Parallel World Academy chapter 18

Parallel World Academy 18

Episode 18 Misunderstanding.

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The first impression of the movie watching club room was the ‘clutter’ itself.

Taken from n̲o̲b̲l̲e̲m̲t̲l̲.̲c̲o̲m̲

Movie magazines and posters scattered here and there, and energy drink cans piled high.

It was somewhat expected.

As is the case with clubs like this, it’s a place where only guys with strong otaku temperaments gather.

It didn’t mean I didn’t like it.

Rather, it is a club that suits me very well.

“Hey, Chan-wook Seo, a new member has arrived. Please process the application.”

“A new member has arrived?”

Seo Chan-wook is here?

I didn’t know this.

He was a character that didn’t have a lot of importance in the original, but he’s from the U-class, which is one step higher than the S-class to which I belong, so he must be a great person.

“What, it’s true.”

“Can I sign up now?”

“Sure. Now, here’s the club application form. You don’t have to write it down in detail, just write it down.”

“All right.”

There was nothing special about the application.

All you have to do is write down your date of birth, the class you are currently in, and your motivation for applying.

“Hmm, I was born in 2005, my birthday is February 5th, oh? Is it S class? The motivation to support… I really skimmed it. You say, ‘I just like movies’?”


“okay? So what’s the most fun movie you’ve ever seen?”

“I am a living patient.”

Seo Chan-wook’s face brightened when he said that the movie he enjoyed the most was a survivor.

On the other hand, the man next to him, who seemed to be the vice-captain, was sticking his tongue out as if he was not interested in something.

“okay! Such a member should come. you are very knowledgeable It’s true that I like real movies.”

“Ah, look at how he likes to be a hipster like you again.”

“Shut up, perfect B.”

“It’s a U-class, so the campaign is dirty. anyway.”

Also, people had to look good.

One word will make you shut your mouth.

“So, Seongjin, what did you like about being a living patient?”

“I liked how the aesthetics of moderation were expressed through a simple and clear, straightforward story with a clear purpose, the main character’s acting that melted the desperation well, a shocking and interesting direction, almost non-existent lines, and gentle background music.”

“Yeah, this is a real movie experience. What would a popcorn movie worm like you know?”

“I didn’t give up my convictions for just one actress.”

“That is unavoidable.”

I don’t understand.

Why do I have to watch popcorn movies?

Of course, I also enjoyed popcorn movies in the past.

The battle between superpowers, the thrilling stunt action that cannot be seen in real life, etc., there was definitely something special that only such movies had.

But, now it was terribly boring.

There are real superhumans all around, but I’m going to watch a movie in which fake superhumans are directed for a purpose.

“Who is our supervisor?”

“Professor Alice. know?”

I do not know.

He is a character who has never appeared in Dacapo Dream.

who is alice

“no. I don’t know.”

“Okay, maybe you don’t know. Professor Alice is a very kind person. Even when you see Koraji in the club room right now, you just walk away without saying anything.”

Shouldn’t that be called indulgence and not kindness?

how are you

Anyway, I didn’t choose this club to participate in something like a contest.

I just don’t like doing annoying things, so I joined a movie watching club.

So, no matter what we did, it would be better if the professor didn’t touch it.

“But you have to do it really well. I will never tolerate scrambled reviews such as ‘It was fun’, ‘I liked it’, and ‘I want to see you again’.”

“That’s fine.”

“Okay then. We don’t have anything to say about it. Welcome to our club.”

“Yes, welcome. my name is jacob Jacob Cameron.”

You have a very similar name to a certain film director in the world I lived in.

He did a very, very good film.

“Then, is your main club activity just watching a movie and writing a review?”

“Yeah, and all you have to do is submit it as a report.”

very good.

Sometimes when I want to see a movie, I can come and see a movie.

Now that the application for club membership is over, I’ll have to go back to training as usual.

“Where are you going? You should go see a movie.”

“Are you going to training?”

“What kind of training are you talking about? If you come to a club, it is a rule of thumb to hold a welcome party for new members, right? This is a newly released movie, so let’s watch it together and eat some chicken.”

Yeah, sometimes it’s not bad to take a break and watch a movie.

