Surviving As the 5th Prince of the Ruined Kingdom chapter 45

Surviving As the 5th Prince of the Ruined Kingdom 45


Kookung! Kookung─ Kwaaang!

“Oh no!”

A tremendous roar erupted, shaking the ground so violently that it was difficult to keep one’s balance. The chieftain, who was about to rush outside, lost his footing and tumbled to the floor.

Pran and I barely managed to hold onto the pillars.

“Your Highness!”

“Please come out quickly!”

The voices of knights searching for me came from outside.

Kookung- Kookukung······.

Fortunately, after the tremendous roar, the tremors gradually subsided.


Reina burst in, smashing through the door of the chieftain’s house.

“Your Highness, come out quickly!”

“I was just about to.”

I hurried outside with the chieftain and Pran. The dwarves were in an uproar.

“What’s going on?”

“An earthquake? But there were no signs!”

“My wife is trapped under the shelves! Help!”

“Hey? Over there, smoke!”

At someone’s shout, everyone’s gaze turned in one direction. Thick black smoke was billowing up.

“Tunnel 9! Tunnel 9 has collapsed!”

“Why that one suddenly?”

“Isn’t that the closest to that beast’s lair?”

“Oh no! Could it be…”

Apparently, Tunnel 9 was located near the lair of the faceless dragon that had been hibernating.


The chieftain’s booming voice instantly silenced the commotion. All eyes were on him.

“There’s no time to pack! Just grab the injured and hurry down the mountain!”

“Chieftain, what is going on……”

“No time to explain! Just grab the injured first and evacuate.”

Watching this unfold, I shifted my gaze to the [Barisada] I was holding.

‘Could it be because of this?’

What [Barisada] is currently coiled around is no ordinary sheath. It was specially made by Pran to prevent [Barisada’s] energy from leaking out, just in case.

I glanced at her, and our eyes met.

Reading my gaze, Pran shook her head firmly.

“This is a sword that has already sealed most of its power within its scabbard. Even if it’s not my area of expertise, I wouldn’t make such a mistake. The bastard has simply awoken when the time came. The timing is just infuriating.”

The tightness in my chest loosened a bit.

“Your Highness, we should hurry down the mountain too.”

“You’re right. If another quake like the one just now happens, it could trigger a landslide.”

The escort knights seemed to think the recent event was just a natural disaster. Well, it was only natural for them to be unaware of the Faceless Dragon, after all.

My plan was to chase after the worm-like creature that could grow to nearly 300m in size while carrying [Barisada] like a club. But that’s something I should only reveal when the time is right before me.

Finding out too early would only cause unnecessary worry.

“You seem to know a lot about the Faceless Dragon. Is it really awake now? It went quiet again······.”

The chieftain, who had looked like he knew everything when issuing the evacuation order to the tribesmen, approached me with a stern expression and asked.

Most of the information I had studied about the Faceless Dragon came from dwarven records. It felt strange that a dwarf, who should have been an expert on the creature in the past, was now asking me, a human, about it.

“It’s probably not fully awake yet. Have you ever woken up in the morning, had some water and used the bathroom, then gone back to bed for a light nap? It’s likely in that kind of state right now.” **According to the records, there were quite a few cases where it immediately started its activities upon waking up, so we’re fortunate this one hasn’t done that yet. **

“Then when will it start moving again?”

“When you wake up in the morning and go back to sleep, when do you usually get up again?”

“Hmm······ Sometimes almost right away, other times I end up oversleeping.”

“Exactly the same.”

“I see. We should hurry with the evacuation then.”

The dwarves were bustling about. My mind was racing too, watching them.

In a way, this situation naturally presented a good opportunity to negotiate with the Black Anvil Tribe.

It felt a bit wrong to have such thoughts while observing others’ misfortune, but since no one seemed seriously injured, it would have to do······.

“Rotin! Rotin is missing!”

“Hasten! Hasten!”

“Our son is gone too!”

I snapped to attention at the panicked cries of the dwarven women. Some children seemed to have gone missing. I recalled the sight of a group of them running off somewhere, laughing boisterously.

“Chieftain! Some children are missing! We can’t see where they’ve gone!”

“How many are missing!”

“Rotin, Hasten, ······ There are seven in total!”

“Damn! Does anyone know where those bastards went?”

Everyone just stared at each other’s faces, and no one stepped forward.

“Earlier, Rotin said he was going somewhere really fun! I told him not to take me because it was dangerous.”

Then a child, who was a head shorter than the other children, shouted.

“Where! Where did he say he was going?”

“Rone! Tell us quickly!”

“Uh, uh······ I don’t know! He said sometimes ghosts appear there, and it’s really scary. Waaah!”

The adults ended up making the child cry by pressing him.

“Ghosts? Ghosts······ It’s the abandoned mine! Those bastards must have gone to play in the abandoned mine! I discovered it not long ago and scolded them!”

From noble mtl dot com

“No way! If the shaking was like earlier, the abandoned mine must have collapsed!”

