Surviving As the 5th Prince of the Ruined Kingdom chapter 38

Surviving As the 5th Prince of the Ruined Kingdom 38


The dish lived up to its name in terms of visuals. The thick, dark red sauce poured over the T-bone steak, which made one’s nose tingle just from the smell, evoked the image of a hellish pit of fire.

There was no conversation during the meal.

It would be more accurate to say it was impossible. I, too, experienced hell. Unlike the mind, the body couldn’t adapt to the spiciness.

“Phew, phew. Alfonso, some milk over there.”

“Here it is.”

After finishing their meal, everyone held the milk in their mouths for a while to cool the heat.

Pran, wiping the sweat beading on her forehead, was the first to speak.

“I was a bit excited earlier, but it’s no joke. If you cling to the palace, you’re likely to meet an untimely demise, so become my disciple.”

“Why are you suddenly saying that?”

At my question, Pran began to ponder, furrowing her brow. I tried to guess her reason.

Could it be because of the spell I showed earlier? Was there something special about it? In the end, it was just a variation of the basic [Ignition] spell.

I don’t know.

I gave up thinking and waited for Pran to speak.

“I’ve discovered the raw gem of a jewel buried in the mud. Wouldn’t it be strange to just pass it by?”

“Are you saying I’m that gem?”

“For now. Whether it becomes a battered pearl or a diamond remains to be seen after processing. But either way, I can’t just leave it buried in the mud, can I?”

“Was there something special about the spell I showed you earlier?”

“It’s not just that. The problem you solved from the magic book Alfon stole. That wasn’t ordinary either. So how do I explain this……”

Pran tried to make me understand using various metaphors – a crumbled house, a clay-buried statue, and so on.

I roughly understood what she meant.

“So you’re saying I have exceptional intuition?”

“No, it’s a bit different…… If I had to put it into words, that term would be the most fitting.”

I stroked my chin, recalling what Pran had said.

Exceptional intuition.

‘I’ve heard that quite often in my previous life too.’

When solving mazes or finding the patterns in complex sequences, I could often find the exit or grasp the rule immediately. When solving math problems, I would sometimes find the answer first and then spend time proving why it was the answer.

Pran is a magician who deals with the seven stars.

In her previous life, she would have been considered a top-tier professor worldwide. For someone like her to want me as a disciple, she must have seen at least prodigy-level talent.

But I wonder.

Though there are holes scattered throughout my memories of my previous life, one thing is certain. I was not a once-in-a-century genius aiming for the Fields Medal or Nobel Prize in Physics.

‘Is it because my physical body has changed?’

My face, physique, height, strength – everything is different from my previous life. Perhaps my learning ability has changed too. Come to think of it, English was the hardest for me in my past life, but in this life, I’m fluent in seven languages.

Finding a satisfactory reason for myself, I lowered my chin-stroking hand and looked at Pran.

“I understand what you’re saying, Pran. However, the number of people walking with me recently has grown a bit. I can’t just abandon them and leave in a hurry.”

As I spoke, I glanced at Alfon. The rascal gave me an emotional thumbs-up, and I couldn’t help but chuckle.

“Tsk, you don’t even realize you just kicked away the fortune that rolled in, and what are you smiling about?”

Fran poured water into a cup as if her insides were burning, and gulped it down coolly.

I carefully asked her, “But if I were to become Fran’s disciple, would there be a reason for me to leave the royal palace? I don’t think learning is bound by location.”

Fran’s gaze narrowed.

“You, are you telling me to teach you in that crappy royal palace?”

“It smells better than I thought.”

I continued with a wry smile, “Besides, doesn’t Fran’s status at the Arcane Tower prove it? Getting permission to enter the royal palace would be a piece of cake. They’d be happy to have you. At the Emerald Palace, I’ll provide all the amenities so you won’t have to lift a finger.”


Fran’s expression changed by the minute.

Sometimes when she looked in the direction of the royal palace, she had an expression as if she had seen a dung beetle.

It seemed she really disliked the royal palace. I grew a little curious as to why.

I fervently prayed in my heart that Fran would say okay. After a while, she opened her mouth.

“Becoming a disciple also means succeeding my legacy after I die. For you, who wants to remain in the royal palace, that would be impossible, right? If you get kicked out of the royal palace later, don’t say you’ll succeed my legacy. I could permanently cripple you.”

“I won’t. I have a conscience too.”

“But it’s also true that I want to try refining the raw gem I’ve discovered. Since you’re Baerun’s grandson, I’m willing to be your ‘tutor’.”

“Thank you.”

A 7-star mage permanently residing at the Emerald Palace? Suddenly, it feels like my safety level is skyrocketing…

“The conversation isn’t over yet, so listen till the end. As a ‘tutor’ and not a ‘master’, I should rightfully receive payment for educating students. My tuition fee will be a bit steep.”

…… It trailed off like an echo in the distance.

Fran’s words didn’t stop there.

“On top of that, it’s not you seeking me out, but you’re having me reside in the royal palace while you learn? You know the mages employed by the royal family receive research grants, right? Supporting the things I’m researching won’t be easy, will it be possible?”


“Well, from what you said when you came looking for me before, and what you rambled on about at the hearing, it seems you have a lot hidden away, so tell me when you’re prepared. For now, I’ll be staying at the Dowager Queen’s Residence, not going anywhere. That ‘disciple’ of mine must be starving. I need to go buy bread from the market, so I’ll see you next time.”

After finishing her words, Fran flipped up her hood and left the restaurant. Watching her receding figure through the window, I asked Alfonsio,

“Didn’t you say that when Fran was in the North, she taught those with magical talent in the liberation army for free?”

