Labyrinth City Mesugaki Pawn Shop chapter 8

8. Day 2 (2)

8. Day 2 (2)

Give and take.

There must be affection to go before there is affection to come. Conversely, if you think about it, it is the duty of a human being to give back as much, no more, if you receive something.

I didn’t want to live as a bastard who only accepts and doesn’t know me.

In that sense, the monthly salary of 100 silver coins Yan paid me was quite unusual.

In-game, 100 silver coins wasn’t that big of a deal.

After going to the labyrinth several times and pressing the inn break skip button, it was the amount that could be obtained by repeating the low-rise labor a few times with certain specifications.

But this was reality. It’s not like you can hit the skip button so easily like in a game. A large sum of 10 million won in Korean currency, what the hell is Yan trying to do with such money?

“The things Harry can do are delivery, retrieval, appraisal, and destruction. I guess there are four of them?”

Unsurprisingly, it was a task that could be easily reduced to four.

Among them, what I can do right now is delivery. He said that he literally delivered the goods, and since the payment was generally over, all he had to do was bring it and sign the receipt.

“Usually, it was done through the porters’ union, but the fixed expenses were considerable.”

The Porter’s Union, or Porter’s Union, was an organization that possessed a stronger force than expected despite its trivial name.

In the labyrinth, if a character’s party is wiped out, not only his colleagues but also his equipment would evaporate with a certain probability, but the insurance system of the porter union was the system that prevented this from happening.

Even if the attack on the stairs fails and the party is wiped out, if it was insured before departure from the labyrinth, an adventurer belonging to the porter’s union rushes in and rescues the main character’s group.

Of course, there is a save load repetition, but it wasn’t all-round either.

The last save point is fixed to the last boss room of the floor, not the start of the labyrinth. What can I do to return it?

It wasn’t that there weren’t people who sometimes took out save files and overwrote them, but those who ruined the original fun of the game in that way were evildoers.

Different insurance premiums were applied depending on the level of the equipment or companions, so it was a national rule that only one or two of the most valuable items were fixed, and the rescue target was to designate the character and the priest.

Unlike equipment and tools (warriors, thieves, wizards) that can be obtained again, priests were rare, so unless you had enough money, priests were fixed.

Of course, not all floors are applied, and it is said that it does not apply after the 20th floor.

Perhaps that’s why the porter was able to go out by asking the adventurer to get out of the boat during the previous Sky Whale Bezoar. The prestige of the group he belongs to is also one of his abilities.

“How much did you spend on fixed expenses?”

“Transportation of goods within the city costs 3 silver coins, regardless of distance or weight.”

“They are complete thieves.”

I recognized it from the insurance system, but it must have been an organization possessed by money demons. Well, they’re asking for 100 silver coins just to bring the Sky Whale Bezolite to the city from the 5th floor.

Of course, I’m not talking about extorting 40 silver coins in the city center.


What, why, what. What

“If I don’t leave it to the porters’ union, I have to move it myself, but then the store will be empty, right? In that case, it’s best to pay for it, even if it’s expensive.”

Three silver coins at a time.

“Then can’t we hire other people besides the porter union? I’m sure there are people willing to do it for that price…”

“Do you know what it means to take the porter’s union work in the city as crap?”

“Uh… Um… Haven’t you thought about it?”

Yan raised his neck slightly and took a swipe pose with his index finger. Then he added a familiar phrase.

“If you go out right now on the topic of being a crap& with no money, you will be found the next day as heh/sh/j/sh/b&”

That’s what I’ve heard. It was definitely something Yan had said to me before I was about to leave by throwing a silver coin after moving my luggage to the store. At the time, I thought it was just a cheap provocation.

“…Was that real…?”


Goosebumps ran up my spine. If I had ignored it and left then, if I hadn’t clung to Yan and signed a contract.

“The next day, I wonder if a few bone fragments left over from eating by rats were found in a back alley somewhere.”

Are you saying that the 40 silver coins the adventurer gave you were real money?

It was terrifying that Yan spoke calmly, as if it wasn’t just a day or two, and that it didn’t sound like bluffing at all.

I put my head down on the floor again and took the Togeja posture.

“Thank you so much. SENSEI”

“I don’t know what it is, but hehehe, I like that trivial pose, it’s disgusting&”

Yan smiled broadly, as if satisfied.

“So, is it going to be okay now…? What if I go outside and set off sparks for no reason…?”

“Yesterday’s contract was not in the form. It has already been sent to the Mage Tower and has been notarized, so if you come and touch the idiot now, it means that you will be openly hostile to the Mage Tower. , I’ll try my hand before that.”

How many times does this survive the crisis of survival?

But there was no worry anymore. If the porter’s labor union is his backwater, then I have a mage’s tower!

“But if you go into the back alley by mistake, you might tremble like a stoned frog and die, pathetic&”


…Let’s not be too fussy.

“So, I want you to bring this to the customer first.”

What Yan handed over was none other than a wooden box slightly larger than one hand and suitable for holding with two hands. The coating on the box and the gloss flowing through it didn’t look like an ordinary thing. Judging from the horizontal seam, it seemed to open up and down.

“What’s inside?”

“Here & Curiosity kills me &”

Where the hell did the cat get sold? Jan scribbled a pen on a piece of paper and wrote the address and recipient.

“902 Moyken St. 946 William White?”

It was the first address and name. From what I don’t know, it seems that he’s not the main character in the game.

“It’s a gentleman who bought this item not too long ago. He decided to pay first and pick up the item later. It’s a hot item that arrived the other day.”

