Parallel World Academy chapter 27

Parallel World Academy 27

Episode 27 After the wind passes.(3)

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Now we are in the famous Forno Napoletano in the preface.

Oh, I hope there are no misunderstandings.

As you can see from the spelling, porn is the Italian word for fire pit, not a s*xually explicit cultural form.

It’s not porno, it’s forno.

In any case, frankly, when everyone hears the word porn, they will think of the former first, so it can be said that the marketing element was used in a fun way.

“Then, what would you all like to order?”

“The old building was famous. I’ll make it a margherita.”

“The calzone also looked delicious. How about Calzone?”

“Calzone isn’t bad either. Then Katarina and I will eat Calzone.”

Everyone started choosing their favorite pizza one by one.

But I haven’t chosen a pizza I like yet.

Well, there’s no big reason.

It was just that the pizza I wanted to order was not on the menu here.

I called the waiter by ringing the bell.

“How can I help you?”

“Do you also order Bismarck pizza?”

“Yes, it is possible.”

“Then give me one Margherita, one Calzone, and one Bismarck. The drink is ten cola. You were trying to order this pizza, right?”

“hey! I’d rather drink cider than cola!”

“I’m buying it for you, so just shut up and eat what you get.”

Judging from the reaction, it seems that the other guys wanted to help out with a word about drinks, but that can’t be the case.

It’s annoying to order different drinks for each person.

“Seongjin, are you smart? A lot of people didn’t even know that Bismarck Pizza existed.”

“Beatrix, do you like Bismarck’s pizza too?”

“I like it the most!”

“Definitely the best Bismarck pizza.”

“Okay, what does Seongjin know?”

Beatrix said, squinting her eyes.

It’s not like Beatrix ordered Bismarck’s pizza to score points.

I just did it because I liked it.

I just found out that she likes Bismarck’s pizza in the first place.

“I’m not going to eat anything, should I even order something that doesn’t exist?”

“Then why don’t you eat it?”

“Oh, I have committed a mortal sin. older brother. Seongjin-hyung, we do everything we want to do.”

“Be quite. James.”

When Katarina joined in, James kept his mouth shut.

As expected, Katarina’s words have a different weight.

It would be nice if only I could listen to my side.

“Anyway, is it true that the villain’s attack has been resolved safely?”

“I will. Park Seong-jin didn’t say anything, didn’t he?”

“So, who is behind this case?”

“Somnium Liberator.”

“What else is that crap organization doing?”

“Ask Sungjin Park.”

At that one word, everyone’s attention is focused on me.

Why are you so embarrassed?

In the first place, I had no intention of announcing the existence of the Somnium Liberator.

“You don’t even know. It is not yet a famous organization.”

“So you’re saying you’re going to be famous soon?”

“It will take a while. At least a few years must pass.”

“Can you see the future so far? Then can you tell me what stock I should buy?”

“I don’t know.”

“It’s a real useless prediction of the future.”

I can’t resist

Forecasting the future without money is only half of it.

have to admit

“So, what was their goal?”


“Were there any artifacts in the dean’s office? Didn’t you see anything like that?”

“It’s a small hand mirror, so you may not have seen it. It’s something that hasn’t been registered yet.”

“I wonder how the heck do you know that, but… great. So why did you aim for that artifact?”

“You can go to any place where an image has been formed at least once in the mirror. without paying anything.”

“I’m just coveting.”

“I know.”

In fact, we don’t know exactly why they attacked.

Because he didn’t appear in the play.

I don’t know if he was trying to steal it from Oscar, or if he came to make sure he was keeping it.

However, the possibility that Alice’s Strange Mirror was the target was quite high.

“The pizza you ordered has arrived.”

“thank you.”

“Then let’s talk while we eat.”


It’s because they suffered a lot yesterday, and everyone seems to be eating well.

They ate the pizza so greedily that they couldn’t tell whether everyone was eating or drinking.

“So, what’s the reason for that organization called the Somnium Liberator to take that teleportation artifact?”

“I think the goal is to get the villains out of the Circuit Breaker-class prisons.”

“If it’s a Circuit Breaker-class prison, are you referring to the three prisons: Zaratan, Python, and Griffon?”


Although I said in a presumptuous tone of ‘I don’t think it is’, I’m thinking half-confirmed.

Because there were many cases where known villains who were locked up in the movie suddenly appeared from other places.

Of course, there will be some who escaped on their own, but it seems that many of the villains appearing in the middle did not all escape on their own.

Of course, he would have escaped with someone’s help.

It would be nice if that someone wasn’t an Oscar.

“So, what about taking out the villains? What do you want to play? Aren’t most of the people imprisoned in Circuit Breaker-class prisons just crazy people with a clear affiliation or out of control?”

“It must be convincing them to be on their side on the condition that they take it out.”

“But, if they’re that dangerous, aren’t we f*cked?”

“It won’t be. It is true that the Somnium Liberator is a dangerous organization, but it is not yet the time to be active.”

“How do you say that? Wouldn’t it be nice to have a glass of wine on the graveyard after we searched around and say things like, ‘Uh, I didn’t know this was going to happen?”

I understand James’ concerns.

Even if you’re like me, if a madman says he can see the future and says something like ‘only trust me’, he’ll want to put his fist in that face.

