Surviving the Game as a Barbarian chapter 145

Surviving the Game as a Barbarian 145

145 Episodes The Great Legacy (2)

The ancient evil god Karui.

Unlike the three remaining gods in the world, an existence that demands infinite prices from its subordinates.

He doesn’t give everything mercifully.

It only grants your longing wishes.

without distinction between good and evil.

If the price is enough.

No more, no less, just that much.

[I allow it.]

The moment the long-awaited answer finally arrived.

The arm of the beast that appeared while tearing the space tore off Rudwig’s arm and took it.

But when he came to his senses, he was standing there just looking at him.

Indeed, it was the same power and authority as the devil.

Especially since there is always a price to pay.

“My, Sri… … all!”

Even at the moment he made up his mind, the fierce battle was running towards its curtain.

Rudwig hurriedly stretched out his hand.

and… … .

[I will take it.]

That was enough.

There was no need to explain to the evil spirit what he wanted in return.

“Nah, boy! Is this a mousse, an instruction?!”

The body of the dragon slayer, who was stabbing the barbarian warrior, was bounced back under strong resistance.

But in return.


Both ears were torn off.

A permanent wound sacrificed to the evil spirit that cannot be healed by any divine power or potion.

Incomparable pain blooms even in fire.

But Ludwig thought of only one thing.

Yes, the authors were fighting through this pain.

“Neah. Nar, heal me, La.”

The dragon slayer emits a black eye beam and gives orders.

In response, his body moved as if possessed regardless of his will.

Aside from his grandson, whose soul was possessed by him, it was because of one of his abilities [privileging].

As long as that cursed power is trapped, he cannot deny his words.

However… … .

[I will count the heat.]

The giant beast’s claws ripped off even the remaining arm, and at the same time, the body that was moving regardless of the will came to a halt.

But it is still not enough.

There is still much to hope for,

There is also much left to offer.

Legs, eyes, heart, lungs.

anything is good

I will sacrifice all of my wretched flesh.

With a body that has reached twilight, if it can help young heroes on their path forward.

I will give you even the desire to end your tiring life and rest in his arms.

so… … .

“Give me the strength to kill the author.”

Rudwig spoke, and the evil spirit answered.


impossibility, not refusal.

No matter how much he valued ‘arbitrary’ sacrifice, it meant that this was not enough.

Hana Rudwig brushed away all his regrets.

It was different from the resignation we used to do every day.

Wasn’t it before that I decided to give up hope that could not be achieved and do what I could do?

The freedom that the evil spirit gave him was only 10 seconds.

There is no time to waste in despair.

“Then let me protect them.”

Rudwig spoke again, and the evil spirit laughed.

and… … .

[I allow it.]

The arm of the beast that stretched out from the darkness tore his body to pieces and swallowed it.


There was also a sense of relief that a momentary crisis had been avoided.

Doubts arise

How did the priest of Karui come to this place after 4 hours, and why does he do something that would harm the dragon killer?

Do you have any other plans?

“Nah, boy! Is this a mousse, an instruction?!”

Judging from the look on the dragon’s face, it doesn’t seem like that. To put it simply, it means that even that guy was in a completely unexpected situation.

However, it was difficult to view it as a positive variable.

“Neah. Nar, heal me, La.”

A black eye light bloomed from the eyes of the man who had been bent backwards without even missing the sword.

I couldn’t see what it was.


The ability of the 3rd-grade Essence it possesses.

If used on the dead, stats increase by absorbing souls, and there are some conditions of use, but if used on the living, it is a morale skill that can make the target a slave.


Soon, the priest stepped forward as if possessed.

The moment when everything seemed to be over.

all of a sudden.

One of the priest’s remaining arms is torn off.

As if offering sacrifices to the evil spirits hidden in darkness.


The priest, who was advancing as if possessed, stopped.

It was not enough to say that his appearance was terrifying.

It looks like both ears and arms have been bitten off by an animal.

But in that form, the priest says:

“Give me the strength to kill the author.”

It was then that I realized the situation accurately.

Who is this unknown priest talking to?

And what kind of deal did you do?

If all my predictions are correct, the way to survive—


The answer to the priest’s request was refusal.

A voice echoing throughout the aisle, as if speaking to everyone in the room. The joys and sorrows intersect with each other, and the dragon slayer’s eyes briefly flash.

That was the moment.

“Then let me protect them.”

