My Childhood Friend Who Dumped Me and My Ex-girlfriend Are in the Same Class chapter 5

My Childhood Friend Who Dumped Me and My Ex-girlfriend Are in the Same Class 5


A golden train was running on the railroad.

Reflected by the scorching sun light, a flash of light spreads out in all directions at each edge.

Not all of the car body was made of pure gold, but there is no doubt that it was luxuriously lacquered by pouring an astronomical amount like water.

The magic train, devised by the great men before the first century, was a means of transportation for the existing commoners who could not afford to pay the cost of using the gate, which is equivalent to the cost of living for a family of four.

Considering the mobility of the imperial capital’s population, which grew terribly over the years, it was an excellent invention.

However, it has not yet reached the level of crossing the entire continent. This is because countries other than the Empire could not afford the construction and operation costs to the extent that the national treasury was shaken.

So, only the most powerful and wealthy empire on the continent could own a magic train.

Among them, the golden train, which stood out for its special effort, cut through the center of the imperial capital without a single station and was heading to its final destination.

What you see under the closed windows is a forest of old-fashioned buildings.

Passing through them are immeasurable numbers of imprints.

If you look upwards.

You can see the central clock tower soaring high enough to touch the clouds, and the building that has penetrated the clouds and hid the upper body in the sky.

Akasha’s star is said to contain all the wisdom and knowledge in the world.

It is a huge demon tower that was created by absorbing all three magical schools that were divided in the past.

Since its establishment, it has reigned at the pinnacle of magic, and has maintained its prestige and prestige for over a hundred years.

The panoramic view of the imperial castle located on the left side was not enough to describe with words that dared to say it was magnificent.

Among the layered walls is the emperor’s palace. Inside that palace, not far away, there will be an emperor who rules a great empire.

with millions of inhabitants,

The city of sun and gold.

This is the capital of the Solar Empire.

It was Helios.

The train continues to run over the railroad tracks.

Then at some point

As if entering a different world, the surrounding scenery outside the window changes like a lie.

This was the last stop of the express train.

What you see through the tunnel… …

It was one city.

The streets are full of vitality, dyed with the fresh colors of spring, and it is beautiful. Students passing under the cherry trees radiate youthful and energetic energy.

Tens of thousands of boys and girls were living and breathing in this huge city of students whose hearts pounded just by breathing lightly.

It is impossible to even count the number of buildings of varying heights. First-time visitors to this city are usually engrossed in seeing the masterpieces of the empire.

Education, convenience, entertainment, residence, etc… Every street was packed with the best and most luxurious facilities exclusively for city students.

The name of this splendid city is,

It is the hometown of the heroes who commanded the century and the place where new stars are born. Another empire above the empire. A city of golden dreams where brilliant success is guaranteed just by stepping in as a student… …

Imperial Frontier Academy.


The train slowed down slowly. The train, which was walking slowly along the railway, soon stopped in the middle.

The entrance to the Frontier was visible from the window.

In front of it, it was already crowded with countless people, and not only students in frontier uniforms, but also noble nobles were lined up.

There were a few great nobles of the empire that were hard to see once in a lifetime, and there were also a few high-ranking nobles who were the king of the Principality or comparable to him.

A gate built not far away vomits out countless people. From the undulating border, students with nervous expressions and those who appear to be their parents gradually walk out.

The Imperial Knights, assigned to guard, rush to control the chaos and keep people in an orderly line.

As key figures from various countries gathered in one place, more thorough monitoring and control was needed.

Although there is an aisle dedicated to VIPs, the number of them is limited, so the waiting line is endless.

This is not usually the case. Although there is a lot of floating population, it is rarely this noisy and bustling.

Then why did so many people gather?

That’s right, today is the middle of March, when the season of early spring approaches.

This is because it is the day of the entrance ceremony for the new students of the Imperial Frontier Academy.

The train had already stopped long ago.


One by one, people exit from the open door.

The inside of the train rumbled. Several different pairs of legs pass under the screen.

The majority were frontier students.

More precisely, the new students who will be admitted this time.

got up

I rub my stiff neck and bend my head straight up once. There was a popping sound, and a cool sensation immediately arose in the vicinity of the joint.

I rode the train for quite some time, but thanks to the super soft and comfortable sofa, I was able to arrive without any inconvenience.

Keep your student ID in your pocket so you don’t lose it. It’s engraved with the location tracking spell, so even if you lose it, you’ll be able to find it quickly.

