Inside An Adult Game As A Former Hero chapter 124

Inside An Adult Game As A Former Hero 124

The nobles on the side of the Kingdom of Carta were detained. They cannot get out of the narrow prison until their respective families send their ransom.

It could be said that the level of punishment was low compared to what was done, but Cloud had no choice but to do so.

I’ve been missing Lorian’s food for a while, but that doesn’t mean that Lupus’s situation has improved.

Food shortages remain, and money is needed to rebuild the city.

To get the money, it is appropriate to take a ransom, of course, but in order to receive the ransom, the hostage must not have any defects.

It sounds like you have to leave it alone.

Fortunately, this is possible because he is a nobleman from another kingdom.

The vassal families of the royal family of Prona Kingdom cannot avoid the death penalty. The uprising of one’s own country is a different matter from the invasion of other kingdoms.

Callion and Lewis claim that their actions are independent of their families, but…

‘It’s bullshit.’

No matter how much they say they are the heirs of a great noble family, they cannot lead the army independently without the permission of the state of California. It is an act of disregarding the authority of the state. So, it is safe to say that the state’s permission was granted.

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Originally, the crime of treason was ruled with destruction.

But this time, it was decided to execute only the instigator and move on.

Right now, Lupus doesn’t have the resources to cleanly destroy the two great noble families, and even if there was, Cloud didn’t want to start a war.

Instead, he intended to stick straws in the two families in the name of negligence in the management of the successor.

A very big and huge straw.

However, there are minor problems with this method.

Callion Oller.

Eri’s older brother.

No matter how bad the relationship and the disapproval, blood is blood. It was not what he wanted for Eri to become depressed by Kalion’s execution, or to resent Cloud further.

So Cloud asked Eri about Kalion’s disposal.

Take care of your co-workers.

For the cloud, it was such a simple matter.

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On the other hand, Eri’s head was quite complicated.


The name of her brother she hates.

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A family that tried all their lives to enter the fence, but eventually threw themselves away.

When a word you dislike and a word you dislike combine, it becomes a word you hate.

However, contrary to what she thought, she did not readily answer.

There is not much left, but the blood and flesh that remains.

The expectation that maybe this event might be an opportunity to enter the family register of the Oller family again.

They made her hesitate, and then she said.

“Let’s meet… we’ll meet and decide.”

“Not required.”

“…what did I hear wrong?”

“He said he didn’t need it.”

Eri was instantly stunned at the resolute words like a sword.

She came to her senses and continued.

“It’s true that you understood what I was saying.”

“Of course. That I am going to be executed and that you can stop it. And even your ridicule that the nobles of the Carta Kingdom will survive. I got it smart.”

“But that’s how you answer it.”

“Then did you know that I was crawling between your crotch and farting in order to save my life?”

Callion snorted as if it was funny.

“I have no intention of doing that, and even if I live like that, what will be left of me is the honor that has fallen to the floor.”

“under! All I said was that I was going to give up my life just because of my pride.”

“Not just.”

As he leaned back in his chair, his expression was extremely serious.

“Nobles are rulers. It means you have someone down there. If such a nobleman bends his pride, he will show shame even to his own inferiors. At least I don’t think they will believe in and follow such seemingly insignificant nobles in order that their inferiors will look up to them. That is why the honor of the nobility is important.”

His head is bald and his face is full of soy sauce.

Nevertheless, the dignity engraved deep in his bones proved that he was still a nobleman.

Eri felt her mood rapidly become unpleasant. Why must it be her who has the upper hand in this conversation?

The reason was easy to find.

Because it was a familiar feeling to her as a maiden.

sense of defeat.

How would she react if she were in that situation?

Could I have given up my life as resolutely as Callion?

Probably not.

Even if you want to deny it, you can’t deny it.

Because Eri has been pursuing practicality rather than fame.

He has a different mindset from Kalion, who values honor.

Yeah, it’s different.