The request of the man continued without any hesitation.

A laughter was heard from somewhere.

and… … .

[I allow it.]

The priest fell to the floor.

It was natural.

Because the two legs that supported the body were torn off.

However, evil spirits are contradictory beings that give hope and despair at the same time.


In return, a portal was opened.

A portal that appears in the center of the passage and scatters black light.

The color of the brilliance was different, but it was a portal.

The highest level of magic that can open the door from the labyrinth to the city.

Whoops profit!

Soon, a portal from which huge magical powers spewed out appeared beyond it.

It was not the gray city of Lafdonia I was familiar with.

A dark and gloomy underground fortress.

“Hey, hey! Do you have any orders? … !”

As if an invisible gust of wind pushed it away, the body of the dragon slayer was slowly pushed away.

towards the portal.

“No matter what your little one—”

“It should have been done sooner.”

The dragon slayer shouted something in anger, but the priest only responded too stubbornly.


Perhaps he too was slowly accepting that there was no way to stop the priest’s decision, he burst out in anger and looked at me, then moved his gaze and looked at one place.

And he stretched out his hand.


Then, the Akje longsword, which had been away without its owner, scratched the ground. A silver long sword that moves towards it as if it were attracted to magnetism.

It was very clear what he was going to do.

When I go, even if I go, I will take this with me.

‘Damn you sword lover.’

Forced into his staggering legs, he threw himself forward.

Not a conscience bastard of a dragon slayer.


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My head was dizzy at the shock of the tattered body crashing to the floor, but I reached out and grabbed the sword.


A sword that spit out the heat as soon as it touched its owner, whether it was engraved or not.

Because of the pain tolerance, the pain was bearable.

The sensation of one hand being paralyzed is clearly felt in real time.

Even if I hold it like this for a few more minutes, I even think that I may not be able to use my arms forever.

‘… … Did this guy keep using his sword in this state?’

Any unnecessary questions that crossed my mind were immediately erased.

That’s not what you should be thinking about right now.



Even if you put your weight on the ground and drive your teeth into the floor.

So that one day the blade that will point at me is never again in his hand.

so as not to harm my co-workers.

Kak kak!

In an instant, the pulling force grew sharply.

A body that began to slide as if it had lost friction. At this speed, it wouldn’t be strange to be sucked into the portal with the sword as a whole.

Nimirel, should I let it go now?

It was at that moment that such a concern was slowly starting to come to mind.


He vomited blood and the resistance disappeared.

Yes, you are too unreasonable to go beyond this.

“Bavaria… … .”

Soon he called me and muttered a short whisper.

“Again, it’s going to be mana.”

that we will meet again

He spoke the lines of a runaway third-rate villain with a short tongue that would be embarrassing to Misha.

I didn’t even know what to do after that.

However… … .


At that one word, my heart beats.

“… … .”

A skewer stabbed in the shoulder.

A half-squashed jawline.

Living enough to make your skin tingle.

The man’s right arm, who is not red, is dyed black and is smoking.

When that day comes, there won’t be a fluke like today.

It is conveying to me more clearly than hundreds of curse words.

But so what do you mean?


A member of Orculis?

A 9th-floor explorer with the nickname Dragon Slayer?

Next time, there will be no such thing as a ‘keeper of balance’?

That’s it, I know.

Yeah, I can’t beat him now.

If something goes wrong, you will have to struggle as hard as today.

However… … .


will survive

Because that’s what I do best.

Because that’s what I’ve been doing so far.

It’s something we have to do in the future.

You will survive and become strong.

So, someday, when the need for an aleatory is no longer needed.

“We will meet again, Yongin.”

I will go find him.

You’re not the only one who lost something today.



The portal that opened greedily swallowed the body and disappeared. And at the same time, a warm light began to seep into his body.

Not only to me, but to all of my other colleagues.

‘… … Divinity?’

I stared blankly at my hands.

The wound was regenerating slowly but steadily.

Unlike the potion, there was no pain, only warmth.


Then I came to my senses and looked behind me.

The body of the priest, which had been torn to pieces, was visible.

No, can we call that body now?

no arms and no legs

Dark red blood was oozing from the bruised eyelids, and his nose was cut off like a corpse in a battlefield.

Also, there are no things that should be there in the long, vertically cut abdomen.

“why… … .”

I muttered unknowingly.

What the hell did this old man give so much for?

