My Alter Ego Is Becoming a Giant chapter 339

My Alter Ego Is Becoming a Giant 339

Dragon and Dragon (3)

After the first meeting between Horus, the hatchling from Outerica, and the dragons, the home of the Kangwhan world, went smoothly.

Horus received intensive training in the arts of this world directly from the two dragons, along with their caring care.

The Blue Dragon and the Red Dragon said that it would be enough for them to just maintain their positions as yellow dragons during the ceremony, but the person involved was not convinced by that and made a strong request.

Even if you participate as just a symbolic mascot, there is bound to be a big difference in knowing and not knowing how things are going.

Since he is also the master of ceremonies, wouldn’t it be good for both of us to have at least an understanding of basic techniques?

···The two dragons were delighted with Horus’s claims and promised to spare no support in his education.

Of course, Horus’s true intentions are hidden there—.

‘Since I’ve come this far, I have to take everything I can get. ···If I keep doing that, I might be able to find a way to save the dragon children.’

I just wanted to somehow take advantage of the current situation.

Originally, it was basic to delve into the basics first before solving the problem at hand.

In order to solve the difficult problems posed by this world, it was necessary to clearly understand its mysteries.

‘In the world, the Mosan faction is known as a renowned master of magic, but most of the magic they use is said to have been derived from Geumgodo.’

And the people at the peak of that direction in Geumgodo were none other than dragons, divine beasts revered as legends even in this world.

A symbol of magical power that can freely deal with natural disasters, including storms and rain.

But there was no way he would just give up such a great opportunity to experience the essence of Kang Huan’s techniques through them, right?

And the learning ability that Horus showed when facing such a new mystery.

It was literally a shock to the Red Dragon and Blue Dragon, who still thought of him as a young and cute dragon from another world.

“Oh my god… what on earth is that guy? Could it be that he was pretentious even though he already knew everything? Otherwise, this speed makes no sense.”

“…Now I understand how he was able to reach that level at that age. It’s at a level that you can’t even call it a mere talent. “He understands the mystery like breathing and absorbs it in his own way.”

“under! If the old folks who were talking about me being a traitor for a thousand years found out, they would be foaming at the mouth and collapse. “Is time really this fleeting?”


The tiny young dragon absorbed everything they taught him with truly terrifying force.

To the point where I wonder if this is really my first time encountering a technique.

But if you think about it, it wasn’t that strange.

“The ruler of all things” who assists with the affinity of energy and attributes.

“Mysterious Investigator” who grants aptitude for all mystical sciences.

“Resister of Providence” who ignores the restrictions arising from the differences between dragons.

And to the point that he has already mastered “Dragon Magic,” which can be said to be the pinnacle of magic, to a high level.

Horus was gifted with extraordinary skills from birth, and was literally a golden spoon of perfect bloodline from birth.

Even now, isn’t there a lot of growth compensation added to the 『Elixir of Growth』?

‘It goes without saying that there is indirect help from other avatars such as ‘Unholy Sage’ and ‘Way of Magic’.’

The result of everything coming together was the current Horus.

The crystallization of irrationality: when you see one, you know ten, when you know ten you enlighten a hundred, and when you enlighten a hundred you master a thousand.

《The entity achieved enlightenment through knowledge. Acquire the skill “Tenryu Taoist Jutsu”.》

Once he started to really focus on one thing, it didn’t take long for it to come to fruition.

“···I never thought it would already be at this level. “What do you think, Blue Dragon?”

“It’s definitely more than I expected. “You can move on to the next step right away without having to waste time.”

“I agree. “If it’s like me… it wouldn’t be such a waste to give it away.”

“Yes, that is necessary anyway.”

Such rapid growth was enough to earn the admiration and recognition of the two women who actively taught him.

When his next class started, they gave him a very special gift.

A precious item that I never expected to see like this.

“Ugh? “This can’t be right…!”

“Woohuhu, Horus’s surprised expression is cute too.”

“Every time we are surprised, it feels refreshing to see a change in position. not bad.”

A circular sphere that shines blue as if it contains the clear sky.

Inside, a clear golden glow wavered like flames or waves, strongly radiating its presence.

