Quit being a knight and become a mercenary chapter 125

125 - Siege of Villa Hora (7)

125 – Siege of Villa Hora (7)

Position with the spear pointed. No matter where you look, there is no gap.

This fact set off alarm bells in my head, and cold sweat broke out on my body.

My heart was pounding and tension was constricting my chest.

‘If you let your guard down even a little, you will die.’

And from behind me, I heard my subordinates urging me on.

“f*ck, when do I go up to the watchtower?”

“If we continue like this, we will end up dying on the castle wall…”

“Ugh, centurion!”

As it was delayed to subdue Hilde, the subordinates behind her were in danger of being killed.

‘How did I drag this hundred people all the way here?’

So, we must subdue Hilde as quickly as possible by any means necessary.

Once again, I felt that the lives of dozens, perhaps even hundreds, of people other than our hundred were on my shoulders.

Hilde took a step forward and stabbed the spear straight into my chest.


When she swung her sword to her right to block the blow that was about to pierce the center of her breastplate, she tried to kick away the spear.

Her posture suddenly changed.

Instead of the lower position where the tip of the spear is pointing downwards, the upper position is aimed at her neck.

Then the tip of her spear came towards my neck as fast as her bullet.

‘Change the attack trajectory in an instant, what on earth is this? ‘It’s a scam.’

I quickly changed the trajectory of my sword and blocked the attack.

Hilde said she was satisfied after I blocked the attack.

“That’s pretty good.”

Then, when it attacked again, it struck even faster, reminiscent of a swirling storm.

The area targeted by the tip of the spear changes every time it stabs.

Breastplate, under the armpits, neck, helmet gap, sides of the thighs, etc…

Under the armpits, the crevices of helmets, and the sides of the thighs are places that are difficult to stab with a spear, so when those who use spears attack these places, the ‘gaps’ are often visible…

Hilde could not see any gaps.

‘The basics are very solid. If I had studied hard, I would have ranked first in the country on the CSAT.’

I also tried to counter or avoid them one by one, looking for an opportunity to dig in from my side…

I don’t know how Hilde read my intentions, but she said this time with the intention of provoking me.

“It can’t be this much, right?”

Then they increased their momentum and attacked even faster.

I felt my stamina slowly draining away just by maintaining extreme tension, dodging the target of the spear, and sometimes deflecting the spear with my sword.

Up until now, when dealing with various swordsmen, I was able to somehow find an opening by taking on the weight and speed of the sword being swung.

‘The stabbing speed is three times faster than that of a similar level swordsman, Won.’

It’s not like ‘It’s going to be so hard,’ but the fact that I still haven’t figured out how to catch Hilde’s loophole makes me feel stuffy.

“Just die!”

Although she had no intention of actually killing her, such harsh words came out of her mouth.

“You die!”

Hilde continued to stab me with her spear, then changed her stance and took another half step towards me.

The attacking style has changed slightly.

Until now, it felt like she was only attacking me with the blade of her spear, but now she used the entire spear as her weapon to attack me.

“Die, Martin!”

Hilde’s stab this time went under the armpit.

As I was about to dodge her attack and counterattack, she stepped hard on the floor with her right foot.

Then he pulled the spear slightly to the right and struck my right armpit very hard.

Shock and pain spread throughout my body, as if a heavyweight wrestler had used all his might to cut my armpit with a square leg.

I wanted to scream, but if I cry here and now, it would be like admitting that the flow of this game has gone to the other person.

I clenched my teeth and held back the sound.


Hilde thought she had landed a good hit, so she increased the speed of her attack even more.

“How about this?”

From noble mtl dot com

A series of extremely fierce attacks, such as stabbing with a spear and, if it misses, striking with the spear or changing the attack trajectory to target another vital point.

I don’t know how many minutes we’ve been fighting so far, but she hasn’t shown any signs of weakness.

My stomach was starting to feel tight again, so I muttered to myself that I would come to my senses, held my nerve tightly, and observed her spear blade and spear pole closely.

I was wondering if Hilde would be able to take advantage of the spear she was using.

And I sighed in bewilderment.

“No, I didn’t know this.”

The answer I found made me feel empty.

No matter how good Hilde is at using a spear, what she handles is just a spear anyway.

So, just grab the pole like you would when dealing with a regular polearm.

‘f*ck, now that I know, it’s so meaningless.’

Ah, of course, it won’t be easy to catch Changdae, which is running wild at a speed that seems to reach hundreds of kilometers per hour.

