Labyrinth City Mesugaki Pawn Shop chapter 45

45. The truth (1)

45. The truth (1)

Obviously, the general manager worked.

Because the eyes of Philip, the head of the alchemist guild, have changed.

“The Holy Lady’s younger brother… I thought this meeting itself was just for the purpose of listening to opinions… It wasn’t like that.”


Philip sighed and continued.

“To be honest, I didn’t know that the Central Church would pay this much attention.”

“You have to be able not to pay attention.”

If you’re not interested in dissolving radium like this, you’re a madman. After about a year in this state, unidentified deaths will continue to appear all over the continent.

“Of course, it’s a good direction for us, but it’s a bit embarrassing to see you suddenly change direction like this after showing a lukewarm attitude until now.”

Yeah, I didn’t change direction~ It’s just my opinion~

“As you know, isn’t the center always conservative everywhere? However, after the success of the Western Church’s sponsorship, we gradually came to the idea that we wanted to step into this wide market.”

It is inevitable, not coincidental, that the larger the power group, the more it resists change and has conservative tendencies.


“As far as I know, radium products currently in circulation are only marked with the certification mark of the Western Church, but…”

He blurted out his words and gave a meaningful smile.

“Does that mean that you are permitted to use the central denomination mark?”

I wonder if the eyes of the dwarves who discovered the gold vein were like this, it was a slightly burdensome gaze.

“It will require detailed coordination by practitioners… But in the end it will be like that.”


Perhaps it was the unexpected harvest, Philip’s eyes widened.


If it was going to end well one-sidedly like that, I wouldn’t throw a punch.

“There are several things I want to check before proceeding”

It is said that if you know the enemy and know yourself, you will win 100 times.

“First of all, I would like to confirm the extraction process of radium.”


“Because there are people in the church who are worried that there might be something unpleasant that might be related to something special during the extraction process…”

“Hasn’t Cardinal Girolamo of the Western Church already sponsored? I don’t think you need to worry about that.”

“It is just a simple formal confirmation procedure. It is enough to limit the number of people entering, just me and Raffy.”

After thinking for a moment, Philip nodded his head.

Perhaps they thought there was no danger with just the two of them.

“Originally, it wouldn’t be allowed, but… good.”

“And next, besides the licensing of radium products, it is related to the sponsorship of other projects that the guild will do in the future. If there is a project to be carried out in the future, I wondered if it would be better for the central denomination to provide support before the western denomination.”

“Hmm… There are a few more things that are being planned internally, but these aren’t questions I can easily answer. Above all, in the case of radium-related businesses, our guild also has a share, but in the end, Dr. Louis Devierne has the right to decide.”

The alchemist guild is not the subject, but the doctor has the right to decide…

Does that mean that the starting point for all of this is an individual rather than a guild?

“Then, can I meet the doctor? I want to share a more intimate business story.”

“…If you are a doctor, it might be difficult for me to meet you for a while. Since he lived in seclusion after the expo, saying he was immersed in other research… It seems a bit difficult to give a definitive answer as we haven’t been able to get in touch with him either…”

Looking at the dark expression on his face as he blurted out the end of his words, it didn’t seem like he was lying.

Write it.

“Instead, there is something that continues the doctor’s research. Perhaps when it comes to radium, I’m not much different from you. It’s because I’ve been helping Dr. Lee’s research from start to finish. And if he was absent, he told me to ask it and proceed. All decisions have already been communicated.”

The tone was a little strange.

A way of talking as if talking about things, not people.

Philip asked the attendant waiting in the back to call it, and after a while, with a knock on the door a couple of times, ‘it’ entered the conference room.

And ‘it’ was very familiar.

A white robe, glasses, a trumpet-like horn on his head, and two sparkling vertically split eyes…

“… Huh?”

An unusually large lump of metal stuffed into its neck.

“Hello. Greetings from the lowly servant of Dr. Louis Debjern, servants of the Church of the Great Goddess.”

The Yongin woman I saw at the pawn shop the other day greeted her with her head bowed as far as it could touch her floor.

“My name is Maria Salomea.”


“So, in the case of radium, after grinding the pitch blend, add barium carbonate and hydrochloric acid… To separate… Add sulfuric acid to precipitate…”

Why did the conference room suddenly turn into a chemistry class?

Yongin, wearing a white gown and raising his glasses, was giving a passionate lecture.

“…In this way, we extract pure radium and supply it to the guild.”

It was an erudition and neatness that did not suit the status of a slave.

I can’t understand why he became a slave.

She just nodded her head as if possessed, but there was nothing she could do.

“And the owner said that for the time being, he would not receive any product sponsorship other than the Western Church.”

“Huh? Is it really?”

Philippe also made a surprised expression as if he had heard it for the first time.

It seemed that it was something that had not been discussed in advance.

