Surviving as a Cripple in Murim chapter 57

Surviving as a Cripple in Murim 57

57 – Regret, Exhaustion, Awakening (5)

The moment Soso killed the unwary killer with all his might, Mancheon crawled out of bed rubbing her eyes.

“Uhhh… I want to pee… Restroom….”

If this was a fantasy world, I would just summon Undines, deal with them, and then stop them with sylphs. I don’t have to bother going to the bathroom.

It was really unfortunate.

In addition, I’m used to it now, but from the standpoint of using a bidet, the toilet in the past was very tight.

… Well, maybe it was because a completely new country was built that absorbed the culture of the Song Dynasty, but the technological prowess continued and convenience facilities were surprisingly excellent.

A collection of convenience settings in fantasy novels It’s not an overwhelming performance like a magic toilet using magic stones, but it’s nice to be able to clean the urine and feces anyway.

With that thought in mind, let’s urinate in the bathroom in the backyard of the guest house with a drowsy face.

I suddenly felt a presence behind me.

According to common sense, it probably didn’t suddenly spring up from the ground. He must have been hiding his presence from the moment I came out of the inn.

“Isn’t that Moorim who played Jeseok-cheon in the play chase scene using light gong?”

A low, yet strangely young, pretty woman’s voice is heard from behind.

At the point of being caught, it doesn’t matter if it’s a woman or a man, but it was much better than having a man with a rice cake sticking to my back while exhaling heavily.

And judging from the fact that he didn’t kill him right away and tried to have an absurd conversation, he didn’t seem to be a friend of the killer guys he fought the other day.

… Then, should we respond to the conversation and create gaps?

“I don’t know what happened, but I think you misunderstood the person, Sojeo.”

“Looking at you pretending. You are right.”

Apparently, the first question was a courtesy, and it seemed that he had already decided on the answer in his mind.

If this is the case, I don’t know why I asked.

… But thanks to that, I figured it out. He has no intention of breaking me right now.

I don’t know what the exact purpose was, but in a situation where it was confirmed that the target was me, I dared to try to talk first without surprise.

I have no intention of harming someone behind the scenes. The contradictory gap creates a gap.

While concentrating energy on the tip of the staff and left foot, he bursts out with a nice laugh and distracts the opponent.

“hahahaha! I woke up But even though I played the role of Jeseokcheon, I never dreamed that a real fairy would come to greet me like this.”

“… What?”

The person behind the smirk and erratic remarks of the fairy spat out questions as if they were absurd, and Mancheon did not miss the opportunity.

Kicking off the ground, he spreads the distance at once, then turns his body 180 degrees using the tip of his staff as an axis, and faces the face of the coward hiding behind his back until now.

“… Uh?”

And this time, an absurd question flowed from Manchun’s mouth.

Cute bobbed hair up to his neck, beautiful blonde hair and golden eyes that look like melted gold, and a strangely grown-up yet young face.

The identity of the person who suddenly appeared at night and grabbed the mastermind was a small child.

Manchun was even dumbfounded at the fact that the other person was a child, so he unknowingly let go of his guard and joked lightly.

“That… Little fairy, I’m too young to be tempted to go up to the sky. Doesn’t she have an unmarried sister fairy or aunt fairy?”

As soon as the words were finished, a cool breeze blew across Mancheon’s side face. It was the wind pressure created by the movement of people.

Without a chance to react, the little fairy’s small, fern-like fist, which burrows into her arms and closes the distance, strikes the stomach of thousands.


From noble mtl dot com

The little fairy slowly fell to the ground due to an unexpected attack and exhaled heavy breath and pain. No.

A master in the form of a child approaches and puts a small foot on Manchun’s chest and tramples it gently. With his back to the moon, he frowns and looks down with an arrogant gaze.

“Little boy, didn’t your teacher teach you to be careful of the old and the young in Moorim?”

Heeing… Didn’t learn that… Lehu… Teachers are throwing up school fees right now!

A strange sight of a grown man being crushed by a child. A silent cry echoes from the heart.


Jeonjingyo (全眞敎).

If you ask the current Murim people in the central plains who the master of martial arts, Taesan North Head (泰山北斗) is, nine out of ten will answer Shaolin and Shaman.

However, in the past, it was Jeonjinkyo, not the shaman faction, that took the position of the North Star among the North Stars of Taishan.

Originally, the Huashan Sect, which is famous as a part of the current Gupai Bang, were seven disciples taught by Wang Zhongyang himself.

