My Alter Ego Is Becoming a Giant chapter 5

My Alter Ego Is Becoming a Giant 5

first contact

Attack of wild beasts that silently fall.

I was able to react narrowly because I noticed it before.

A lot of cards—!

“Ugh…. What is this all of a sudden?!”

He threw the metal rod he was holding for self-defense into the jaws of the beast that had attacked him, blocking it, and toppling the floor.

Even with a strengthened body, he could not shake off the beast that was crushing him with his weight.

“Creepy . . .”

Saliva dripped down from between the jaws that chewed the metal stick.

I guess he only thinks of me as a snack.

‘Ah, I will make you dirty.’

The sword armor and arm guards over the upper body were already tattered by the claws of the beast, and there were even wounds all over the body, but I calmly searched for a countermeasure.

I was startled by the sudden wind, but it was like a realistic game to me, having filtered out my fear and pain.

Therefore, I was able to respond immediately without making a mistake due to tension.

He twisted the two hands that were supporting the metal rod sideways to make a momentary gap, and quickly grabbed the handle of the waist with one hand.



Without hesitation, he thrust the knife into the scruff of the beast.

Perhaps it was because I had used “Magic Affinity” to hit all of my weak magical power with the knife, and the blade pierced the thick skin of the guy and pierced it deeply.

With one hand, he pressed a metal rod to cover his jaw, and with the other hand he continued stabbing the nape of his neck with a knife.

Fortunately, the man who was stabbed at the vital point lost his strength and somehow managed to survive.

How long has it been since you struggled like that?

I could feel the strength slowly draining from the beast’s body.

“Heh heh heh heh heh, it’s finally over.”

Finally, he confirmed that he had stopped breathing and got up from his seat.

The beast was a black panther.

Looking at it in the dark night, I could see that it was my luck to have noticed and responded to something that was hardly noticeable.

He looked away from the leopard and looked at his condition.

Tattered clothes and equipment, from wounds to bloodstains everywhere.

There was no separate window.

Fortunately, the wound was healing in real time.

The protective gear was damaged, but thanks to him, he didn’t get seriously hurt.

‘It’s probably not a good choice to stay here forever.’

It was best to avoid the place as soon as possible, as the smell of blood would spread as well as the fact that he made a fuss while fighting the leopard.

The bloodstains on his body were washed off with water and hurriedly left the place.

It won’t be completely washed away, but it’s better than doing nothing.

That moment when I retrace my steps.

Was the luck still there?

A light could be seen from beyond the trees.

I approached it carefully and looked at it, and it looked like a small slash-and-burn village.

‘I was only in the forest, so I thought it was only night, but it seems it’s not time to sleep yet. I saw people walking around.’

It was my first encounter with people from another world.

Although he was dressed in a mess, he adjusted it to look as neat as possible and headed for the entrance of the fence around the village.

It was late, so the door to the fence was closed and no one was watching.

As I was contemplating what to do, the man’s head was sticking out of the fence.

“Who are you?”

Fortunately, there was someone, and he calmed his voice and answered.

“hello. During the trip, I got lost on a forest road and came to this point. Could you please let me sleep in the village for just one night?”

“You mean you were walking through the woods alone this night? A forest infested with those beasts?”

Uh… I only encountered one black panther, was it really such a dangerous forest?

I sighed in relief, thinking I was really lucky.

“Ah… Yes, I was fortunate enough to get out of it after a lot of hard work. Thanks to you, I’ve become a fanatic. Ahahaha.”

I smiled awkwardly and answered in a hurry, and the middle-aged man looked at my messed up body, said to wait a moment, and disappeared over the fence.

‘There’s a lot of vigilance. Well, in a village like this in the forest, there is nothing we can do about it.’

I thought it was natural for him to look suspicious.

Even though he was in a tattered state, his clothes were not foreign.

After waiting for a while, the disappearing man reappeared with an old man who appeared to be the village chief.

“Yeah… I heard the story, young man. Did you get lost while traveling and come all the way here?”

“Yes that’s right. old man.”

As I answered politely and pretended to be as harmless as possible, the old man who was looking at me smiled kindly and opened his mouth.

“People in need, like us, have to help each other in difficult times. May you rest in peace.”


A middle-aged man who came with an old man immediately opened the door to the barrier.

I thanked him for this and went in and greeted me politely again.

“Thank you again for your kindness.”

“Well, it’s late today, so please go inside and rest. There are a few vacant rooms in our house, so we should stay there.”

The old man smiled kindly and greeted them, but the middle-aged man did not respond.

‘Hey, you’re a rude yangban.’

We moved along with the old man and chatted about various things.

As expected, the old man was the village chief.

And I could see that the forest I had passed was a more dangerous place than I thought.

It was fortunate that I met only one black leopard in such a forest, and that the village was not far away so it was easy to find.

“My name is Malcolm. Okay, what’s your name?”

“ah! My name is Hans.”

As we talked, we arrived at the village chief’s house.

Since the town is small, it didn’t take long.

“You can rest in this room. You must have suffered a lot, but rest in peace.”

“Thank you very much. How am I supposed to repay this favor…”

“Well, if you are grateful, it would be good if you cut some firewood tomorrow.”

“yes! I am very confident in my stamina. Just leave it to me!”

Eventually, the village chief left and I was left alone in the room.

There was some dust because it was an empty room, but compared to being homeless in the forest, it was like heaven.


