Surviving the Game as a Barbarian chapter 256

Surviving the Game as a Barbarian 256

256 episodes open world (5)

The Annihilator’s signature fire magic was as terrifying as its notoriety.

It is all about making sure that the flames don’t spread even with the large number of people gathered from all over the city.

In the end, the fire was extinguished after the masters of the seven schools were timid and performed their magic.


Rain pouring down like a hole in the sky.


As they lost their strength and watched the burning fire, some cheered, others quietly relieved themselves, and some fell to the floor as if they had no energy to shout.

For reference, I was in the latter case.

“… … Nemil.”

It’s finally over.

The heated body cools quickly and the tension is released at the same time.

I just collapsed and lay on the floor.

And immediately regretted it.


lukewarmly cold ground.

The ashes that flew through the night mix with the rainwater and become sticky.

An environment in which it is difficult for a person not to feel unpleasant.

However, it was annoying to get up again.

How long have you been with your eyes closed?

“Oh, surprise! I thought you were hurt!”

When I opened my eyes, I saw Raven above.

“… … But where are you really hurt?”

“I’m just resting because I’m tired, so don’t talk to me.”

“If you’re going to rest, you’d better go back and wash properly—”

“A little later.”

“okay. Because I suffered… … .”

After lying down for a few more minutes, I got up.

All of a sudden, the water came up to my ears.

Drainage is not good here.

“… … You’re not like that either.”

“Isn’t that what Yandel is talking about?”

We made our way to the black, lye-flowing part of the city, which was still intact.

I saw people everywhere.

Some were desperately looking for someone who had been lost, while others searched through the wreckage to see if there were any survivors.

Everyone was just like us.

“By the way, what time is it now?”

“It will be noon soon.”

June 2nd at noon… … .

a little funny

Originally, explorers were the only ones doing this kind of thing at this time of the day.

“The rain has stopped.”

As if the wizards had dispelled the magic, the dark clouds that filled the sky were scattered and a warm beam of light began to leak out.

Also, at the same time.


I saw Misha from afar.

Ainar and Erwen were also beside them.

I heard the news in the middle of the night and they were there too.

Seeing that they are no different from us, they seem to have struggled all night long to turn off the lights.

“… … Where are you uninjured?”

I was worried that I would hear nagging, but surprisingly, Misha didn’t say anything.

It was because of the people next to him.

“Hey, Baron Yandel… … !”

One of the few survivors that was rescued by me last night.

Seriously, you couldn’t have asked why you did that in front of them.

“Why are you still around here? Not going to rest.”

When I said I didn’t understand, the survivors hesitated to say thank you.

And left.

What, are you really waiting for me to say those few words?

‘If that’s the case, I’m afraid I’m a noble or not.’

I smiled and continued walking.

Before long, an intact eastern sector that had not been devoured by fire appeared.

Once we got a lodging nearby.

You can’t go home in a wagon like this.

It would take a few more hours to get home in the first place, but I want to take a break right now.

‘How much is a carnon per night… … .’

It is expected that it will be much more expensive than the commercial district Commelby because its name is the Yellow Capital, but today, the price was not known.

it was free

“The manager has instructed me not to accept money from anyone today.”

All the nearby accommodations were giving out rooms without payment for the city dwellers and explorers who came in to contain the fire.

“Before you go up, you have to make a list here first… … . Baron Bjorn Jandel… … ?!”

“By the way.”

“I heard a lot about it. You said you worked the most today than anyone else… … . On behalf of this city, I thank you.”

I don’t know if it’s because of the nobility or fame.

However, the staff who looked at the counter gave me the whole spacious room among the remaining rooms.

On the other hand, is it that there are ten people who use one?

There were three rooms in one living room and two bathrooms, so there was not enough room for five people to share one room.

“First of all, one bathroom is for you, Bjorn. We will take turns writing the rest.”

“Thank you.”

He did not refuse the consideration of the team members and went into the bathroom to wash himself. Even though I washed it as quickly as possible, it took about an hour.

‘The borrowed equipment will be washed and returned later… … .’

I gathered the equipment I had taken off in a corner of the room, put it in order, and laid down on the bed and closed my eyes.

A soft bed like a guest room in the Emperor Karnon.

Fatigue rushed in all at once.

‘By the way, what happened to the labyrinth? Do you want the army to win? I’m curious about that too… … .’

Well, maybe we’ll find out later tomorrow.

Suma came to me for the last time with that thought, and soon after waking up the next morning.

