Regression Is Too Much chapter 19

19 - Choi Ji-Won is unreasonable (2)

19 – Choi Ji-Won is unreasonable (2)

Perhaps the achievement level has greatly improved his physical ability, and the mowing that took three days in the past was completed in one day.

Thanks to that, I was able to start my activities very early, only one day after entering the tower.

What I did was simple.

Go around inside the tower as much as possible and look for people.

And urge everyone you meet to return to the clearing.

Of course, I was worried at first.

‘Hey, we’re fine enough on our own. Let’s just ignore what that man said.’

But the results were surprising.

“Really… Really?”

“Even rice… A place to sleep… Are you giving me everything?”

For ordinary people, a day at the tower was much more difficult and arduous than they thought.

Not only were there more people than expected who felt aversion to killing life from the start, and they felt quite tired after walking around all day carrying a heavy weapon.

“Even if you keep a night watch… I couldn’t sleep… There are no blankets and no beds… I miss my mom… “

A woman with puffy eyes said this while wiping away her tears.

The fear of dying eroded people’s minds and made them weak in just one day.

There must have been only one reason why they did not return to the vacant lot in the previous episode.

You can’t live without killing monsters.

Because you can’t starve to death.

But there was no reason for them to hesitate anymore, as long as they knew there was food, places to sleep, and f*cking strong guards in the clearing.

“Ha. Do you know what my level is? Stop talking nonsense and get out of here.”

Of course, I occasionally saw people who seemed to have adapted perfectly to the tower and didn’t need my help, but the number was by no means large.

In addition, if you look roughly at the strands, most people have characteristics.

The reality of the Tower was that people with no attributes or those with lame attributes groaned in exhaustion.

So I was able to send 22 people back to the clearing in one day.

If Choi Ji-Won is having trouble here, he can pretend to help while cosplaying as a nice person.

This was not the only harvest.


If you ran in the direction of the screams, you could always find one or two people being chased by a group of goblins or a mutant goblin.


As soon as you find it, you just have to cut it all down with a sword.

Not only the crappy goblins, but also the mutant goblins, preoccupied with the prey in front of them, were no match for me.

In the first place, I wouldn’t know if it was a head-to-head match, but from the point of view of ambush, there is no way to lose to a mutant goblin.

In a head-to-head match, I can’t get even one hit, so my win rate is only going down.

Like that, after saving people.

“Thank you! Thank you!”

“Black… hehehe…. I really thought I was going to die… “

Leaving behind the people shedding tears of relief.

[You can acquire the attribute.]

I was able to acquire the trait every time, every time.

My guess is that if you make people feel really strong emotions, you can acquire traits.

It was like that when I was anchovy and Yangachi, and it’s like that when I save people now.

Everyone was feeling extreme emotions.

But if there is a problem.

– Ando [FFF]

-When something painful happens. When you feel like you’re about to collapse from exhaustion. Seeing you calms my mind.

“… Det?”

The trait I gained from saving people was that all grades were trash.

No, what the hell is an FFF class?

I don’t know if it’s something like ‘the world’s strongest with FFF-class characteristics!’ For the title of the web novel, but this was really just garbage.

It didn’t even reach the level of inducing people’s reactions like awe, and it was simply a level where the expressions of the people I saved were very slightly comfortable.

Am I out of luck?

– Faith [FFF]

-Respect [FFF]

-Love [FFF]

From noble mtl dot com

-Trust [FFF]

– Admiration [FFF]

The characteristics obtained by saving people are… All ratings were garbage.

If ‘awe’ came out twice, I would pick it up again and see what happens, but awe didn’t come out that far.

There were at least 3 exclamations of admiration to say that there was no overlap at all.

Once or twice is a coincidence, but repeated is inevitable.

After repeated study, I was able to realize one fact.

“… Ah. Anchovy was an S-class trait.”

The anchovy party was pretty damn strong according to the tutorial standards.

In fact, just catching a mutant goblin without any damage is tantamount to proving its power.

All the people I saved are the weak.

If you think that the stronger you are, the better traits you give, and the people I save will give you ugly traits.

But did that mean my efforts were completely pointless? That’s not it either

[Conditions satisfied.]

[Fusion of attributes.]

At some point, this message popped up, and all of the FFF-level attributes disappeared.

– Hero [F]

-In moments of crisis, people think of you. You become stronger when you fight to protect someone.

A new characteristic of a fancy name has arisen. Rating was a bit low though.

Maybe it’s because it’s a trait he got after rescuing people, but the description of the trait is positive itself.

