Surviving as a Villain at the Academy chapter 149

Surviving as a Villain at the Academy 149

149 – End of Vacation. (3)

From Noble mtl dot com

I was heading to the parlor to meet my father.

The reason my father called for me might be to praise what happened this time, but it was probably also… because of my relationship with Adrian.

When Adrian gets involved with me, inevitably there will be political repercussions that follow.

Deus Church is the most powerful religion in this world. It is treated as the state religion even in the Empire. Naturally, if the saint of that religion gets involved with someone, the status of the other party will rise as well.

Especially if it’s the Duke Rancel, who holds a significant position in the Empire.

Perhaps, the repercussions from this would not be insignificant.

Well… it wasn’t a story that was particularly important to me. What was important to me was how to strengthen Ruslan in Chapter 3, not political games.

Political games should be played when the world is somewhat safe, as it is not a task that can be done in the current precarious situation.

As I organized various thoughts, I found myself in front of the parlor door.

I knocked on the parlor door a couple of times.

“It’s Frakh.”

“Come in.”

As I opened the door and stepped inside, my father, with a rather troubled expression, came into view at once.

…He seems to have been through a lot lately.

“Sit. I called you here because I have something to discuss.”



Edmund Ransel looked at his son. Somehow, this year, it seemed that Frakh was somehow entangled in all sorts of major incidents and accidents.

But above all else, this particular matter was more serious. It involved a Lady.

The position of a Lady should not be intertwined with ordinary noble families.

As long as the Empire had adopted the Deux faith as the state religion, the moment a Lady was incorporated into noble society, the status of the nobility would skyrocket too much.

Perhaps even threatening the Emperor.

If Ransel had not already built trust with the Imperial family, Frakh would have soon been demanded to sever ties with the Lady.

So, what should be done? There was no need to really worry about other nobles. The important thing was simply not to offend the Emperor.

But to casually bring up such matters to his son who had just returned from a difficult journey was not a very appropriate attitude as a father.

For now… he should start with praising him for successfully completing his diplomatic mission.

“First of all, I’ve heard a lot of good things.”

“Is that so?”

“Yes. Word has spread about your remarkable performance as an Imperial envoy this time. Not the usual flattering gossips, but genuine praise.”

“I was fortunate. The situation on my return was favorable… and above all, Asti helped me a lot.”

“Is that so. Well done.”

“By the way, why did you summon me? It doesn’t seem like you called me here to praise me.”

“…That’s right. It’s about the Lady.”

“I had a feeling.”

“Is the rumor true?”


“Sigh… Lately, there have been many strange occurrences, but this one is the most challenging.”

Edmund let out a sigh of frustration. It was a difficult situation.

“I’m not sure why the Lady has fallen for me.”

“It’s just the way things are. Who can truly understand the heart of a seventeen-year-old girl? Only she herself can. There are probably several reasons for her affection. Objectively, you are a suitable match. However, in this case, it seems a bit excessive.”

“…What did His Majesty say?”

“He didn’t say much. He knows Ransel’s sincerity. But that doesn’t mean you should relax. You never know when schemers like Sargal might sow doubts in His Majesty’s mind.”

“I apologize.”

“No need to apologize. Human hearts are always like that. Just be cautious. Don’t think you can use the Lady’s affection to elevate your status. And… most importantly, never manipulate someone’s feelings in that way. You know that well.”

“Of course.”

“Perhaps His Majesty might summon you soon. When that happens, speak honestly without any unnecessary falsehoods. The Emperor can quickly discern a clumsy lie.”


“Now that we’ve covered most of the important matters, I’m curious about your thoughts. How do you feel about the Lady?”

“I think she is a good person. However, in terms of romantic feelings… I’m not sure. I already have someone in my heart.”

“You mean Asti?”


“So, you should have declined immediately.”

“Well, I did decline. I have a lot to do, and there’s someone else I have my heart set on. Despite that… you insisted.”