For those of us who are unfamiliar, too.

“letter… … . in your arms… … .”

Then a faint sound was heard.

It was the voice of the priest.

I can’t believe it, but I quickly approached him and looked through the robes.

An old, crumpled letter appeared here and there.

“Lea, t… … .”

“Don’t worry, rest. I will definitely deliver this letter to the Reatlas Church.”

“thanks… … .”

Soon the priest closed his eyes.

All the places were covered in blood, but it looked so clean and comfortable as far as the wrinkled face.

Seeing this was like a dream.

How can you speak in this state?

I asked impatiently.

If you miss it now, you won’t have a chance.

“… … Why did you save us?”

Because that’s the right thing to do?

Well, those with this will would have had a chance to be liberated sooner.

But why was it today?

It must not have been just a coincidence, and I was very curious about the circumstances.

“… … .”

No answer came back.

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Maybe it’s already dead?

With that thought in mind, the priest’s lips parted slightly as he stood up.

“Magic… … .”

The sentence is not complete.

But that was enough.

“Okay, thanks for letting me know.”

I got up from my seat without hesitation.

There were many things I wanted to ask, but somehow it felt as if the old man had already left this place.

“… … .”

I paused for a moment and listened.

An awkwardly heterogeneous stillness.

As if enjoying the afterglow of this stillness, he muttered to himself.

‘You survived.’


Not even the dwarf, Missha, and Rotmiller.

No one died.

However… … .

‘That’s the only way I can’t say I kept my promise.’

I smiled bitterly as I looked at the corpse of my colleague through the aisle.

[Win… … can you?]

[Don’t worry. I will definitely come back alive.]

I said so proudly.

It was he who really saved us.

What made it possible for all of us to come back alive.

It was like a miracle from God, which was not enough to say good luck.

[Magic… … .]

A magician who fought until the very end.

Real Wob Dwalkie.

It was the legacy he left us.

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  1. Red says:

    I don’t understand Dwalky’s death. Sure, he was oozing a lot of blood and all, but didn’t he got better after a half potion was thrown? Probably not enough, sure, but the way everything was worded gave me the impression that he voluntarily sacrificed himself even AFTER “getting better.” But I didn’t exactly understood how- I thought he’d go to that high functional mode again and cast skills or curses, but I don’t remember it being the case and Regal still woke up fine. So uhh.. what did he do exactly? Couldn’t fully understand it via the MTL.

  2. Ramon says:

    Yeah, you are right.
    Killing the enemy in secon he wake up is most obvious thing you must do in that situation.
    And too much cliche.

    1. Fervor says:

      He didn’t do it because he couldn’t, what do you mean?? His lungs were pierced and he was not even functional before Rottmiller woke up and threw a potion at him. How was he supposed to stab Regal as soon as he broke free from the protective cocoon?

  3. Noobsama says:

    Man.. it’s bug me a lot… this arc.
    First MC nerf even it said it can’t be cut by orge etc… isn’t his bone suppose to be strong than metal? And because he can’t heal fast cause change essence at break time he would heal by now.
    And he could use acid and fresh bomb because that heal power and of it all that atk from orge skill useful only once..not even count it didn’t end the job when it matter then isn’t fresh bomb and heal repeat be more useful when it show that acid blood and fresh bomb usefull in final dog fight?
    Second it let him go alive while at this time it would be he got nerf and a chance to kill him but no let him be at least when he got suck throw sword and get head shot for christ sake.
    It drama sure and it great but turn to sh*t when let that guy go as cliche villain come back etc. It make me really mad. While said it field effect to avg user lv etc and with replace skill and with first comrade dead and cliche bs.

    1. Fervor says:

      ??? Regal is much more powerful, well-equipped, experienced and with more essence skills than the MC, what do you mean?? Bones strong as steel? Did you not see the special material shield cut through like butter? And why do you think he got nerfed after losing regeneration? Yes, he would heal from his current wounds if he still had regen, but he would be dead already without Ironskin, and his regen would be cut down during soul exhaustion so it would be doubly useless.

      What do you mean throw a sword for a headshot while he is sucked into a portal? Do you think the MC and his group are in any state to attack? And even if they were, Regal is vastly better than them and would likely thank them for giving him back his sword, it would be easy for him to catch it mid-throw.

  4. Jokn says:


  5. LexusMaximus says:

    Rest in peace priest and dwalkie.

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