I’m the Only One With a Different Genre chapter 35

I'm the Only One With a Different Genre 35

35 – Shoddy Dark Blade

With a sucking sound, the sword, absorbing the blood, momentarily paused.

“What, what did you say?”

“Ah! Don’t stop, quickly suck the blood! The clothes are soaked in blood!”

As the sword stopped absorbing blood, it began to seep from the wound. The torn clothes might be salvageable with some sewing, but bloodstained garments were quite a hassle to clean.

Shocked by my outcry, the sword trembled slightly and hastily resumed sucking the blood. The flow of blood ceased instantly.

“What, what’s going on?”

“Could this be some dark magic we’re unaware of?”

“Indeed, they must be great…”

“Cover your ears! You might die if you listen!”

The slaves hurriedly covered their ears and huddled in the corners, trembling. Despite their fearful gestures, a glimmer of hope flickered in their eyes.

The notion that they possessed an inexplicable power meant a higher chance of survival in this upcoming match.

“Why… why aren’t you dying? You should be vanishing by now, even after becoming a mirage! What’s your true identity!”

The sword spoke in a bewildered tone.

“How are you going to repay this?”

“What, what do you mean?”

“You pierce someone’s clothes without permission, suck their blood, and then fly off?”

[ That… that. ]

I lived as a housewife in the comedy world.

Doing household chores was inevitable to live with a mother who, like a full-time scientist in the kitchen and laundry room, would explode everything.

In the comedy world, a housewife is a profession so formidable that the term ‘warrior’ suits it.

She could swing three children on each arm and easily carry around ten bags of rice if they were on sale.

Especially during limited-time sales or seasonal discount stores, she would show formidable strength.

Is that all? In markets where prices are not fixed, she engages in enormous psychological warfare and even negotiates.

My intuition as a housewife was telling me. This guy is a pushover.

“In this era where they give gift certificates for blood donation, you wouldn’t run away just because it’s black, right? Ah, come on.”

[ Blo…blood? Gift…what? The, the times have really changed like that? ]


Magam Gargantua, a powerful magic sword that had killed countless lives to the point where blood formed a river hundreds of years ago.

Gargantua was a magic sword that grew stronger the more blood it absorbed, earning it the title of the strongest and the worst magic sword.

The cruel aspect of Gargantua was that even those who cherished life, once they held the sword, inevitably became slaughterers. It would collapse the user’s mind and turn them into a being solely dedicated to massacring.

Since Gargantua sought blood without distinguishing between allies and enemies, it was considered a dangerous weapon even in the demonic realm.

On the day when blood flowed like a river, and countless lives perished, the Dragon Lord sealed the magic sword Gargantua in an unbreakable prison.

All of this terrifying magic sword being stuck among trash-like swords was all thanks to the Demon King.

When the Demon King invaded the intermediate realm, the dimensions shook, and the magic sword stuck in the unbreakable prison was drawn like a magnet to the Demon King’s land and summoned there.

From Noble mtl dot com

Unable to absorb blood for a long time, the magic sword became extremely worn out. That’s why it ended up stuck among the trashy swords.

[ ‘Why…! Why won’t you die!’ ]

The magic sword couldn’t hide its bewildered feelings as it sucked up Lian’s blood.

The sight of Lian, who looked perfectly fine after absorbing the blood of ten adults, irritated the magic sword, even though it had absorbed plenty of blood.

“No matter how ignorant you are, this is unacceptable. Blood doesn’t come out like selling land.”

What made the magic sword even more bewildered was the demand for a price in a stern voice. Lian’s attitude, which had always been a subject of fear or reverence for the magic sword, was chaos itself.

Lian’s resolute attitude towards the magic sword, which had collapsed opponents through mental breakdown before they could even try anything, brought a fear that the magic sword had never felt before.

[ Th-then lend me your power! With my power, you can become the strongest on the surface. I’ll give you the power to get anything you want! ]

As the words continued, the magic sword regained confidence. Yes. He is the strongest and worst magic sword that everyone would envy, no matter what!

“Is that it?”

However, what came back was an expression that said, “Is that all?” The magic sword felt like it was sweating cold sweat even though it had no visible signs.

“Good grief, if lending a bit of strength can solve everything, there wouldn’t be anyone suffering in this world.”

Lian, as if oblivious to the world, licked his lips before lifting his head slightly to speak.

