I Will Live as a Villain the Magical Girl Is Obsessed With chapter 17

I Will Live as a Villain the Magical Girl Is Obsessed With 17

17 – 7. Isn’t it a rule that the entrance ceremony is a mess? -2

“…We’ve arrived. This is where the entrance ceremony takes place.”

In the auditorium, a notably large crowd gathered. Lee Taehwa directed her gaze towards them and made that statement.

I responded.

“I see. You’ve worked hard.”

“…So, you’re going to release me now, right?”

“I should, shouldn’t I. But before that…”

“Before that?”

“Will you promise not to blabber about me?”

She made a brief sound of consideration. I have no ill-intentions, but objectively, the current situation can be described as a weird ability user infiltrating the school.

Whether it’s a villain or an unlisted person, it’s uncertain, but either way, this situation is quite threatening.

After a brief contemplation, Lee Taehwa spoke.

“…First, please explain… no, tell me what kind of relationship you have with Noah?”

The topic was about Noah again.

The relationship between Noah and Lee Taehwa was odd.

They were friends at the same children’s center when they were little, and Noah even helped Lee Taehwa when she was bullied, going as far as taking damage for her. They were that good of friends.

But weirdly enough, their relationship fell through afterwards. I don’t know what happened.

However, there’s one thing I know for sure.

“I am… hm… Noah’s friend? No, maybe a little more than friends?”


“Just think of it as a guardian. Yeah, that fits perfectly.”

“…Well, even if you say that, you know this is illegal, right?”

“Yeah, I know. So, I’m asking you for a favor.””I’m suggesting. I don’t have a conscience to request anything for free.”

“…I’m all ears.”

“Do you want to reconcile with Noah? I think I can help.”

In the game, Itaehwa wanted to reconcile with Noah. The method to build closeness with Itaehwa is through reconciliation, conversation, and spending normal times together.

By continuing to interact with her in this manner, Noah eventually reconciles completely with Itaehwa, becoming a partner.

The only regret is that it usually happens in the latter half.

It’s understandable since the game gets easier if another sturdy partner and magical girl joins early.

But this is reality, there’s no such restriction here.

“…With Noah?”


Itaehwa had just bitten the bait.

Observing his reaction, I gently untied the tentacles. As the thin thread-like tentacles detached, Itaehwa who regained his freedom looked back at me.

“Do you really mean that?”

“Of course, you can trust me.”

“…It’s hard to trust a pervert who came to school wearing a school uniform.”

“I’m sure. Honestly, I’m scared too, right now.”


“I’m afraid Noah might find out. If she does… ha, I wouldn’t just be considered a pervert, right?”

I doubt I’ll be reported now, but it’s still scary. Do you like school uniforms? Should I wear a school uniform every time we meet? I’m afraid of saying such things.

“Why do you do that, knowing that?”

“I have no choice. It’s for Noah.”

“…So what does that mean exactly?”

“Don’t dig too deep. Just…I have some information, and I plan to help Noah with it. That’s all you need to know.”

Faced with my obstinate attitude, Itaehwa sighed in resignation. Instead, he asked about what had just happened.

“Was that…a thread?”

Fortunately, Itaehwa didn’t realize it was a tentacle. Inspired by his words, I nodded.

“Yes, the ability to produce thread from my hand is my power.”

“And you can control people with it?”

“It’s my first try, but I somehow succeeded. What other use would there be for this ability?”

“…Did you report it?”

“I will soon. It hasn’t been long since I got it.”

Itaehwa still looked doubtful.

This won’t work. Even though I hoped not to resort to these means.

I took out my phone and dialed Noah’s number.

Ring, ring…Bleep.


“Noah? What was that noise?”

[Just kidding, it’s Noah, I picked up the phone.]

“Two jokes in a row will scare me, Yonseok.”

[hehehe, what brings you?]

Noah’s voice echoed loudly from the speaker.

Itaehwa’s eyes widened.

“Oh, no, I just thought I’d check in.”



[What you just said, that’s something a new boyfriend would say.]


From noble mtl dot com


Leaving the stunned Itaehwa alone, my conversation with Noah continued.

Approximately 5 minutes passed by.

[Then, I’ll hang up.]

“Yes, see you at dinner.”

[Yes! I’ll buy something delicious!]

“Great. See you.”

