times, I couldn’t even remember how many times it had happened.

Magical girl, Iris had…I saw scenes of debasement.

-Ugh…I hate these tentacles…!!

Iris was being brutally harassed in the game. By some crawling tentacles surrounding her.

‘Sinister bastards.’

Just how many endings do these tentacles carry? Just simple degradation because of tentacles… the dreadful things happening to her because of the tentacle villain…

What’s even scarier is the number of bad endings left with this #tentacle tag. Moreover, there’s still plenty of game left.

As per the word of the community and wiki, there was only one happy ending.

It has been officially acknowledged by the producers that you can only see the true ending after collecting all the bad endings.

“…Should I just stop?”

Here my choices were narrowed down to two:

1. Swear that it’s a dumb game and delete it.

2. Somehow struggle through till the happy ending.

It was a dilemma. I was already a university student. I had to get a part-time job during the holidays, but would I really have enough time to dedicate only to this game?

As I considered this, I continued playing and eventually collected another bad ending.

The horrifying fate Iris suffered from still remained the same. After being drugged, she was abandoned in a garbage dump.

Her disoriented expression, which was far from laughter or tears. Around her, beggars gathered. The aftermath… doesn’t need to be elaborated.

I decided to make a close-up of that scene.

‘Happy ending.’

I resolved to experience the true ending and the final story, the happy ending, with my own hands.

‘Looking at the wiki won’t help much.’

The game was not popular due to its malicious way of handling things. Even if I scoured the English wiki, spoilers for the endings were mostly unavailable.

[BAD ENDING – Garbage Dump]

[After an overdose of potions results in drug addiction, she attends an upper-class banquet.]

I moved the mouse toward the next round.

‘…I need to accurately note down what I did, what I didn’t do, and which choices I made.’

I clenched my teeth. Depending on the results of my choices, the story could completely change. I needed to record all of that.I went ahead.

If there’s no walkthrough, it’s enough if I write one.

Of course, several times in between, I felt like giving up.

Every time, I held back by looking at the bad endings I had experienced before.

The longer the time I put in, the harder the bad ending was. With a happy ending, you can feel the sweetness of victory.


Just like that, one more column popped up in the center of the screen.

[Round End]

Iris, who lost to the demon king, kneels.

Another girl looking at her is seen. Iris, who smiles faintly. She chips away a piece of the jewel containing her power and hands it over.

[Run. I’ll buy you some time.]

Zing! Zing!

A magic circle drawn in starlight in the sky.

Iris smiles.

Although she seems bitter as if sensing her own end, her eyes are determined.

[I am the one who receives the goddess Artemis’s favor! Magical girl Iris! I will stand against the evil threatening the world, following the command of the goddess!]

She proceeds.

Even if her eyes are bloodshot and her legs shake, the magical girl continues. Even when her arm is severed by the demon king’s sword, or when her rib bone snaps.

The magical girl moves forward.

For dreams and hope.

[BAD ENDING – Spreading Hope]

[Achievement conditions: Loses a blood fight with the demon king, but passes on part of her power to another girl.]


Until here, nothing was different. The screen we had seen hundreds of times.

But then, new letters started to appear.

[Congratulations! You’ve unlocked all the bad ending lists!]

[Collection rate 49/49]

[Would you like to enter the happy ending route?]

I left the monitor alone for a moment and stretched.

“What have we done by choosing this game…”


“Now, because it’s really a happy ending.”

I was energized. Now it’s really possible to have a happy ending. Although I’m sure they made the happy ending tough, I wasn’t too worried.

Anyway, it’s a happy ending, isn’t it? That alone made me feel much better.

I fixed my posture and placed my hand back on the mouse. I’m ready to resume.Hoping that this would be my last journey in the game.

“Let’s do it.”

I have already collected all the bad endings. There’s no reason why I shouldn’t see the happy ending.


I enabled the happy ending and pressed the button to proceed to the next round.

A sense of expectancy filled me.

I wonder how the happy ending would unfold. With anticipation, I slowly closed my eyes. I genuinely wished for the protagonist to have a happy ending.

…Unaware that this would be my last journey in life.

From noble mtl dot com


‘Is this even possible.’

I moved along with the unbelievable reality.

A week had passed, but I was still dazed.

Reincarnation. As if reality is some fantasy.

But facing the facts and seeing the headlines on the internet news, I had no choice but to accept it.

[Mystery Magical Girl Returns.]

[Frequent Monster Outbreaks. If The Government Continues…]

This is reality.