When I received it in the sealed mail, there was also a gate ticket in the envelope, but I purposely chose to go by train because I wanted to feel the atmosphere of a leisurely trip.

The result was a great success.

I think the ride went well.

After tidying up the clothes without any mess.

I grabbed the handle of the carrier with light luggage.

read at

Droo… …

As I dragged it out of the room, I ran into a girl in a frontier uniform who was just passing by.

“uh… … ”

Slightly stiff face. A rather stiff posture with an angle to the point of being excessive. Seeing how nervous he was, he looked like a freshman.

He glanced at the pattern engraved on the upper right of the red-brown uniform. He wasn’t in the same class as me. You seem to be a regular frontier student.

I don’t know exactly which class it is. The number of classes that exist inside Frontier exceeds dozens.

It wasn’t that he was nimble enough to know the name right away by looking at the pattern, he didn’t pay much attention to it.

“Ah, uh… … ”

Everything from ears to cheeks is reddish.

Wouldn’t it be great if you made a blush in the shape of a person? The eyes that were looking up at me are also spinning around without being able to change my mind.

Will I be able to make good friends like that?

It didn’t seem like he wouldn’t move even a single step from his seat until I passed first, so I pulled my suitcase away and headed for the exit.

after a while.

“… … There are a lot of people behind it.”

As soon as you walk out the exit, the view is clear.

— Oh, wait in line! line up!

— Beep! stop there!

— Hey, don’t you know who I am? huh? I’m not the kind of person who gets treated like this… …

— Ai, who keeps pushing you?!

The cries that were clear from afar are gradually amplified.

what is this… …

It’s not a big gathering.

The hustle and bustle of people filling the space in every corner gave me a foreboding that it would take a lot of effort to break through that road.

I’m already exhausted

It’s not like they’ll let you in if you just stay here.

If you don’t line up now, you will be pushed into a queue that is constantly being filled and you will be able to enter after a while.

Reluctantly, she dragged her suitcase down the stairs.

… … By the way.

As I walk through the station to the entrance, the voices of people I don’t know fly around me.

– Oh oh… Is that the future of the empire?

— It’s definitely different, but something is different.

— This rider is a mix of two commoners, right? I envy you, I envy you. To see the world with one innate talent… …

Unless you are a frontier official, such as a distinguished guest or student who has been appointed to attend an official event, outsiders cannot step into the frontier.

Because of this, I see parents who get on the train after seeing their children off, or professors who have admitted students through letters of recommendation, while they are heading to the gate, their gaze stays in this direction for a moment and then disappears.

Gossip mixed with the loud noise.

— That, is it? Do you think the pattern is correct?

— Wow, wow, damn my taste… … Churp.

— There are definitely no stalls with those kids. If you look, you will find the answer.

— What do you mean, at least I look older than you?

Even though the freshmen, including myself, were scattered all around, eyes that seemed to see strange creatures poured out from all directions.

Freshmen who know me are admiring or jealous, and new students I don’t know follow people looking at me, notice something, and let out a brief exclamation.

He made a slightly annoyed expression. It’s because I’m not used to being in the spotlight.

The end of the queue that arrived after passing those prickly glances.

… … If you take a peek in front of you, it looks like you will have to wait at least thirty minutes.

understand it Thousands of new students flock to it all at once. It is normal for the entrance to burst when all other personnel are added together.

Of course, there are other entrances to the city, but the situation there would not be much different from here.

There is a slight difference in the time of the entrance ceremony for each class, but most of them are unified at 10 am.

The current time is… It was just past 9 am.

Trying to slow down a bit

Even if there is a separate means of transportation inside the Frontier, it is questionable whether it will be possible to arrive within an hour from now.

tuk, tuk.

So, while looking at the handle of the suitcase in one hand and the watch in the other, I was roughly arranging my plans for the future.


“… … ?”

Someone taps my shoulder and asks.

“Are you a freshman in Epic Class?”

It was a knight in formal attire. He must have been sent to pay for the entrance ceremony. He was sweating profusely, apparently from running around.

I asked.

“… … Yes, what about it?”

“Ah, Epic class students have a separate passage for VIPs. If you go there, you will be able to enter right away without having to wait. I will guide you, so follow me.”

What, was there such a privilege?

Anything would be good as long as I could get out of this hellish heat. When I nodded, the knight turned his back and led me to the aisle dedicated to VIPs.

At the knight’s words, eyes gathered in this direction, and soon there was a gossip as if complaining and muttering, but I ignored it and followed the knight.

