My Alter Ego Is Becoming a Giant chapter 405

My Alter Ego Is Becoming a Giant 405

Ken Miyamoto (2)

Many things happened in a short period of time.

This ceremonial hall is a workshop under the complete control of Sodian.

The mysteries hidden within were all imbued with her will.

Therefore, it was linked to the main body and was able to immediately show its presence without hesitation in a sudden crisis situation.


Numerous tree roots sprouted from the floor and a barrier covered the entire underground, immediately twisting and distorting the space inside.

As the shackles were activated to restrain the intruder’s body, a terrible curse was poured out towards it.

Countless magical barriers arose to block the beast’s attack path, and a magic circle interlocked like gears emerged, and the black magic to exclude the opponent was completed in an instant.


A near-perfect response that completely blocks sudden male/female activity.

Indeed, it was a majesty worthy of a high-ranking devil who had walked the path of magic for thousands of years, far surpassing even that of a fairly transcendent level mage.



However, it was a very unfortunate thing for Sodian.

The opponent was just too bad to block at a ‘close to perfect’ level.

Quad duk— wow!

The curse is chewed and swallowed whole.

The barrier blocking the front was torn apart by sharp teeth, and the barrier that regulated the distance from the opponent began to creak.

The shackles that had been holding on with great difficulty burst due to the rough movements, and the black magic that flew in with evil energy did not do much damage to the monster.

“Tsk! Ken, how dare you do something like this…!”

Yes, literally a monster.

He didn’t care at all what was in his way.

It only runs in a straight line toward one target: Sodian.

“eliminate! This is my territory! “Do you think I will be defeated easily?”



Angered, she struggled, but there was no telling how long it would last.

They are merely holding on with the help of the environment of attack and defense, and their resistance will not last long in the face of this fierce onslaught.

‘···Amazing? I knew Davidson was strong, but I couldn’t believe it was that strong.’

Ken, who was quietly watching it from a distance, closed his eyes tightly.

Davidson runs wild, looking strangely excited, like a puppy out for a walk.

Seeing the entire ceremony site being devastated in the aftermath, I felt like I was getting PTSD as I was reminded of the beagle that had made a mess in the house.

‘There’s no need for me to intervene. I can just leave it to him completely and do my own thing.’

Ken calmed down and took a deep breath before turning around.

I was thinking of joining forces together if the situation were to arise, but looking at the situation, I thought it would be enough to not go that far.

“···Are you here?”

Finding the path wasn’t that difficult because the activated barrier was shaking back and forth due to Davidson’s rampage.

Above all… just like last time, all he had to do was follow the strange attraction that seemed to be calling to him.

He glanced at the huge Balrog, Duke Tuma Karakul, whose entire body was restrained, just as he had seen then, and approached the door located on one side of the pillar face.

Duke Tuma later.

For now, the first thing to do was to check this plan.

My heart is pounding—

As I got closer to the door, my heart began to beat more vigorously.

As a result, tension creeps up deep within my chest.


With a hand filled with magical power, Ken pushed the door open, ignoring the strong opposition.

The sight reflected in his eyes as he took a big step through the open door…


A space so large that it is impossible to imagine that it was inside a pillar.

It was a large temple painted entirely in white.

Large pillars and statues erected on the left and right, as well as magnificent paintings on the high ceiling.

In addition, there were many unidentifiable languages engraved in pure gold all over the surrounding area that even Ken, who had lived in this world for quite a long time, could not recognize.

Based on the atmosphere, it must be a sutra that worships a certain god.

He quietly looked at it with frowning eyes and then shook his head.

‘Temple? A place like this? Also, no matter how I look at it, it doesn’t look like it’s a temple dedicated to a demon god. ···What on earth are you thinking, Duke of Demon Dragon?’

As Ken entered the room, his steps headed in one direction without hesitation.

It was so natural that even I noticed it too late.

However, he did not bother to stop and silently crossed the hallway of the temple.

Anyway, since I had decided to thoroughly investigate this place, it didn’t make much of a difference where I went first.