Born and raised in the same family, the two are so different. Maybe that’s the mindset of an ordinary great aristocrat. You’re already born with everything, so you won’t have to fuss to get something.

Unlike her.

“Well… I don’t mean to say that I have already lost my honor.”

Callion smiled bitterly.

Eri got up from her seat.

“I definitely gave him a chance. It was you who said you wanted to die.”

Having said that, he turned his back and walked faster.

want to get out

I want to get out of this unpleasant space as quickly as possible.

“Anyway, congratulations, Eri Oller. It’s your victory.”

What caught Eri’s busily moving footsteps was a single word from Kalion heard from behind.

With that one word, her feet did not fall off the floor as if they had been sprayed with glue. she asked without looking back.


“You are the only hope for the family that has lost their position due to my foolish judgment. The family will try to accept you back into the family. Of course, on much better terms than before. Maybe he can become the next head of state. So I said your victory.”

Eri’s clenched fists trembled. She quickly turned her head and shouted at Callion.

“You’re fucking disgusting!”

next head win

when did she want that

“I just wanted them to be accepted as family. How many times have I told you!”

I wanted to be praised by my father.

I wanted to live without fault with my half-brothers and sisters.

I wanted to proudly spit out the surname ‘Oler’ in front of others.

“That’s all I wanted… Why…”

Tears are welling up in my sorrow. Eri bit her lips tightly. He erased his sad expression and glared at Kalion with venomous eyes.

“Don’t laugh at me saying, “I dug it up in the family register and now I will accept it again. A ruined family like that, I won’t even give it to you anymore!”

Having vomited out all the anger in her heart, she left the meeting room with a strong anger.

Seeing that back, Callion smiled.


A few days later, Callion and Lewis were executed.

The facilities in the dungeon are mediocre.

All the stone walls and iron bars made of steel.

As a substitute, however, the shackles that restrained Lorian and his companions are endowed with restraint magic. Even that, Lorian and his party members were at a level that could be crushed if they only suffered a little bit of internal damage.

But they had no intention of breaking the shackles and escaping.

they will know

If you escape at will, then you will really die.

In the hands of none other than the hero, Cloud.

Even if it’s a warrior Lorian, the other characters will die unconditionally. Cloud’s lively expression he saw that day supported that guess.

So they were quietly locked up in prison.

Although the body is sticky with moisture, it cannot be washed, and insects and mice that appear occasionally in dog food, which are inferior to not eating, eat their hearts…

better than dying

But that’s it, and uncomfortable is inconvenient.

Not only the nobles who have never been treated like this in their lifetime, but also the party members of Lorian also became dissatisfied.

And ironically, their complaints were directed at Lorian, not Cloud.

He was half-forced to follow the plan, and he was also responsible for the failure of the plan.

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Of course, Lorian was a warrior and at the same time a prince of the Kingdom of Carta, so no one was openly dissatisfied with it.

They just make a displeased look on their face or don’t even look at Lorian.

It was a really minor reaction, but it was enough to create an uncomfortable atmosphere in the narrow dungeon.

‘Not good.’

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Of course, Lorian was also noticing this. It was time for him to continue to ponder to somehow restore the atmosphere.

“Everyone is fine”

With the sound of creaking footsteps, Cloud appeared from the hallway.

“Looking at your facial expressions, you don’t seem to be doing well.”

Looking around the iron bars, he burst into laughter. Lorian frowned at him.

“Are you here to make fun of me?”

“No, I came to take it out.”

Cloud pulled out the key pack. The eyes of the aristocrats changed at the sound of the key package rattling. One by one, they began to push their faces into the iron bars.

“Has the family already sent the ransom?”

Cloud shook his head in denial of the expectations on their faces.

“I haven’t gotten a reply yet, let alone the ransom. And I’m not here to get you out.”


Cloud opened Lorian’s iron window in exchange for an answer. A groan was heard from inside the various iron bars.

Seeing Cloud loosening his shackles, Lorian frowned.

