Labyrinth City Mesugaki Pawn Shop chapter 44

44. Foresight (2)

44. Foresight (2)

Rusalka was having a happy dream.

The wedding ceremony was celebrated by everyone, and the fireworks rang out, shining powders flying, brightly illuminating her future.

As a saint, she had a wedding that seemed impossible.

At first glance, the reflection was faint, but it was unmistakably Einheri.

She looked a little older, but there was no way she wouldn’t be recognized.

She couldn’t possibly forget that face, but rather, the more matured look that showed her decadent beauty made her unable to take her eyes off it.

She swore her love in front of the officiant, tossed her bouquet, and kissed him amidst her cheers, and she set out on a journey.

A life as a woman who dreams of whispering love every morning, preparing a delicious meal with a smile over trivial things.

And she smiles happily as she holds in her arms the fruit of her love she finally got -.

[Chijiji…. Jijijik…]


There was no ending.

In an instant, everything disappeared.

The house she dreamed of and her happy life were all reduced to ashes.

The only thing left for Rusalka is the child in her arms.

She looked down as she hugged her child tightly.

And there, there was only a deformed child with no eyes, no nose, and no ears, only a mouth that was left crying.

Rusalka awoke from her dream with a terrible scream of nausea.

A bizarre situation in which her underwear was all wet, like a person drowning.

“Ha… I had a strange dream that didn’t work out… It was confusing…”

This is not the first time that future foreknowledge appears in the form of a dream.

I was slowly beginning to doubt his intentions as to how many days and how many times he had been sleeping and waking up repeatedly.

It’s bizarre enough to make you wonder if the goddess is drying herself to death rather than showing the future.

And that unique f*cking feeling also played a part.

Her marriage, the part that gave her hope, was the same, but after that, the appearance of herself and her child would change countless times each time.

Sometimes it’s like she has one eye, she only has three fingers, and her spine curves or her twins stick together.

Unheard of and unseen deformed children were eating away at Rusalka’s spirit.

The point at which this future foreknowledge started to appear was the day after he broke up with Einheri.

It was from the next day when the future foreknowledge started to go wrong.

Her first tulip hit her own went wrong.

She thought it was a sunny day, but she was gloomy as if it would rain at any moment, and she couldn’t avoid bird droppings from the sky.

And most of all, whenever she sees new products from the alchemist guild on the street, she smells so bad that her head breaks.

Thinking about it now, I wondered how she had drunk Raditol, which was floating around the venue during the fair.

Rusalka Either she was crazy or the Alchemist Guild was crazy, she was either.

And she put more weight on the latter.

“Rafi, can you find out about radium as soon as the registration of Einheri is over? I guess the items… Are strange.”

Rusalka couldn’t have asked such a favor if it was just ordinary stories that wandered around all the time.

“To the guild, the Central Church is considering the approval of radium products in a positive way-” It’s okay to sell my name. And then ask for more detailed information.”

How nice it would have been if her vision of the future had really allowed her to see as she wished as before.

But it has already happened.

It was difficult to expect any more trust in the future foresight that did not hit and began to twist.

There may be some things that are right, but how much will they be in proportion?

After leaving Rafi, Rusalka sighed and changed her clothes.

It seemed that I hadn’t been able to sleep comfortably for a while.


Registering on the list of nobles was easier than I thought.

Registration was completed by dripping a drop of blood onto the magic scroll.

“As of this time, Einheri-nim has been officially reinstated as Count Dvorak.

A crystallization of one-sided benefits with only rights and no obligations.

I thought that I would go through trouble because I was different from Rusalka’s younger brother in the records of the Dvořák family, but unexpectedly, that did not happen.


Since the exact name wasn’t marked, it was simply left as an abbreviation, so it didn’t seem to matter as long as it was spelled correctly.

Besides, there was no one who could doubt the saintess’ guarantee unless she was crazy.

Originally, his name was Edward Dvořák.

Now I have become Einheri Dvořák.

The feeling of inheriting the name of the deceased was indescribably subtle.

“By the way, did Raffy come here just because of this?”

“I have come to carry out the matters that the saintess has separately instructed.”

Then, as if she was lost in thought for a moment, she nodded and told her what was going on.

“You asked me to separately look for radium in the Alchemist Guild. It seems that I have doubts.”


It was an unexpected story.

As expected, the person who was chosen by the goddess must have been something different, so he pulled out the cause of this incident at once.

“By the way, can you tell me that story? Wasn’t it usually a secret order or something like that?”

“What, Einheri-Dvorak, aren’t you the saintess’ only younger brother? As much as I believe in the saintess, I believe in her family.”

“No, that’s true, but…”

She said that only 30 seconds had passed since she became a little sister!

“I don’t think it matters even if it’s not my younger brother.”


“If she is not her sister, then she is either the prospective wife of the saintess or a legitimate adult with stigmata.”


No matter where you look, you have become a single officer.

“By the way, Einheri-sama seems to know something about radium. “

I couldn’t say I didn’t know the look of Raffy staring at her silently, wondering if there was a tear on her face.

“…I can’t go into detail… But at least it’s not something that can be solved arbitrarily like this.”

A power that, if used correctly, would undoubtedly enrich the world, but at least not in this way.

This was clearly abuse and should have gone away.

Contrary to what I realized after paying the price of blood in the original history, there was still room for improvement in this world.

“…As expected of the Holy Lady’s lawful…”


“No. Then, Lord Einheri, could you help me?”

Raffy took my hand as I questioned it and led me.

“You should go to the alchemist guild together.”