The place we arrived at was a space with beds lined up like a hospital.

“Is this a place to offer sacrifices?”

No, when I looked closely, I saw that it was not a bed but a small altar.

Considering that there are people lying on top of it one by one, it doesn’t seem to be much different.

‘···I expected it to some extent.’

The appearance of the sacrificed people varied greatly.

Everything from gender to age and race.

What do they have in common is that they all appear to be adults or older and that they are all skinny and lying dead?

‘It’s rather surprising that there are people still alive today.’

Some people were still barely able to breathe, perhaps thanks to special methods, but most of them seemed to have already passed their limit and had died a long time ago.

There was even a person who completely turned white, so I said everything.

‘I need to correct this. ‘It looks like a morgue, not a hospital room.’

And there he was— Ken Miyamoto, a Japanese man, Ken, a devil of the Count level in the Demon World.

I was able to identify what had led me here.

He looked down blankly.

“···her? What’s this?”

One of dozens of small altars lined up.

Lying there, like the others, was a man, skinny and breathing heavily.


Even though his skin and bones were in a similar state, he had a very familiar face that was recognizable at a glance…

A being that seems to be an exact replica of Ken’s appearance when he was human.


“It must have been a long time since we last met, but are you back already? “It doesn’t matter if I stay longer and come back.”

Heinz II, a cold-looking vampire sitting in his office, slightly tilted his head.

His gaze caught a boy who looked to be in his late teens, sitting on the living room sofa with his hands clasped behind his head, looking away.

However, the new owner spoke first, so I couldn’t pretend not to know until the end.

He let out a small sigh as the eyes stared at him, then raised his hands and cautiously opened his mouth.

“We won’t have much time together in the future anyway, right? There’s a lot of work to be done, but it’s enough to clear the loop for a few days. “The presidential election is just around the corner, so my mother will be very busy.”

“Hmm, is that really all?”

When asked again, Temiran McClair pouted his lips.

Then he quietly averted his eyes and grumbled softly.

“···Actually, it’s a little uncomfortable. I am now a grown son, but I can’t just stay in my mother’s arms forever, right? But in my mother’s eyes, I still feel like I’m just that little kid back then…”

So he ran away here under the pretext of working outside.

Heinz chuckled at the complaint of being full.

Who would look at that and think he is a saint?

No matter how you look at it, isn’t he just a boy who has just entered puberty?

‘Well, it might be natural since he would have been trapped and brainwashed the whole time until he came out.’

People do not mature simply by getting older.

What is more important is to meet and learn from many people and gain diverse experiences.

Just as a child who has lived with the Internet is more clever than an old man who has always lived in the mountains, Temiran’s time can now be said to have finally returned to its normal orbit.

‘Well, if you took care of this much, you should take care of the rest now. As I said, he is not an ordinary child.’

As a former apostle, he walked around in the shadows of the world, and as a current Holy Blood vampire, he became a high-ranking official of Hybrid.

The only person in this world who could treat him like a child would be his mother, Kayla McClair.

“If that’s the case. Well then, let’s talk about work first. “Let’s go into more detail about the demon world I mentioned last time.”

“Ah… is that what you mean?”

“Yes, I only vaguely listened to it back then, but I might have missed something.”

Temiran, who had responded to Heinz’s orders with a serious attitude, slightly lowered his head and continued speaking.

“I’ll say it again, all I did was clean up after myself. Most of the work had already been completed before, so I didn’t do much. Of course, I have no choice but to write down what I know.”

Moreover, the revolutionary passed away without being able to properly hand over the handover, and Temiran came into the world as an apostle incomplete.

Of course, I had to lack what I knew in many ways…

Still, the apostle was not completely ignorant as he was an apostle.

In order to proceed with the work, you had to be fully familiar with the general outlines.

“They kidnapped people from another world and forcibly sent them to the demon world…”

And one of them was the kidnapping of the awakened people of Earth, which was secretly carried out until a few years ago.

“What is its purpose?”

