It Is Legal for an NPC Who Is Being Oppressed To Run Away chapter 19

19 - NPCs in a changed world (3)

19 – NPCs in a changed world (3)

I’m talking about it now, but the empire is an ep.5 area.

While the main characters were beating episodes 1 to 4, the Empire was just a bystander and they were the ones shouting, “Yes, devil, there’s no problem with the Empire,” and saying, “What the hell should I do?”

And where players and protagonists find out that Ponia was destroyed by demons in ep.4, and come to ask for help from the empire, which has the best military power in the continent.

That place [ep.5 The sun has already set.] Ottoman Empire field.

As you can see from the episode name, this is also a town with no answers in the first place.

Still, it was a country that ran without any problems until the main character of the story and playables arrived, and that is why I chose this country to run away to.

I thought it wouldn’t be a problem if I was just passing through.


“Oh my, you are of gold rank. Are you going to participate in this subjugation?”

“…How many adventurers have gathered to conquer now?”

“Well, about 40 people have gathered now. The people over there are raid leaders. Would you like to talk about it?”

“thank you.”

It was my mistake. I never thought a raid would happen. There is no real balance in life.

After getting information from the guild guide, I looked at the leaders’ levels.

[Profession Adventurer: Level 61]

[Profession Adventurer: Level 53]

[Profession Adventurer: Level 49]

[Profession Adventurer: Level 39]

[Profession Adventurer: Level 63]

When you look at where the five adventurers are sitting, the status window automatically displays the level.

Well, all of them, except two, have higher stats than me. But the problem is that their levels are all too low.

The appropriate level for the field boss [Acetic Slime] is 400.

It is a raid where users hunt with the support of NPCs, but originally, support NPCs are nothing more than body fat and are not supposed to inflict damage.

If you look at their level, the damage will definitely be 1 degree. However, when looking at the detailed stats, he might have more HP than me. First of all, NPCs used for tear-offs were famous for being bloody.

For once though.

“Hello. I heard that you are the leaders of the Slime Subjugation Raid.”

I showed my gold adventurer ID and bowed my head.

“Hmm? Oh, it’s golden. You participate in the subjugation too? Or do you participate in a party unit? A party unit would be nice.”

A man with a good impression, who seemed to be a level 61 swordsman dealer, talked to me, and we had a moderate conversation.


“Hmm. A tamer who uses a golem and a blue swordsman. It’s sure to be helpful, but I don’t know if there’s a party I can take. First of all, there are quite a few outstanding people in the dealer position.”

“Huh? Is that so? How many people do you think is the appropriate number of people to subdue?”

“Huh? About 50 people should be enough. [Acetic acid slime] is a common irregularity in the Empire.”

what? 50 400 raids at levels 60-50? Didn’t you say 5,000 people wrong? I opened my eyes wide in absurdity, but the man asked in reverse as if he felt something strange about my reaction.

“Why is that? Do you think something is wrong?”

“Oh, no. I just thought you were a veteran. But, this is my first time doing a raid, so will there be about 50 people who get hurt or seriously injured?”

“Well, come out. There is no situation where you are subjugated without getting hurt at all. Last time, when about 100 people went, about 10 died, about 20 were seriously injured to the point of having to retire, and about 10 received quite serious injuries. But, rather. “It was an incident that occurred because there were too many people and we couldn’t control it. So, I’m looking at about 50 people as the control range, and don’t worry. I’ve subdued [acetic acid slime] three times.”

“Ah. That’s right. Okay. Then, I’m my colleague… Although it’s a blue rank, a swordsman and a golem. I’ll take the three of us. , Commander, please judge.”

“Um! Okay. I’ll look forward to your performance. Even if you move well, I’ll give you the same pay. Oh, of course, the blue friend will get a little less.”

“Yes. Then.”

After a proper conversation, I left the guild. That person is level 61, and he subdued super acid 3 times.

Its content is quite important.

‘in other words. The empire field before the story progresses means that raids are possible even with those people’s levels.’

Maybe it’s easier to catch than I thought. Then, can I aim for by-products and raid drop items? But what was his drop?

In the game, it was a low-level raid, so it was a boss that I didn’t catch and pass a few times, and it was a raid that could be soloed even after level 7 million, so there were many cases where passing users hit and killed it.

I think I gave quite a bit of experience when I was at the perfect level, but maybe there will come a situation where I level up after grabbing that.

“…Then, should I find a growth support item and put it on?”

It is a standard online game to increase the hop stat by wearing a ring or an accessory that adds additional stats in the very beginning.

In the case of Eight, it was possible to work on it in the latter stages without having to do it in the beginning, but the reason for doing it in the beginning is that the importance of each piece of equipment increases as the level increases, and there were many cases where leveling itself became very difficult if one piece of equipment was wasted in order to work on the stats. Because.

My current level is 300. My combined stats are around 50. Um… okay.

“I need to look for equipment.”

Those people looked confident, so let’s take the bus.


I took my younger brother out of the inn. I told Ray and Gor not to follow, because I have no intention of buying it for them.

More than anything.

“Ehehehehe. It’s just me and my brother.”

“Do you like it that much?”


After starting the trip, Sang Tae-chang and Gor joined in, and the swordsman Ray was forced to tag along, so the time we spent together was greatly reduced.

Lately, Ira has been getting annoyed when I come late, but it wasn’t like this when I lived in the Ponia Hut.

