Regression Is Too Much chapter 6

6 - Ponytail girl is too strong (2)

6 – Ponytail girl is too strong (2)

-Clear Condition 1: If you swallow the ‘Golden Orb’ hidden somewhere in the forest, you can move on to the next stage. However, there are only 50 golden orbs.

-Clear condition 2: Defeat the boss, goblin shaman, and a portal will be created to move on to the next stage.

“Everyone! I don’t know whose scheme it is, but in times of crisis like this, we must come together!”

“… What is that person?”

“… I don’t know.”

A small whispering voice is heard. Okay. No wonder.

But the flow has already been brought. Regardless of whether it was voluntary or unintentional, an atmosphere was formed where people listened to what I had to say.

“The number of people gathered in this vacant lot is well over 50 at a glance. This means that you cannot go on to the next stage by swallowing all the golden marbles. This tower is causing us to divide.”

Continue talking with clenched fists.

“But it says that if you defeat the boss, a portal will be created. It means that there is definitely a way for all of us to survive together. As the name is the boss, it won’t be easy… If we all work together, we will surely be able to take it down!”

I finished my speech so passionate that I was worried that I might be returning because my throat was bleeding.

The reactions of those who heard my solemn speech were remarkably consistent.

“… What are you talking about, you bastard?”

Just outright disregard.

However, even if the reaction was the same, the reason was divided into two.

First. Because you don’t believe me

“Let’s think realistically. Boss? Portal? Do you think this is not real? Just because they say they’re status windows or fairies doesn’t mean you believe them, right? Instead of wandering around, don’t take risks and keep your place. Let’s wait for rescue.”

“… However, something just popped up in front of my eyes… “

“I must have secretly put a lens in my eye. Do you believe everything floating in front of your eyes?”

A firefighter comforting others gathered around him… Was it Choi Cheol-soon? Anyway, firefighters.

Since you haven’t seen a goblin with your own eyes yet, you seem to deny that this place is inside the tower.

My words must have sounded like nonsense as I couldn’t accept monsters and tutorials in the first place.

And second.

“… You want to join forces? Who do you like?”

“If you fight the boss, who will come first? Will Ji give you a cannon fodder?”

“Hasn’t that bastard even read the webtoon? If we unite here, everything will be lost. Don’t you know that you have to be selfish to survive?”

From noble mtl dot com

People who have no intention of joining forces.

They are right. The tower is a place for the survival of the fittest, and a place for the altruistic to be eaten by the selfish.

Everyone is busy trying to survive, but I must have looked like an ignorant idiot when I was talking about idealism.

As a result, no one came close to me.

“… Ha.”

I sat down in my seat helplessly.

After looking up at the sky for a while, I slowly buried my head.

Because it went as planned, it was hard to control the corners of the mouth.

Why am I suddenly doing something I didn’t want to do?

A man who has a righteous heart, but cannot realize it because he has no strength… It is a concept called

The first step towards that goal is the proposal to defeat the boss by working together.

Of course, I didn’t say it because I thought it would be successful.

Unless you’re a very stupid guy, I asked you to go catch the boss, but no one would accept it.

It’s a situation where you can’t even get a sense of how strong a ‘monster’ is yet, and people are beginners who have never touched a weapon in their lifetime.

The violent nuance of the name ‘Goblin Shaman’ and the hopeful image of the name ‘Golden Bead’.

And there are only 50 marbles? What if everyone else runs away through the golden orb while you waste your time trying to catch the boss?

It seems that there is a high possibility that the hardships will be the same as the hardships and only the life will be wasted.

Any sane person would be inclined to go in search of marbles. It is only natural that my proposal would fail.

However, even failing was part of the show to show the ponytail girl.

I thought that any good, somewhat stupid guy I imagined would act recklessly like this.

In other words, it can be seen that he is acting as Captain America before gaining superpowers.

What if the ponytail girl doesn’t like it? When she regresses, she stops.

The number of trials given to me is infinite, so there is no need to save myself.

Again, back to the present point.

How will the brave petit bourgeois, whose opinion to catch the boss together be rejected, act?

I pretended to be worried for about 30 minutes and waited for enough time to pass.

“… “

This should have been enough.

He stumbles up from his seat and moves slowly.

My footsteps headed toward the weapon pile in the middle of the clearing. I picked up a random sword from the pile of weapons that had already become sparse because people had already swept them.