[Yes, see you later.]

Itaehwa was still making a blank face. Soon after, he murmured softly.

“…Was it really Noah’s voice?”

“Yes. You can tell by the voice, right? Surely you haven’t forgotten your friend’s voice?”

“Of course not! Just… I didn’t know…she could sound so cheerful…”

After wavering for quite some time, Itaehwa exhaled and nodded at me.

“I’ll trust you.”

“Thank you.”

“But you must let me meet Noah later. It’s been over a year since we last talked.”

“Sure, I promised you after all.”

Itaehwa still had a dubious expression.

But he had no choice but to let me go.


I haven’t even properly started anything big yet, but I felt like I was just piling up problems.

I have to face them eventually, I guess.


“Attention. Bow to the principal.”


‘… Why am I’I never expected to do this again.’

A hollow laugh slipped out. In high school, I only counted the days until graduation, I never thought I’d willingly come back to such a place.

Moreover, I never expected I’d have to endure the hellish time known as the principal’s sermon again.

The half-peeled sermon of the principal continued. Everyone looked utterly bored.

‘Nothing changes.’

It seems to be an immutable law that the principal’s speech is dull. Thanks to the fact that I was sitting in the second-floor seats, I could see below, and therefore I decided to observe Noah.

Noah sits and listens to the principal’s speech. Just when I thought she was listening well for a few minutes.

‘Is she falling asleep right in front of the principal?’

Soon Noah started to doze.

She’s bold. It’s not easy to do that.

She rocked her head forward.

Bang! She smacked her forehead hard on the chair in front.

Finally, Noah jerked her head up. She awkwardly apologizes to the student in front.

What should I say?

‘…Right, she’s fun because she’s a kid.’

Noah tried to look as mature as possible because she had a lot of responsibilities. Lately, she’s relaxed a bit, but in the past, it was so hard to even speak.

I just hope Noah’s day goes by peacefully.

But contrary to my hopes, the incident soon began.

The scream of “Kyaaak!!!” and a large thud was heard.

Below, a female teacher screams.

The bloody body of a male teacher rolls on the floor.

A moment of silence, then screams break out in an instant.

What silenced them all was a monstrous roar.


A huge figure strides in with heavy footsteps. It’s a face I know. It’s someone I can’t forget no matter how much I try.

From the beginning, it would be nearly impossible to forget someone with such a strong presence.

“There are a lot of young guys here.”

Two meters tall, a giant height easily surpassed. Blue skin. A face resembling a pig and a gigantic ax held barbarically.

The first boss Noah faces, and an enemy that the story could only continue if she ran away.

‘Orc Lord’ Barg.

He looked around at the frozen students, revealing his teeth in a grin.

“Good. It’s the will of the Demon King. Increase the taxes and raise soldiers. Turn men into meat and ransack the women.”

Following Barg’s words, three orcs enter the auditorium from behind him.

With expectations brimming, they beamed a disgusting, giddy smile.


The memory of the bad ending I once saw flashed before my eyes.



As Iris’s body rolled on the floor, everyone knew.

It was Iris’s defeat.

Those who couldn’t escape could only watch helplessly.

[The magical girl lost…]

[Then now we…!]

Despair washes over them.

People kneel down, tears are shed, urine is spilled.

Carrying the heavy despair on her back, Iris rose again.

However, that was it.


Her legs shake and saliva drips from her mouth.

I feel like I’m going to die. I want to pass out immediately.

But I can’t betray their expectations.

[I’m going to go again…]

She stood up again.

And the world calls it this.

‘A futile attempt.’

[Tears are shed.]


Iris, who takes a strong hit to her stomach, kneels down again. The sensation of strength draining from her body.


[…Do you want to protect them?]

[What…did you say?]

[I’ll give you a chance.]

Swish, Barg’s pants drop.

[If you help me a little, I’ll spare the rest.]


[Yeah. So come on.]

[…Tch. No choice.]


To protect everyone, Iris reluctantly engages in the act with Barg….Of course, it’s no surprise he breaks his promise and takes Iris back to his lair.

That’s the bad ending associated with Barg.

In the early stages, as Iris, there was no way to win, so I had to avoid the battle.


In the depths of my heart.I sensed the writhing of dark tentacles.

