Quit being a knight and become a mercenary chapter 50

50 - Burn the enemy's supply first (6)

50 – Burn the enemy’s supply first (6)

At the words of Captain Dalton that the plunder was allowed, all of our mercenaries cheered loudly.

“f*ck! Let’s go grab a piece firmly!”

“You idiot, the captain will collect everything you pack and distribute it according to your achievements. Why are you so excited about it?”

“Still, won’t 4-5 silver coins be attached to the bounty money coming in after the war this time? Sick child. If so, how many f*cking rice cakes are there?”

Old Baker also dabbed my shoulder with his finger and his eyes lit up.

‘A dirty, easy-to-understand simple bastard.’

“Anyway, if you have to shake it off, everything will go into public money. What are you so excited about?”

“Ah, but we are mercenaries. To be honest, it’s about taking a gold ring or a few gold coins, wouldn’t Captain Dalton not know?”

At that, I laughed.

It’s not a very wrong bullsh*t, but to ask such an outright question in a looting situation, not in any other situation…

f*ck, you’re saying you’ll pack something else if you get a chance, right? That stupid guy

‘Still, that bastard is doing well while taking off his booty…’

I rammed Baker’s head with an aura.


“You idiot, don’t you know that if you get caught hiding it, your palms and hairs will fly away?”

“… I couldn’t have said that with all my heart?”

I put my hand on my forehead and said.

“I thought you were sincere when I saw what you were saying. It’s been done, and you take the kids and take only weapons, armor, and valuables. Others are heavy, so I can’t carry them anyway.”

Old Baker stuck his mouth out like a duck, and as I pretended to punch him, he shot away.

I couldn’t help but sigh when I saw that.

“If you don’t get caught, it won’t be a crime, but why don’t you know that, so you ask, show off, and f*ck?”

And I looked around.

The new mercenaries were plundering and looting enemy wagons that seemed to contain the most profitable items.

“Wow, f*ck. Bastards called merchants even carry armor and weapons. He carries his shop around like a snail.”

Those with some experience diligently rummaged through the corpses of enemy knights.

“Ah, why does a bastard called a knight not wear a money bag? Damn, assholes. That’s why you hear that Montmartre guys are like snails.”

Seeing those guys, I laughed inwardly.

‘Assholes, they’ve been shoveling and falling asleep.’

There are a lot of good things in the wagons that the warlord merchants ride, but because the wagons are big, it’s hard to see what I’m bringing, so I can’t ‘gimpai’.

Knights wear armor and weapons because they need them immediately for war, but they don’t carry valuables because they’re inconvenient to carry around.

Why don’t these assholes know that?

Meanwhile, Karin-senpai was looting the corpse of a knight’s attendant…

When I looked closely, he didn’t reveal his expression, but he was concentrating with his ears pricked up.

I went right up to him and poked him in the shoulder.

Seeing me, the senior winked with his left eye and put a finger to his mouth.

“Martin, I’ll give you this, so pretend you don’t know. It’s a bag with five gold coins that the attendant was holding.”

If you refuse to give it in this situation, the relationship will be rather awkward…

I secretly received it and put it in my bosom, then raised one corner of his mouth and asked with a smile.

“Did you pack anything, senior?”

Karin shook her head and tugged at my collar.

“A ring with a large ruby and a necklace with several sapphires and emeralds. It seems that the knight he served was a character who left the necklace and ring to the attendant, saying that he was a hindrance to battle.”

The reason why private looting is prohibited in the mercenary corps is not to make more money, but to prevent mercenaries from fighting each other because I found it.

Senior, what did you find on your own…

‘It’s not a crime as long as you don’t get caught.’

“You are lucky. Since she gave me five gold coins to keep her mouth shut, I guessed that she must have won something big.”

Karin shrugged her shoulders.

“Go ahead. You should take your share too.”

“Huh, I pretend I didn’t see this one and hand it over. You should buy me a drink later.”

“If you take the money, you are an accomplice, Platoon Captain Martin.”

And while I was looking to see if there was anything I could do to help, I saw a horse with a saddle with a crest engraved on LeBlanc’s armor.

‘f*ck, isn’t that a bonanza?’

