Putting Aside Nationalistic Bias, It’s Really Delicious chapter 12

Putting Aside Nationalistic Bias, It's Really Delicious 12

12 – Pork Cutlet VS Bulgogi. What’s the best knight’s restaurant food?

“It’s finally open.”

At 11 A.M., the historic first opening of the Knight’s restaurant began.

There was one suspicious customer, but the grand opening proceeded safely.

“This is the perfect time.”

Finishing the preparations for the business and even having an early meal, it was exactly 11 o’clock.

If it weren’t for uninvited guests like just now, there would’ve been about 20 minutes to spare.

‘I even have time to do a final check before opening.’

It wasn’t too bad.

Everything was going smoothly.

Now all that was left was for many customers to come.

And at 12 o’clock, an hour after the opening.

Not a single customer had arrived yet.

It’s lunchtime and still, nobody is coming?

“Is it possible that Liana and Heimer just ate and didn’t spread the word?”

I muttered to myself, looking at the two’s reviews posted on the bulletin board.

I was pretty sure they promised to actively promote it in return for a free treat.

Did they just eat and keep their mouths shut?

That would be quite disappointing.

I can’t believe this is the extent of the reputation of people working in the self-publishing world.

“They say running a business isn’t easy….”

Well, that’s inevitable.

We knew there wouldn’t be many customers in such a rural area from the moment we started the business.

We had to start and operate the business as a local shop because the floating population was different from the capital of the empire.

“Now that there are really no customers, I feel a bit down.”

It was then when I was feeling slightly disappointed.

From afar, a group of people was walking toward the shop.

The direction was definitely aiming for our store.

Counting the numbers carefully, 8 people?

And in the lead was a familiar face.

Liana and Haimer.

“Of course!”

Oi oi, I knew I could count on you!

The crowd opened the door and poured into the shop.


“Hello, boss.”

“Knight Lucas, junior Haimer greets you!”

Liana and Haimer, and behind them, six men and women entered the shop together.

“Did you come?”

“It smells good. What are you cooking? I could smell something nice from afar.”

“I’m cooking side dishes for bulgogi and a soup to go with pork cutlet.”

I didn’t miss any small elements that could appeal to the restaurant in this very moment.

I looked at the people who followed the two.

‘Three of them seem to be soldiers or knights who do physical work…’

They seemed to have followed Haimer.

Then, it seems like the other three people came with Liana, who are the internal affairs managers of the mansion.

The employees from both groups seemed to be watching Liana and Haimer’s cues, which made me think they were subordinates of the two.

“Is this a team dinner?”

My question caused the expressions of the two to sharpen.

“Yes. We’re here to boost the morale of our fellow knights on behalf of our absent commander, who is away for regional maintenance.”

“We also came because it seemed like a good time for our internal affairs department to have a proper dinner. To help the owner with the opening of this new store.”

The two’s demeanor was rather serious.

After finishing their statements, the two seated the people who followed them.

“Should the internal affairs department sit near the kitchen and the knights sit here?”

As Liana spoke, Haimer interrupted

“What are you talking about! The knights should sit closest to the kitchen, Miss Liana.”

“Sir Haimer, don’t you know that the internal affairs department has a higher position within the mansion?”

“For the knights, even meals are considered training and tactical. In emergency situations, the authority of the field commander should be prioritized.”

Why are they acting like this?

The two of them seemed ready to kill each other.

“Come on, both of you calm down. There’s plenty of seating, so don’t fight over where to sit. If you fight too much, I won’t serve anything, okay?”

At my words, the glares between the two softened somewhat.

“Ahem, well. We came here to eat, after all. We shouldn’t be kicked out.”

“I agree with that.”

I combined the two tables into one.

From Noble mtl dot com

Since they didn’t seem to have come separately, I decided it would be better to put them together anyway.

It’s better to do this than to let the customers go while they fight.

Eight people sat at the two perfectly-joined tables.

“So, what can I get for you?”

I offered the menu to these first customers of the opening.


-Bulgogi Meal – 10 Silver

-Stir-fried Rice Add-on – 4 Silver

-Western-style Pork Cutlet – 12 Silver

-Fish Dish – 12 Silver – The menu changes depending on the type of fish caught that day.

