Surviving the Game as a Barbarian chapter 220

Surviving the Game as a Barbarian 220

220 Fire Lord (4)

Team Apple Narak’s Wizard Raven.

She was near the aisle with her comrades left behind.

For a simple reason.

When the attack on the knight stopped, she too tried to move to where the team leader was… … .

Thousands of people gathered so tightly that they could not even dare to pass.

“Einar, I have a favor to ask. It doesn’t look good here.”

A little over 150 in height.

Being well below the average height of a human woman, she sat on Ainar’s shoulder and watched what was happening in the center.

It was a long way to reach the sound, but there was no problem.

It’s a problem that can be solved by magic.

“What are you talking about?”

“It’s almost over. I think we should break it down into groups of 300 and make a way for each of them.”

Raven told his colleagues in real time what was going on in the center.

Not only her, but many other teams in this place were doing it. Whether it’s magic or hearing enhancement, each person has at least one of those abilities.

“What about Bjorn? What does Bjorn say?”

“Uh, that’s… … . I think I’m going to come here first. Oh, and the wizard spoke to me, but it seems that Yandel is the one who wants to assemble the team.”

“Um, yes, that’s right… … .”

At Raven’s words, Misha slowly nodded with a worried look.

It wasn’t something I couldn’t understand.

“We will go north!”

“Is there anyone who will leave with me!”

Numerous clans and teams are already crying out to save their colleagues.

Among them is a famous explorer whose name has spread widely.

The leader of a clan with a reputation.

In some places, three such clans have already gathered to form a union.

But Raven spoke brightly.

“What are you all worried about? Even Ms. Yandel knows where fame doesn’t count? Even if it takes a little while, we will be able to collect all 300 people.”

It was clearly different from usual.

Because she usually analyzes the situation and only tells the truth.

However… … .

‘If it was Mr. Yandel, he would probably have done this.’

I have learned something from following that barbarian.

A leader shouldn’t just act as he pleases—


Raven hardened without realizing it.

“Why? What else happened?”

“The wizard will follow Mr. Yandel.”

“Wow, really? Are you saying you’re a great wizard?”

“Yeah, but… … .”

Raven was stunned.

It was good news, but it was very disappointing because I couldn’t figure out the reason.

‘He could have gone to a much better place… … .’

Why did such a wizard insist on sticking with us?

I could never figure out why.

So, this time, I asked my colleagues honestly and openly about their opinions.

“Hmm, the wizard told Yandel that people would gather? Somehow, I think I know what he meant.”

“Do you think you know?”

“Yandel, he’s special. Raven, would you know that too?”

“Do I know?”

The moment Raven asked as if he could not understand, Ainar shouted out loud.

“Bjorn Jandel is a great warrior!!”

great warrior.

As soon as I heard something, I remembered what had happened in the Blood Citadel.

In the eternal history, there are fewer than ten barbarians who have officially received the title from the king.

But then she thought.

Looking at the two-month old barbarian who passed out as if falling asleep after finishing all the work to be done.

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Maybe someday it will really be like that.

“Isn’t that why you joined this team too?”

“… … Right.”

Raven nodded obediently.

What Urikfried said was not wrong.

If the barbarian hadn’t felt anything special, she wouldn’t have joined this team.

“He has a strange power to attract people.”

After finishing the conversation with his colleague, Raven looked up again to see where Yandel was.

Not much time has passed since then.

[If it’s okay with you, I want to go under you.]

[I think you can save the most people.]

[Haha, in times like this, a loyal person is the most reliable. We’ll take you too.]

Suddenly, many explorers followed him.

But did we listen to what Urikfried said?

The sight no longer looked strange.

Also, he did not doubt the intention of the wizard who was going to follow him first.

“only me… It wasn’t like that.”

There are people in the world who sometimes have a back that they want to follow.

and… … .

[Look at this, did I say that? I think people will gather around you.]

[The magician’s sense is a good fit.]

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Most of them left great footprints.


one to two hours.

At least I expected it to take that long.

Even if all the kernels ran through the portal, there were many better explorers than me.

In order to compete with them and build a desired level of power, he thought that he had to sell his feet.

However… … .

‘Probably because of this uncle.’

The situation was reversed when Kyle, a war wizard with knowledge, power, and the charisma that naturally leads people, joined me.

Level 3 explorer Melter Pend came under my command as a whole, leading his clan, which stimulated the crowd’s mind.

It’s like a hoarding begins with rumors.

Even if you don’t think so, don’t you feel like I should do the same if everyone else is doing it?


“Hope of Barbaraan!”

“Follow the great warrior!!”

Excited by this situation, the heated shouts of the barbarians rushed forward with roughly one ear.

It felt like the first time in my life.

“Take me too! I’ll never grab your ankle!”

How does a superstar feel when he arrives at the airport?

With every step you take, a new team, a clan, or an individual with confidence in you approaches and appeals to you.

So I raised the bar.

For a simple reason.

According to the basic market principle based on supply and demand, I am the one I am now.

“Tell me the roles and grades.”

“Level 5, I’m alone now, but I was in the role of a Guardian in my original team.”

A guardian refers to a group of warriors who stand at the forefront.

