Quit being a knight and become a mercenary chapter 32

32 - If you want to get ahead, go into the tiger's den (4)

32 – If you want to get ahead, go into the tiger’s den (4)

At that, Dalton laughed and said.

“You guys who can only say that they are shallow are even more shallow. You f*cking knights!”


“I don’t know that I’m riding a horse to hide my short legs, this dwarf mong -ji f*cking baby!”

To say that someone without hair loss is bald is a joke.

But calling a bald person bald when they’re not close friends is like talking about fighting.

Swearing at a guy who has a complex about being short just like him, saying he’s the size of a dwarf’s ass, would be more psychologically shocking than any other curse…

Just as I thought, one of the knights with the squire over there, holding a flag with the family coat of arms, started to go into a rage.

“Hey, you dirty and despicable mercenary! Didn’t you learn that a lowly person like you shouldn’t make fun of people for being short?”

“I was also a high-ranking knight, so I guess I didn’t learn that? But, isn’t it true that your legs are f*cking short? Or maybe… Oh sorry.”

And Dalton stared at his lower body.

The knight on his horse was even more excited and ran toward Captain Dalton with a lance in his hand.

“You bastard, lowly mercenary bastard with f*cking nursing!

Dalton sighed when he saw it, then grabbed his sword with both hands and waited for it to come.

“My name is Charles Branheim! An official knight of Count Philorand, and an honorable warrior of the Branheim family!”

Charles, spurring his horse, rode at Dalton, pointed his lance at him, and stabbed him.

“Seeing that the family of Earl Philorang can talk about being a knight with a dwarf sh*t bag like you, there is no doubt that the family is a f*cking asshole.”

“Shut up, you filthy and lowly…”

Dalton put his aura into his body and sword, and then rotated his body to the right while holding the sword.

With a ‘bong’ sound, he struck the tip of the lance with his sword as if splitting firewood, and pushed forward with that momentum, splitting the lance and its owner in two in the blink of an eye.

“f*ck, that’s ridiculous… I, Charles of House Branheim…”

Dalton cut off the head of the bastard who was talking nonsense even as his torso was cut in half, and threw it towards Count Philorand.

“Dalton von Prime, leader of the whitebeard mercenaries, decapitates Charles of the Bran Mercy family. If you want to avenge a grudge, then pay it back!”

When Dalton made such a provocation, the anger of the knights and soldiers led by Count Philorand reached its climax.

“What a f*cking bastard! Are you still a human bastard!”

“You son of a mercenary who has no honor! How dare you blaspheme the end of a knight who died fighting bravely!”

“Not once, not twice? I absolutely will not tolerate it! I will slit your throat and burn your corpse!”

The strategy that Dalton and I came up with is to focus their anger and attention on us, engage in fierce battles, and do a great job there.

I’m suggesting that the effect be spread to the troops under Count Salzheim and turn the tide of the war, but… Captain Dalton, isn’t this a bit harsh?

‘Captain Dalton, this guy is also a guy who beat up high-ranking knights and created a mercenary squad, so he’s completely turned around.’

But I didn’t hate it.

“f*ck, this is what happened. If we win the war thanks to us, won’t our mercenaries become war heroes?”

“That’s right, you asshole. Although the value of this old man’s name will probably rise the most.”

I wanted to hit something back, but unfortunately I didn’t have the time.

Because the men who had been gnashing their teeth at the provocation of Captain Dalton and I were madly advancing towards us.

I gripped the hilt of my sword, which was already soaked in blood, with both hands, and looked for a gap between them.

And as soon as I found a gap, I dug right in.

“Die, you f*cking bastards of Count Philorand!”


On the other hand, Count Salzheim could not hide his uneasiness in the main camp in the rear.

“…… God damn it, if we keep pushing like this, we’re going to lose. Baron Winterheim, do you have any good plans?”

“Count, this is a flat land with no obstacles. So we have no choice but to wait for our allies to fight well.”

“Damn it. If we lose like this, I think at least one baronial territory will be ripped off…”

The Count talked about one barony, but if we lose this war, at least 1/3 of the county will be taken away.

If that happens, the family of the Counts of Salzheim, whose income will suddenly decrease, will fall into debt to the evil merchants to keep the family alive while feeding the remaining vassals.

