My Alter Ego Is Becoming a Giant chapter 18

My Alter Ego Is Becoming a Giant 18

vampire (2)

The vampire clan, the Ajantu branch of Brokoslac.

It was a force that effectively controlled the city of Ajantu, a small city in the western part of the Kingdom of Talia.

And I became the vampire of that power.

“But I mean, there’s nothing I can do outside of my thoughts…”

After a few days of training, he didn’t really instruct me on anything.

Since a long time ago, there was a system in place throughout the city, so everything worked on its own, and vampires sometimes only had to manage their organizations to make sure they were doing it right.

‘It’s a long-lived species, so it’s easy going.’

He must have accepted me instead of the vampire who died this time, but he was just saying that he would find out if he just did it rather than taking over.

Until a special order is given, you can do whatever you want as long as you don’t expose yourself too much to the humans of the city.

Thanks to this, I was able to go out in the evening and talk more with my siblings, but I had to do it in moderation because if I did that too often, I would get caught.

‘As I first thought, I have no choice but to draw the attention of Hans and leave the city.’

At first, I didn’t think it was bad to be with vampires, but these guys were literally considering the humans of the city as livestock.

‘I was expecting blood from the mansion.’

And they were careful as they controlled the number of individuals in their own way.

Even for me, who is reluctant to take blood, they say that it is the way it is at first, and that I will get used to it over time…

‘After all, I can’t stay with these guys for a long time.’

For me, who was not even tainted by vampires in spirit, it was only inconvenient to be with them.

It was just a matter of waiting patiently for the time to come.

Azanthu’s pure blood, Weirak, summoned all the vampires.

“What happened all of a sudden?”

“Well, it’s rare to have everyone summoned like this. How many years?”

Thirty-something vampires, who had usually spread throughout the city, gathered in the lobby of the mansion.

“Are you a remnant of blood that you inherited this time? Lucky.”

“Tsuk, what was Weirak-sama thinking in accepting such a lowly thing…”

People who met him for the first time often quarrel with me.

It was typically the appearance of a nobleman who fell into a sense of choice.

‘It’s the image of a vampire I thought it was!’

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Just looking at them curiously, Weirak entered the lobby.

“Hello, Weirak.”

“It’s been intense so far. Please do anything.”

Vampires flocked to Weirak, and they were farting.

It seemed that the status of pure blood was higher than I thought.

“Everything seems to have come, so let’s get to the point.”

Weirak, who was greeted appropriately, went up the stairs in the lobby and began to speak.

“The Fragments of the Immortal King that the oaths of Yeokcheon had disappeared.”


I flinched at the sudden words, but fortunately, everyone around me became noisy, so no one looked at me strangely.

“Oh, you don’t know? In a small town nearby, the warlocks were hiding the shards and aging them…”

Rosilica, who came near me, quickly whispered information I already knew.


The surrounding area, which had been buzzing, became quiet at the words of Weirak.

Rosilica, who was next to me, fell off before me and was focused on Weirak on the stairs.

“Finally, we confirmed that we were heading in the direction of this city. But at some point, it disappeared without a trace. They may have entered the city, or they may have just passed by.”

Weirak stopped talking and looked around slowly.

Then, when our eyes met for a moment, I stared at him for a moment, but then he turned his head.

‘Huh, I’m scared.’

“We start the search with the possibility of entering the city in mind.”

Weirak ordered the disbandment after saying that if suspicious circumstances were found in their respective districts, they should be reported immediately.

“What happened all of a sudden?”

As I left the lobby, Rosilica grumbled and approached me.

When I saw other vampires greeting each other, they looked like sassy people, but are you really trying to take care of me from a while ago?

“Heh heh~ Do you want to open a business to new people who don’t have a taste for blood yet? There’s a muscular guy I’ve spotted, how about a drink with me next time?”

“No specification. I guess that’s not to my liking.”

I refused with a disgusted look on my face.

Rosilica only shrugged her shoulders without any sign of regret.

“But it got in trouble. The Fragments of the Undead King must have been a matter directly ordered by the Clan Lords.”

“okay? But the warlocks must have maintained their security so thoroughly, how did they know in advance?”

“Okay~? It’s because we’re just doing what we’re told to do.”

It seemed that there was no more information to be obtained from Rosilica.

The moment I thought about it, I immediately realized that it was a hasty decision.

“Because of that, the other fragments that our clan had were also moved here and sealed.”

“What···? Is there another fragment of the Immortal King here?”

I looked at Rosilica in amazement.

“Yeah, when they mature the fragments, they steal it and fuse it, or something. I don’t know the details.”

But Rosilica only responded by twisting her hair with her fingers as if it was no big deal.

‘Is this guy a higher status than I thought?’

As she narrowed her eyes and looked at her, Rosilica smiled and waved her hand.

“Actually, I was sent to Ajantu with the shards a year ago. In the first place, there is no need for so many vampires in this small city, right?”

Hearing it, it certainly was.

Three pure-blooded vampires on a level similar to that of Warlock Malcolm, and 30 or more bleeds that seem stronger than the Warlock’s minions.

‘And if I add up the Servants and Slaves I didn’t know for sure…’

It’s definitely too much power to be stuck in a small city on the continent’s edge.

“Originally, it is said that there were only about 15 remaining bloodstains with Weirak-sama in this city, but the reinforcements were made like this because of fragments. But all the hard work has been in vain.”