Edmund once again marveled at Frau’s ability to attract women. To think that someone would cling to her even though she already had someone in her heart.

Could it even be the saint?

It wasn’t just the saint. Rumors had it that even Arist was starting to show interest in Frau again. To think he would be interested in someone who almost assaulted him.

That girl was truly peculiar. She didn’t possess ordinary mental strength. Or perhaps, she felt the void left by Frau even more deeply.

Indeed, in many ways, he couldn’t help but think highly of his son.

Objectively speaking, Frau was an excellent groom. Firstly, his background was good. He was wealthy, personally powerful, intellectually sharp, and his appearance resembled that of his wife.

…Certainly. If she were a young girl in her prime, she might be smitten.

Anyway, things were getting quite complicated. All he could hope for was that Frau would handle things well… he didn’t doubt it. Apart from the incident with Arist Winslet, his son had never disappointed him.

Meeting the Emperor… When father says that, it definitely means that the Emperor has given him some advice. Perhaps, there will be a visit to the imperial palace soon.

In reality, as long as I carry myself well, the issue related to Adrian is manageable. As long as I continue to show loyalty to the empire and avoid unnecessary rumors, that should suffice.

As always, the reason issues arise during such events is due to personal arrogance and others’ jealousy. If one remains vigilant and exercises caution, major issues can be avoided.

I may not know how the imperial nobles will conspire, but as long as I conduct myself properly, it should be resolved. Showing the Emperor my loyalty should dispel any doubts.

“Welcome back. What did father say?”

“He just told me to carry myself well. If the saint shows interest in me, I could become a target of the imperial vigilance if I act recklessly.”

“I see. That’s… your specialty, right?”

“Exactly. Nevertheless, one must be cautious. Vigilance should always be kept close to the heart.”

Lately, Asti always smiles broadly when she looks at me. Is it because she finds it so pleasing that I prioritize her above all else? No, perhaps it’s simply because I enjoy teasing her.

Anyway, it’s time to start thinking about what to do upon returning to the academy. Where to go, how to enhance Ruslan’s abilities, and how to improve my own skills.

In any case, since I am the main antagonist in Chapter 3, there won’t be any other antagonists appearing separately.

…It must be so.

However, I can’t be certain. One never knows what may happen in this world. An unknown antagonist may appear and turn Chapter 3 into chaos.

That’s why I must prepare even more diligently.

First and foremost, it’s this.

I took out a small vial from my pocket. Inside this vial, where a bit of blood swirls, is giant’s blood.

Given to me by Adrian in the holy kingdom, he handed it to me before leaving the holy kingdom.

As it’s an item that alters the body, I decided it would be better to consume it in the empire, where I need to move swiftly, just a month ago.

“Giant’s blood, are you going to drink it?”


“Let me know if anything feels strange. It’s possible to control the surge of power.”

“Got it. Always grateful.”

“Between us.”

Once Asti finished preparing to scrutinize me, I drank the giant’s blood. The taste of the thick blood passed my esophagus. However, instead of feeling nauseous, I felt the blood boiling in my body.

My heart raced. A surge of energy flowed through my entire being. Even a strength I had never felt before.

Yet, I could restrain it. Control it. My enhanced abilities, honed through various trials, allowed me to suppress the physical changes from the giant’s blood and the ensuing surge of power, guiding it as I desired.

Like the flow of magic, the current of power coursed through my entire body.

The power of a giant surged through my body, colliding.


Accompanied by the sound of something shattering, pain was felt.

However, what I felt after the pain subsided was the sensation of my physical body surpassing the limits it had faced before.

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  1. Ag Sen Ag Sen says:

    – attentive on others
    – know responsibility
    – good personality
    – good background
    – strong
    – rich
    – handsome

    now that i counted, this is Superior Harem Protagonist!!

    1. Ag Sen Ag Sen says:

      the only thing he’s not good at is while he’s categorized as smart and able to make profitable deal for both side , he’s not good at cunning schemes. Demon is better at it

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