If it’s 5th grade, you’ll be fine.

“name is?”

“Pel Arbad.”


“Nice to meet you, this is Bjorn son of Jandel. Come behind me.”

While I was on the move, I selected only those who were thoroughly necessary and called into force.

‘Almost all priests go out through the portal, so you can’t see anything.’

I’m sorry, but I can’t help it.

The only choice is to fill the profession with warriors and wizards as much as possible.

Oh, it would be better if it was a knight.

“… … Carls Arimore.”

“Are there any seats for me and my colleagues? Three apprentice knights and one regular knight.”

There were times when someone with a relationship showed up.

“You must have been abandoned too.”

“The apprentice knight from an explorer is probably not that important.”

The knight of Baron Martouan whom I met at the Countess.

His personality isn’t bad, and he’s an explorer, so he’ll do his part.

Besides, there is one knight who can use an auror.

“Follow me.”

“Thank you.”

One step, one step.

Each step increases the number that follows.

It has been a long time since the barbarians who agreed to follow me surpassed the 300-member limit, but they continued to cast people.

‘Because it’s enough if you divide it by 300 people anyway.’

If you travel on the same route, you can help each other in case of an emergency.

I never expected that it would be possible to gather enough people to do that.

‘Okay, things are going well.’

So how much further?

A person’s face was visible in the midst of this huge crowd.


The boy was standing there alone.

He didn’t save a team like anyone did, and he didn’t even have the will to create a team.

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Maybe he just gave up on everything.

“… … .”

When our eyes met, the boy averted his gaze.

Just looking at it, it was a look that I wanted to pretend not to know and pass by. But what I want to do is a barbarian clan whose job is unleashed.

I approached him and said,

“Follow me.”

I didn’t know why.

The words just came out of my mouth first.

“Come on, if you want to live.”

“I… Do you think you want to live?”

A guy who murmurs as if he heard something strange.

“Lena was my wife.”

yes it was

“But why do I have to live?”

I answered.

“Because there must be someone to tell the news.”

was not intentional.

Even at the very last moment when they take their own life, everyone longs for life in the depths of their hearts.

In fact, even though Takelan had lost all his companions, he ran to the end and followed us.

Was there really a reason then?

Well, I don’t think so.

However… … .

“Yeah, it was… … .”

A person can get up more easily if there is a reason.

“Come back when you are sober.”

“… … Why do you have to be so kind to me? You wouldn’t even need me now.”

I answered selfishly honestly.

“If you survive, my heart will be at ease.”

Taking advantage of others to relieve my guilt.

In a way, it’s similar to that of a knight commander.

The only difference is that I know how cowardly I am.

“… … .”

I don’t know what you’d think when you listened to me.

However, after the conversation, Takelan went behind me and joined the group.

‘I wasted a lot of time unintentionally.’

I continued to lead the group and move.

Before long, a colleague appeared from the aisle.


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Misha and Ainar rush to greet me as soon as they reach the street.

Roughly pushing it away, I talked to Raven.

“Raven, did anything go wrong?”

“yes… … .”

“Good luck. Did you hear what was said inside?”

“Yes, I heard… … .”

Okay, I don’t need to explain the same thing again.

“But why do you keep avoiding your eyes?”

“no? Didn’t you? Come on, look!”

Hmm, is that so?

It was a look that was strangely difficult for me.

Oh, is it because of the people behind you?

Seriously, the corps commander barbarian mode is dignified from my point of view.

Perhaps when I was teased, Raven regained her normal appearance and said.

“Anyway, at this size… … You can just check the number of people and leave right away. It’s been really good. Still, time was running out.”

that time is tight.

It’s not wrong.

But before that, there is one thing left to do.

Perhaps the most important thing to get through this crisis.


Kyle Pebrosk.

A third-class war mage with the nickname ‘Iron Mage’.

he let out a smirk.

‘I said, ‘What are you going to do? … .’

The more I looked at him, the more curious he was.

The first thing I do after gathering all these people is my name.

“name is?”

Approach each person and ask their name.

And after hearing your name, they shake hands briefly.

“Nice to meet you, Bjorn son of Jandel.”

Someone even asked such a barbarian.

I don’t have time, so why are you doing this by name?

The answer that came at that time was truly bizarre.

“There are a lot of people who don’t know their name yet.”

“So, what does it matter—”

“It is important to me. So don’t disturb me.”

The barbarian continued to speak as if he were performing a truly sacred ceremony.

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Most considered the action meaningless.

It was the same with Melter Pend, the leader of the Nartel Clan, who had his own experience and insight.

“… … Does it mean anything?”

Kyle smiled at his question as he approached him quietly.

“Melter Pend, why did you choose to follow him?”

“that… … .”

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Melter Pend hesitated before opening his mouth.

“To be honest, I thought Kyle had a reason for choosing him.”

“Yeah, that must be the reason. But that’s probably not all. You have someone to take responsibility for.”

“… … Are you aware of my situation?”

“I heard it by accident. You got an offer from the leader, but you turned it down saying you couldn’t abandon the remaining clan members?”

“This is something to be ashamed of.”