“What do you mean?”

“What do you mean?”

“There is no reason for you to simply release me. Unless you have a plan.”

“It’s a googong. I just felt the pressure of imprisoning the royal family of a country.”

He lifted Lorian’s shackles and immediately removed Lorraine’s shackles. Lorian’s other colleagues, including the Saint Candidate, did not release him. So did the other nobles.

Lorian looked at them and said.

“I hope the others release them too.”

“no. You and Lauren are freed because they are royalty. Just because you’re free, don’t forget what you did.”

“…Then I will stay here. I cannot go out alone.”

Lorian tries to get back into the cage.

Cloud grabbed his shoulder.

“You seem to have misunderstood something, but this is not a recommendation.”



Before being pushed back by Cloud, Lorian turned his head and looked around. The gazes focused on him and Lauren were never pretty.






“You must do this”

An ordinary inn room that can be found anywhere in the city.

Laurenne scoffed, wiping the damp hair that had just been rolled up with a cloth.

“What are you talking about”

“Don’t take the shichimi. There is no way a squirrel like you could not have noticed the atmosphere.”

Laurenne is staring at her with a smirk.

Cloud grinned and turned back to her.

He took the cloth and wiped his hair instead.

“Hey, hey..! what are you doing!”

“Stay still. It’s hard to clean if it moves.”

“Ugh..! Ha, don’t!”

Laurenne waved her hand not to do it with a blushing face, but it didn’t work. This is because the cloud skillfully avoided it. Eventually, she was exhausted and had to give up.

“Really what is this…”

As she grunted with her mouth open, Cloud opened her mouth.

“I asked if it had to be. I had to. To prevent something like this from happening again.”

“…there was no other way.”

“Yes. But please don’t kill me.”

It doesn’t mean anything in a calm tone. Lorraine, who was a bit goosebumps, looked back. Cloud smiled as if asking why.

“By the way, there’s something you haven’t answered yet.”

“What… what…”

“Don’t pretend you forgot. You are not stupid.”

Cloud stroked her brown hair. Laurenne hesitated with her mouth shut, then looked into his eyes and answered.

“I can’t… betray my brother.”

“That’s your answer”

Laurenne nodded her head slightly.

“Yeah, well… let’s say so for now.”

Cloud grabbed Laurenne’s cheek and kissed her. After a long kiss, I looked into her eyes.

“Because there is still plenty of time.”

Cloud kissed her again and began to untie her dress laces.

Lauren did not resist.

Mountains near Lupus.

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On a cliff there, a young man was looking at Lupus and the army encamped in front of him.

“As the rumors say, it’s very ugly. Is Cloud hyung still there?”

Without it, there is no point in coming here.

As the young man was drooling, he heard the voice of his colleague from behind.

– Mars, what are you doing there?

“Oh, what, when did you get there? Let’s go together!”

The young man, Mars, sprinted towards his comrades.

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  1. Droopy says:

    lol Laurenne isn’t even trying to get mad at Cloud anymore “I WON’T BETRAY MY BROTHER!” “But ill still sleep with you ” which is basically betraying already and here come Mars all late I wonder what his new fate is now

  2. Noobsama says:

    Somehow see mar again make me happy lol

  3. Las clases de español son importantes. Bueno quizás el tipo de arriba lee la novela traducida del coreano y la traduce desde el inglés a español con traductor Google jajaj
    Dato curioso: las novelas MLT se entienden mejor en español que en inglés. No importa el orden de la frase en español si tiene algún sentido lógico se entiende

  4. Bananahoshi says:

    Damn man I gotta take Spanish class to understand the dude above. Why are your commenting in Spanish while reading an English translated novel. Anyway to Laurenne, she’s pretty much fallen in love with Cloud, and the nobles after they get released will 100% sided with her instead of her brother, since he’s the one that put them through hell

  5. Gustavo says:

    Como sera su futuro con Laurenne?

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