I was overcome with disgust at the thought of the revolting face that had once enjoyed playing with Iris.

‘…Hold on.’

But my current role is strictly observance. I only intervene if it genuinely seems that Noah will lose.

The important thing is for Noah to overcome and grow stronger herself. I might be able to help her now, but there may come a time when I can’t.

‘…Why did I suffer for a whole year?’

Let’s have faith in Noah here.

As much as I’ve become an S-class villain over the past year, Noah has also grown significantly stronger.

Out of sheer determination to defeat me.

With Noah as she is now, it might be possible. To take victory even against that Barg.

Noah, rushing somewhere in haste. She likely intended to transform.

And in the meantime…

“Everyone evacuate! I’ll hold them off here!”

A magical girl with blue hair grown to her waist and clad in a black maid uniform appeared first.

‘She’s devoted, isn’t she?’

It was ‘Stella’, Itaehwa’s magical girl form.

As Stella began chanting a spell, star-light sparked around the magic circle, then was fired off.

It was a technique that shot meteors like arrows.

If Iris is a close-range tank, Stella is a long-distance dealer. Her compatibility with Iris was good for this reason.

The fired star-light embedded itself in the bodies of the orcs. The orcs flinched at this, seemingly willing to back down, but.

“Stupid creatures.”

Barg took all the star-light harmlessly on his body, cursing at the orcs.

Stella was horrified.

“He took it with his body!?”

“How weak.”


In the sound of the wind being split, Barg’s figure vanished. Stella seemed to have missed his movement due to inexperience.

But it was clear to my eyes.

‘From above.’

The figure of Barg coming down from above.


A huge axe came swinging down as if to cleave Stella in two, and she barely managed to dodge.

If the fight went on like this, it was sure to be Stella’s defeat.

No matter how much she increased the distance and poured on the attacks.

“Weak and slow.”


“What a disappointment. Maybe you’re actually better at taking damage?”

“Shut up!”

If the attacks aren’t registered and she’s quickly caught, she can’t win the fight.

Stella isn’t weak.

Given that she too is born with the qualities of a hero, honed, she could reduce Barg to a rag in an instant.

But right now, Barg is simply stronger than Stella.

With a light step, Barg reached out and grabbed Stella’s neck.


“Got you.”


“Brothers, throw this girl away! Make her realize what her nature really is!”

Stella was in danger.

For a moment, I considered transforming. After all, Stella is Iris’s best partner.

Considering the future, staying alive would be several times more helpful.

As I thought and prepared to transform, ready to address Kkomuri, it happened.

“Take your dirty hands off! Stinky old man!”

Iris appeared from a distance.

She was in a low stance, a magic circle wrapped around her fist.

“Is there one more magical girl?”

“It surprised me too. I didn’t expect to meet a comrade here.”

“So what’s your point?”

Barg, holding Stella’s neck, added force to his grip.

With a look that he would slaughter Stella any second.

“Before you even came here, this girl was going to die.”


“You seem like a striker…how about it? can you make it?”

The orc’s blocked Iris’s way forward.

It was clear that Iris wouldn’t be able to make it in time.

Her comrade was on the verge of dying. In this critical situation.

“I don’t need to go there.”

Instead, Iris seemed to smile in calmness.

“I’ve been through all sorts of things, fighting the villain named Kraken. Not only simple attacks like punch … also threw Molotov from a distance. Then I realized, wouldn’t it be better to have a long-range attack?”

“Long-range”‘A Lee attack?'”

“Casting spells and throwing punches isn’t all I can do.”

“What does that-“

“Watch for yourself. It is quite exhausting…but the effects are certain.”

“…! Quick, block the front-“

“Defeat and disperse.”

There was no time to react.

The power was too overwhelming to contain.

Iris, who threw a punch into thin air, and the pure ray of energy that was discharged from it.

Like an epic line of calligraphy by a skilled craftsman, the straight beam shattered a child’s skull.

“…Damn it!”

It caused Bagg to let go of Stella.

Bagg, who had been blown away by a shockwave, made a huge hole as he collided with the wall.

The power was truly excellent.

I was proud.

She had grown so strong.

“…Finish it, Noah.”

Now, it’s time to show the fruits of the past year.

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  1. AmicableKraken says:

    Ahh yes,good old flying punch

  2. Wikka says:

    Air Fist!!

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