“… … It’s the military!!”

The royal army that had descended underground has returned.

Thanks, my mind is complicated.

‘What the hell happened down there?’

The traces of the battle could not be found even after washing their eyes from those who looked down through the window and headed for the royal palace on the road.


A dark basement where light does not penetrate.

Thousands of people are walking in line, relying on torches.

They are all from Noark… … .

“It’s this way.”

At the forefront, a mysterious old man leads the way, and Seongju, the ruler of the city, is following the old man right behind him.

“Sung lord, you do not even know your identity. I have to go somewhere else now… … .”

“Speak carefully. The only thing we can trust now is the author.”

“But do you know of this side road that we do not even know about? It’s so award-winning. Maybe it’s the royal family playing tricks—”


Seongju cut off the servant’s words resolutely.

I understand that you are suspicious of the old man.

The same goes for expressing strong anxiety.

But do you play tricks in the royal family?

This is too much of a leap.

Well, if it wasn’t for that old man, they would have already disappeared with the city of Noark.

“Isn’t there a choice? Trust me.”

Seongju murmured in a helpless voice and remembered what had happened earlier.

[Song lord, the royal family has attacked!]

It was just past midnight when the troops arrived.

Just when all the power of the city went into a labyrinth.

The royal army began to advance, breaking the barriers that had been protecting the city.

[Takes all the city dwellers and heads to the shelter.]

For a moment, his head went blank, but Seongju led everyone left in the city to hide under the citadel.

A refuge that could accommodate thousands of people, it was built by the royal family in the distant past.

Fortress Noark once served as a royal castle.

The time when the witch’s curse destroyed the world.

Humans gathered from all over the continent built a city below the ground, extended the protective barrier, and lived there for a long time before going out to earth.

That’s why labyrinth portals exist.

[Yes, we camped in the square and are not moving. It seems they are waiting for the portal to open.]

Fortunately, I don’t know, but the royal family didn’t show much interest in them hiding in the refuge.

It was a very reasonable reason.

When the portal opens, explorers will come out.

For the royal family, killing the explorers is an urgent priority.

It’s a refuge, so it won’t be a problem to destroy it after that.

[Send a message to the ground.]

In the end, Seong-ju requested support from the ground, and the annihilator drew attention by burning the Yellow Emperor.

However… … .

[Damn bastards.]

There was no military retreat to the city.

Even the Annihilator, who was his last hope, lost contact at some point for some reason.

So time goes by… … .


The time left 20 minutes before the portal opens and the power that has spent their time in the labyrinth returns.

[Listen, gentleman.]

Seongju gave instructions to the remaining troops as a person who was driven to a dead end.

At the time, it was the best he could do.

I don’t know how many people will die, but it’s the only bow that I judged has a chance of surviving even a little.

[Open the door!!]

Just before the hour hand pointed to noon, Seong-ju led the rest of the troops out of the shelter. And, desperately piercing the army waiting in front of him, he headed for the square.

Seeing the scene in person made me even more desperate.

[…] … .]

Thousands of knights and more soldiers.

Wizards and priests are also placed here and there.

But it’s already too late to go back.

[The portal is open!!]


Soon, the blue light gathered in the center of the square and the portal opened and the explorers started pouring out.

[What, what!!]

[The King! It’s the royal army!]

[shit! Somehow, there was no one inside!]

As soon as the explorers returned to the city, they were bewildered by the army that welcomed them, but they quickly understood how alienated they were in the labyrinth.

[what are you doing! Are you going to die like this?]

[Come on, take out the knife, bastard!]

The explorers immediately took out their weapons and prepared to fight back, and Seongju also led the troops and drew as much attention as possible from the outskirts.

Then there was only one command.

[Run away! to the ground!]

The best plan he chose.

each life.

To survive at least a little and plan for the future.

But would it stand out?

[Indeed, the head of the ruthless rebellion must have looked like this. I was surprised that it was better than I expected.]

Before long, a knight arrived in front of him.

The dazzling auror on the knight’s sword was telling us who it was.

[The Knight of Light… … !]

The 1st Royal Knights Commander, Jerome St. Red.

A powerful person with great significance in this kingdom to the extent that he has another nickname, the guardian of the royal family.

[Don’t worry. You will never die here. First of all, just in case you don’t know, I’ll cut off the limbs and bring you back alive.]

The knight of light swung his sword.

At most, Seongju, who had been an explorer for several years in her twenties, and went up to the fifth floor, could not even look at it.


