Surviving the Game as a Barbarian chapter 241

Surviving the Game as a Barbarian 241

241 Fire Junction (1)

There were a total of 12 knights dispatched as my bodyguards.

Eight of them stood guard outside the house, and three came inside to prepare for any contingency.

The other one followed me wherever I went, even inside the house, and was a close escort.

“Did you say Raymon Keplo?”

“Yes that’s right.”

A knight who responds politely to whatever he says.

It’s unfamiliar, but it’s not incomprehensible.

Since he is in a position to receive a title soon, it must be a way of treating him in advance.

‘If it’s the Royal Knights, there must be quite a few knights with titles, but the fact that they were all sent to these guys… … It would be right to see it as consideration.’

First of all, deer antlers must be a delicate person.

Well, I’ll have to find out more about it now.

“I said it was an order from the superior, but who exactly gave that order?”

Keplo answered my question.

“that… In fact, I don’t even know.”

I looked carefully at his expression as he answered.

I don’t think it’s something I’m trying to say roughly. Upon further investigation, it appears that he was dispatched after only hearing orders from his superiors from his direct superior.

‘Yeah, if I had an idea, I would have tried to hide my identity.’

a little sad

If the royal family had more lines, this might have reached the true nature of the deer antlers… … .

‘… … No, wait.’

Suddenly, a possibility flashed through my mind.

[Are you in the midst of being a hero? It would be really fun to lose the title of nobility as soon as you get it. The prestige of the royal family will be thrown down the drain!]

He said that in a very angry voice, so I thought it was just an emotional statement at the time.

[You can’t control your emotions, so you kindly warn the enemy, you really don’t have a baby.]

In fact, the antlers also recognized the behavior of the clown in this way.

However… … .

‘Maybe that bastard, are you aiming for this from the beginning?’

Perhaps what the clown wanted from the beginning was to dig up deer antlers.

Of course, since the green light is on the gem, the ‘assassin’ must exist… … .

‘If I could use this as a bait to dig out clues about the antlers, I would have decided that it was not a loss.’

Also, this makes more sense.

He was a clown who was only beaten at the round table, but in fact, he was also one of the giants of this world.

Even ‘mistakes’ are highly likely to contain intentions.

‘Deer antlers also had such a possibility in mind to some extent, so they must have sent people as secretly as possible.’

Ha, there aren’t any really good bastards.

While it takes a sigh of relief, it motivates you to stay alert in the future.

For example, just look at it today.

If you overslept because you were sleepy, the antlers who reported this may have felt something strange.

“Chief, come here and drink this.”

“It’s okay to receive private entertainment from civilians—”

“Hey, what kind of entertainment is this? You will have a hard time protecting Bjorn.”

Novel from

Misha gave the car to the drivers like the hostess.

Does he think that close escort is one of the services of conferment of titles?

Well, it could be.

You don’t know about the assassin.

“Did you say Raymon Keplo? I don’t know how long we’ll be together, but in the meantime, let’s be comfortable.”

Novel from

Misha makes Keplo sit down at the table and drink tea.

“… … I will call you Karlstein.”

“yes? It’s just Missha, what? … If you want to call it that way, there is nothing you can do… … .”

Soon, Misha borrowed my prestige, which would soon be awarded the title, and naturally drew the title of honor to Keplo.

Of course, I don’t think it was intentional.

‘I guess it just happened to be like that.’

Anyway, Misha briefly introduced Keplo to Erwen and Ainar, who was not present today.

“Can I call you Tersia-sama?”

“Uh, uh… … . that… … .”

Erwen faltered as he thought it was awkward to hear his nickname from a knight. Knowing that it was uncomfortable, Misha helped by the side.

“What about Tersia? Can’t you see he’s uncomfortable? Just call me Erwen.”

“Yes Yes! I think that would be good… … .”

“Then I’ll tell my subordinates what the title is like that.”

A quick cleanup of names.

That was then.


Early in the morning, another knock was heard from the front door.

“Bjorn Jandel’s colleague has arrived.”

An article that informs visitors as if they had become any employer.

Is this why everyone hangs on power?

“Who is your colleague?”

“A wizard named Arua Raven.”

Soon after, Keplo asked my intentions with his eyes, and I nodded.

That alone was enough.


A door opened by the hand of Keplo who met him.

As I sat on the sofa, I raised one arm to greet him gracefully.

“Oh, are you here?”

It’s called Noblesse Barbarian Mode.

