I’m the Only One With a Different Genre chapter 96

I'm the Only One With a Different Genre 96

96 – 「 – 」

10 minutes before the commotion.

When Lian rolled up her sleeves and the prepared meal started to be set up in the dining hall, the hyenas, who were holding onto their hungry stomachs, gathered in the dining hall without being called.

As everyone needed to gather before starting the meal, those who were working elsewhere received urgent communications and came down to the dining hall. When Lian placed the last dish on the table, most of the executives who were in the main office took their seats in the dining hall.

“When will the boss arrive?”

“Ah, I’m starving.”

Even if other executives left their seats, the banquet could only begin when the boss started eating, so the executives swallowed their dry saliva and started asking each other about the boss’s whereabouts.

The conversation, which started with light curiosity, suddenly grew louder. It was because no one had witnessed Noah throughout the day.

The commotion grew louder and spread outside the dining hall. As time passed, the faces of the executives became paler.

The sudden absence of the boss was different in meaning when the headquarters had recently been attacked.

Lian, who had been waiting for Noah at one side of the dining hall, also anxiously looked towards the entrance. Not long after, some of the executives who were sitting in the dining hall got up and started searching for Noah in earnest.

When the dining hall was half empty, a white book flew in from outside the door.

“Oops..! Julianna!”

Because it was such an urgent situation, Lian called out for Julianna without caring about the surrounding gazes. As a result, the restless gazes of the executives turned towards Lian.

Since the executives had already heard about Julianna through Noah, they didn’t find Lian strange.


The book unfolded in front of Lian, and within it, Julianna appeared. Perhaps because the book was not made transparent, others could see the unfolding book as well. However, Julianna’s figure seemed as if it couldn’t be seen.

[ I came to find Noah, but it seems like he’s not here. ]

Julianna scanned the chaotic restaurant and crossed her arms. Lian spoke urgently.

“Julianna, do you know where Noah is?”

[ Yeah, I know. ]

Julianna casually waved her hand, creating a small white sphere in the air. A huge sphere, only showing Lian’s upper body, moved towards Lian.


Looking inside, Lian saw Noah holding a sword in a dense forest and monsters rushing towards him. As Lian’s eyes widened, suddenly the white sphere dispersed like smoke and disappeared.

[ As you can see, Noah is in good condition. You can think of it as him temporarily moving to another space for training. ]

“Oh, so he’s safe?”

[ You can say that. ]

“When will he come back?”

[ If all goes well, maybe tomorrow… at the latest, within a week. ]

As Lian and Julianna continued their conversation, the officers fell silent, having noticed that Lian had discovered the boss’s current location.

“Ah… Thank goodness.”

Relieved, Lian’s expression relaxed, and the officers rushed over to him, having nothing else to do.

“Brother! Where is Noah right now?”

“He’s safe, right?”

“Where did he go that you’re asking when he’ll be back? Did he go far?”

Overwhelmed by a barrage of questions, Lian stepped back hesitantly and raised his hands to show that he didn’t know.

“If I say everything at once, you won’t understand what I’m saying. First, let me tell you the information I found out.”

After calming down the excited crowd, Lian explained that Noah had moved to a training space for his training and would be back within a week.

“Ah, is that so?”

“You should have told me in advance…”

“The boss always has those moments.”

Because of Noah’s past, where he had acted like a madman, they easily believed and overlooked the fact that he had left without a word due to his training. It wasn’t the first time Noah had left his post for training.

As the atmosphere calmed down, the long-awaited meal began. Those who had rushed out to find Noah returned to the dining hall late and hastily started their meal.

Lian looked at the officers with the satisfaction of a grandmother seeing her grandchildren and continued her meal.


Two days had passed since Juliana heard that Noah had left for training. During that time, I finished treating the officers and began treating the people in the main building.

Although the major attack took place in the main building, there were also several small-scale attacks in the external building. The power of the external building was much weaker compared to the main building, so while there were no deaths, there were quite a few injured.

Lian wore thick clothes on her abdomen to heal multiple people and chose dark-toned clothes. She even showed meticulousness in making sure to bring spare clothes.

Since the blood-soaked clothes could be sent to the laundry room along with the clothes of other patients, no one noticed that Lian had to use her own body to bring the wounds for treatment.