There was no evidence, but to my eyes the horse looked like a walking treasure chest.

The price of the horse itself is also a price, but looking at the saddle with all sorts of pockets, it seems that at least one thing will come out.

No, since knights and horses are inseparable, the saddle is the best place to store the most precious things except when that man sleeps…

“My mouth is watering, damn it.”

I immediately approached the horse LeBlanc was riding.

Once he started rampaging, the others would notice him, so I calmed him down by gently stroking the horse’s nape and mane.

Food duck, when the sound of his puffy breathing became quiet. Without delay, I started unpacking the pockets on the saddle.

“Ah, if I can find even one elixir, I won’t have a wish.”

Though such an absurd coincidence is unlikely to happen in real life…

With a reverent heart, I prayed to Deus for a very short while, and immediately started searching the left saddle bag attached to the saddle.

And I whistled so low that no one else could hear.

“Because he is a high-ranking knight, he has a lot of things in his saddle pocket, right? Dozens of gold coins, jewelry-studded rings, necklaces…”

Among them, I carefully selected those that looked like money and were small in volume and secretly put them in my pocket.

I didn’t forget to check thoroughly to see if anyone was coming around me.

Because if you’re a bastard who looks lower than me, you have to shut your mouth with your position or buy it.

It’s stealing that everyone knows, and it’s something I’ve done many times in games, but my heart beats like crazy when I actually do it.


And I immediately opened another pouch.

As soon as I opened it, a cold chill hit my face like a cold wind blowing in winter.

When I felt that energy, I almost screamed with joy.

Because there is only one thing that can generate this kind of energy, the elixir I’ve been looking for so long.

‘Seeing how strong the energy is, it’s not an ordinary item.’

I haven’t taken many elixirs, but if you don’t notice this, you’re an idiot.

“Ha, thank you. You bluff LeBlanc bastard.”

I put my hand in the pocket and took it out, and as expected, there was a griffon leather pouch.

When I carefully opened the elixir that was in double packaging, there was a plant with huge roots that looked like people.

‘Mandrake, it is also a high-grade elixir full of cold…’

I was tempted to eat this right now, but meditating on it here would be like saying outright that I stole something.

I calmly suppressed the urge and carefully carried it into my leather pouch.

“…… I think I will feel the ‘wall’ soon, so I have to eat it then.”

Eating it now would be good, but it would be most efficient to eat it later when you cross the expert wall.

And I had to ‘act of not getting anything’ with the other veteran mercenaries who were suppressing the twitching of the corners of their mouths.

Captain Dalton smiled at us like that.

“You guys put on or carry the armor, and carry the weapon as well. Did you know that gold, precious metals, and various valuables are taken care of?”

“Yes! Leader!”

“Good, f*ck. Everyone suffered so much. The baron and the surviving knights are dragged away with a gag. Leave the pr*stitutes and trivial things tied up like this.”

Probably, in a few days, high-ranking people who will notice that supplies haven’t arrived will come looking for them.

Before that, we will return to the camp of the Rheinfalz Army.

“Let’s all hurry up and go back, damn it. Captain Lee will shoot you today, so let’s drink until your nose goes crooked!”

When Lieutenant Heinz heard that, he agreed.

“Last time, the Viscount bought me a drink and I had to sleep, but if something like the last time happens again. Even the next day, I’ll be sure to shake off the captain’s pocket!”

At that, all of our mercenaries held their stomachs and laughed.

“Commander, I will only drink 5 liters of beer.”

“Captain Dalton, this time I’m going to rob an entire warlord’s wagon by myself. Don’t stop me.”

“The banquets eaten with the captain’s money are the best of the best. sh*t, even if you search for it, you’ll get a lot of alcohol and meat from the boss, and then you’ll get drunk.”

Our whitebeard mercenaries returned to the camp safely without colliding with anyone.

And like any company, job, or organization of civil servants, those of us who successfully completed difficult missions were given a heavier and more important mission.

Strictly speaking, if it had been a supporting role rather than a ‘main force’ until now…

This time, though at the end, he took on the role of a hammer in the ‘main unit’.

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  1. Wikka says:

    When will this novel get updated?

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