“I guess this happens more often than I thought.”

“Well… I hope it doesn’t happen that often.”

It was a meaningful statement.

“Again, crap.”

Yan warned me with a different set of eyes than before.

“Curiosity might kill a crap.”

Oh, don’t open it. Don’t open it. Don’t even think about what an elephant is.


…Wouldn’t it be okay to take a quick look..?

From noble mtl dot com

The hand holding the box was itching for some reason.


“Wow, it’s hot, it’s hot”

Everyone in the party was drooping like a dog from the heat. The party leader took off all armor, wearing only one piece of underwear. It was no different from the rest of them, but none of them showed any shame.

Of course, the 11th floor they went through was designated as a hellish rainforest as the theme.

“I’m sure the guild information board said this week’s theme was winter, when even breathing would freeze…”

Because of that, I only brought a full of furry armor and a warm pack, but it quickly turned into trash.

Even so, if you take off your furry armor, you will be exposed to the monsters’ attack, and it was so bulky that you couldn’t even bring extra armor.

After crying and fighting mustard, I managed to get back through the one-way gate at the end of the stairs.

“I’m going to catch the bastard who posted false information and kill half of it…”


“I agree…”

The warrior in charge of the avant-garde was breathing heavily without even answering, and only the mage and elven archer in charge of the party’s ranged attacker nodded in response to the party leader’s words.

All the thick clothes worn under the robe were taken off, and the only thing wizard Yerica was wearing was white underwear. Sweaty clothes lay at her feet.

She didn’t even have the energy to pull off her long pink hair, which was clinging to her from sweat.


The reason why Yerica didn’t even take off her robe was probably because of the handful of reason she had left. If this place hadn’t been the plaza in front of the portal, but a quiet alley somewhere, she might have thrown everything away right away.

“It’s hot!!!”

Behind them, there was another party where they threw off their fur clothes in the same way.

“You got hit”

“I got hit.”

“I got hit.”

I could tell without saying anything. Apparently, they were not the only victims of the guild’s disinformation.

How long had it been like that, the archer next to her exhaled heavily and gently poked a finger into Yerica’s side.

“Yerica… At 6 o’clock… Blue hair…”

The voice of an archer, an elf who was so nervous, I had never heard such a trembling sound even in the labyrinth. Maybe there was something dangerous.

Yerica brought her staff back to her left hand and began to gather her mana from crawling on her floor, as if it were barely a handful. She even prepared to pop the rune-engraved jewels she had been saving just in case.

And she was an elf. At the archer’s words, she gently turned her head to six o’clock,


Yerica’s breath stopped.

“No, I was sure it was around here… Damn it… Why is this f*cking game’s address like this?”

There was the sun. No, a god of beauty that could not be expressed in words was walking the streets.

Her tall nose, moist eyes that seemed to contain the sky, and short, swaying blue hair gave the illusion that the Milky Way in the night sky was shaking.

Even if you see the older brother of the elven archer, you’ll think, ‘Wow, you’re a wonderful person.’ Ye Rika didn’t give much emotion to her appearance, enough to end with a simple one-line comment, but she could feel that attitude collapsing.


The magical energy she raised up was released, and her mysterious screams burst out of Yerica’s mouth as she drew in her breath. Hearing that sound, the man’s head turned towards Yerica.


Yerica’s reason was flying in real time, inversely proportional to the distance of the man who was slowly approaching.

What did I do today, where is this place, who am I? Ah, the smell of sweat… I should have sprayed some perfume, no uh… Um… Am I wearing underwear right now?

“Hey, pink-haired wizard, can I ask you something?”


Maybe she even chewed her tongue, so she couldn’t pronounce it properly. Her pupils were already half-closed.

“I’m trying to find this address here, but I can’t find this 902 number.”

As I approached, showing her a piece of paper with her address written on it, an indescribably sweet smell of flesh that seemed to paralyze her mind came over me.

As she lowered her head, her collarbone, barely visible through the linen shirt, seemed to drive her out of her mind.

“Eh…The address is past this plaza and over there…”

When I pointed out her location while holding on to the one remaining ray of reason, the man let out a sigh as if he had finally realized it.

“Ha, damn, I can’t find it because the road is twisted like this. It’s innocent even if you hang it on a cross that was designed by city planning.”

Even the way she was angry was so beautiful.

“Oh thanks, it’s the first time I’ve been to this address.”

He shook hands in appreciation, but Yerica’s hand, stiff from her nervousness, showed no signs of letting go of her staff.

She trembled and somehow reached out and pushed her hand away, but it was impossible. As soon as he put his hand away, he let out a sigh.

What a useless hand!

Could it be because of her earnest desire, or perhaps because of the help of the goddess? A word came out of Yerica’s mouth that even she herself did not expect.”



“Yeah, it’s Jerica Myers!”

“Ah, my name is Einheri. Thank you.”

Einheri bowed her head in gratitude and disappeared among the people.

What was going on at the time, maybe it was her dream? Yerika, who was in a daze, was just repeating the name.

“Einheri… Einheri…”

It was an unforgettable name.

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  1. Shengs Shengs says:

    Undeniable mesugaki rizz

  2. LazyCrow06 says:

    he is talking about the main character of Act1 of the game. iirc he is summoned 100 years before Act2 starts but only a few years after Act 1 finished

  3. Arcus 101 Arcus 101 says:

    “He’s not the main character from the game”, well did you thin he would be? The main character is not even born yet at this point you know? This is 100 before the game, MC…

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not work with dark mode