Raised the Villainous Daughter and Ran Away chapter 11

11. It wasn't the final boss for nothing.

11. It wasn’t the final boss for nothing.

I kept my eyes wide open as I drew out my life.

I don’t know exactly how to pull out the flesh, but I glared at the assailants wearing black robes with the mindset of ‘I’m just going to kill them all’.

Fortunately, the assailants seem to have worked well.


If you leave it to Jin’s instincts this time, it will take care of itself.

‘Because he has excellent senses.’

First of all, I gripped the hilt tightly so as not to miss it. Back. Power went into the fist. I was ready to run away at any moment.

The total number of raiders is 15. On the other hand, the article on our side is eight. I don’t know the level of those raiders, but they probably aren’t just ordinary thieves.

No matter how fantasy world it is, what kind of thief would attack wearing a black robe? If I had to guess why it was overturned…….

‘It’s probably to hide your identity.’

Then, someone sent them to assassinate Frances Descartes. Why in my head A question mark appeared.

‘Is there any reason to assassinate Frances Descartes?’

Joining the party now means before the main story begins. A time when nothing has happened yet.

I thought that Eden and Rein might be the assassins who sent France as trouble, but I soon stopped. They’re lacking something, so they’ll even send an assassin.

‘If I was going to do that, I would have kicked him out of the family a long time ago.’

Anyway. It is not Eden and Rhine that are behind this raid.

‘I don’t know who it is.’

Cut them all in and leave the guy to dig up the information.

I shouted at the knights.

“I organize it! Escort the princess!”

Then the reaction that came back.

“How dare you give us orders?”

“You insolent bastard!”

Is this the right time to pick up on that? There are enemies right in front of you.

“I am the first prince of the ruined Kingdom of Warenberg. Even though I am here as a slave now, at least as someone who once ruled as a strong man, I will give you a piece of advice.”

The knights shrank at my heavy voice.

“Be aware that now is not the time.”

Knock. Due to their keen senses, they could even hear the sound of swallowing saliva. It was heavy. Throats caused by tension and fear.

“I know you guys don’t respect the princess. But those with chivalry won’t give up or run away from here. It will hurt your pride.”

The knights shouted as they crumpled their arrogance.

From noble mtl dot com

“Are you trying to teach us what you know?”

“You seem to have forgotten your status as a slave.”

“Do you think we’ll run away when we’re only dealing with guys like that?”

First of all, they were made to unite as one by making a common enemy. I’m not going to abandon France or stand by the sidelines with this.

“Then everyone takes care of themselves, just neatly and sensibly, please.”

I stepped on the advance. Grasp! Dust was scattered in all directions and scattered toward the sky.

‘What is this?’

It was an acceleration that surprised even me. Maybe it’s because my imperfect body has stabilized, but I can feel the strength that I can’t control properly because it’s overflowing. Is this Sword Master Jin? Really grand…….

Somehow, in an instant, I arrived right in front of the assassins. The assassin’s eyes over the mask widened.

“Uh… ….”

For now, I swung my sword because I didn’t want to stay still. Sugak! A sword that passed before he could even react. It’s just that he didn’t just cut it.

A person was cut in half horizontally…….

The assassin’s intestines splattered into the air and his blood splattered. I temporarily increased the distance to prevent getting dirty.

“… ….”

A normal person would have a great agitation in their hearts and vomit at the sight, but my heart was so quiet that there was stillness. This must also be because Jin’s personality is mixed.

‘Well, it’s not something I would think about in the current situation.’

My heart was like a calm lake. On the other hand, the assassins who witnessed the sword attack I wielded with their own eyes began to be greatly agitated.

“Mi, crazy! I cut my body in two at once!”

“I never heard of a guy like that!”

From their reactions, it seems that they are not properly trained assassins in the professional assassin group.

‘There is a guild that specializes in assassins in this world.’

Well, that’s for later.

If you ask them for details, you’ll know.

“If you want to be cut in two like that guy just now, keep attacking me, if not, tell me who sent it. Then it will save your life.”

Assassins look at each other and exchange glances. But the knights on our side seemed impatient.

“Regret for the rest of your life for touching the Duke of Descartes!”

“Leave only minimal escort! Charge!”

The knights charge with their swords. Except for the two knights, the carriage with France was nowhere to be seen.

‘Ah, those bastards, just protect Francena.’

I don’t listen, you madmen. What if they use this opportunity to target France?

‘Aren’t the duke’s knights not turning their heads?’

Maybe it’s because I’m excited for nothing. Because their pride pierced the sky. They were the ones who attacked the duke’s carriage, and they must have hurt their pride by entrusting it to a slave.

‘Still, seeing as there are two escorts attached, I have an idea.’

The knights ran out excitedly and almost reached the assassins.

“I’ll show you the cheeky ones!”

“You don’t even think about attacking the duke’s carriage!”

Chang! The sound of swords colliding with swords echoed loudly. I took advantage of this gap and moved to the side of the carriage. In the first place, our purpose is to protect Francesco, not to punish those assassins.

Asked Francesca, sticking his head out the broken window.

“What the hell happened?”