At that formal greeting, Raven exhaled as if it was ridiculous.

“Ah, what did you come up with?”

“A cup of tea?”

“For tea.”

Raven glanced at Keplo, who stood behind me like a bodyguard, and then sat down on the sofa opposite me.

“So what is the situation here?”

“As you can see?”

“… … Are you mad?”

Well, what would you do if a little thing got angry?

I answered quickly.

“Before the conferment of the title, the royal family assigned knights as escorts saying that something should not happen.”

“Well, that’s okay. Because Yandel has surprisingly many enemies.”

Raven meekly convinced.

Well, it’s a famous saying in the city that a corpse collector won’t leave me alone.

Even large clans are noticing it.

However… … .

“Raven, my enemy is also your enemy.”

“… … What are you talking about all morning?”

Raven shows low pressure because it’s not the usual time of activity, but in the morning.

“Come on, here is tea. Do you know where the sugar is?”

As soon as Misha drank a cup of tea, Raven sips it and shifts her gaze to one place.

It was where Erwen was.

“Ah, hello. Mr. Raven… … .”

“Ah, yes… … . hello… … .”

The two talk awkwardly when their eyes meet.

I tilted my head involuntarily.

“Didn’t we call each other by our first names? It must have been so.”

“Mr. Yandel is just standing still.”

“… … .”

As soon as I shut my mouth, Raven led the conversation like an elder.

“How are you today?”

“… … it’s okay. You don’t have to worry about it.”

“If it makes you feel comfortable, I will. But, is that why you want to stay here from now on?”

“yes… . Fortunately, my sister gave me permission… … .”

“Hmm, okay? that’s interesting.”

Their conversation continued with a few more words, and it ended with Erwen returning to the room saying he was a little tired.

“… … Will Mr. Keplo be still standing there?”

“I’m used to this kind of mission, so don’t worry about me, and feel free to talk.”

“If that’s the case… … .”

He said so, but Raven’s expression was full of uncomfortable emotions.

There is no sign of opening your mouth first.

So, I decided to just ask a question or something because I was still being awkward like this.

“But what was that just now?”

“Please, can you give me some writing?”

“It’s Erwen. You wouldn’t have been hiding your face with him by now.”

I felt it clearly in their conversation.

Raven is having a very difficult time with Erwen. And I don’t think it’s just because Erwen recently lost a family.

If so, what was the reason?

“Is there anything I don’t know?”

“Ah, I’m only so quick to see things that are really strange.”

“So what is the answer?”

Raven hesitated for a moment, then sighed and opened her mouth.

“It’s just okay… … . Maybe it’s my fault.”

“Is it your fault?”

“The magic that a wizard called Dwalky used. In fact, I can write.”

To summarize Raven’s words that followed, it was simple.

When the annihilator appeared, Raven had a gut feeling.

The difference in skills as a truly overwhelming wizard.

Unless you use the ‘Awakening’ magic, you will not be able to overcome this crisis.

However… … .

“There were no problems with the drinking style or magic power, but the chanting did not come out at all.”

understand it

It’s an easy magic that any wizard can use, but it’s not a magic that everyone can use.

“It was a moment of hesitation.”

The annihilator’s magic was fired, and the magical stone walls built by Raven were shattered too helplessly.

And the result is… … .

“Sometimes I think to myself in an empty lab. If I had used that magic at that time, she would have been alive… … .”

I laughed bitterly.

I never even dreamed that he was thinking like this.

“The same goes for Mr. Yandel and other colleagues on our team. Otherwise, everyone would die. But even knowing that, I… … .”

What are you saying, boy?

I cut off my speech before the common self-hatred pattern emerged.

“done. stop talking I’m sorry Erwen, but in the end, none of us died, right?”

That might be a bit chilly.

“It was.”

Raven nodded in recognition.

Despite this and that, the time spent with Erwen and Daria was short, so they couldn’t give priority to their colleagues.

“But the result was because Yandel did what I couldn’t.”

“Haha, that’s right, I’m not the leader first.”

I laughed lightly and said in a joking tone.

However, Raven only let out a small sigh again.

“Yeah, that’s why… … .”


“… … I was just saying that being so sentimental is not like the original me.”

I nodded my head unconsciously.

Hell, when I first met him, his image was completely different from what he has now.

In any case, Raven brought up another topic, perhaps not wanting to talk longer on this topic.

“Mr. Yandel, what will Erwen do? The team is full and there is no room to enter.”

“I am thinking.”