“Where was the abandoned mine you chased them out of!”

“It was abandoned mine number 17.”

“It’s not that one! I just went there briefly because I had something to do in that area!”

17? Just how many abandoned mines are there?

I found Pran.

“How can it not be possible?”

“You said with your own mouth that the Faceless Dragon has low intelligence, but in other aspects, it’s superior to even the highest-ranked demonic beasts . The same should apply to detecting magic power. Searching is also one of my weak areas, so I’m not confident.”

I asked just in case, but as expected.

“Your Highness, you must go down now.”

“You’re right. Unfortunately, there’s nothing we can do to help.”

Adol and Vernon urged me.

Reina alternated between looking at her palm and the back of my head, her expression filled with grave anguish. It seemed like she was considering knocking me unconscious by force and taking me away. Covering the back of my head with my hand, I controlled the Ghost Hand to enter the [Library].

┕ Can the children of the Black Anvil tribe know which abandoned mine they went to play in today? If not, any information that could help guess.

「The fee for this information is 1 RP.」

┕ Tell me.

「According to the diary entry from yesterday by Rotin, a young dwarf of the Black Anvil tribe, they were supposed to search abandoned mine number 15 today. However, whether they actually went th│」

The cursor, which was writing down the letters, suddenly stopped and started blinking.

What’s going on, did it suddenly lag or something?

I had never experienced this phenomenon before, and my heart pounded as I wondered if the system was about to disappear.

“…… A new record has been created. An additional 5,000 RP information usage fee is required.”

What a joke.

Still, I was relieved.

5,000 RP…… Is that the price of the children’s lives? The information must be accurate.

┕ Hurry up and tell me.

“Ten seconds ago, at a point 300m from the collapsed entrance of the abandoned Mine No. 11, the message ‘Mom, Dad, I love you. I’m sorry for causing trouble all this time. Rone, I’m sorry for bullying you. -Rotin’ was written on the collapsed wall.”

They were planning to go to No. 15 earlier, so why are they at such an unexpected place? As expected, you never know where children will end up.

“Your Highness? Your Highness!”

“Your Highness, I’m sorry!”

I opened my mouth towards the knights approaching me with an air of wanting to grab me at any moment.

“It wouldn’t be right to just leave when I can help.”


I took a step back from the escort knights and found the chief. Just a moment ago, he was harassing Fran, asking how she couldn’t find a way to locate the children.

“Chief. The children are 300m from the entrance of the abandoned Mine No. 11.”

“What, what?”

The chief’s expression looking at me became strange. Did I give too much detailed information about the children’s location?

“How can I believe that……”

“Believe it. That guy sometimes does unbelievable miracles. If you have any other guesses, go there. Otherwise, hurry up and go rescue the kids!”

Fran cut him off and scolded him.

“Ah, I got it. Information came in that the kids went to the abandoned Mine No. 11! Men, grab your gear and run over quickly! The security team should escort the elders and women down!”

Shouting in a voice like he had swallowed a hot pot, the chief ran off. I turned my head towards Fran.

“Thank you for your help.”

“It’s nothing. But what are you really? You clearly didn’t know until just a while ago? You were asking me if I had no way to find them.”

She scrutinized me carefully. She subtly brought her hand near my waist area. I quickly backed away.

“What are you doing?”

“I was wondering if you had a birthmark somewhere like your butt since it’s not visible on the outside. What kind of god are you? The price can’t be small for information that saves seven lives……”

“It’s a secret.”


As time goes on, more and more people will inevitably question my incomprehensible information abilities. The best excuse is still a birthmark, though……

‘Since it’s not urgent right now, I’ll think about it slowly.’

I said to the escort knights,

“Let’s go.”

They foamed at the mouth trying to stop me.

“Won’t you stay up here?”

“It’s really dangerous if there’s a landslide!”

“Umm…… I guess I’ll have to knock them out by force……”

“You’re all noisy and come with me. I won’t let you fall behind.”

The escort knights, who learned at the Merton banquet that Fran is a mage who handles seven stars, shut their mouths.

It would have taken me quite a while to persuade them.

I felt the urgent need to raise my own power as soon as possible.

The entrance to Abandoned Mine #11, a short way up the mountain from the village. It was quite close, with the village in full view.

“Dig as carefully as possible!”

“Don’t have to tell me!”

The dwarves were using picks, shovels, and other tools to excavate the collapsed abandoned mine at an astonishing speed.

“That tremendous speed is digging carefully?”

“It seems ten times faster than when we worked at full power in our apprentice days?”

“As expected of dwarves……”

My companions lolled their tongues at their work speed.



“Answer if anyone calls out!”

How much time had passed?

“Help! Save us!”

“We’re in here!”

“Hasten’s leg is pinned!”

The voices of children were heard by the adults.

“Anyone else injured?”

“Lotin hit his head a little. No one is seriously hurt!”

“Kuhahahaha. Just wait, you little rascals!”