It was like a request.


Surprisingly, the Alchemist Guild was located in the northernmost part of the city, closest to the city gate, not close to the commercial district, Alchemist Street.

I could understand why as soon as I saw it.

The procession of countless wagons around the gate was all heading towards the site of the Alchemist Guild.

Unlike the tall and fancy buildings of the porter’s guild, it was a rectangular site and building that looked like a large-scale distribution center.

A scene that reminds me of couriers such as Ku X, Daehan X Woon, and Low X Courier.

“Oh… Courier loading and unloading… Logistics… 150,000 Per day… Exploded kimchi… Salted fish… Chuno… Ugh!”

Loading and unloading I wrapped my head around the sight that reminded me of PTSD.

Of course, Rafi didn’t understand at all.

Perhaps the factory was running at the same time as the logistics, the noise and steam and acrid smoke reminiscent of a blacksmithing street were wrapping around one side of the site.

A man who seemed to be in charge greeted me with a wide smile, as if I had been contacted in advance.

“Hello, my name is Philippus Paracelsus, branch manager of the Labyrinth City of the Alchemist Guild. I would appreciate it if you could call me Philip.”

When Philip, who had clear eyes and bright hair that seemed to be in proportion to him… Was introducing the Alchemist Guild and its history, an ornament caught his eye.

A huge mineral that could well exceed 3m in length and 1m in width was standing in a glass tube.

As I stared blankly at it, Philip introduced me with a smile, as if it should be the case.

“Ah, this is the pride of our alchemist guild. It is the largest ore among the radium ores excavated in the Yohahim area.”

Peach Blend was in the middle of the guild.

I’m not proud of this, you idiots!

[Pitch Blend]


– The content of uranium octoxide is very high. (Current Content : 52.1651251%….. 52.1651250%….)< /B>

– Continuous decay and radon gas…

From noble mtl dot com

It had less uranium than the pawn shop had, but given its size, it didn’t look safe by any means.

Since it is in a glass tube, it may alleviate some of the worries about radium gas, but unless it is thickly wrapped in dense materials such as lead, you may be constantly exposed to radiation.

Unlike me, who suffers from anxiety, Raffy seemed to be genuinely surprised.

“Surprisingly, in the case of radium, there are rumors that the Empire should designate it as a strategic item… Is it okay if I simply tell you the source?”

“Anyway, the guild has obtained the exclusive right to use Johahim’s Mine, which produces radium ore, from the Dwarf royal family. So there is no need to worry.”

The Dwarves considered Black Trash and Pitch Blend to be useless ore and sold the exclusive right to use the vein to the Guild for 150 years.

After finding out at the fair that the vein was actually an ore of radium that copied money, he regretted it, but what can we do? It was a ship that had already left.

150 Years would have been enough time to dig up the entire vein.

“After all, even if others get the ore, they won’t be able to use it. The method of extracting radium from ore is our guild’s unique technology that is different from the method of extracting other minerals.”

It’s not the minerals that matter, but the skills to handle them.

When we got out of the center and entered the meeting room, there were simple refreshments.

“I heard about the reason for visiting this place today… I heard that the Central Church is also reviewing radium positively.”

“As long as radium is judged to be useful, there is no reason for us to remain silent. As you know, isn’t Cardinal Girolamo of the Western Church already sponsoring you?”

“Certainly, if it had not been for the cardinal’s help, I would have been inconvenient in many ways. Since it was the first substance discovered, it might have been difficult for people to accept it, right?”

By diluting that reluctance with the power of religion and guarantees, it has no choice but to sell even better.

While listening to the conversation between Philip and Raffy, I ate the prepared chocolate snack and drank the water from the glass.

And I bitterly regretted it.

[Applied effect]

Weak exposure (719:59:59)-2nd round

“Oh, f*ck.”



Swear words that come out of your mouth spontaneously.

As I stared at the prepared refreshment set, an information window came to my mind.


-Spray water with a small amount of radium 226 added to water distilled three times through physical and chemical processes.

– Abnormal status when ingested: Applies weak exposure

– Steps increase according to the number of intakes.

[Chocolate that is by no means ordinary]

-It was made by adding the process of being exposed to radium vapor during the process of making chocolate by a crazy alchemist to a normal chocolate cookie.

– Abnormal status when ingested: Applies weak exposure

– Steps increase according to the number of intakes.

Why didn’t I think of that?

As it is a place where radium products are stamped out in a factory way, I had to be careful and careful, but I just saw something delicious right in front of my eyes, so I just picked it up and ate it, and it was f*cked up.

“By the way, can you guess who this person is…?”

He was very cautious in his tone, since he was brought as an escort by Raffy, the commander of the Knights Templar.

You must have asked before I spoke first.


Faced with this f*cking situation, he shook hands with his trembling eyes and forced smile.

f*ck, f*ck, f*ck, f*ck, f*ck, f*ck,

“The younger sister of St. Rusalka Dvořák and who has been entrusted with all business rights related to radium of the Central Church-“

Raffy’s eyes widened at the unexpected event.

The former is said to have come for the purpose of revealing anyway, but the latter has never been discussed at all.

What, why, what, what, Mr. Park

In life, there are times when you have to hit a punch, even with a no pair, you have to pretend to be a flush to crush the opponent under you.

“My name is Einheri Dvořák.”

I threw a sh*t card.

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  1. Shengs Shengs says:

    Don’t worry about it. Medieval Oppenheimer will come and save the world.

  2. MrPojsomnoj says:

    30 days of poison effect, I hope he can find Iodine tablets soon…

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