A flash of light bloomed along the sword’s trail, and his eyes were dyed pure white.

However… … .


The momentary flash of light faded, and when I opened my eyes.

“… … ?”

Nothing happened to the lord.

Her arms were moving, and her legs on the ground were still intact.

How the hell did this happen?

That’s when I had that question.

[You still have work to do.]

The old man appeared from several tens of meters above.

At some point, the battle around them stopped.

It was not intentional.

Just as the knight of light was shaking his wrist with his sword pointed at the neck of the lord, no one in this place could do anything to harm others.

As if that became the rule of this space.

[Then we’ll all have gathered soon, let’s go.]

As soon as the old man gestured, a huge magic circle began to radiate light on the city floor.

For the first time in my life, I felt a majestic magical power.

[Fortunately, this still works.]

With the old man’s murmur, his eyes widened.

and… … .


When he woke up, Seongju was in a dark underground passage.

It wasn’t just the lord.

Everyone on Noark’s side who was there was there… … .

[Whoa, what did you do!]

[Multiple teleportation? No, it’s impossible to move so many people… … ]

Although there were very few, there were also articles that came with it.

[There must have been some errors because I moved a lot at once. Oh, I didn’t bring it here on purpose, so don’t mind me and kill me.]

Like a possessed man, Seongju gave orders according to the old man’s words and killed the knights. And when asked where he was, he followed the old man who started walking with a meaningful smile.

So time has passed now.

“Is it the one I think it is?”

Seongju woke up from his thoughts at the sound of a man’s voice.

Surprisingly, the leader of Orculis was speaking to the old man by using his first name.

“Well, if there are no questions, there are no answers.”

“It means you have to think for yourself. All right.”

The leader, who had been in conflict in many areas, dividing the power of Noark, bowed his head and withdrew.

On the other hand, its appearance is heterogeneous.

Seong-ju further heightened his doubts about the old man.

‘Who’s the alternative interest?’

I wanted to go to the manager and ask.

As soon as the teleportation occurred, he gave instructions to the members to stay still and not be vigilant.

It was clear that he knew something.

However… … .

‘There’s no way the author would be able to tell you that.’

Instead of asking the manager for his identity, Seongju approached the old man. And I actively tried to have a conversation that I couldn’t have before because of some reluctance.

Surprisingly, the old man was very friendly.

“Oh, you mean that teleportation? It’s just borrowing the power of the ancient magic circle in the city, so don’t take it too seriously. It was the same as being able to temporarily stop the battle. That’s why Noark is a well-designed city.”

“I didn’t even know there was such a thing… … .”

“Chuckle, it’s strange to know that, so don’t be discouraged. So that’s all I’m curious about?”

Seongju asked the old man some questions, and the old man answered well except for the question of where he was going.

How much more has passed

“Come on, you have arrived.”

The narrow passage gradually widened, and a sloping road appeared.

and… … .

“What the hell… … .”

I climbed the hill and came out.

Seongju could be said to be the first sight he had ever seen.

Sunlight, forests, flowing streams, chirping birds, and earthworms squirm on the moist ground.

And above all… … .

“There are no walls… … ?”

No matter where you look, there are no walls to show.

In other words, it is not inside Lafdonia, which is called the Last Citadel.

“Hey, where the hell are you… … ?”

Seongju mumbled blankly and went back to the old man’s place. An old man was seen smiling with his chin exposed under the hood.

“Congratulations. You will now be recorded as the first people out of the city in thousands of years.”

Gaebyeok 154, June 2nd.

It was the day when the era that had been blocked by the wall had finally come to an end, and a new world was opened.

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  1. MrPojsomnoj says:

    Does it change something? Abyss was the begining, it will be the end. But why story goes in this direction?

    1. Phelipe says:

      compartilho o mesmo pensamento. Para onde a história vai agora??

  2. Trazz says:

    Old man( Auris Gavil) responded: expansion pack, baby!

  3. KWDream says:


  4. Noobsama says:

    Well in world view it said that the world become hazard and the city is the last place in the world… like attack on titan or Maze runner or Divergent but now it clear that out there is safe.

  5. LexusMaximus says:

    Also this development leads very well from the previous chapters where Bjorn was already curious on what was the purpose of the barrier etc.

  6. LexusMaximus says:

    I forgot the reason already why they had to gather and wall up into what is now rafdonia. This is like paradis island and the outside world all over again XD.

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