It will be busy for a while, Rosilica said with a sigh.

And he wasn’t wrong.


“Ah, when I go out during the day, my skin burns.”

Rosilica grumbled as she rewrote her parasol.

From the day after the convening, we had to spread throughout the city, taking turns during the day to identify any abnormalities.

“Certainly… it’s a bit reluctant.”

I answered as I reworked my wide-brimmed gentleman’s hat with my gloved hand.

Hitting the sun didn’t really do any damage, but the feeling of being limited in power wasn’t very good.

“I don’t think I’ll be able to come and discover anything by doing this.”

“I can’t help it~. Because of this, even Pirita-sama, who is pure-blooded, took some residual blood and started a search outside the city.”

Well, I already swallowed it and sent it to Earth, so there’s no point in looking at it.

As I replayed to myself with a bitter smile, I realized that the situation wasn’t too bad.

‘One pure blood and some of the remaining blood have left the city.’

Weirak explores the entire city and controls the rest of the remnants.

that is to say.

‘Now there is only one pure blood guarding the fragments!’

And after a day, I was able to summon Hans.

‘As originally planned, you can create confusion and steal fragments to grow Hans, and at the same time feed them big sh*t! This is a must.’

All that was left was to locate the fragments, but this could not be helped by Rosilica.

“I don’t know~? After I came to the city, I hid it in a place known only to pure blood, just in case.”

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Just in case your stronghold is attacked.

And until now, it is said that the two pure-bloods continued to guard the place.

‘Oh, there must be no way.’

It seemed to work out well.

After all, it was a time when I wanted to give up the other fragments.

“uh···. Do you think I know where it is?”

There was a way.

“What? Diana, how are you?!”


Startled, he grabbed Diana’s shoulder.

It was early evening, and he came to see the faces of the brothers and sisters, and while chatting, it was a word I threw out without much thought.

Vampires are hiding dangerous objects in the city, but they don’t know where they are.

“That’s what I said last time. I’ve been avoiding vampires and dangerous smelling places.”

“no way?”

“Yeah… About a year ago, I smelled vampires that smell very thick, and I don’t know what they are, but they smell very dangerous.”

As soon as he sensed the smell, he ran away from the spot, and Diana smiled mischievously.

“It was such a strong smell that I still remember it. Since then, I haven’t even come close.”

“ah! I remember too, sister! My sister told me never to go near it!”

Diana stroked Aaron’s hair as if she was tall, then glanced at me.

“If you need me, I will guide you.”

It was a proposal he had been longing for, but he could not nod his head hastily.

“it’s okay. If it gets in danger, your uncle will protect you, right?”

“…Okay, then, I’ll just ask you a little bit closer.”

He nodded to Diana, who spoke softly, and patted her head.

After all, if you do a good deed, you will somehow get it back.

the next afternoon.

Today, I was wearing a hat and went out to search for fragments of the Immortal King.

‘Of course, the fragments I’m looking for are hidden by the vampires.’

I slowly walked down the street and arrived at the meeting point.

Diana had already come out and was waiting there.

Diana made eye contact with me and started walking down the street without saying a word, and I followed him from a reasonable distance.

It was something I had ordered in advance.

I don’t know how vampires are vigilant around the shards, but I can’t approach it defenselessly.

Diana walked out for a long time without keeping her gaze on one place for a long time.

‘It’s a far cry from the original place. You really ran away.’

After smelling such a dangerous smell, it must have settled in a place as far away as possible.

As she walked into a certain street, the frequency of Diana’s sniffing increased.

You can smell it from here.

How much further did it go?

Diana, who was walking naturally, looked at the building on one side.

about 3 seconds.

Then, as if nothing, he turned his head and passed by.

‘Hey there!’

A building in an ordinary residential area that cannot be compared to the splendid mansion where the vampires live.

Another immortal king’s fragment was hidden there.

But, like Diana, I walked around leisurely as if I had no interest in that area.

I can’t feel anything with my senses, but there must be something there.

‘Now, we just need to set the execution date. The location has been found, and Hans can also be summoned. As soon as possible before any other variables arise!’

As the sun went down, after some time, we gathered again at Diana’s residence.

“Wow, I thought I was going to die of suffocation. Even if I smell it again, it’s really…”

“I didn’t even bother, and I did well. It really helped a lot. Now we have to set the execution date.”

I read Diana extensively, and after a moment’s contemplation, I immediately declared.

“Tomorrow at noon. When the sun rises in the middle of the sky.”

If possible, I would like to start right now, but since the sun has already set, I decided to aim for the next day.

‘Both vampires and undead are equally strong in the dark, but the degree to which they are weakened by the sun is different.’

Even if it is pure blood, the fighting power of residual blood cannot be expected much.

Even pure blood wouldn’t be able to deliver full power.

We planned a plan for tomorrow and prepared the brothers and sisters as well.

“We don’t have any luggage to bring. You can leave at any time.”

“Okay, then tomorrow…”

After telling the brothers and sisters to take precautions, we parted and headed for the mansion and looked around the city.

The place where Heinz died and Heinz II became a vampire.

I will leave this city tomorrow.

‘Of course, take everything you need! Come to think of it, there are many things that look expensive in the mansion.’

He licked his lips with his tongue and gleamed his eyes.

Wouldn’t it be better to have more money?

He smiled alone and entered the house.

And time goes by.

the sun rose

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