After spending the whole day treating the injured in the external building in the office, Lian staggered due to an unknown fatigue.

“Ugh… my head is pounding.”

It felt different from concluding that she had used too much power. Lian’s gaze turned to a patient who was groaning in pain.

“That black mass…”

At the end of her gaze was an unknown mark that was staining the area near the patient’s wound black. Not all patients had it, but about one in ten had traces that looked like a liquid around the wound.

It was similar to a curse or a similar type of power, so she didn’t pay much attention as it disappeared cleanly every time she used healing magic.

The black stain started to bother her when she consecutively treated three people with the same black stain. Her head felt dizzy and her vision shook slightly. It was like motion sickness.

At first, I thought it was just because I was tired, but as time went on, I started feeling nauseous more frequently.

In this situation, the most suspicious thing was, of course, the oddly-shaped black spot.

“What could possibly be wrong when I bring that wound onto my body?”

That was the only thought that immediately came to mind. It was unsettling, but I couldn’t just leave the patient with the black spot.

“My head hurts, but it’s temporary, so… “

If I continued to endure the pain, I would be back to normal after seeing the next patient. It was annoying, but I wasn’t irritated enough to abandon someone who was in pain.

And so, another day passed, and almost all the patients in the main ward had been treated.

” – “

Some incomprehensible words began to echo in Lian’s ears. It was a sound that was muffled, as if hearing someone’s voice underwater, and if he strained his ears, he could almost make out what was being said.

“What is that sound?”

Lian found himself often spacing out while focusing on that sound.

“If you’re tired, take a break, Magician.”

“Yeah, you pushed yourself too hard.”

Those who received treatment from Lian thought of him as a magician, not a healer. The way wounds would heal just by his touch was very similar to the healing magic commonly used by magicians.

Lian lightly smiled at the worried gazes around him and reassured them that it was nothing.

“Is it because I didn’t get enough sleep? And since the number of patients has decreased, I can sleep in tomorrow. “

Lian told Lily that he was planning to sleep in and come to work late tomorrow.

“Then don’t come out tomorrow and rest well. Thanks to you, there are no urgent patients left.”


“Hmm? Do you want me to put on the shackles?”

“Ah, no…”

Unable to resist the sight of Lily smiling and speaking harsh words, Lian could only sigh.

Being driven out of the room earlier than usual, Lian felt fatigue rushing over him like waves.

“…I am definitely tired. Let’s quickly wash up and get some rest.”

Lian mechanically washed up with vacant eyes and crawled into bed.

As his mind became hazy, incomprehensible words resonated loudly in his ears. It sounded as if drums were being beaten, and he could also hear a woman screaming.

Lian blinked slowly and soon fell into a deep sleep.


Thump, thump, thud.

Somewhere, the sound of drums could be heard.

Thump, thump, thud.

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No, it was different. This was a completely different sound. The sound of a living being stirring, a sound like a heartbeat, echoed in his ears like thunder.

Lian slowly opened his eyes. He was naked. It felt as if his soul had been completely stripped away.

“Where am I…?”

In a dazed state, Lian looked around as if he had just woken up from a long sleep. The surroundings seemed to be a cosmic space. No, it looked that way.

Lian looked down at his body. It was his familiar body. A naked human body without a single feather. Lian strangely did not feel any embarrassment or strangeness. He simply thought, “So this is my body.”

Lian, no longer interested in his own body, shifted his gaze to a place that looked like cosmic space.

The reason why it didn’t quite seem like cosmic space was that the stars, which should have filled the universe, were hardly visible. They only sporadically twinkled in the vast darkness.

As he stared blankly into space, something began to appear at the edge of his vision.

“Ah, that sound again.”

An incomprehensible sound clung to my ears once more.

Lian gritted his teeth and pondered.

“What on earth are you saying?”

In that moment, when Lian sincerely wished to understand the strange words ringing in his ears.



“Listen to my words.”

A chilling and eerie voice, filled with reverence, pierced Lian’s mind.

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  1. Hu Tao Hu Tao says:

    He is starting to lose the comedy world thinking and I feel that may be a set-up of sorts haha

    1. Eliza says:

      It would be bad if he lose it. Without comic filter, he would be much weaker.

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