It was so mysterious and beautiful that I couldn’t take my eyes off it.


“It’s a gift to Horus. After all, it is a necessary item for rituals. “I never thought I would give it to you so quickly.”

“I can’t carry the karma of a yellow dragon without Yeouiju. Normally, you would have your own Yeouiju, but since you are an exception, the previous owner will fully understand.”

The Yeouiju was a must-have item for all dragons, and if you were to be specific, it was in a similar position to the Dragon Heart.

A treasure of treasures that not only contains enormous energy in itself but also provides various beneficial effects to the user.

Unless something ‘big’ happened, Yeouiju, which had been with the dragon who created it for the rest of its life, was of course not an item that could be given away so easily.

“What if it was the previous owner…?”

“···Well, for now, let’s just say it’s Sentai Yellow Dragon. “It’s hard to pinpoint one because they all die before they can last long.”

“There’s nothing to worry about just because it’s a keepsake. “This is something they left behind in the hope that it will be of some help to this situation.”

Of course, considering the recent past, which was literally a series of ‘big troubles’, it was natural for Yeouiju to be without an owner.

Horus stared at the female pearl in his hand and focused his mind on one point.


A storm of energy mixed with the wind swirls.

The temperature nearby began to fluctuate arbitrarily due to the enormous energy that was not properly controlled because it was not yet familiar.

However, your level of proficiency will increase if you use it a lot.

Additionally, the abilities he had were advantageous for getting used to them.

‘not bad. No, it’s very good! I never thought I’d get this so quickly.’

As they say, Horus’ ability to learn was beyond imagination, which was certainly one of the reasons.

Perhaps something else had a significant influence on this bold decision?

‘Yes, for example…’

The situation on the continent has become so noisy that even from their point of view, they cannot ignore it.

This is the full-fledged demonstration of the Demonic Cult.

‘I guess that’s why I became anxious. In a situation like now, you never know when something will happen.’

The Yellow Dragon clan has already become extinct due to the conflict with the Demonic Cult.

Although Beoncheonhoeju, who took the lead in this matter, has already left this land, the remaining power of the Demonic Cult cannot be ignored.

It was natural for them to react sensitively.

‘Hmm, Yeouiju. How can I use this most efficiently?…’

Of course, Horus didn’t really worry one bit about that.

That’s right too.

Not only had they already killed the Heavenly Demon, who was the culprit behind everything, but they were also just sorting out the headquarters of the Heavenly Demon Church, which was its stronghold.

A great companion who is like one with him.


The headquarters of the Heavenly Demon Church in the Tian Shan Mountains of Xinjiang Province.


The earth shook with a huge explosion.

Although it was the culprit of the world’s tribulation, the city, which had been strangely peaceful until now, was thrown into chaos due to the sudden uproar.

“Move quickly!”

“Jisaldae moves right away!”

The religious warriors moved frantically.

Jang Sam, who has been in charge of raising livestock for over a dozen years, hid inside the barn and looked out at their urgent situation with a terrified expression.

‘What on earth happened?!’

I can’t even tell how many times this thought has come back to me.

He tried to move his stiff head, which was not moving very well, and thought about what had happened.

Today was a day no different from usual.

Jang Sam, who is in charge of the livestock industry at the headquarters of the Church of the Heavenly Demon, woke up early in the morning, ate the meal prepared by his wife, prayed to the Heavenly Demon, the representative of the god they follow, and then headed to work.

And it took a while to pick up fodder to feed the cows and clean the barn.

It was at that time that the clear sky suddenly became dark and covered with dark clouds.

For a moment, he and those around him were confused by the sudden abnormal weather and started whispering.

Immediately afterwards, along with a loud thunder, someone’s voice from the sky echoed in all directions, as if coming from heaven.

[“Listen, mortals trapped in the back.”]

[“I am the lord of all demons in the world.”]

[“Respect the new demon king.”]

Even though I was just listening, the hair on my whole body stood up and my saliva dried.

A voice that is both holy and solemn, as if looking at the world.

The will behind that calm declaration was something that he, a mere villager, could neither dare to fathom nor endure without hesitation.