“That’s right.”

“Then why is she asking me for tuition?”

“The Northern Liberation Army was probably because it was a final request from her friend, the late Count Baerun, so she provided the service for free?”

“Am I the grandson-in-law?”

“It seems the prince didn’t ask you. Instead of useless complaints, it’s best to think about how to afford the tuition fees.”

I glared at Alfonso for hitting the nail on the head. He was smirking while drawing crescent moons with his eyes.

“By the way, any news from the Northern Liberation Army lately?”

“You know I was discharged, right? If it wasn’t for the prince’s letter, Senior Austin might have taken my head.”

“But don’t you have personal contacts? Your colleagues, or that guy, the one who was fired from the kitchen staff.”

“I’m not close to them.”

“No one you were close to?”

“hahahahah, hahahahah. I don’t have time to socialize……… But Senior Austin did leave me a contact, so I’ll reach out if anything special comes up. Or, do you have something to tell the Northern Liberation Army?”

After the hearing, the relationship between the Northern Liberation Army and me was, well, closer than strangers but farther than friends.

In such an ambiguous relationship, we should beat up some guys together……. That would deepen our friendship, if only I could leave the palace.

If we can’t share the physical experience, I should at least send them a basket of gifts to encourage them.

But my financial situation doesn’t allow it.

“Let’s go, I’ll pay.”


“Didn’t you say you’d come? Aren’t you the one living here?”

“I left my wallet behind. How can I pay in front of you, Your Highness? I’ll be scolded for disrespecting my superior.”

I frowned deeply.

Such a crappy culture indeed exists.

With a sigh, I took out the money pouch my sister had prepared for me after yesterday’s tea time and tossed it to him.

“Don’t run away. I know exactly how much is in there.”

“You worry too much. hahahahah.”

The old saying that a man’s leisure comes from his wallet couldn’t be more accurate.

Watching Alfonso swinging the money pouch as he went to pay, my concerns only deepened.


The New Year’s banquet had begun.

The Lasa Palace in Lionel Kingdom, built for the purpose of hosting banquets. It was filled with illuminating lights, music from the performers, and the aroma of mouth-watering dishes.

In the crowded banquet hall of beauties, one couple particularly caught people’s attention.

It was Annette and Evan.

“You dance well, Evan. My efforts in teaching you have paid off.”


Annette smiled faintly as she watched Evan, who was so focused on not stepping on her feet that he couldn’t even respond.

When did he grow up so much?

In just a couple of months, he had shot up and become taller than her.

The duel with the Fourth Prince.

The royal trial.

The hearings.

In just a couple of months, Evan had shown sides of himself she could never have imagined. Annette had so many things she wanted to ask him.

But she couldn’t ask.

She felt she didn’t have the right.

Deep in Annette’s heart was a guilt that would never go away. The fact that she had been powerless to help when Evan was mocked and derided with the derogatory name “Ghost Prince.”

‘I should quietly disappear after this year.’

For five years, Evan had endured all manner of humiliation while wearing the skin of the “Ghost Prince.” Now, at last, he was starting to spread his wings.

Annette knew that the longer she remained in the palace, the more of a burden she would become to Evan. The last thing she could do for him was to quietly vanish from the palace.

“Hah, I broke into a cold sweat worrying I might step on your feet, Sister.”

From noble mtl dot com

“You did well. Why don’t you ask that lovely lady in blue for a dance next? Ah! That lady in the blue dress is the only daughter of a prominent merchant family from the East that owns a large fleet of trade ships. She may only be a baroness, but……. her wealth is said to rival many earldoms.”

“hahahaha……. I’m feeling tense, so I’ll use the restroom for a moment……..”

Watching Evan make an excuse to briefly leave, Annette shook her head slowly.

Approaching her quickly was a woman—Aira Merton, the girl Evan had helped a few days prior.

From the moment Annette and Evan arrived at the ball, Aira had been observing the two of them with a hawk’s eyes, and now she swiftly approached Annette.

“Third Princess, it’s been a while. I am Aira Merton of House Merton. Do you recall me?”

“Ah, of course. I still can’t forget the aroma of the herbal tea you gifted me two years ago, called Sansrea?”

“You do remember! Yes, Sansrea! It’s a specialty that can only be obtained near the border of our territory and the Elven Forest.”

As Annette conversed with Aira with a faint smile, her mind was rapidly calculating:

The wealth of House Merton?

Not bad.

House Merton’s influence in central politics?

Almost none.

House Merton’s military strength?

Unknown precisely, but judged incapable of supporting Evan.

Is Aira Merton an only child?



That last one was decisive.

Aira didn’t know it, but she had just been dropped from the list of young ladies worthy of having tea with Evan.

The ladies were chatting and laughing together.


Suddenly, red wine spilled all over Annette’s beautiful black hair and her dress, staining them crimson.

The entire banquet hall fell silent.

“Oh, I’m so sorry. I lost my balance when my feet got tangled.”

Eyes stretched wide.

Freckles that couldn’t be covered by makeup.

A bony woman wearing a black dress that seemed to gather her non-existent chest with her very soul to compensate for her slender frame.

The 4th Princess, born to the 2nd Queen.

Gracia Lionel, who was scheduled to have her coming-of-age ceremony this year along with Annette, took out a handkerchief with an apologetic expression.

“Oh dear, oh dear, what should I do about this?”

As Gracia wiped Annette’s face, she whispered in a very small voice.

“You, didn’t I warn you last time not to show your face in front of me?”

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