“Oh? Boss, you’ve added stir-fried rice?”

“A new menu item has been added.”

“I tried it out this time, and it tastes pretty good. I recommend the new menu item, too.”

When they caught fish this time, the taste of the spicy fish stew they ate was so special that it was also added to the menu.

Perhaps the randomness of the menu changing every time was a factor in attracting people to this place.

After all, there are already solid signature dishes.

After a brief hesitation, the two raised their hands and shouted at each other.

“We still have to eat bulgogi. Please add stir-fried rice for four!”

“A knight must have Western-style pork cutlets! We’ll eat pork cutlets for four!”

“Four bulgogi sets and four Western-style pork cutlets, please!”

Nobody chose a fish dish.

Such a pity.

It was my own specialty, after all.


Having taken the order, I hurried into the kitchen.

“Water and utensils are self-serve.”

I can’t help it since I’m running this place alone.

I drizzled oil on one frying pan and stir-fried the pre-prepared bulgogi.

Then, I dressed the pre-prepared pork cutlets in breadcrumbs and dropped four pork cutlets into the clean oil I had filled before opening.



Making two dishes at once was no longer a difficult task for me.

If it were seven years ago, it would have taken quite a long time, but as a former cook of the Imperial Knights, I could do it with my eyes closed.

Imagine cooking three meals a day for over 500 people by myself.

At least in cooking, I had a higher quality experience than any master.

With my left hand, I made Western-style pork cutlets, while with my right hand, I made bulgogi.


And in between, I diligently adjusted the heat, adding a smoky flavor.

The oil caught fire, creating a brilliant blaze.


I could hear the people admiring.

“See? You can’t get such a cool performance with just frying.”


Liana smirked, while Haimer remained silent.

Why is she the one smirking?

But it feels good.

This was the reason for performing while cooking.

The guests were admiring the performance.

I wanted them to enjoy the cooking visually as they watched the process.

Then, they might understand the hardship of the cook.

-Isn’t being a cook a piece of cake every day?

-You even get out of training, it’s such an easy job.

-I wish I could just cook instead of having to deal with exhausting training.

It’s not that I’m bitter about it.

But suddenly thinking about the past makes me emotional.

“Your movements are full of elegance.”

“Indeed, a royal knight…”

The knights, who were dumbstruck, fix their eyes on me intently.


That’s right.

Does it look difficult?

That reaction is the one I wanted.

‘I feel lighter than usual.’

The flatfish I ate yesterday must have been really good.

I have properly nourished my body.

I sprinkled finely crushed sesame seeds on top of the bulgogi full of lustrous red oil.

The savory scent of the crushed sesame seeds blended with the bulgogi, giving off a pleasant aroma.


I drizzled the prepared hot tonkatsu sauce on top of the tonkatsu, which had been removed from the oil and dusted off.

And even the white rice.

I placed the freshly made food, with steam rising from it, onto the tray.

I quickly made four servings of bulgogi and four servings of western-style tonkatsu.

“How should I serve this?”

“Please place two servings of bulgogi and two servings of western-style tonkatsu on the table.”

The administration department and the knights were seated at different tables.

Two for each, a friendly gesture.

Both people seemed quite satisfied with the menu.

“Got it!”

I placed the completed dishes on each table.

“Once you order the fried rice for the bulgogi set, it will be prepared, so please start eating first.”

“Bon appétit!”

I served bulgogi rice in front of Haimer, and western-style pork cutlet in front of Liana.


It seemed they had recommended each other the food they had tried before.

Of course, both Liana and Haimer looked at the food in front of the other with more affectionate eyes than the food in front of themselves.

It was like a reluctant look on the faces of those who introduce a girl to a male friend, but when they actually become a matchmaker, they feel somewhat regretful about introducing him.

“Wow! What is this? It’s so delicious!”

Smiles spread across the faces of the knights and internal affairs staff who picked up their spoons first.

They took turns looking at the food and me, admiring it several times.

“Is this the skill of the capital’s chef…?”



“It’s delicious! It’s so good!”

“You have to give an honest evaluation. You can’t go easy because he’s a fellow knight.”