“What is there to be ashamed of? I think it’s a godly choice. However, the clan members who wanted to protect it so far simply see other people’s choices and move accordingly… … .”

“It’s a reason I don’t understand.”

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Melter Pend smiled as if it was funny.

And he spoke carefully.

“I don’t know if it sounds strange, but somehow I got that feeling. I think it’s safest to stand behind my back… … .”

“Follow your intuition… … .”

“It’s pretty common in this industry. After all, if you are not lucky, you will die.”

“I don’t mean to blame. In fact, everyone here is not much different from you.”


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Melter Pend tilted his head, but Kyle only spat out unfamiliar words.

“Just watch. You’ll soon find out if that was pointless or not.”

So the two observed the barbarian without much conversation. He was still taking turns asking for names one by one.

“… … Hans?”

“No, it’s Han Bus.”

“Oh yeah? Nice to meet you! It will be a while, but please take care of me.”

“Thank you so much!”

The process of asking for your name and briefly saying hello.

It was only that, but there were a lot of things that were different from the first.

“Terudra. Nice to meet you. The ax is cool.”

“Haha, that’s the best compliment for a Dwarf.”

“I’ll ask you later.”

“Cancer, don’t worry.”

The atmosphere becomes increasingly gloomy.

Ahead of the battle where life cannot be guaranteed, the muscles in the mouths of those who seemed to have thorns relax.

“Wait, why am I just passing by?”

“You asked me right away when we first met, didn’t you? Was it Darbers?”

“Huh, you mean you remember all that?”

“Because it’s a teammate we have to fight together.”

Only then did Melter Pend know the cause of this change.

That barbarian was gaining trust from so many people all too naturally.

Just by asking for your name.

“Bjorn son of Yandel. Do you really want to hear all of these people by name?”

“But is there any problem?”

“No, I thought he was a really honest guy. I am Humble Albertine. If you go out, let’s have a drink.”

“Humble Albertine, I remembered.”

“I can’t leave a place like that. me too! Hug me too!”

It wasn’t just the two of us who shared common names that even built trust.

Because the short conversations we had while saying our names were heard by others as well.

“Anymore… … It’s no longer anyone else.”

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Melter Pend was truly astonished.

Inevitably, they belonged to a group, but until today they were strangers.

But now we know each other’s names and we know each other’s faces.

I can understand to some extent what kind of person he is through the conversation he overheard, even if it was brief.

The personal relationship I shared with that barbarian became common.

Intertwined and entangled like a spider’s web, forming bonds.

“Bjorn Jandel, he… … . I hope you calculate everything like this… … ?”

“Well, maybe not.”

“It doesn’t make sense to say that.”


“… … I usually don’t do things like that for no reason.”

Kyle grinned.

Sure, usually it is.

Usually, doing the same thing produces completely different results.

However… … .

“Don’t try to understand. If you’ve studied history, you’d know. That there will always be such people in all times.”

Because it is an action and result that cannot be understood by the criminal’s eyes.

They are to be regarded as great.


The long time for communion is over.

The moment when, under Kyle’s advice, he even finished dividing the group of 1,000 people into three.


I shouted as much as I could to pay homage to the protection of my ancestors.

“haha… … Look. Why did you scream again this time? That’s why other barbarians are screaming as well.”

Uh, sorry about that… … .

But I can’t help it.

‘Among all these people, there is no Hans.’

Couldn’t this be a revelation from the ancestors?

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  1. ACYNED says:

    NO HANS?!

  2. Phelipe says:

    Eu não acredito nisso cara hahahahaha

    Ele estava procurando por Hans HAHAHHAHAHAHAHAH


  3. SmerchOleg says:

    Ar first, while reading others’ people point of view I thought MC wanted, in case of a raid, to give orders to specific people separately like Alexander the great (or who was the ruler to remember the name of every soldier in the army), but after reading “Hans?” I was like “Oh, right, how could I forget?”

  4. SilverInk says:

    Lol. The misunderstanding. Maybe that is alos one of the Hans’ effecr.

  5. Hans says:

    No Hans? Let’s goooooo!!!! Bjorn soon to become a Big Balkan💪

  6. TheBest says:

    No Hans? We making it out of crystal cave with this one🔥🔥🥶🥶

  7. Stain Hunter says:

    no hay Hans 🗿🗿🗿

  8. Any🏹 says:

    Bjorn: ¿Nombre?
    Tipo: Mi nombre es Hans Martins.
    Bjorn: Papito, dale pa’ fuera.

  9. Captain pheonix says:

    I am damn Sure final boss of this novel will be Hans

  10. Bread says:


  11. HANS B says:

    Reading this novel while having the name HANS… at first I was like “okay”. But then, it slowly transition into a real and serious topic in the novel.

    This is definitely the first time seeing this.

  12. Deep Indigo says:

    No hans detected, I can see hope

  13. Gg says:

    He was searching for hans 😭😭😭😂😂💔

  14. LexusMaximus says:

    1000 people but no hans. Wow. Definitely something to celebrate!

  15. Enoh says:

    No hans thats definitely good luck.

  16. Greed says:

    No hans 😂😂😂😂😂😂

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