“Then what about the labyrinth? Are you going in?”

“I’m going to try to watch. It will be difficult to get in if you continue to be in the same condition as you are now.”

“… … It is.”

“So, is that all you have to do today?”

“No, the purpose is different. I have something to tell you, Mr. Yandel.”

Raven’s words were enough to trigger my anxiety sensor, as ignorance was a warning to be good news.

“I decided to take a class from Fevrosk.”

“What? I don’t think taking a class means leaving the team for a while, right?”

“yes? No way. Why did you think that way?”

‘Cause it’s happened a few times.

“But what do you learn in class? Do you have a school?”

“Because you can’t learn royal magic from the School of Artemis.

Oh boy, this time, as a reward, you deserve to learn royal magic.

“I wished I had someone to lay the foundation for, but fortunately, Fevrosk agreed.”

After that, Raven said that he would stay in a lodging near the royal palace instead of the horse tower for the time being, and if there is any need to contact him, he told him to come to him.

“This is the end of the dragon. I’ll just go. Then see you then.”

Whether he really came here to say this, Raven left as soon as she drank the tea that Misha had given her.


Novel from

May 18th.

Except for Raven, Tim Apple Narak visited the palace again.

There are still two days left until the conferment of the title, but why don’t you come and decide in advance what you will receive as a reward?

‘Well, it would be much better to give it to a place where everyone can see it.’

There was no banquet, so there was no need to dress up as formally as last time.

Well, it’s the same as not being able to wear equipment, so I wore neat casual clothes.

“Oh, Yandel! Are you today too?”

Upon entering the palace, familiar explorers pretended to know them first. Like me, today was the date for the payment of compensation.

‘They have been singing sequentially since a few days ago.’

The monetary compensation was already paid in lump sum, but those who got the opportunity to choose an essence or equipment needed time to draw a waiting list and wait.

“Bjorn! Then we’ll go first!”

After arriving at the royal palace, he parted with his colleagues.

That’s because they get different rewards from me.

“I, it’s just the two of us… … .”

The waiting room where only the escort knight, the royal guide, and Erwen were located.

“mister… Can I take this?”

“If you don’t get it, who will? Be confident. It’s not a place with so much affection to give a reward to someone who doesn’t have a ball.”

“but… … .”

He’s also come all the way here.

“You have to be stronger. you and me That way you won’t lose anything.”

“… … Yes, it is.”

Erwen nodded his head as if he had made up his mind.

While we were chatting about trivial things, another guide arrived and took Erwen.

A Gintama Report containing a 4th grade Essence or equivalent.

‘If the report of the golden marriage was opened to him, it would be fed right from graduation… … .’

Even thinking about it again, it’s a bit sad.

It’s not that there is no Bow Fairy’s Core Essence among the 4th rank Essences, but even if it had one higher rank, you could still feed it.

‘Even if it’s not this time, I’ll eat it someday. Now it’s time to slowly go up to the 6th floor.’

I struggled to shake off my regrets.

After receiving this reward, your power will increase dramatically. Therefore, there is no need to have a build-up period while running around on the 5th floor.

The problem is the cubs of Noark.

Looking at what the bastards of the royal family are doing, it seems like they have something to do with it.

“Bjorn Jandel, I will take you this way.”

As soon as I sat still and gathered my thoughts, my dedicated guide arrived and led me to the Golden Wedding Report.

It was a basement without a single window.

However, there was no feeling of darkness as there were bright lights everywhere.

No, it was so gorgeous that I didn’t even think it was underground.

‘Looking down, it looks like the 5th basement floor will be more… … It means that the construction technology in this world has also developed to an extraordinary extent.’

As soon as I arrived at my destination, a knight with great momentum greeted me. By the way, there was a wizard beside him. He gave me a brief guide.

The time limit is 3 hours.

You can choose one essence or item you want, and the main content was to be careful as you could be severely punished if you try to steal something or break an item.

‘Well, to be bloody.’

After the explanation was finished, the huge iron gate opened smoothly as if it was moving in weightlessness.

and… … .

“Ow… … .”

Thousands of purified water in a test tube and on display in a glass tube greeted me.

Essences, each of which is equivalent to the ‘Ogre’.

Although there is only one thing I can take with me, the corners of my mouth are curved long without me knowing.

‘That’s why it looks like you’ve used some cheat.’

Now, it’s time to get stronger.

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  1. LexusMaximus says:

    Time to use those cheat knowledge!

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not work with dark mode