One of the Jeonjin Chilja (全眞七子), a faction established by Abaktong, and Jongnampa (終南派), located in the same island, was also a faction that grew rapidly by accepting the warriors of Jeonjingyo who had been destroyed and had nowhere to go.

In fact, with the exception of the Qingsheng Faction (靑城派) and the Kunlun Faction, which have been far too far from the Central Plain, it is not an exaggeration to say that although there may be differences, all of them were influenced by the Qianjinkyo.

That is why Jeonjin-gyo’s internal gongsimbeop is called [Hyeonmunjeongjong (玄門正宗) – Jeongjong of the Taoist School].

In other words, Moorim in the past was not a Gupabang as it is now, but a three-person system of Shaolin, Advance, and Openness.

… There was something strange, but the status of Jeonjinkyo in Moorim was extremely great.

Well, in the end, that great status became poison, and the remaining disciples started a bloody property fight that the Tao family should not have.

Although he fell into ruin after falling into the world’s ridicule, it is true that he was once a great sect.

And Wang Miyang, who introduced himself as the successor of the now-destroyed Jeon Jin, folded his arms and looked down at Mancheon on his knees with a cold gaze.

“The Gyeonggong you showed in the play was undoubtedly the Geumangong (金雁功), which is the Shinshin practice of Jeonjinkyo. Don’t be shy and tell me. From whom did you learn martial arts?”

‘… f*cked me.’

I thought the copyright was gone because it was a school that went bankrupt right away, so I wrote it without permission. Suddenly, descendants appeared.

But at times like this, you shouldn’t panic. Calmly counting primes.

A prime number is a lone number divisible only by 1 and itself. Give me courage

Even if a rain of poisonous frogs falls from the sky, only a few can survive if they count well.

However, if he counted the real few here, he could have been beaten up for wasting time, so Mancheon quickly explained the story of how he learned martial arts by mixing the truth and lies appropriately.

“… So, a master passing by was moved by your chivalrous spirit and told you about martial arts, but he left without revealing his name because he was ashamed of being a Jeonjin religion?”

“Yes, seeing that I stopped dozens of dogs as if I had possessed a jangpanpa equipment to protect my friend, they were moved and accepted me as a disciple.”

After listening to my story from beginning to end, Miyang Wang narrowed his eyes, then he held out his white doll-like hand and said,

“Because I’m going to take a deep breath. Reach out.”

If I refused here, it would be like confessing to lying, so I obediently held out my hand.

After a while, Wang Mi-yang put her finger on the vein with a slightly awkward face.

“Um… It’s mixed with other things, but I learned it right. It’s not at the level of stealing and learning. It’s a real martial art.”

That’s because you learned it properly from someone who can perfectly perform almost any martial art.

There is no quality guarantee, but in terms of performance, it is no different from the real thing.

Anyway, Wang Mi-yang, who judged that I really learned martial arts from a Jeonjin-gyo warrior, said in a slightly relaxed voice.

“That… Sorry for the misunderstanding.”

It’s fortunate that I didn’t find out that I’m a Moorim official disciple.

Apparently, on the contrary to his sharp eyes and excellent martial arts skills, he seems to have a naive personality that is dark in the world. When she thought so, even the clothes she was wearing looked strangely like her country girl.

… But what about forward progress?

It is a mind method mixed with the teachings of Taoism and Buddhism, and it is a hybrid internal mind method that allows you to learn and practice all martial arts that exist in the world, unless it is a martial art that is extremely biased towards yin and yang to collect pure deception.

Hyeonmunjeongjongnaegongsimbeop (玄門正宗內功心法).

Yuu’s martial art that contains the essence of Yi Gong Yi Ming (以空而明), makes the opponent’s strong power disappear in an instant, and creates an opening to knock the opponent down.

Gongmyeongwon (空明拳).

On top of that, the trustworthy and stable gyeonggong that always provides more than one serving in critical situations.

Golden Eye Gong (金雁功).

I didn’t think much of it until now. When I think about it like this, the martial arts of Jeonjingyo are really excellent.

Manchun tapped the calculator in his head as he looked at Wang Miyang, who was looking up at him with a slightly crouching posture.

I decided to stay in this village for a few days, and there is also the Jeonjingyo Headquarters in front of me.

At this point, changing jobs to Sima Mancheon, a genius guru who deceived even the heavens, seemed like a good choice.

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