In other words, I predicted that stress would have built up as the amount of time spent with me had decreased, and it was a perfect prediction.

Unlike usual, Ira asked for a hug instead of a wooden horse, and I took my lightweight younger brother in my arms and went to the jewelry store.

This is a real game.

It is common knowledge here that jewelry is usually sold at roadside vendors or small stands, but it is surprising that there is a separate building with “Jewelry Store” written on it.

“Welcome! Oh my! You’re a cute girl and a wonderful young man! Are you looking for a wedding gift?!”

“hahahaha! It would be nice to have something like that. I can use it with my younger sister.”

“Yes! I’m going to marry you!!”

“hahahahaha! They’re good siblings. Now, the one here is the cheap one. The one over there is the expensive one. The cheap one costs 500 to 2,000 cans. The expensive one costs 3,000 to 40,000 cans, so look carefully and choose one.”

The person who thought he was a good sales man ordered him to look at the accessories in moderation, and his purple eyes twinkled like stars while looking at the sparkling rings and necklaces.

Maybe it’s because she’s a girl, I guess it’s good to see this.

I quietly asked the status window if I could see the axe, stats, or name.


[Fatal Necklace: Resurrects with HP: 1 blood when receiving fatal damage. (Destroyed after being used only once.)]

[Tight-fitting ring: Increases agility by 0.3 per level up (total of 10 times) //[Your wedding ring doesn’t fit?! Ooh, I need to exercise!! -Fat new groom-]]

[Bracelet with name: Increases intelligence by 0.3 per level up (total of 10 times)// [Am I smarter if I use things that smart people used? -Bad student-]]

[Emerald Necklace: Increases Agility by 3 when worn and increases Agility by 0.1 per level up. (Total 10 times) When completed, the light is lost and Agility is fixed 3. Luck is increased by 10.]

[Ruby Ring: Raises the luck of the wearer by level x1. (up to 15)]

Everything I was looking for was on the cheap side.

I have less than 100,000 cans of money, so I can afford to buy them all.

Thinking it wouldn’t be a bad deal, I picked up a couple of rings and bracelets. Calculate as…

“Brother! Brother!”


From noble mtl dot com

“Me! That necklace! I want that necklace!!”

“Which one? That one?”


“Hey! You have eyes to see?!”

Perhaps it was because I only picked the cheap ones, the man smiled happily when he saw the necklace Ira pointed at and started soliciting customers. hmm. It’s 30,000 cans.

[Burning Hit Necklace: Increases the wearer’s Accuracy by 10 and Luck by 5. [I survived thanks to this necklace she gave me. –The story of a soldier who survived an arrow stuck in his necklace-]

It’s an expensive accessory that’s almost the same as the price of all the accessories I want to buy.

It’s not bad equipment if you use it in the early 20s and 30s, but it’s overspending and honestly, it’s not an option you want to buy.

It’s not an option for the future, nor is it an option for hitting. If you do a back attack aiming for a critical in the game, there’s rarely a situation where you miss unless it’s at the level of a real boss gimmick. It’s a garbage option.


“Mister, with that one. I’ll wear the two necklaces next to me. I’ll live with this one too. Will you shave it off?”

“Ooh!! This is so! I thought you were a friend who only catches cheap things, but you’re a big friend!! Yes! I’m going to subtract the price of the cheap rings and necklaces there. That’s about 10,000 cans off!!”

“Ay, 10,000 cans, if I buy them all now, it’s almost 100,000 cans. Would you like to use more? Come on. Let’s see.”

I took the necklace that Ira pointed at out of the bowl and put it around her neck.

The red necklace that matches the color of her younger sister’s hair shines around her neck, and it really suits her.

“It suits you so well, why don’t you think of it as a gift to a pretty girl and spend a little more?”

“…Hey, it’s 10,000 cans. Huh. Okay, then, I’ll take this away. No more than this.”

Is it because I’m trying to cut too much? The man’s complexion got a little worse, and in the end, he took off another ring and got 12,000 cans off.

Still, I still have about 10,000 cans of money left. I’m bored, I have to go out and make money again.

After thanking the man and wishing him good business, I filled Ira with all the same items as I had.

“Oppa! This is heavy!!”

“Um, should I just wear two necklaces?”

It was enough to wear one bracelet and ring on each arm, but three necklaces must have been too heavy for Ira, who was still young.

He puts the emerald necklace in his pocket and leaves the red necklace and the deadly necklace behind.

Luckily, the two weren’t that heavy, or maybe I liked the color. He is looking at the necklace with a smile.



“Am I pretty?”

“hahahaha, of course. Our Ira is the prettiest and cutest in the world!”


Showing me the ring and necklace, I grabbed my leg and rubbed my face round and round. really. cute i’m dying I want to bite you.

I am Ira’s necklace. After carrying a total of 3 necklaces, including the burning necklace and the necklace I bought as a set, I held Ira in my arms.

[Blue Evasion Necklace: Increases the wearer’s Evasion by 10 and Agility by 5. [I was able to avoid the monster thanks to the glitter of the necklace he gave me as a gift. -The story of the wife who survived the monster-]

Somehow, feeling like I really became a couple with my younger sister, the corners of my mouth went up naturally, which is probably not something to keep a secret.

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  1. Ninja says:

    Incest… Nice

  2. Ozaki Ozaki says:

    ?!??? She’s eight!!! D:

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