Surviving the Game as a Barbarian chapter 292

Surviving the Game as a Barbarian 292

292 Fire Tycoon (4)

Ravigion, inhabited by more than half of the kingdom’s population.

The upper-class people refer to all the people living here as the lower class, but there is also a gap between the rich and the poor in Ravigion.

An explorer, a self-employed person who runs a lucrative business.

These people live in the center near the plaza and live on the roadside. The security of such a place is good, and the living environment is not too bad.

However… … .

‘He lived in a place like this when he was young.’

If you move away from the roadside and ride the back alley into a huge block, the situation is different.

Poor security that the guard’s eyes do not reach.

The building is old and worn out, and he divides the building into dozens of rooms and earns a single room to live.

The bathroom is shared and the kitchen is shared.

The barbarian hostel, which used to do 500 stones a night, was only on the outskirts, although it wasn’t in a place like this.

“… … .”

As you enter the alley following Raven, the vigilant gaze of the residents pours in.

It is similar to my experience at Bifron.

Everyone was wary, but no one approached them first to argue.

Rather, I put my eyes on it.

‘Hey, I’ve never seen a barbarian.’

While feeling the barbarian’s strengths again, he realized how poor Raven’s life was.

Because this isn’t a crowded boulevard.

Those people should be able to guess that I’m following Raven’s foot.

‘Still, there’s no kid coming out… … .’

Yeah, it’s not your concern, is it?

well done I also don’t plan on keeping Raven here for a long time.

cut profit. chin.

Soon, Raven, who was following me, sprinted into a building and closed the door.

At first I didn’t even know it was a house.

It was just the door hanging on the wall.

‘Then let’s wait a little bit.’

After I got home, I leaned against the wall to pass the time.

It was about 20 minutes later that Raven’s biological mother, who had left work, appeared.

It wasn’t difficult to find out.

It was far from shiny blonde, and he was much taller, but his face was similar to that of Raven.

“Is that Arua Raven’s mother?”

“That’s right… Who are you… … ?”

To say that she must have been a beauty in her former years, the age difference between me and her is not much.

At most, around the late twenties?

So, did you have children in the first place?

Raven’s mother asked me with an anxious expression as I was staring at her because she felt something strange.

“Maybe that child has an accident again… … .”

“It’s a little off here, let’s go out and have a drink and talk.”

“… … yes.”

Once, I went out to the street with my mother.

And in this era, I entered a tea shop that serves as a cafe.

“Don’t worry. I will do the calculations.”

“yes… … .”

I felt a great sense of incongruity while having a conversation.

Raven’s face is very similar to that of Raven, but the way he speaks and things like that are completely different.

“If you want something to eat, do it.”

“… … .”

“If not, I’ll take care of it.”

It was not difficult to order a menu without the help of a woman because there is Jjjambap at the ‘Friends’ meeting, and the order came out as soon as it was a tea shop.

Of course, neither I nor this woman spoke to me.

After all, where should I start talking about this… … .

“Let’s clear up the misunderstanding first. I didn’t come here to argue with Raven because he had an accident.”

“yes? then… … .”

“I am friends with Raven.”

“friend… … yo. this?”

“Barbarians don’t care about things like age.”

“That’s right… … .”

The mother nodded her head even though her face was shaky.

He seemed to know what kind of personality he was.

Just the opposite of Raven.

“I haven’t seen you in a long time today, but you have a scar on your face.”

“ah… … .”

Soon after, my mother realized why I had visited, and her face turned white.

But, when I think about it again, did I feel embarrassed somehow?

“that… It has nothing to do with it.”

I was scared the whole time, so I couldn’t even speak, and then I just cut it off and draw a line.

It was certainly such a simplistic statement.

A crazy world where if you don’t pay your taxes, you’ll be sentenced to death.

It doesn’t matter if the parents thresh a child who doesn’t listen. No, it’s a world where what you say about it seems more abnormal.

However… … .

“Involvement? Don’t say difficult things.”

I am a proud member of the barbarians who do not know anything about it.

“If a friend gets hit, they only get bloody revenge.”

When I spoke calmly without any emotion, my mother was stunned. Well, it’s blood revenge, so I guess I’ll have to hear something like that.

It sounds like you’re just working in the kitchen.

“… … So what do you want from me? Do you want me not to slap my hands in the future? Is that okay?”

“No, let it go.”

“What do you mean?”

“You know? Raven has the talent to be a great wizard.”

“… … It’s that person’s bloodline.”

Novel from

My mother said so and pressed her lips together.

In the corners of his eyes, there was a bright light of hatred.

He seems to be thinking of the husband who abandoned the family because of an affair… … .

I don’t care.

“Send Raven to the tower.”

“I can’t afford that.”

“I will pay all the necessary expenses.”

“… … Why are you doing that?”

“I just felt like I wanted to.”

Novel from

My mother was silent for a long time in response to my answer.

And mumbled strange words.

“He will abandon me.”


