Surviving as a Villain at the Academy chapter 150

Surviving as a Villain at the Academy 150

150 – Back to the Academy. (1)


I writhed in pain. Did my body cross its limits due to drinking the blood of a giant? Well, I’m not sure, but it seems similar.

Yet, as much as the pain, an incredible vitality was coursing through my entire being. Asty, looking at me, even widened her eyes.

“Not a joke, huh?”


“I’m not sure how to put it… It’s like your physical form shed another layer.”

“Is that so?”

“Yeah. It’s not just that… The amount of magic flowing through your body has increased significantly. Your magic is influenced by mine, right? Proportionally, I have 7, and you have 3.”


“But now it’s more like my magic is 6, and yours is 4. Do you know how significant that is? Initially, I gave you a considerable amount of magic through the contract.”

I couldn’t help but be surprised by Asty’s words. My magic level increased that much?


“Do you think I’d lie to you? It seems like the blood of the giant suits your body exceptionally well.”

“…Is that so.”

“Yeah. Your body already has my magic in it, right? It seems to have a significant impact. Since you harbor the magic of a demon… the encounter of the giant’s blood with that magic might have caused an amplifying effect.”

From Noble mtl dot com

“But then shouldn’t the magic you gave me increase as well?”

“Well… I’m not sure either. Perhaps ultimately, it’s because you, as the one who drank the blood, caused your magic to increase. In any case, you are diligently getting stronger.”

“It’s a good thing. After all, you went through all that… and got Salus.”

“Honestly, at this point, there’s no real reason to attend the Academy, right?”

“Not quite. You need to look ahead while also looking back. If you only look ahead, you might forget how far you’ve come.”

“Is that so?”

“Yeah. That’s why the basic classes at the Academy are important. Ultimately, those basics will further strengthen my foundation.”

“You really don’t seem diligent at all, looking like a haughty noble disciple. Quite the typical noble image, wouldn’t you say?”

“Based on experience?”

“Exactly. How many nobles have I seen?”

“Well, let’s say you’re right. And there are more reasons to attend the Academy. Ruslan.”

“Ah, true.”

This time, it seems like I might have to put the fellow through some hardship… I’m pondering how to go about it. For now, I’m considering taking him to a dungeon.”

“A dungeon?”

“Yeah. Taking him to a quite challenging place could be quite beneficial. After all, it’s a kind of trial.”

“It’s not a bad idea… but do you know of any suitable place?”

“I know of a few places. But, the biggest issue is whether that dungeon still exists in its entirety.”

“As long as dungeons are not targeted for their cores, they don’t disappear, so it should be fine, right?”

“Right. But I’m not sure. The future I knew has been distorted too much. Unexpected things can happen at any time.”


“For now, I’ll try to find even the places in my memory.”

“Is there something I should do?”

“Well, later let’s go out for a stroll together. Also, to find the dungeon location.”

“That sounds like a pleasant idea I heard.”

At my words, Asti smiled.

“Anyway… the vacation is over now. I’ll be busy again.”

“By the way, shouldn’t we resume classes soon?”


“Magic classes. Your magic capacity must have increased, and the variety of spells you can perform has probably expanded significantly.”

“Oh, right. Wait, does that mean…”

“Well, Sir Edan, the Knight Commander, might be eagerly looking for you.”

“…Drinking giant blood was a good idea. Sir Edan might increase the intensity of the lessons once he knows I’ve become stronger.”

“From Academy classes to my magic classes, even swordsmanship classes. Will there be time to go find dungeons?”

“We’ll make time somehow. It’s important… Darn it. This way, there won’t even be time to rest.”

“But do you really have to take lessons from the Knight Commander? Can’t you beat him now?”

“I might win if I use all my strength. But that would be meaningless. You said it yourself. Raise my level. Sir Edan’s swordsmanship surely reaches a level I have yet to fathom… Surely, he will elevate my level.”

“That’s true.”