“Yes, you judged that sponsorships more than necessary are rather poisonous.”

“Hmm, that’s definitely true… Even if the sponsorship is too much, it’s bound to be swayed. But it’s sponsored by the Central Church… This is a bit disappointing.”

Philip nodded and put on a pitiful expression.

I’m leaving at this.


After a pause, Maria Salomea looked in my direction.

It was as if he could see right through everything.

“He said he would be happy to receive sponsorship for other research besides product sponsorship.”

“Another study?”

“Yes, it is a study on the by-product left after the extraction of radium, and the Western Church has already decided to sponsor it, but it still thinks that it is lacking in funds, so it decided to receive additional sponsors. Master said that if the rest of the churches wish to sponsor, following the will of the Western Church, which had supported them earlier, they would be selected first.”

The materials that Maria Salomea unfolded afterward were dizzying.

My brain was too short to understand alchemy, which is said to have laid the foundation of modern chemistry, but I was able to recognize a few things.



[Yellow Cake]



[Nuclear Fission]


Cold sweat broke out.

No matter how you look at it, is that it? Huh?

I naturally doubted whether this was really a story that would come out in an era where swords and magic were rampant.

No, is it possible to reach this far with alchemy?

A situation where I doubt whether the bastard called the doctor is related to the hoe.Bing.Hwan.

Civilization technology is running as if it were a civilization time machine!

“If you look at Article 29-2 here, you need a lot of pure silver. It is judged that the current guild and sponsorships are not enough.”

“How much do you lack? I know there are some in stock in the guild though.”

“We need about 13,000 tons.”


It was Philip who was sunk in an instant.

“…This is a bit unexpected, so I think we need to discuss it.”

They tried to obtain information by handing over the church’s mark at best, but eventually reached the research of nuclear fission.

“The research is still in progress, and the owner said that if it is not possible, he will proceed even if the scale is reduced.”

Where did this damn world get twisted?

“The name of the project is Trinity.”

Maria Salomea drove a nail into my heart with her expressionless face.

“Research for the advancement of mankind.”


After coming out of the alchemist guild, I stared blankly at the sky.

Goddess, what the hell is wrong with me, why are you giving me such an ordeal!


I tried to scream in agony, but all I got back was the words ‘You’re crazy’ and stares from passers-by on the street.

Radium? Exposure? In a way, it was a very small matter.

At least compared to the aftermath of that research.

“…Does Rafi believe in God?”

At those words, Raffy looked at me like a madman.

“I’m not going to believe in God from today.”

“…This is a heresy statement.”

Ah f*ck it, if God exists, there’s no way he would do anything like this.

People were engulfed in madness brought about by radium, and behind it, research that would lead to the end of the world was steadily progressing.

Is there a new ending at least for the DLC of Labyrinth Maze 1?

What happened between the 100-year gap between the first and second films?

It was not something I could solve alone.



From noble mtl dot com

“Let’s get stigmata right away. At least, people will listen carefully to what adults say.”

If you can’t solve it as an individual, you have to solve it even if you sell the name of the goddess.

You wouldn’t think that the words of a saint with as many as 8 goddess stigmas were crazy.

“Where is the saint?

If you were going to explode, you had to do it as quickly and loudly as possible.


“Woah ho!!!”

The hunter let out a cheer in a happy heart after a long time.

The deer was staggering as if it had bumped into a tree while running away, so I shot it dead with a single bow.

“hehehe, what is this?”

It was a deer of a size that would normally be unreasonable.

The only wound on the deer’s body was a small arrow hole, which was of the highest quality even for leather.

It was luck to find him sipping water by the stream.

For some reason, I wanted to take a quick look along the stream.

It was so big that the hunter, who had placed his hunting equipment on the tree, picked up his deer and began to slowly descend.

It looked like we could get down to the village before the sun went down.

“By the way, the deer, if he had escaped just a little further up, he wouldn’t have been caught.”

When did the people from the alchemist guild start to settle down on the mountainside?

They settled down and even banned entry beyond a certain section, causing complaints in the village.

The icing on the cake was that he periodically bought items from the village, and no one complained afterwards.

After the hunter went down satisfied, after a while another deer jumped out from behind.

As expected, the deer swayed the same way, and soon it fell to the side of the stream.

After a while, a wild boar the size of an adult man collapsed beside the deer.

Rabbit, raccoon, squirrel, mountain birds.

A strange sight where everyone collapses along the stream.

There was a small pond halfway up the mountain along the stream.

A man-made conduit was placed between the countless animals that fell around the pond.

The colorless, odorless liquid that slowly dripped down the pipe just flowed silently.


Quietly, very quietly, death began to spread.

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  1. Se acerca la bomba atómica

  2. reiii says:

    Project Trinity???!!!!

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