“Someday, I will become a good person and look down on me. Then, eventually, you will leave for your own world. Just like he was that day, it’s that person’s bloodline… … .”

ah… … .

“Isn’t something wrong? Why is life so easy for him? It’s definitely the child I gave birth to, but I’ve never met anyone in my entire life who helped me for that reason. by the way… … But why is that child… … .”

After that, all kinds of sorrowful emotions poured out of the mother’s mouth in the form of unorganized words.

“Then, I had no talent. Learning to write was also slow. But he learned and wrote magic at that age.”

husband and daughter. Most of the subjects were the two of them, but in the end it was regret and dissatisfaction with the life they had lived.

I quietly listened to her.

Trauma caused by her husband’s affair.

Her hatred was so complex that it could not be concluded in such short words, and it was stinky.

how long has it passed

“Is it all over?”

I asked, and she answered.

“like. I’ll send you to the tower. After all, I am a child who has no resemblance other than a face. If it disappears completely before my eyes, I will feel a little more at ease. Yes. I’m a little… … I want to be comfortable.”

“Okay then.”

As soon as the story was over, I got up from my seat and did my calculations. Then I came out of the store and tried to give him money, but his mother refused.

“I do not need it. Anyway, a few days ago, someone was sent from the tower. I’ll support all of them, so send them to the tower to take a test. I must have caught my eye when I was just walking around using magic at a young age.”

“… … Right.”

“Isn’t it strange? All I’ve worked on all my life is one room in this gutter.”

After that, my mother staggered like a person with lost energy and went to the house that was in the back alley, and I watched her back.

There was no sympathy or anything like that.

But nevertheless.

“What the hell was my life like?”

The last words of that woman kept running through my mind.


Since then, time has passed quickly.

Her mother took Raven to the tower as promised, and Raven was recognized for her talents in the tower over a few days.

By the way, I was able to listen to the process in detail through Raven, who comes to the library once every two days… … .

“I have joined the Artemion School… … ?”

“Yeah, I like your grandfather. I don’t even ignore him as a child.”

After all, is that what the old man said, Auril Gavis?

From a young age like this, I thought that the future would change a bit if I sent it to the horse tower.

‘By the way, I don’t know when he entered the tower… … .’

Of course, I thought I would have gone past the age of ten.

That’s right, wasn’t it Raven who said that he would become an administrative wizard when we first met? It was only later that something happened and I thought there was a change of heart.

“But why do you look like that?”

“It is nothing. Anyway, it’s good that you’ve entered the tower.”

“… … I’m a little worried. Can I do it?”

“You will be a great wizard. I guarantee.”

“Hehe, okay?”

Anyway, the conversation with Raven was not limited to the tower, and we also talked about the family.

Did your mother suddenly become kind?

It seems that Hani’s mother didn’t tell Raven about what happened to me.

After chatting for a while, it was time for Raven to go home.

“Then I’ll go see. Oh, and I can’t come here anymore. From tomorrow onwards, I have to go to the tower and live.”

“Anyway, I won’t be able to come from tomorrow either.”


“I have a schedule.”

Tomorrow I have to go down to Noark with Amelia. You probably won’t come up here again until you achieve your goal.

“… … I see.”

I finally gave Raven a piece of advice before we parted.

“When you go to the tower, be careful not to spit like you do now.”


“No, the same goes for other people. There is no need to make enemies for nothing.”

“… … I am not afraid of any of that.”

“If you are not afraid, do it. Not only will you make enemies, but the person who was going to be your friend will also run away if you do that. With that attitude, you have no choice but to be alone.”

“Perhaps… Did you feel bad for me too?”

Raven carefully asked one thing, and after thinking about it for a while, I answered yes.

Then did you feel something?

“okay. I won’t do it in the future.”

“You won’t?”

“… … yo. this.”

Yeah, I’m a little kid now.

“But shouldn’t we go soon?”

“yes… … .”

Soon after, we finished our last conversation and left the library.

And we parted while sharing unpromising words.

“Then see you later!”

A word of promise with no fixed place or time.

Hey, did you get another respectful word and sell it?

I replied with a grin.

“Okay, see you later.”

You won’t even remember me back then.


After letting Raven go, I moved to a place without any hesitation.

Well, I’ve been admitting it to some extent now.

‘Yeah, Dwalkie… It cannot be saved.’

A nursery school under the Reatlas Church.

When I arrived in front of him, I couldn’t open the door for a long time and stood still.

It was a simple reason.

Even though I had a desire to go in and have a last chat with Dwalky, I wondered what the meaning of this might be.

how long has it passed

“Mr. Enche… … ?”

Someone next to me called me.


In the past, it was a woman I had a relationship with while volunteering.

At the last dinner party, we had a strange conversation in hopes of courage.

“What’s going on here?”

“That’s actually… … I have my son here.”

… … what?

“Fortunately, things worked out and I was able to bring them back. thank you so much. If it wasn’t for Enche, I would have been hesitating forever.”

Novel from

My body stiffened at the truth I felt instinctively.

But I had to check.