‘Yes, I did. Now this was a change that happened right after that.’

Only then did Jang-sam, who had managed to revive some of his memories that had been lost, sigh heavily.

Even though I only heard a few words, right after the voice that seemed to flood my mind, the current situation began with an enormous amount of magical energy covering the surrounding area at once.


Jang Sam swallowed his saliva and stuck his head out to look out toward the center of the city.


“Stop it!”

Cheaeng! Chaang!

Fights happening everywhere.

Beings that looked like they were completely covered in black ink were trampling on the warriors of the religion, and in order to keep up, the masters who joined one after another formed a systematic formation to fight back.

It looked quite fierce, but even Jang Sam, who was ignorant of the fighting aspect, could recognize it at a glance.

As it is, no matter how hard the religious warriors rush in, they will have no chance of winning.

Of course, I couldn’t help but think of that thought.

That thing was just holding out against the henchmen.

In fact, no one is able to stop the person looking down from above the sky or the unidentified being leisurely approaching this way, so what is the use of everything else?




But suddenly, the entrance to a building of the Church of the Heavenly Demon God burst open, and a series of large-bodied giants came out of it.

Beings whose size cannot be considered human.

“Huh! Yo… Youkai?!”

It wasn’t just that he was big.

A monster with a boar’s head and horns, a monster in the shape of a winged tiger, and even a monster in the shape of a wolf standing on two legs.

I was just observing its existence, but that alone somehow took my breath away.

Jang-sam’s mental strength, which had lasted quite a long time for an ordinary country boy, was only there.

He was crushed by the aftereffects of clashing beings among beings of overwhelming stature, and was unable to endure it any longer, foaming at the mouth and passing out.

Just like other ordinary people in this city did.

“Hoo? “Is that…?”

At that time, the gaze of Hans, the invader who had just succeeded in enclosing the entire surrounding area with a barrier, turned to where the giants were.

“Is it a jiangshi made from a monster? Plus, something feels very familiar.”

Hans’ narrowed gaze carefully scanned the bodies of the monsters.

All of them are over 5 meters long and have all kinds of patterns engraved on them, as well as amulets attached to them.

The thought of turning that huge body into an entire jiangshi made me curious about their jiangshi skills.

‘Yes, somehow it feels similar to Dool.’

It wasn’t because of my mood.

Their identity is a jiangshi created from a great youkai who was called the Four Evils along with Dool when he was alive.

Except for Do-ol, who survived alone and escaped to Geumo-do, all three were here.

Not only has he lost the sense of reason he had in life, but even his high status has been reduced, and he has become a puppet of humans.

‘It’s not just those three.’

Following them, various monsters and gangshi lined up and began to come out of the building.

Apparently, that building is a studio that uses monsters to create jiangshi.

It seemed to be a prejudice on this side that only the corpse of a warrior would be suitable as material for a river poem.

Of course, that didn’t mean it was bad.

No, rather…

‘This is great, this is a great sample!’

I felt even more satisfied that their level of magic was higher than I expected.

Considering that various technologies will be applied to various fields in the future, a more flexible and highly scalable method is essential.

‘If you’ve seen this much, I think you’ve seen it all.’

Hans slowly looked around.

Now that many of the elites, including the cult leader, have escaped, they are deliberately slowly putting pressure on them to make them reveal everything they have been hiding…

By now, it seemed like everything worth taking out had been taken out.

‘Then let’s organize it little by little.’

There was a lot of work to do ahead.

In order to not only recover those samples as completely as possible, but also to ensure that the Demonic Cult’s command center and researchers are in their hands, we need to be busier than we are now.


Black magic energy began to gather around Hans’ body.

An abyss-like darkness that makes you feel like you’ll be sucked in just by looking at it.


The space around Hans was distorted by the density of existence.

And through the distorted space, the black energy of the abyss slowly spread.

A cold smile appeared on Hans’ lips.

Of course.

An empty house without the main power, including the head of the church, could not block Hans’s path.

Just a few hours from Hans’ appearance.

This was the time it took for the headquarters of the Heavenly Demon Church to fall.

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