It’s different from any idiot-like trait with the word ‘fear’ in it.

The description of the characteristics is also clear. The simple condition of becoming stronger when protecting others.

Even if you only receive FFF-class attributes in the first place, the attributes don’t mean much… I thought it was.

Now that it’s like this, I think we should try to bring out the characteristics from everyone.

After returning, I have to check if I can get duplicate attributes from the same person.

Of course, the expectations for the characteristics to be obtained from Choi Ji-won have increased even more.

If the crappy anchovies are grade C, what the hell does Choi Ji-won give?

“Status window.”

[Name: Junho Kim] [LV:6]


– Regression [EX]

– Awe [C]

– Hero [F]

Now, the status window has become more abundant. It was much better to see than when there was only regression.

“… Did your level rise?”

The most difficult part for me is the achievement level.

They don’t tell you when, how or what you did.

Since you don’t know the conditions, it’s impossible to get it intentionally. Just guessing.

The first time I checked the status window as soon as I came to the tower, I was level 1, and after chatting with the goblins, I was level 2.

Level 3 after cutting grass. When I checked the status window with Anchovy, it was level 5. Now it’s level 6 again.

Kwap, Kwok.

The status window does not respond even when pressing [LV:6] On the status window.

Anchovy said that if you click this, a list of achievements will appear.

Why are you so strict with me? Why is this only happening to me!!!

“Whoa… “

If I had been a second-round regressor from the future, I would have been able to pick and choose achievements and grow like crazy.

Even in the original game, achievements are obtained by just doing them, so don’t you need a strategy guide to clear all of them?

“What I saved… Was it 8 people? 10 People?”

This time, I’m just guessing that he got the level by just rescuing people.

“Oh, isn’t it?”

Come to think of it, in the last episode, Anchovy said he got the achievement of ‘destroying a mutant goblin for the first time’.

This time I caught one of the mutants in one day, so I think I stole the characteristics that anchovies gained. No, the person who picks it up first is the owner.

“Hmm… “

Talking about anchovy reminded me of a dead bully.

When I killed the bully and checked the level, the level was from 3 to 5.

Even if one is the first to acquire a characteristic and rise…

Are there achievements in killing people?

Or is it because Yangachi is special? Killing anchovies this time…

“Use it. This is not it.”

If the human license examiner stood in front of me, he would be looking at me with a very disapproving face.

‘Hmm… I’ll skip it this time.’ You must be talking about something like that.

I almost lost my human license. Relax, relax.

Of course, if you kill all the people around, you might be able to get stronger quickly.

Maybe there are separate 100 kill achievements and 1000 kill achievements, so you can raise your achievement level rapidly.

Some people might wonder why they didn’t kill all the people they killed when they returned anyway.

However, as I emphasize repeatedly, the most important thing is my mentality.

Mental health is the most important thing for those who repeat the same loop as death returners.

Although there are cases where the nickname is so careless that it can be repetitive even if you repeat the loop…

Most death returners lose their human minds and get destroyed in the process of looping. Getting exhausted

I want to live as a human and clear this tower as a human. If I kill other people like a madman, I don’t know how my personality will be twisted.

It is my feeling that I want to avoid becoming a monster rather than a human being.

“Let’s just think good thoughts, good thoughts.”

Come to think of it, I haven’t felt too obsessed with Choi Ji-won lately.

What is that crazy b*tch saying that I have to follow her this far?

Perhaps my superficial desire for recognition worked. There is no need to rush at all.

If I go to the end anyway, I will win everything. I will become infinitely stronger, and my enemies are stagnant.

The sun was about to set and night was about to come. If you think about slaughtering everyone before going to sleep, you will have nightmares.

I leaned my back against a large tree and took a comfortable posture.

Don’t think of Choi Ji-won who is stressed out, let’s think of something cute and cute to get your mind right.

Come to think of it, it reminds me of an animal called manul cat that I saw on YouTube one day.

Close your eyes and let your imagination run wild.

Manul cats are round in shape and have thick fur. What you do is cute too.

When he hunts, he moves like a toy whose batteries have run out, making a sorting motion, which is also full of charm.

“… You.”

Her expression is endlessly serious when she goes hunting, but that cuteness that can’t be hidden…

“… Answer me.”

Aissi, I’m trying to imagine a cute manul cat. Why do I keep thinking of Choi Ji-won’s hideous voice…


When I hurriedly opened my eyes, Choi Ji-Won was standing in front of me with arms crossed with a firm expression.

“… You. What were you thinking when you sent them?”

Choi Ji-won.

She came to me in person in one day.

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