It’s not like it’s been more than two months since I’ve never been sober.




The movie they showed me was terrifying.

It was a B-movie from a not-so-famous company, and everything from shooting to acting was a mess.

Of course, you might think that it is simply a matter of taste.

However, Seo Chan-wook and Jacob’s expressions were also rotting like mine, so it was already proven that it was not simply an area of likes or dislikes.

Still, the chicken was delicious.

“I will go now.”

“Oh, yes. come often See you next.”

now what to do

It was a little late for training, and it was too early to go back to the dormitory.

Shall we go in for a quick dinner or something?

* * *

Currently, the preface of Trinity Academy, where I am located, is a typical downtown area, filled with restaurants and entertainment.

Of course, this phrase ‘commonly thought’ is the standard of this world to the end, and it was by no means an ordinary downtown area in terms of the sensibility of the earth.

It was more like a futuristic city in a cyberpunk style game.

Neon signs all over the place, and metallic buildings in monochrome tones that contrast with it.

I wanted to engrave the scene of this preface a little bit, but the reason I came here was to fill my hungry stomach, so I decided to start with a suitable restaurant.

Restaurants are not necessarily located only at the west gate, but restaurants located outside the west gate are mostly high-end restaurants with atmosphere, so there was no place to go other than here.

You don’t cut steaks for dinner.

Of course, eating a simple meal at a convenience store could be called a late night snack, but I didn’t want to.

If you go to a place you haven’t been to, you should enjoy the atmosphere of that place.

Even so, there was nothing special about the people living in the same place.

The only difference is that, in places where only minors can enter, the most common thing to see is a pub, which is a bar.

Legally, there was no problem.

This is because humans in this world are not only superior in physical abilities such as muscle strength and reaction speed, but also have superior immunity and other body metabolism, so they did not get drunk with any kind of alcohol.

As a simple example, in this world, if you drink three bottles of soju, you’re one of those who really can’t drink alcohol.

If I were to compare it to the world I lived in, should I say it’s at the level where I get drunk with a glass of beer and go away right away?

As such, beer was only treated as a drink that even children could drink.

So, after all, these pubs weren’t actually pubs either.

I just call myself that.

By the way, being here keeps me thinking of drinking.

I’m not looking for alcohol because I’m really depressed or there’s something I want to forget.

It’s rather strange that you don’t even think about drinking even though you’re in a place like this.

While I was thinking about having a beer to set the mood, someone called me up.

“Park Seong-jin? I will meet you in a place like this.”

Why is Katarina here?

I thought you were just focusing on training today.

“Katrina? What’s going on here? You never leave the training ground.”

“There are times when I also want to enjoy an escape.”

“I know how it feels. Well, actually everyone does.”

“Look, it looks like you’re here to drink beer too, wouldn’t you like to drink together?”

“What is it?”

Who would refuse this?

Opportunities to be alone with a beautiful woman like Katarina don’t come around very often.

it must be unconditional

“Then go to a place I know. I am very close with the owner.”

She led me into a pub called Liffey Estuary.

Judging from the fact that it is located in a fairly secluded alley, it must have been a hidden restaurant.

“Hmm, just asking, which do you prefer, ale or lager?”

As soon as Katarina finished the order, she asked a random question.

I’m not sure what the intention is.

By the standards of this world, was it even a serious story that was at the level of controversy.

To say that, it was already a question that had an obvious result.

Opinions differ quite fiercely as to whether it is slurred or not, but most of them choose lagers for lagers or ales.

In particular, Koreans have a stronger tendency to do so.

However, I prefer the ale side.

The freshness may be a bit lower, but the flavor and body of hops are deeper and heavier than ale.

“I am an alephage.”

“As expected, Park Seong-jin, I thought you would say that. It’s only now that you’ve met someone who understands beer properly. I’m glad. Even James, an American, never dreamed that even Jade, an Englishman, would choose a lager.”

I thought what would happen if my choice was wrong, but I felt fortunate that such a thing did not happen.

“The beer you ordered is here.”

“thank you.”

she raised the glass

I accepted the meaning of the gesture and lightly clasped the glass.



The taste was not much different from the beer I usually drink.

Well, even in the future, there might not have been any dramatic changes in brewing technology.