“Perhaps… … Is your son’s name Leol?”

Rio ‘Worb’ Dwalkie.

And ‘Warb’ Emirn.

“Oh, right.”

Immediately, Emirn was surprised and spat out positive words.

Yes, Dwalkie’s middle name was named after her mother.

“Hey, but how did you know?”

“just… I think it looks a little like that kid.”

“Fufu, is that so? In fact, Enche-san often talked with that child.”

Emirn smiled happily at my words.

But, rather than talking to me, would you rather go and pick up Dwalky?

“Then I’ll go see you.”

“Oh yeah… … .”

Soon after, Emirn hurriedly greeted me and entered the nursery. But I couldn’t leave in front of it, and I was hardened like a rock.

All sorts of thoughts ran through my mind.

That was when it lasted a few minutes.


I climbed over the nursery fence and went inside.

The place where he always sat and read a book, Dwalkie was still there today.

“uh! hello.”

Dwalkie saw me and said hello.

“okay… … . A long time.”

“What are you doing here?”

“just… came and saw it.”

“… … ?”

Dwalky looked at me and tilted his head as if it was strange, but he wasn’t wary because he had spent some time.


I turned my head and looked into the window of the building.

I saw Emirn handing a bunch of papers to an employee sitting at the desk.

It was then that I realized it.

Dwalkie will now live with his mother.

Then you will hear stories about the sea.

Even if you become an administrative wizard, you will not be able to let go of that dream and will enter the labyrinth.

and… … .

[Everyone, thank you for being my colleague.]

will die

‘that is… … Is it all because of me?’

I felt a deep sense of responsibility.

At the same time, I felt as if I had become a speck of dust in the universe.

A feeling of helplessness that permeates the whole body.

As if reacting to this, such a desire also bloomed.

Novel from

Maybe it’s not too late yet.

If you do something now, you might be able to stop that future. Yeah, if I kidnap him right now, anything will change.


As I thought about it, my body did not move.

The scene played over and over in my mind.

The face of Emirn who came to me asking for courage.

The voice of Dwalkie, who remembered his mother when he was Tim Banpoon and pondered the memories.

I kept seeing and hearing.

‘I… … .’

What should I do?

Does that really change the future?

What if my actions have no effect on the outcome, and just reduce happy time with my mother?


Without realizing it, strength entered my hand, and a small hand was placed on top of a clenched fist.

It was Dwalky’s.

“Big… … . Oh, I’m sorry. suddenly touched.”

“… … You don’t have to be sorry.”

“Will I ever be able to be that big? If you have someone important later, will you be able to protect them?”

In response to that question, I spat out words as if holding back.

“Too much, don’t worry.”

Although the body is thin and small in stature.

“You will be a big person.”

than me

No, more than anyone I’ve ever seen.


He ran over the nursery school fence again.

Then I hid in the alley and saw the nursery.

cut profit.

After a while, the door to the orphanage opened and I saw Dwalkie and Emirn coming out.

“Ajumma, why are you my mother?”

“that… … . There are many stories. let’s go If you go, you’ll know everything… … .”

“… … .”

The two took each other’s hands and set off on the road, too awkwardly to be a mother-and-child relationship.

and… … .

“Goodbye, Dwalkie.”

I just watched the back.

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  1. Phelipe says:

    2 coisas

    embora o Auris Gavis tenha dito que é impossível mudar o passado, isso não muda o fato de que o Bjorn pode ficar mais forte nesse passado e trazer informações e mais poder que antes.


    Mesmo eu gostando do que estou lendo, eu realmente queria que voltasse ao presente.
    apenas birra pessoal minha hahahaahah

  2. Justareader123 says:

    I told y’all it would be a cycle🤧

  3. Karafon says:

    I think I understand what auril gavis meant. To explain it with an example, Dwalkie’s mother heard about the seas from this Bjorn, in short, this event took place in the main time period.

  4. MrPojsomnoj says:

    Damn those onion cutting ninjas!!!

  5. Ghoul says:

    MC had always gone through character development when he feels helpless. So even tho this time skip arc feels useless, I want to see what comes out of it. At least he got some useful info for next round table meeting in the future

  6. LexusMaximus says:

    I feel like he’s changing too much , wouldn’t this affect his achievements in his original timeline. If dwalkie does not become an explorer perhaps they won’t meet the dragon slayer, if raven becomes an administrative wizard won’t they not meet in blood citadel anymore etc. Anyways the old man did say that nothing will change when using the record. Bjorn should use this time to investigate and gather information for when he returns but eh stubborn barbarian mode is still cool to see. It’s nice that mc has learned to appreciate his colleagues and this world he lives in.

  7. Nameee says:

    Nah i really don t like this allthough emotional i would like mc to actually change or prepare for the future. Are there no cheat items which wouldn t leave clues but actually save Dwalkies life once he returned to present. I dunno i can see mc getting aquinted with the shaman and gm but mostly by coincidence, I wanna see some great planning so that he has an edge over his enemies once he returnes.

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not work with dark mode