“Damn it!! No matter how much I think about it, there is no answer! It can’t be, Baron! Anyway, if you sit like this and go crazy and fail, or have a seizure and fail, don’t you ruin the same?”

“The end result is the same, but yes… “

“In that case, I’d rather do something. Even the mercenaries, I am with the knights… “

While we were talking like that, a messenger rushed in.

The Count interrupted what he was saying and signaled to speak quickly.

“I report you, the brown wolf mercenaries have suffered heavy damage! They say that too many soldiers have died and can no longer wage war!”

Everyone, including the Count, gnashed their teeth at these words.

“Damn it! The brown wolf mercenaries, even though I paid so much, couldn’t do half of the white beard mercenaries, so why can’t they fight anymore?”

“If lowly bastards are going to reveal money, they have to pay for it!”

“As expected, lowly things have no skills, and only incompetent bastards…”

It is a fact that everyone knows that the war situation will not change even if you get angry.

It’s just that I couldn’t go against the natural nature of human beings who feel walled up and frustrated by the unanswerable reality.

In the midst of this, the Count came to his senses and began to think.

‘If I become a prisoner of war or get captured, it’s literally the end.’

But if things go on like this, the army led by Count Salzheim will have no choice but to be defeated by Count Philorand’s army.

So it was thought that if it was going to fail, it would be much better to try something before it went down.

That’s also true, because the qualifications of aristocrats in another world don’t require the ability to manage and develop a territory well because they learn a lot and are smart. .

Earl Salzheim came to think that even if he was defeated, it would be more advantageous for him to defend his position if he drew his sword like a man and pretended to fight directly in the enemy camp.

And if you go out on your own, wouldn’t the mercenaries’ morale rise and change the tide of the war?

‘But, to be honest, it’s not like I’m going to the front line as counts and not as other guys…’

As the Count continued to ponder, another messenger came in.

Those who saw the messenger looked at him in a half resigned state, thinking that they would hear bad news again.

From noble mtl dot com

The messenger’s expression this time looked rather bright.

‘Damn it, I hope I have some good news this time…’

Everyone here prayed that way.

“Report! The whitebeard mercenaries have provoked the enemy and are under intense attack, but they are safely blocked and are gaining momentum! Now they are fighting against Count Filorand’s direct soldiers!”

At that, the count clapped his hands and smiled dazedly.

“Is that true?”

“Yes, it is!”

The Count was so happy that he quickly put a gold coin into the messenger’s hand.

I felt it at the same time.

‘The soldiers and knights under my direct command are now sitting on the porridge, but if the only useful white beards here are pushed out… We get f*cked for sure.’

“If you miss this opportunity, there will be no next time! Order the entire army to charge after the Whitebeards! We must somehow bring the tide of this war to our side!”

As soon as he had said that, the Count immediately ran out.

His face was covered with a smile full of hope as he saw a ray of light in a war that seemed about to be lost.

“I will go out myself!”


“Martin Mayer, you dirty bastard! How dare you handle Sir Hans’s neck with such care!”

The guy who said that aimed at the gap between his armor and stabbed him with quite sharp momentum.

“No, what are you saying when you see that he is so weak? Also, won’t you guys do something like that if I die?”


“You bastard is really good at swearing.”

I quickly raised my sword and swung it to separate its neck from above my shoulder.

This time the guy behind him came in, brandishing his halberd, aiming for my neck.

It didn’t contain an aura, but it was quite a sharp stab.

Even though it’s an attack that’s far short of killing me.

“Shut up, you f*cking bastard who lives with a rag in your mouth!”

“Only one barking sound is filthy loud. What kind of dog are you a bastard?”

And while we were taking each one’s life, we heard the sound of the Count Salzheim’s guys running towards us from afar.

f*ck, we grab the opponent by the collar and set the stage so they can win somehow, so now they are moving and falling into their own hands.

But now, if we endure a little more and play a little more, we can win this damn war.

But when you think it’s over is the true crisis?

A knight with an authority that was incomparable to that of Hans appeared in front of me.

“I am Valtland, the patriarch of the Valtland family and a junior knight of Count Philorand. I’m here to thread your proud snout and make it into a skewer.”

Ha, f*ck. It should be like this too

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  1. Wikka says:

    The big guys keep coming on MC, the lord of provocation

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