The reality is that I’ve reincarnated into this game.


When asked what I was doing after reincarnation.

“I don’t want to go to work…”

I was on my way to a convenience store where I worked.

Some would say, you reincarnated just to work in a convenience store?

But I have no choice. What else can I do at this point?

I’m still a year away from the main event and as a simple citizen there isn’t much I can do yet.

As long as monsters don’t appear all of a sudden.

And even in a situation like this, people still go to work and earn money.

What can I do. If you don’t want to starve, you have to earn.

There was some vague expectation.

Now that the happy ending route is open, wouldn’t it sort itself out? That kind of expectation.

‘I should at least meet up.’

Unable to do anything about the reality, I look around my surroundings.

The weather is beautiful. A beautiful and charming spring day, even more so than the real Korea.

Although I was worried, there wasn’t much I could do for now. Rather than worrying for nothing, I might as well enjoy”It would be better to avoid it.”

The distinctive scent of spring grazes their noses, and then it is gone. The soft spring breeze blew gently, the mood is enjoyable.

But somehow, it’s a bit cold. Might it be the chill you feel just before flowers bloom? The wind began to blow a bit rougher.

The wind that was gradually becoming fiercer, has unexpectedly turned into a sharp, cutting gale.

“…Wait a minute.”

What the hell is that?

A monster with a head like a windmill. And then,

“I am the beloved of the Goddess Artemis! Magic girl Iris! I will stand against the evil threatening the world in the name of the goddess!”

The magical girl Iris, with her pink hair.

‘Meet me here?’

I had a hunch. The place where I live was oddly in the same neighbourhood as where Iris lived.

Looks like she came to deal with the monster that’s appeared in her neighborhood.

Whispering voices grew louder around them.

“It’s the Magical Girl!”

“Isn’t she the one who’s been on the news lately?!”

“Yes, she’s come to save us!”

Iris boldly steps forward.


“Don’t worry! I’ll protect you-“




The magical girl Iris, having made a grand appearance, is smashed into a wall.

‘I knew that becoming a magical girl would make you a fool…’

It was much more dizzying to see it in reality.

Because the magic girl was much more pathetic than what I thought.

‘… I guess, it should be fine.’

I’ve already felt dizzy.

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  1. Arcus 101 Arcus 101 says:

    One question, if magical girls can only transform if she’s still have their virginity, how can she even fool the higher up that she is pregnant, when she in fact, still have her magical power? It’s no longer a question of telling a pregnant women to fight would invite backlash like the MC said before, she literally wouldn’t have been able to fight anymore if she’s actually pregnant.

  2. The guy: Hates bad endings

    Also him: Plays a game where u can reach the happy end only if u go through 48 bad endings.

    One of the most stupidest things I heard so far. Wow

    1. NormieReader says:

      I dislike violence but I still read Berserk, does that make me stupid? Other things maybe but not wanting read a series full of violence.

      If you dont give attention to works which contains a thing uou dont like, your life would be colorless.

      Back to what i was saying, I read Berserk not for it’s violence but the eventual peace that Guts may gain after his perilous journey. What’s a prize without hardship?

      1. Well maybe stupid was a bit of an overstatement. But I still find it weird. You may endure something you dislike for the greater prize but what if the thing you dislike is the whole point of the thing?

        For example I dont really like horror so I avoid horror movies. I also dislike drama but I can read drama if I like the characters. I just think those are exceptions. I think it’s totally understandable but 48 bad endings for a single good ending is just beyond the limits of my patience

        Side note: I mean you say you dislike violance but do you really dislike fight scenes and etc? Like when a fight scene appears you just show a meh face and read boringly? I can get if u dislike violance irl and read action manga normally but otherwise I still think that’s uncommon

        Btw you are not someone who would reincarnate me to a novel because I said this right? Lmao. I think the situation looks similar

        1. Arcus 101 Arcus 101 says:

          True, that’s also why I never played a game that require me to see all ending before reaching the true end, or if there is a somewhat happy end in one of the ending, I’ll get that ending and go on my merry way to another game, I’m not the type to go for 100% completion.

      2. Reii i Reii i says:

        Unfortunately, we will never see end of gut’s life story

      3. Venerable Scholar says:

        yes, it makes you stupid

    2. Viridis says:

      Its more of once you started something its hard for you to give up on
      Mc did contemplate whenever he should give up or not but continued anyway since he already reached a certain number of bad ends that it would be a waste to give it up at that point.

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