Finally, I completely relaxed, put down the bag on my back, and took off my messy clothes.

The top was almost useless, as was the equipment damaged by the claws of the beast.

Still, it’s better than not using it, so I won’t throw it away.

‘I had heard of it, but… It’s amazing to experience it firsthand. I understood and used their language unconsciously.’

While thinking about this and that, I wet a towel with water and wiped my body, and I realized that all the wounds had healed without a trace.

“Super Recovery” was a really helpful ability in many ways.

“Magic Affinity” was also quite useful.

After tidying up, I opened my sleeping bag on the old bed and went in and lay down.

It’s been awhile since I’ve been here, and in the interim, I’ve been fighting wild beasts and meeting people from other worlds and talking to them.

‘Yeah, I’m doing fine. The conversation wasn’t strange, and the village chief’s reaction wasn’t bad either.’

He looked up at the ceiling and raised the corners of his mouth and smiled softly.

I don’t know if “Mind Hub” helps here as well, but I was able to laugh quite naturally.

I smiled at the ceiling for a while, then smiled and closed my eyes.

In fact, I couldn’t sleep since I came to another world, but now I need to keep up with the jet lag of this world, so I was thinking of forcing myself to rest.

I slowly entered a dormant state.


I opened the package, took out the chicken and took a bite.

“After all, chicken is the truth.”

As soon as I sent my avatar to another world, I ordered chicken, but it didn’t arrive until I went into town after all the journey and went dormant.

Well, it was unavoidable because it was only about 20 minutes in Earth time.

‘By the way, it’s really good. To be able to travel in a different world comfortably while taking a shower in warm water and eating chicken.’

Another avatar, ‘Heinz’, followed in the footsteps of ‘Hans’, who was sent to another world, and entered the extreme training mode.

You don’t know when it will be delivered, so be prepared in advance.

As I ate the chicken in an instant and cleaned it up, I could feel that morning had come from a dormant other world.

“Ummm…then I’ll try to gather information about how the world works.”

I started walking, sitting in front of my computer, and looking at various sites.

Because I was able to fully enjoy my trip to another world while using the Internet.


He closed his eyes and was in a dormant state, but he did not completely block all his senses.

I woke up with my eyes open when I felt the light outside and people starting to move.

Of course, avatars need to get a good night’s sleep to give their brains a rest, but this night was to get used to jet lag, so that was enough.

“Good night, mayor.”

“Okay, Hans, did you get a good rest too?”

“Yeah, thanks to you, I was able to spend the night comfortably.”

I said hello to the village chief who had just left the room and went to the backyard to wash myself.

“I don’t have anything set up, but I hope you eat a lot.”

“Thank you so much for giving me something to eat.”

“Heot hut hut, we all live helping each other. I just need to help out with the village a little later.”

Although it was all about boiled potatoes or hard bread and soup, I was able to eat it satisfactorily considering it was the first meal I ate in another world.

It didn’t look like they were cooking at home, but when I asked about it, the village chief answered.

“Since elderly people live alone, people around them take care of them at every meal. Thank you.”

It seemed that the villagers were closer than they thought.

Or, being the mayor, he is being treated in many ways.

As we talked, stories about me naturally came out.

“Come to think of it, your clothes, your equipment, and things you have never seen before. Where did you come from?

“Ahahaha, I like unusual things. It happened because I was wandering around and collecting them one by one.”

“Ho-oh…. Isn’t it difficult to travel alone?”

He roughly fooled around with the setting of a wandering adventurer he had thought of in advance, and revealed that he got lost while traveling aimlessly.

Then, naturally, I asked if there were any other cities nearby.

“Hmmm…. What would an old man who lives only in the mountains know? I think I’ve heard that there’s a small town going east.”

Unfortunately, the answer that came back was not certain, but we decided to go, aiming for the east.

Isn’t that better than wandering around with no destination?

He decided to leave the village the next day, and that day he decided to follow the village chief and help the village.

Before moving in earnest, it is necessary to gather at least a minimum of information in order to grow safely.

For me, who is not yet familiar with this world, it was a natural opportunity to approach the natives and get information.

He filled the back yard with water tanks, scooped up firewood to organize it, and even helped with the repair of the village’s barriers.

“Mr. Hans, I’d like some rope over there.”

“You are in good shape. What have you been doing before?”

Working with men from other villages, I was able to talk as naturally as possible and have many conversations.

“okay. So, you’re saying that the hunters are in charge of interacting with the outside world? Is there any other safe way?”

It wasn’t particularly difficult because he had a lot of physical strength, but rather, he worked nonstop as if he was training a little more this time.

“You worked hard today. If you leave early tomorrow, you should get a good rest. One last drink.”

After finishing the day’s information-gathering labor, washing up and entering the house, the village chief brought out a bottle of wine with dinner.

The alcohol was quite strong, but it was not enough to threaten the liver, which is recovering in real time, and it matched my taste better than I thought.

As I was giving and receiving for the pleasure of drinking alcohol from another world, I realized that quite a bit of time had passed.

If you’re late, you’ll have trouble getting up the next day.

Unlike the previous day, the time difference was also met, and with proper labor and alcohol, I was able to fall asleep really well this time.


Then I stopped the game I was playing, closed my eyes and focused.

Heinz, who was doing squats at the gym and lowered his body, stopped on the spot and closed his eyes.

The connection with Hans, the avatar in another world, was cut off.

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not work with dark mode