“Park Seong-jin.”


“Do you have a girl you like?”


I spit out the beer I was drinking.

It comes from an unexpected place.

I’m so glad I didn’t bump into Katarina.

“Why is that all of a sudden?”

“Yeah, all other S-class cadets have a girl they like.”

“What? who? who?”

It’s the first I’ve heard of it.

As of now, Jade is the only one who knows that some of the characters have a crush.

I remember it as Natalia or something like that.

“Did you not know?”

“I don’t know, it’s me. I didn’t even know you.”

“Oh, I forgot about that. I don’t even know First of all, I know that Alfred likes me.”

I’ve seen the setting that Alfred had a crush on Katarina.

However, I didn’t know if it was still going on.

“Then, what about the rest except for Alfred and Jade?”

“Isn’t Cheon Hyun-woo on good terms with Baek Seong-yeon? They weren’t married at all.”

“They are just good friends.”

“Friendship cannot be established between a man and a woman. Obviously, they have a crush on each other.”

“It’s just that we’re just friends.”

“not. I know for sure.”

I knew for a long time that Katarina had a hard personality, but it must have been that she was only this much.

No matter how you look at it, Baek Seong-yeon and Cheon Hyeon-woo are nothing more than good friends.

Baek Seong-yeon has a calm and quiet personality, so I don’t feel that way, but just looking at Chun Hyeon-woo’s reaction, I didn’t get the impression that she was perceived as a woman.

“On what basis are you speaking?”

“It’s just a woman’s sense. There’s no fresh feeling at all, and you don’t mind telling embarrassing stories. I don’t think I’ve ever thought about it because I’ve seen everything I’ve seen before.”

Although this is a reasonable inference in its own way, I could assure you that it was absolutely not, as I knew what Chun Hyeon-woo would take in the future.

However, he did not have the confidence to break Katarina’s stubbornness, so he decided to pass it on.

“Yeah, it could be. Hyeonu Chun, but what about James?”

“James has a girlfriend outside the academy.”

Sure, James would.

He has a pretty good face, and he has been famous as a guitar prodigy since childhood, and it is known that he still goes to various places during the vacation season to perform.

It’s not as good as vocals, but the next most popular session is guitarists, so it’s good enough to be popular.

“Now, it’s your turn. Didn’t you tell me the rest? You just have to say it.”

“Why are you curious about that?”

“Because everyone’s love history is something everyone is curious about. I know half of it, but I still want to hear it with my own mouth.”

Half-knowing, I don’t know what kind of bullsh*t that is.

There is no such thing as liking someone who is busy and doesn’t even have time to care about others.

“No, what did you hear?”

“No? No way. Surely there must be one woman you like too.”


“Is it that hard to say Aina? It looks like you didn’t want to tell me at all.”

It was clear that Chun Hyeon-woo had put the wind in it.

Or because such a nonsensical sound could not have come out of Katarina’s mouth.

There was no other person to hold affection for, and there was absolutely no reason to like Aina, who overtly disliked me.

“Did Chun Hyun-woo say that?”

“Yeah, I heard the story. He said he saw a crying child or guard by his side. I don’t know why he was trying so hard to hide that it was such a shame. It’s not strange to like someone. Still, you’re shy, so don’t go anywhere and talk about it.”

“No, in the first place, Aina hates me, so why should I like her?”

“What was it? Don’t worry about that. I’ll try to convince Aina well.”

I’m the type of person who doesn’t like to wrestle with anything.

So, no matter what other people say or say, I tend to let it go in moderation.

However, this time, it was obvious that the situation would be very troublesome if the misunderstanding was not resolved, so it was necessary to explain it even if it took a long time.

However, I didn’t know that it would be like that until the time before midnight just because it was getting longer.

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  1. Bob Marley Bob Marley says:

    For peeps reading this don’t be swayed by Luiz he just really hates Aina, go judge for yourself cuz for me she just a girl shaped by a hostile environment into becoming an antisocial stoic

  2. Luiz felipe Oliveira says:

    And that aina bitch has to die

  3. Luiz felipe Oliveira says:

    I’m creating hatred for the protagonist instead of him training he keeps doing useless things around like bro kill yourself

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