I’m not without anxiety either.

Now that I intervened and changed the future, there’s no doubt that their behavior has changed as well.

However, the Somnium Liberator still has a long way to go.

This is because it is highly likely that the purpose of these guys is not to just release a lot of villains and play chess in the world.

Unleashing a villain is simply an act of blindfolding them to achieve their goals, and it won’t mean much more.

So, for bothering them a little with this incident, I won’t immediately retaliate against Trinity Academy, which is infested with hugely powerful people.

“The Somnium Liberator is still an underdeveloped organization. Think about who is at Trinity Academy. President Chloe and Dean Oscar are also there. If you’re not a crazy person, would you break into this place without thinking? This time, a cyclone hit the road, so it was just luck. They don’t think they’re strong enough to attack openly. In the first place, all those who attacked are dead, so how do we know who we are?”

“… I heard it and it is I can rest a little bit.”

“Park Seong-jin, I suddenly have a question.”


“Do you know the true purpose of the Somnium Liberator? Please answer honestly.”

Somnium Liberator.

The goal of this organization, which calls itself the dream liberator, is not well known even in the original work.

However, there are two phrases in the work that can infer its purpose. The first is a greeting and oath given to the official members of the Somnium Liberator when they meet each other. The lines are as follows.

‘We are the harbingers who will awaken you from the bondage of a nightmare from which you cannot escape.’

In fact, when you hear this phrase, you can only think that the guys with secondary disease are playing villains, but if you listen to the second phrase, you can get a rough idea of what they think.

The problem is, the second phrase doesn’t exist yet.

In other words, the second phrase is a word that appears in the second half of the work, which has not yet appeared at the present time, but will appear in the future.

The first appearance of the phrase started with the sasegu left by Enrique Diago, one of the key figures of the Somnium Liberator.

‘I command you, who can’t open their eyes.

Sometimes you deceive us,

There is no wavering in our steps towards our dream,

Even if there is no way back,

I won’t look back.

Admittedly, we are not just daydream wanderers,

He is the seeker who leads the truth in the yoke of false fate.’

This is what Enrique Diago left behind, and it is the second phrase that can somewhat infer the purpose of the Somnium Liberator.

It’s a fairly abstract word, so it’s hard to grasp the exact meaning, but if you look at the name they call themselves, Dream Liberator, and the two phrases described above, they seem to think that this world is a dream, a fake world.

Knowing this, they are pioneers and seekers, and I think the purpose of the Somnium Liberator is to get out of this world and go to the real world.

However, this is just my guess and may not be an accurate answer.

Unfortunately, however, other reasoning than this was impossible to guess with a dull head, so I just conveyed my thoughts as they are to all the S-Class members.

Of course, excluding the second phrase, which is a word that doesn’t exist yet.

“They are much weirder than I expected. Is this world someone’s dream?”

“that… Is it a vat brain? Is that what you do?”

“You stupid bastard. It’s different from that.”

“Isn’t it similar to the scientific theory that some scientist claimed in the past?”

“Fractal Cosmology.”

“right! That was the name!”

“Beatrix, you better not believe in pseudo-science that was denied even hundreds of years ago.”

“I know how to fix that! I was just talking because it was a similar argument.”

“Anyway, what is their goal then, what they think they are? Elysium? Are you going to go to the same world?”

“If they were leaving on their own, they wouldn’t even have played a match. Their goal is to make this world independent from their dreams and make it into one real world. And they firmly believe that this world is a dream. If as they hypothesized, this world is a dream. But how do we make the dream world into the real world?”

“I have to separate the dream from the dreamer and assimilate it with the real world.”

“Okay, then think about it a little more.”

“… There is a possibility that this world will not be assimilated and will collapse altogether.”


When we reached the conclusion, everyone reacted differently.

There are people who burst into laughter at ridiculous comments, there are people who think seriously with a serious expression, and there are people who are just plainly eating pizza without much thought, but there are people like that.

“Well, it’s just a story. There’s nothing we can do at our level right now anyway. Let’s just eat pizza.”

“But, didn’t I say that they are a dangerous enough organization to really put it into practice? If so, shouldn’t we just sit around like this?”

“So you stopped this time, didn’t you?”

“You should know that it doesn’t mean that.”

“So, let’s talk to the World Heroes Federation? It’s obvious that you’re going to be treated like a madman, right?”

“It’s a difficult problem.”

“I don’t know, just eat it first. Pizza is all cold. If it becomes a really serious problem anyway, the giants will take care of it.”

“Huh, yes.”

After that, nothing special happened.

There were talks about this incident, such as how strong the enemy was in this case, how he defeated him, and so on, but fortunately, Aina did not say a word about the fact that I fell without doing anything embarrassingly.

It feels like my debt to Aina grows as I go on.

It wasn’t a very pleasant feeling.

Well, fortunately, that uncomfortable feeling didn’t last long.

The jokes of the other guys slowly eased the mood, and the pizza was quite tasty, so it took a short time for me to feel better.

“By the way, isn’t this a midterm public tournament soon?”

That one word was enough to light a candle to the atmosphere of the meal that had managed to change into a pleasant one.

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  1. kk77 says:

    what debt??! fk i cant do this anymore

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