Isn’t he unaware that he is being threatened? It’s the same when you come to the auction house in the dark. Are you naive or stupid?

“This is an unknown raid. Don’t stick your head out and go inside. What are you going to do if you get scratched by shards of broken glass? And arrows may come flying like before.”

France narrowed her eyebrows.

“… I’ll take care of the glass shards, and you’ll block the arrows, right? So, how are things going?”

“The duke’s knights are taking care of the assassins. Judging by their skills, they do not appear to be properly trained assassins.”

“… So?”

“If you have any questions, please put your head back now.”

France nodded and entered the carriage like a squirrel in a burrow.

‘Let’s see how things are going.’

Observing the situation, the skills of the duke’s knights were genuine. He was completely overpowering fifteen assassins with only six.

‘But who the hell attempted the assassination?’

It’s not like there’s a great aristocrat behind it enough to place a request on such an insignificant manpower. Then it means a lower noble or a noble that Frances didn’t like.


I don’t know. But, well, you’ll find out now.

“Sentence to those who disregard the duchy!”

Articles where not a single scratch can be found. On the other hand, assassins, whose numbers have been greatly reduced, run away.

‘Dog bastards, if you do that, you won’t be able to find out who’s behind it.’

I spoke to the driver next to me.

“Take good care of the princess.”

“What? This kid… !”

I think he kept saying something, but he just ignored it and ran forward. Sword Master’s power was amazing. I arrived at once where the knights and assassins were far away.



“From now on, I dig up information.”

“Who are you to give us orders?”

“If you mess up, ask for a duel later. I’m only following my master’s orders, so don’t even think about bragging in front of me.”

The knights flinched and retreated as they raised their swords and opened their eyes shallowly. Why are you such a mess?

I spoke to the assassins in front of me. There were a total of three people left.

“From now on, listen carefully to what I have to say. I will spare your life if you tell me who gave the order to you.”

I pointed my sword at them.

“Do you think you would say that… !”

“Just kill it!”

“For us, trust is like a lifeline!”

I hold on because I have pride in my form.

“Looking at your level, I don’t think you’re from a famous assassin’s guild, so I’m saying this. Life is the most important thing to you guys, is trust that important?”

Activated the aura. A blue light lingered around and embraced the sword body. I didn’t know how to use it, but I could use it just thinking about it. Is it because the body and soul are stable?

“Oh, you put an aura on the sword?!”

“Are you a sword master!”

“After all, he wasn’t a simple guy… ….”

Assassins demoralized after showing their auras. I asked again.

“Tell me. Who is behind it?”

Assassins look at each other while exchanging glances. The guy in the middle looks like a captain, I pointed my sword at him and asked.

“If you don’t answer again, I will kill you. Who is behind it?”

“Keugh… ….”

Even though it was covered by a mask, I could feel him grit his teeth. I heard a popping sound.

“Three… two… “

“No, I will tell you!”

In the end, the guy who seemed to be the captain spoke first. Then the subordinates who rebelled.

“Are you going to betray the client!”

“If you reveal the identity of the client here and return alive, you will be dead! In the first place, we have no choice!”

The guy who seemed to be the captain stared blankly at his men.

“Come to think of it, that’s also the case… ….”

What is it? Are these guys doing gags? Thanks to that, my expression also became more subtle.

“Are you not going to tell me?”

“No! Just kill me here!”


Sugak! He cut three people at the same time with a single sword strike. Perhaps because it was a sword with an aura, the upper and lower bodies of all three were separated.

“From now on, search all the arms of these assassins. There might be some evidence that could reveal the culprit.”

“Don’t presumptuously order us.”

“I was thinking of doing it even if you didn’t.”

“Are you ignoring the article?”

That’s true. Response is the same. I shook my head and started searching the arms of the assassins.

No items that could be called evidence were found. The only thing that came out was a few daggers, a letter containing the contents of the request, a watch and a map.

‘This won’t help.’

I looked at the articles. They were also making faces that chewed sh*t, as if there was no particular harvest.

Even in the arms of the captain, nothing that could infer the background was found. Is it crazy like this?

‘Honestly, I don’t think he has anything that can identify a client recklessly.’

Still, just in case, I headed to the far-off assassin one last time alone. And searched for him.

What came out was a dagger and a letter. And a necklace.


Once I opened the letter. Something will come out

I opened the letter. The content was like this.

“France Descartes will come to the party hosted by the Marquis of Eldas. Assassinate her.”

And the path of the wagon written below.

I looked around to see if there was anything else. A small seal stamped under the letter caught my eye.

“… ….”

I know this seal.

She was hated even by those she trusted.

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  1. Warrior says:

    Really man, you’re saying it again and again that they’re low level untrained assassins. Why not just poke hole in one guy’s tigh and they’ll spat out everything they know since they’re just “low level untrained ordinary” people.

    And why are you revealing your Trump card (sword aura) to those idiots who don’t even know it’s value.

  2. Kirill Popov says:

    The plot sucks… For children, it will do.

    1. Bob Marley Bob Marley says:

      Too bad I’m just a child in an adults body forced to be kind and act mature Infront of my clients by morning and get to Read light novels as my share of what little fun left in this cruel world

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