What surrounds the entire city is not a high wall, but an intangible membrane. It is designed to capture the panoramic view of the wide frontier from anywhere.

The robustness and security performance of the barrier has already been proven in the fact that there was only one incident caused by an external intrusion in its 100-year history.

“It is over there.”

As I walked around the border of the city, I soon saw people in front of the gate-like structure.

The number was remarkably small enough to pity the plight of those who had been waiting at the entrance.

… … The world is so unfair.

At that level, as the article said, it seems like it would be possible to enter immediately.

Suddenly, the knight reached out to me.

“Can you show me your student ID for a moment before we go in?”

“Oh, yes.”


He took out his gold-rimmed student ID from his uniform pocket and showed it to the driver.

“Well… … ”

I look closely to see if it is a forgery, and I want to alternately check the picture on my student ID and my face, then nod my head.

“Ezio Cranil, confirmed. You may now enter. If you go over there, you will be able to enter after a simple verification process.”

“Yes, thank you.”

The driver quickly left the seat as if he was busy.

I looked down at the frontier student ID that I was left with and returned from the knight.

“… … ”

I feel so weird.

After making the goal of entering the Frontier for the rest of my life, I tried with the utmost determination to die, but I never thought that it would come true.

Like the stars in the night sky, it’s far away, but it’s something anyone can do that they long for. Where is the person who thinks they can reach out and reach them directly? …

With Ezio Cranil from a year ago.

What is the current Ezio Cranil?

It would be more correct to see them as the same person.

It’s ridiculous to even say this to myself.

It’s hard to see him as someone like him.

His height has grown so much that he can look down on the previous article from above. A bone that has become stronger and thicker than ever before. I can’t find any traces of that skinny little kid from the past.

In addition, the high-purity magic that overflows through the bloodstream of the whole body, the body reconstructed into an optimal environment perfect for dealing with the magic circuit that runs wild like a flying beast, and the hair that has been discolored after overcoming the hurdle of death…

Aside from this, there have been many changes.

“… … ah.”

He brushed his sharp jaw like a habit, then suddenly came to his senses. I can’t afford to stand still and immerse myself in the emotions.

There is much work to be done in the future.

It’s not too late to remember the fragile past even after you’ve settled in. It wasn’t something I wanted to think about, though.

The moment you put your precious student ID in your pocket and drag your suitcase to move.

“… … yes?”

Among the invited guests, I saw a white uniform like mine.

Are you an Epic class student?

I don’t know if it’s a freshman or a senior returning from going out. As long as we’re in the same epic class anyway, we’ll run into each other someday.

That was just the thought.

… … I would have to

I couldn’t take my eyes off the side view.

It was a superior figure that stood out especially among noble aristocrats in splendid attire.

The uniform with the harmony of white and gold matched her skin color as white as snow and pure white.

A scabbard worn around the waist. It’s a pretty long sword.

The black hair soaked in a gloomy blue light glistens softly along with her modest gait.

She was like a flower in the snowy field.

You can tell just how beautiful she is just by looking at the eyes of the nobles who are looking at her right now. While there are glances of admiration or interest, there is a glistening filthy desire in the eyes of a certain plump aristocrat.

However, her lips are tightly closed, and there is a strong and determined will.

It seemed that everyone in the spot who saw the cold, sunken eyes knew intuitively that if they crossed the border, they would see a bad situation.

The man soon disappeared over the aisle.

I only saw it for a while, but I was very impressed.

Is it really the future of the empire, an epic class? He looked much higher than me, who came in with a pull-up… …


Cool is cool

… … Why do you think I saw it somewhere?

A person I had been hiding in my memory floated to the surface, and then submerged in my intense denial.

“… … ”


no way.

It can’t be.

It was completely different from the essential atmosphere, and Mew was my junior. It meant that he could not become a freshman with the same rider as me at the time.

“… … Yes, it can’t be.”


Why are my palms sweating?

Why are you trying to appease the uneasiness that is creeping up in the air while squeezing needlessly?

It was probably because the Frontier was right in front of me. The moment I crossed that passageway, the new life I so desperately wanted began, so it was natural to be nervous.

Well. great.

He nodded his head as if convinced himself and headed forward.

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  1. Inevitable End says:

    Yeah time skip and mc became Chad 🗿 after 2 break up and went through some training montage. 🫡

  2. Wut? Mb just bored :/ says:

    looks like the time skips is now gone and the story shall begun. Hmmm This will be fun

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