“There’s no such thing as looking more kindly at the food recommended by a colleague.”

After momentarily looking at each other’s food, Liana and Haimer reached for the cutlery in front of them.

Haimer went for the bulgogi rice, and Liana went for the western-style pork cutlet.

Haimer, who wrapped bulgogi in a leaf, added rice and ssamjang, and took a big bite.

Liana, who cut the hot seasoned pork cutlet herself with a fork and knife.


“Oh, wow!”

Their eyes lit up with curiosity.

Their next move was simple.

“To think this is also this good…”

“Does bulgogi have such a taste?”

Without saying anything, he simply picked up his spoon.


Ever since gaining the teachings from the donkatsu, Heimer had been devoting himself to the path of the knight and practicing diligently.

That’s why he couldn’t absolutely agree with Liana’s statement that the best knight’s meal was bulgogi rice.

Even if he admitted that she had a lot of experience with food, a knight’s meal couldn’t be determined solely by taste.


It could be said that the true knight’s meal was the one that could bring about enlightenment when eaten.

That’s why he didn’t accept her bulgogi rice.

It was because, through eating donkatsu, Heimer came to know the life of a knight and the pride of the path of the knight he should carry in the future.

But the moment he ate the bulgogi rice, his thoughts changed.

‘This dish speaks of harmony.’

What was the most important thing for a knight?

His own might?

Of course, it’s important.

However, to survive on the battlefield, more than that was needed.

It was the teamwork with comrades and the trust in them.

On the battlefield, the survival rate changed depending on how well one could adapt to their comrades.

Hadn’t he already experienced this in the battles with bandits?

Even the weakest soldier could survive if they had reliable companions around and were familiar with fighting together.

Bulgogi rice was telling Heimer about his comrades.

This could further extend into combinations of swordsmanship.

A sword that is only smooth could not penetrate the solid armor of a knight.

A sword that is only solid could not defeat a swift enemy.

A sword that is only fast couldn’t carry enough power.

Each and every beat was clear.

But what if they were combined into one?

Surely, they could complement each other’s weaknesses and maximize their strengths.

Haimer closed his eyes and savored the taste.

When he only ate bulgogi, he thought the taste was somewhat lacking compared to pork cutlet.

However, when he wrapped it with leafy vegetables, the taste changed.

The simple taste of bulgogi alone gained a crunchy texture.

When ssamjang was added, the taste was different yet again.

Eating the vegetables stir-fried with the meat also brought out a new flavor.

Gradually, it improved.

As harmony was achieved, and the combinations grew, new tastes greeted Haimer.

He gained a new realization.


For someone who just happened to live in the same village and had no connection to his junior, this was a great lesson.

‘You are indeed a great person.’

As a country knight, like himself, it was hard to gauge the magnitude of the plate he possessed.

As he looked at Lucas with admiration.

“This is fried rice.”

He smiled and brought out a new menu item.

Fried rice that comes with a bulgogi set.

Seeing the fried rice perfectly cooked in red sauce stirred his appetite once again.

“I’ll enjoy this meal.”

The moment he scooped up a handful of the crispy surface of the rice and put it in his mouth, he felt a deep taste.

It was a taste he had never experienced before.

The richness and spiciness, along with the stimulating taste of the sauce and the deep taste of the meat.


I lost.

Heimer acknowledged his defeat.

Acknowledged his own arrogance.

Even without voting, it was evident.

Heimer looked at Liana, who cleanly cleared her tonkatsu on the opposite side.

“Liana, miss.”

He called her name.

“Heimer Kyeong.”

She responded.

Now is the time to admit.

His defeat.

“I lost. Bulgogi was truly the food of a true knight.”

“I’ll admit defeat. Tonkatsu is tastier than bulgogi.”

Almost simultaneously, the two bowed their heads and spoke.


They raised their heads and looked at each other.

“What did you just say?”

“Are you admitting defeat?”

In the bizarre scene of each admitting defeat, the two stared blankly at each other as if time had stopped for a moment.

What on earth…

Watching the two, Lucas chuckled and wiped the dishes.

“What are they doing?”

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  1. BH says:

    Good food is good food, there are no losers, everyone is a winner 🙂

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