“Of course I want to use it as a medium. I’ve only heard stories, but they say that if you use the characteristics of other world people well, it becomes very easy to bypass the world’s laws. “If that happens, the things you can do become endless.”

It is said that this has been going on since not long after Earthlings were sent to Outerica until just a few years ago.

Because this was done secretly to hide their identities, kidnappings did not occur indiscriminately, but as the period was long, the number of victims would never be small.

‘The number of people on Earth who were harmed by them during that period must be enormous.’

Perhaps that also contributed greatly to the belated discovery of the existence of a dimension called Outerica.

Since transmission had only recently begun, not many people were dispatched, but as soon as something was revealed, they were kidnapped without even knowing, so the number of returnees was bound to be small.

‘Maybe I and Hans would have ended up in the same situation if we had started our first transmission from a different place.’

If you were ignorant about this world and possessed unusual items from the Earth, you would have been bound to stand out in some way.

At that time, Ken’s face flashed through Heinz’s mind.

After listening to the story, it was clear that he was also one of the victims of kidnapping.

So what happened that caused him to become a devil and a settler?

“yes? Demonization? “What do you mean by that?”

The answer to that question was another question.

“Plus, it completely eliminates the characteristics of people from another world… If you do that, won’t the value of the offering decrease? I don’t know of any way to completely take away that trait. “The same goes for former revolutionaries.”

In the end, all I found out was that sending Ken to the demon world was true, but the rest was completely unrelated to it.

‘Hmm, what happened? ‘Could it be that he lied?’

Maybe so.

At that time, his relationship with Hubert was merely that of neighbors meeting for the first time.

Although the truth was checked through “analysis,” it could not be considered perfect as the differences in levels were significant.

‘No, I checked again later by talking to Hela. Besides, there’s no need to lie like that when we’ve already revealed that we’re both from Earth…’

Heinz frowned as his mind became complicated and he shook his head.

If you think it’s difficult for no reason, it becomes more complicated.

In times like these, I needed to think more simply.

for example-

Like Harley, whose actions speak louder than words.

‘Life in the demon world was more fun than I thought.’

Harley is enjoying the exciting monster life as Davidson these days.

He was usually the type to move as he pleased, but after replacing his entire body, including his brain, with monster genes, this tendency became more pronounced.

From Noble mtl dot com

‘I think the fight is over, let’s move slowly.’

I haven’t noticed anything special during the time we’ve been together, but if you stick next to me and observe, something will come out.

And really, there was another way.

‘If you become a high-ranking devil, your fingers will regenerate quickly.’

A cool smile formed on Heinz’s lips.

Temiran, who had been carefully observing him, quietly walked away.

I think it would be better to just rest at home.


A large tree lying on the ground as if it had been cut down.

Davidson, who was sitting on it and chewing on branches with his three heads, turned his head.



Then, he stretched out in a prone position and walked towards the door of the pillar where Ken entered with light steps.

The ritual hall was in shambles and the ghost tree was horribly broken—leaving only the remains of the marquis-level demon Sodian behind.

But Davidson didn’t come in the door right away.

The place where his feet stopped was right in front of him.

It was the home of a huge, tightly bound Balrog—Karakul, Duke of Tuma.

Three pairs of eyes looked up at him, barely able to breathe.

The emotion contained in those eyes was neither admiration for the mighty devil nor sympathy for his situation.


All there is is appetite.

Saliva flowed from three spouts.

I was feeling empty because I had unexpectedly become a vegetarian just moments ago.

In the meantime, there are so many delicacies that are difficult to taste, so how can you pass up this sumptuous feast?

That wasn’t polite to the “food spirit”!

‘Okay, since we have a busy way to go, let’s just have one bite.’

To be precise, it may be ‘one bite at a time’.

It wasn’t a big difference, so it probably doesn’t matter.


The three heads swelled to enormous size in an instant.

Unlike a little while ago, where the size was appropriately adjusted for combat efficiency.

By focusing all of the mutation energy solely on size.

Kwasik! Quad Deuk! Red flag—

For your information.

In the first place, it was impossible to leave meat to Harley.

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