The excited dwarves increased their digging speed. The chief approached me with a relieved expression.

“Thank you. I will certainly repay this kindness.”

“Your relationship with Gilud has dramatically improved.”

The previously distrustful relationship turned friendly after the rescue of the children.

I smiled broadly and asked him again about the proposal he had made at his house.

“Developing the magic stone mine. Have you changed your mind about doing it together?”

“Hmm…… Since that bastard will soon awaken and turn the village into a field of weeds anyway. If you really drive away the Faceless Dragon, I’ll persuade the tribal elders.”

As I was having this conversation with the chief,

“Sa, saved!”

“You brats! How many times have I told you not to play in the abandoned mine!”

“Wah wah wah, I won’t do it again.”

“I won’t do it again!”

The children were rescued one by one from the abandoned mine.

One, two,…… , seven.

All were successfully rescued unharmed.

“Chief, hurry and take the children down the mountain. Once I confirm that the Black Anvil Tribe has all descended from the mountain, I’ll immediately drive out the Faceless Dragon.”

“Understood. I’m curious how you’ll do it, but…… I’m counting on you. You guys! Carry the children! We’re heading down right now. I’ll explain the situation on the way down……”

Kugukung! Kugukukukung–!

Haah, seriously.

Should I be relieved that the children woke it up right after they got out of the abandoned mine?

“Oh, the Faceless Dragon!”

From the collapsed No. 9 tunnel, a gigantic worm the size of an apartment building emerged. Is this its first transformation stage? It was terrifying to think it would grow over 300m.

Looking around, the Faceless Dragon turned its head toward the village.

“I, it’s heading for the village!”

The mineral warehouse!

The warehouse where the dwarves stored the minerals they mined was like a five-star restaurant for that thing.

“You wenches, why haven’t you evacuated yet!”

Following the chief’s gaze, I saw dwarves trembling with large bundles of belongings. It seemed the women had dallied, packing up their valuables.

…… I understand their mindset.

But it’s just because I’m taking only the injured. Their ignoring the chief’s words made me furious.

I tightly gripped [Barisada] at my waist and ran at full speed toward the village.

“Oh, oh! Prince!”

“You mustn’t go!”

“Hurry, catch him!”

Reina was the first to catch up with me. As expected of a five-star knight.

“Lady Reina. Don’t stop me.”

She fussed and hoisted me over her shoulder.

“Lady Reina! Lady Reina!”

“Your Highness, speed alone won’t suffice. Since even Sir Fran didn’t try to stop you, there must be something we don’t know about that beast—something like that sword wrapped in cloth. I’ll accept punishment later for this disrespect!”

Reina, carrying me, dashed towards the village at full speed. Though a bit undignified, she seemed nearly twice as fast as a train.

“Reina! Reina, why are you doing this too!”

“Hey! You’re insane!”

Adol and Vernon grew more distant.

And we arrived at the village.

We reached it just in the nick of time, before the faceless dragon.

“To the warehouse! That warehouse over there!”

Reina set me down in front of the warehouse.



I gripped the doubly-sealed [Barisada] at my waist and gazed at the massive worm that had approached right before my eyes.

‘Please, please, let my hunch be right.’

I roughly untied the cloth sealing [Barisada].




The faceless dragon had stopped moving.

Thump! Thump! My heart was pounding as if it would burst. Tension caused beads of cold sweat to form on my brow.


It is said that for over a thousand years, [Barisada] would slay faceless dragons wherever they appeared. Enough for the instinctive fear of their natural enemy to be ingrained in their genes.

Now, look here.

Here is the sword forged from its very flesh.

Nine out of ten. That probability is enough, isn’t it?

Back off, back off!


A success?

What I was worried about was one in ten.

Sometimes there are mice that don’t just tremble when they encounter a cat, but charge at them trying to bite. In human terms, a hero who bravely confronts an enemy they cannot resist!



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Why is it that one in front of me?

Why! Why! There’s never an easy way!

“Reina! Grab that thing and quickly jump over here!”

Fran is causing a tremendous whirlpool of mana, as if trying to cast a teleportation spell.

The faces of the dwarves who haven’t left the village yet, the children who were just rescued and shedding tears of joy, flashed through my mind.

「Kukuk. Draw your sword. If you pull me out of the sheath, that thing will run away. Will you let the dwarf bastards all die?」

It seemed like the distorted voice of a woman was ringing in my ears.


I couldn’t tell if it was really Barisada, or just an auditory hallucination I created.

– Buaaang!

The last moment of my previous life, when I pushed a child out of the way of an oncoming vehicle, flashed through my mind.

At that time, my body reacted before my head.

It’s the same now.

I know that if I fail the trial bestowed by the sword after drawing [Barisada], I’ll become a wreck, or even die in the worst case.

“That crazy bastard! Stop hiiiim!”

At the same time as Fran’s shout, I drew [Barisada] from its sheath, and only then did I remember.


An intensely bright light burst forth, blinding me.

And then, I lost consciousness.

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