Isn’t it a world of difference compared to not being able to see the answer at all?

“I finally found it.”

Muttering that, I continued to wait while parrying her attacks.

Unlike when you just block without any strategy, you can see a breakthrough, so it feels like you’re attacking a boss while playing a game, so it’s quite enjoyable.

If it weren’t for the situation, I could even hum.

Hilde put away her spear, took a step back, and she asked:

“Is the battle fun?”

It’s fun just before the end of a group assignment, and I’ll soon win the duel with you…

Of course you can’t help but have fun.

“I am very happy, sir.”

“I don’t know how they respect my status as a knight at times like this…”

As soon as she finished saying those words, Hilde quickly stabbed her spear towards my neck without mercy.

As I watched the spear’s trajectory, I focused my aura and stretched out my left hand to graze the spear pole, and was soon able to hold the spear pole as hard as I could.

Hilde tried her best to pull out her spear, but as I, a man trained primarily for strength, grabbed the pole of the spear and refused to let go, she was unable to pull it out as she wanted.

“Oh sh*t…”

I yanked my left arm back and immediately jumped to my feet and threw myself into her arms.

‘No matter whether you are a normal spear knight or a spear soldier, you will never want to let go of your spear…’

If things continue like this, I will definitely be able to fall into her arms…

“It’s over now!”

But as soon as Hilde realized that she could not pull out her spear on her own, she clicked her tongue.

“Tch, now that it’s come to this.”

Uncharacteristic of a spear knight, she let go of her spear.

As a result, my left hand held the pole and danced in the air.

“Such a harsh…”

Hilde changed her weapon to a two-handed sword that didn’t look that expensive.

“Just because I don’t have a spear doesn’t mean I’m weak!”

No, my main weapon is a spear, but I can’t use a two-handed sword that well.

It is true that since there is no window, it is ultimately weaker.

But how can a person who mainly uses a spear be so confident even after losing his spear…

‘It’s so attractive, I really want to have it.’

As I observed Hilde holding her sword, I wondered where she should aim and how to capture her…

Even though she was holding a sword, her gaze was still similar to when she was handling a spear, so I think she would approach me as if she was handling a spear.

Just like before, you can just deflect the attack with a gauntlet or armor and attack.

I have planned a plan that will turn this game into my victory.

But at this time, magnificent drum sounds and low trumpet sounds were heard from outside the castle.

“f*ck, why do we have to retreat at this time!”

If we capture Hilde, who is guarding the watchtower, and push in front of her a little more, we can win.

No, not only do we not know what other variables will arise during a field battle, but even if the current situation seems favorable to our troops, the soldiers will already be very tired.

Right now, my whole body is drenched in sweat and I feel like it’s hard to breathe.

“Holy sh*t.”

I grumbled like this, but the defenders guarding the castle cheered.

“f*ck, I somehow survived! “You survived!”

Some guys in the watchtower were banging their swords against their shields and making loud noises.

“I lived, I lived today!”

Now that the retreat order has been given, there is nothing we can do today…

“Guys, let’s f*cking go back. This is an order to go back! “Go down the ladder in order, starting with the kids behind you.”

After giving that command, I picked up the spear that had fallen on the ground and handed it to Hilde.

“It was really great spearmanship. “We’ll make the final decision again later, sir.”

“It was excellent swordsmanship. Okay, let’s try again tomorrow.”

After handing over the spear, I immediately backed away.

In that way, the entire army under Viscount Canossa, including our hundred troops, was able to safely retreat from the castle.

“Ha, f*ck… I almost caught them all, but damn it.”

As I grumbled, Otto chuckled.

“Did you miss some advanced article? A guy like that deserves a lot of money.”

“Not a high-ranking knight, but a low-ranking female spear knight.”

“… By the way, why did you miss it?”

I sighed and answered those words.

“Your skills are at expert level. She should have caught that woman. “We should have caught her so this siege would end sooner.”

The Otto guy laughed at my words.

“Even if your skills are expert, aren’t you a low-level knight? “What are you worried about?”

So we had a brief conversation and returned to the barracks.


And then we had to fight a siege for a week, and as I expected, she was just a female low-level knight…

By faithfully performing the role of a strong shield protecting the castle, it emerged as a symbol that boosted the morale of the soldiers within the castle and as the center of protection for the castle.

Even if it’s good luck for Baron Cust and the others, it’s bad luck for us…

How on earth do we handle this?

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  1. Ag Sen Ag Sen says:

    This is complicated….. It’s like saying the UR Rank Sword is used by enemy

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