As for the posture, as much as possible as an asshole.

The position of the feet is strange, and the center of gravity is arbitrary. The position of the hand holding the sword is very uncomfortable.

After holding the sword like a beginner, he swung the sword with all his might.


Comparing it to the ponytail girl’s ‘Huung!’

As if that was enough, he nodded his head slightly and moved toward the grassy forest where people passed by.

One step.

Two footprints.

Catch it. Grab some quick If I go into the grass like this, I might accidentally return.

I was pretending to be calm, but as the grass got closer, my heart felt like it was burning.

Finally, the moment I tried to step into the grass.


A girl with a ponytail blocking my way.

“You… What are you going to do now?”

The fish bit the bait.

“You. What are you going to do now?”

Choi Ji-won, the woman Kim Jun-ho arbitrarily named the girl with a ponytail, was very annoyed right now.

The reason is simple.

“… Yes?”

It was because of the man in front of my eyes who answered idiotically.

As soon as the ‘notice’ appeared, everyone started talking about joining forces to catch the boss.

When no one responded, I could endure being discouraged and stuck in a corner.

I couldn’t just stand by watching him walk away with a sword, as if he had made up his mind.

“Sword. What were you trying to do with it?”

When I pointed at the sword with a nod of my head, the man gave me a shy smile.

“… I was going to catch the boss.”


“Your name is Goblin Shaman, right? Who knows if it’ll be surprisingly weak? I’m still a goblin.”

The reason the man confided was exactly as Choi Ji-won had imagined.

This idiot was recklessly determined to try to catch the boss even if he was alone.

It’s just a meaningless dog death. Don’t you know that

‘I don’t like it.’

I got a little irritated.

‘… Support. Let’s just send it you can’t save everyone You’ve done your duty just by choosing to protect this clearing.’

Her beloved sword, ‘Bungbung’, who holds her back. The somewhat childish name is because he inherited the sword at the age of seven.

You may be wondering why the sword is talking all of a sudden here.

The reason is simple. Because it was one of Choi Ji-Won’s characteristics.

– New sword union [SSS]

-The stage where a person becomes a sword, and a sword becomes a person. For people, the sharpness and strength of swords, and for swords, human wisdom.

When it comes to combining new swords, it is usually a term used in martial arts when you can freely handle a sword as if it were part of your body, but Choi Ji-won’s case was a little different.

Literally, the sword became part of her. Even with her ego.

Choi Ji-won can feel what the sword feels. The sword can also feel what Choi Ji-won feels.

It is truly a new sword union. The two got closer to each other’s essence and became one again.

His heightened senses and his increased strength are all thanks to his traits.

The reason I noticed Kim Jun-ho’s acting in the previous episode was because the sword informed me.

‘It’s true that that man is a good person. But there are many good people. It’s not like you can save all good people. Right now, getting used to the changed physical abilities is the priority. You haven’t fully adapted yet, have you?’

As if Choi Ji-won knew what she was thinking, her sword-bung-bung tried to convince her.

In terms of reason, Choi Ji-won also acknowledged that Boong-boong was right.

Thanks to her status window, Choi Ji-won’s physical ability has improved dramatically, and she is still in a state where she has not gotten used to her new performance.

It was the same as not being able to handle her body freely, and it meant that a lot of her power was cut off.

This is not all.

I can tell now that my senses have become more sensitive due to the effect of the attribute.

I could feel the presence of an impossibly strong monster in the distance.

If it was a ‘boss’, Choi Ji-won would also have to give up on defeating the boss and go in search of the golden marble.


“You. Then die.”

“hahahaha… It will be fine. Maybe.”

If you escape like that, what will this man do with a stupid smile in front of his eyes.

Is it mindless, or is it overly courageous?

Because she kept seeing someone overlapping her, her heart was very uncomfortable.

‘… Whoa. You hardened her heart.’

Bung-Bung sighs. Since she can read Choi Ji-Won’s thoughts, she must have figured out what he just thought.

“… Knife.”


“I’ll teach you for a while. Follow me.”

It’s just a whim. It is hypocrisy that is pampered only because of an uncomfortable mind.

A feeble favor, like throwing a penny to a beggar on the road.

But even such a feeble favor.

“… Really? Are you teaching me swordsmanship?”

For some, it can be a once-in-a-lifetime favor.

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  1. Idont Know Idont Know says:

    Ok I like her now 😁
    Such a fickle mind I have here

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