“That’s enough. It’s alright. It might be more worthwhile to melt and sell it as scrap metal.”

“What?! How do you even know what kind of blade I am? I am the mighty—”

“The hilt itself seems decent enough, though. It might fetch a good price, right?”

The enchanted sword felt a cold sweat forming. No matter how powerful he might have been ages ago as the mightiest of blades, that was centuries past.

Currently, weakened severely due to long periods of being sealed away, he knew that melting him in the furnace would lead to his dissolution.

“But that’s too hasty a decision! At least, try using me once before deciding!”

The sword, with zero social experience and having spent centuries only muttering to itself, pleaded desperately.

“That one must be a shabby sword among those worn-out ones. What confirmation is needed?”

“Shabby?! I am no shabby sword! I’m the magnificent enchanted blade that barely sealed even a Dragon! “

“Oh? Even a Dragon?”

“Yes! And not just any ordinary Dragon! I am the enchanted blade that barely sealed a Dragon Lord!”

Having been relentlessly whipped and finally getting a small foothold, he became excited.

“But without evidence…”

“Ugh! Just use me right away! Then you’ll know my greatness too!”

“Checking is fine, but… What could one learn by swinging you once?”

“If that’s the case, keep wielding me until you’re satisfied! Surely, you’ll come to admire my greatness!”

Lian thought to himself, “I’ve gotten myself into this.”

What had compelled Lian to coax those words out of the sword’s mouth, allowing it to say, “Feel free to use me as much as you want,” was due to the enchanted blade’s contract.

Even a long-sealed enchanted sword like this one possessed immense power, enough to control Lian’s body to the extent of stabbing someone. Hence, using it as he wished wasn’t straightforward.

To use the enchanted blade as he desired, he either needed immense strength to control its power or negotiate an agreement as he did now.

Typically, when making pacts with enchanted blades, akin to demon contracts, they demand a price or limit the usage count.

The enchanted sword, Gargan Dowa, had intended to help Lian just once, but faced with Lian’s whip and carrot, it ended up saying the terrifying words, “You can use me until you’re satisfied.”

In simple terms, it was no different from someone with zero social experience signing a contract with a shady corporation.

“Well then…”

“Hahaha! Yes! Hurry and wield me! Witness my greatness and be amazed!”

Unaware that his future was mortgaged, the enchanted sword, full of excitement, laughed boisterously.

Clang, shhhhh!

“Come out! It’s your turn!”

As if signaling that the preparations were complete, the previously closed window bars lifted. Lian grabbed the handle of the cursed sword embedded in his abdomen and spoke.

“Can’t this at least stop the bleeding?”

[That’s simple enough.]

Thanks to absorbing the blood of a hundred humans, the cursed sword could perform simple magic. Despite pulling out the sword as the cursed sword instructed, not a single drop of blood flowed.

A transparent barrier-like substance emerged over the pierced ship, preventing the flow of the blood-like liquid.

[This only prevents blood from flowing, it has no other effects. Your wounds won’t heal.]

Concerned that Lian might die before even trying to wield the sword, the cursed sword subtly explained.

“Huh? Oh, it’s okay. As long as the blood doesn’t stain my clothes.”

Even the cursed sword, which had claimed countless lives, was taken aback by Lian’s nonchalant tone.

“Hey, do you hope to drag me out forcibly?”

As time passed between the whispered conversation with the cursed sword, a rugged-looking man approached, furrowing his brow as if he intended to throw Lian back into the arena like before.

“Oh, choosing a weapon took a while…”

With a wry smile, Lian headed towards the entrance, and the man, tongue in cheek, stepped back. The slaves, who had been covering their ears, trembled and followed behind Lian.


Amidst a resounding cheer, Lian thought,

“But don’t these people get tired? Why do they scream like this every day? It can’t be a part-time job, right?”

With a distinctly comedic thought, Lian stretched out the cursed sword and walked to the center of the arena.

“The monster that five brave gladiators will face is!”

Clang, shhhhh!

The iron bars on the opposite side rose, and the monster they were to face walked out with heavy footsteps.

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  1. Puta madre says:

    “why won’t you die???”
    “Comedic filter son”

  2. Shu Chou Shu Chou says:

    i doubt him when he said he can convince even monster but seeing it now. I fully believe him ahaha

  3. gaslighting a frickin sentient sword

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