“Swordsmanship or magic, in the end, the actions performed by people inevitably lead down a certain path. To survive, I must continue walking that path. It’s regrettable that there’s no time to rest… But it can’t be helped.”

-So, does that mean I won’t be able to come out for a while?

At that moment, Salus’s voice echoed in my ears.

“It seems so. But still… whenever I can, I’ll show you glimpses of the world.”

-Okay. Got it.

She let out a slightly disappointed voice. It couldn’t be helped. She had wanted to see the world a bit, but the busy owner didn’t give her a proper chance to do so.

“It’s unavoidable… You must have had high expectations, I’m sorry.”

“No, no. What’s important to Frah is ultimately important to me too.”

“I’m grateful you think that way.”

* * *

The Academy reopened. The start of a new semester was not very pleasant for the students.

Firstly, the schedule at Selus Academy was incredibly tight, and the end of the vacation meant cramming oneself back into that tight schedule.

Sure enough, as soon as I arrived at the Academy’s main gate in a carriage, I could see a group of undead that looked like they could drop dead any minute.

Are those zombies, ghouls? They certainly didn’t look like they belonged in the land of the living.

…Well. The vacation at the Academy is almost like three months of idleness, so it would take quite some time for the students who had gotten used to that lifestyle to readjust to the Academy.

Of course, it wasn’t everyone, just the majority. It didn’t apply to the students who had diligently honed themselves even when they went back home.

Anyway, it’s the second semester at the Academy. I’m sure they’ll be starting classes diligently from the very beginning.

* * *

As expected, the professors we encountered were more inclined to start teaching right away rather than inquire about each other’s well-being. So, the students had no choice but to face all sorts of theories with their already stiffened minds.

It didn’t concern me much, but I sympathized with their struggles.

Regardless, Asti seemed to be all smiles, sticking close to me as if she was delighted, constantly beaming.

“Today, you seem to be in a good mood.”

“It’s interesting to see people’s gazes around me.”

“…Is that so?”

“Yes. Look. Everyone seems to be staring at us with curiosity.”

As Asti spoke, I could feel the gazes from those around me.

“What’s so fascinating about it?”

“Well, I’m sticking to your arm like glue.”

“Isn’t everyone vaguely guessing what’s going on?”

There’s a difference between vaguely guessing and being sure.”

“Sure… I guess you’re right. You didn’t used to stick to me like this before.”

Even though we used to link arms occasionally, it felt slightly different from just linking arms. It’s just a feeling of being close to you because I want to be.

Moreover, with Asti’s affection dripping from her gaze, it’s inevitable that the gazes from those around us would be quite intense.

But really, if Asti and I have time to pay attention to each other, it would be better to focus on the class. As for me… I’ve already reviewed all the class material in advance, so keeping up is not a problem at all, but it might not be the case for other students.

The professor of Public Administration we’re currently studying with didn’t seem to care whether Asti was clinging to me or not; he just kept going through the course content.

“Just listen, that must be the feeling.” They probably think it’s not worth bothering with students who aren’t interested in the class in the first place.

Ignoring the gazes around me and focusing on the class, I felt a strong gaze directed at me.

When I turned my head slightly, I saw Aris looking at me with an awkward expression.

…Why is she like that again?

Aris turned her head in surprise. It seemed like she got caught looking at me just now.

She had been staring at Prax and Asti being so close, but it seems that Prax, being sensitive, felt her gaze.

She was caught up in a serious inner conflict. Now wasn’t the right time. Rushing in would only provoke the other party’s resentment.

Naturally. Yes. Naturally, she had to approach him…

However, Aris realized that it wasn’t that easy.

Because Asti, sticking so closely to Prax, was practically shouting with her whole body how much she liked him.

While sending affectionate gazes to Prax, Asti occasionally scanned the surroundings with sharp eyes… At that moment, Asti and Aris’s eyes met.

Looking at Asti’s eyes, which were as bright as the crescent moon, Aris thought to herself.

Indeed, no matter how much I think about it, that woman… really infuriates people.

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  1. Zhen Wu says:

    The “Catfight” label is missing

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