Surviving the Game as a Barbarian chapter 303

Surviving the Game as a Barbarian 303

303 Tues Rainwales (1)

Noark does not reject evil spirits.

So, unlike the earth, there are quite a few people who live by revealing their identities. In fact, judging from past conversations, Amelia, who was born here, didn’t consider the evil spirits so hostile.

However… … .

‘The moment you admit it, you will become a weakness for the rest of your life.’

Bjorn Yandel is an evil spirit.

That sentence is not enough to be called my Achilles heel.

A bomb that will wipe out all of my social life and even threaten my life.

But the button for the bomb was given to Amelia.

Of course, I have a friendly relationship with Amelia now… … .

‘No one knows what will happen later.’

What if something goes wrong?

From that day on, I haven’t been able to sleep properly, and even if I don’t have any problems with my relationship, it’s definitely an anxiety factor.

If he’s determined to use me, I’ll be called out like a servant and eaten like a dog.

so that… …

“Amelia Reignwales, are you insulting me now?”

He speaks in a low voice like an animal growling.

By the way, don’t evil spirits lose their memories?

Novel from

Maybe it’s just a story I made up to make up my mind.

No, even if the drug had those characteristics, it had to be a defective product—

“What if it’s an insult?”

“… … uh?”

It’s the first time I’ve come out so proudly… … .

Amelia opened her mouth after a moment of bewilderment.

“Are you going to jump in? Without my help, it would be more difficult to get the things the lord is keeping, right?”

“… … Do not test my patience.”

Amelia snorted at my words.

“The fact that he said that is proof that he wasn’t very angry. If it wasn’t for you, you’d have run to me sooner. Like other barbarians.”

“… … .”

“Then it was strange from the first meeting. You were told to beg for your life with the honor of a warrior, but you didn’t even think about it for a second.”

“… … .”

“But an insult? Isn’t it a little funny to come and say something like that now?”

Ha, is this karma?

When I say that, I suddenly run out of things to say.

So now there is only one way left for me.

“Laughing at a barbarian, you must have a problem with your head.”

It was an ultimatum.

If you delay here any longer, you will be at a disadvantage.

It was a car that gave strength to the body with that thought.

“Why, are you really going to jump on me? Just like the demon hunter who came to you back then?”


Do you even know about that?

“… … Did you even do a background check on me?”

“There must be one or two suspicious things. Not just me, but everyone else would have done it. Well, after receiving the title of nobility, everyone, like me, must have stopped doubting.”

Amelia continued the conversation without giving her a chance to intervene.

“But it must be a real evil spirit. Good luck. How did you get the title of nobility? No matter how the Secret Security Department acquitted the charges, the royal family would have tried to verify it separately as it was a title conferment.”

uh, there wasn’t anything like that.

I don’t know, it’s fine.

This part will be available.

“I’m not an evil spirit, so don’t you think I did that?”

She proudly spread her shoulders and spoke, but Amelia did not listen even with the back of her ear and answered immediately.

“As I said before, the only thing that won’t lose memory is the evil spirits.”


“It’s not going to happen.”

Is it pumpkin?

Even if I try to tell you how hard the guard is, the seeds won’t work.

What should I do?

While thinking about it, Amelia muttered something.

“… … Hmm, now that I think about it, the royal family may have known and tolerated it. At that time, you were no less than a hero in the city.”

Whoops, what is this again?

I’m curious about what’s going on behind the scenes, but I just put up with it because I thought it would be a case of admitting it if I asked.

But was there a tee on his face?

“You didn’t understand what it meant.”

“No, not at all. Why do I have to wonder about that in the first place?”

Amelia grinned at my infidelity.

“I have no intention of admitting to the end, is this?”

“Of course. I am not a demon.”

“Well, it’s like you. done. It’s not like there’s no way.”

Soon, Amelia took out a disc the size of a compass from subspace.

It was something I couldn’t know even if I didn’t know.

‘Crazy, why is this here?’

No.7234 Failed trust.

It is a frequent consumption item that makes it impossible to tell a lie within a radius of 10m when activated, and it is the one that made the doppelganger forest grow.

“I didn’t see you when you unpacked your luggage at the top.”

“Because I bought it separately when I was living in the city in the past. As it is a city like this, I thought it might be useful. I didn’t know that I would be the first to write to you.”

yes it was

You’ve already run a simulation of how to cook me by combining the paddles you already have.

“Looking at his face, I don’t think I need to explain what this is. After all, if it was an evil spirit, there would be no way to know.”


Amelia pressed the groove at the top of ‘Disconnected Trust’.

And put it on the side table between the beds.

Tick tock, the second hand started moving slowly with a sound.

Amelia asked.

“Bjorn Jandel, are you a demon?”

It was a check mate.


A suffocating silence follows.

In it, I desperately shook my head.

‘… … What should I do?’

It is not a matter of whether or not to reveal that it is an evil spirit.

That’s because it crossed the water the moment ‘discordant trust’ appeared.

‘It’s not like a fake.’

Sadly, ‘discordant trust’ was genuine.

I tried it right away the moment it worked.

Lies like ‘I’m a woman’ didn’t come out of my mouth even when I tried to say them.

“Five minutes left.”

“… … .”

“Are you going to keep doing that?”

An item that becomes an answer just by silence itself.

The fact that I am a demon has already been proven.

So, there is only one thing I worry about.

‘Kill it?’

As much as it is the most important secret to me, even extreme means are alluringly approaching.

However… … .

‘… … Let’s not think nonsense.’

I struggled to get rid of that thought.

It’s impossible to kill in the first place.

To be honest, it’s not like I can’t see the winning angle at all in a 1:1 fight… … .

If Amelia chooses to escape, it is not easy to pursue.

Also, if you go wrong with him right now, all your plans for the future will be bleak.

‘Besides, just looking at him, he’s the type of person who’s going to have a lot of trouble if he becomes an enemy.’

If so, there is only one way.

I don’t think it’s a barbarian solution.

As a woman who is obsessed with black and white logic, if you don’t want to become an enemy, you have no choice but to become a friend.

“It’s a pity that it’s wasted like this, so I have to say something. The saying, ‘The only thing that doesn’t lose memory with drugs is an evil spirit’ is a fact, not a made-up statement.

Soon, I ended my long worry.

“… … Yes, I am a demon.”

This is the second coming out after Baekho Lee.

Amelia wasn’t particularly surprised.

I took it out to admit it with my own mouth, but in fact, I must have already been convinced of it.

“It’s a strange expression.”

“… … you won’t know How cold and cramped I am right now.”


Suddenly, Amelia stopped talking.

At first I thought something was wrong, but soon I understood the situation.

It was recognized that the ‘discordant trust’ was a lie and closed his mouth.

“Did you mean to say you’re sorry or something like that?”

“… … .”

Ha, I’m not really funny.

There was a sudden burst of heat, but it was barely tolerated.

Yeah, you can’t be the enemy, right?

Now that he’s found to be a demon, I have to be the best friend in this world with him.

Okay, so let’s check this out first.

“But are you okay? Even if I am a demon.”

“When it comes to whether you have bad feelings like people in the city, the answer is no. In the past, there was a time when I worked as a team with a demon for over a year.”

“… … But then, why did you dig so tenaciously?”

“Because I was curious.”

This was the second hurdle.

Just for that reason, you want to hide something that people somehow want to hide?

The moment steam was rising in my head.

“… … Strangely, I often get entangled with you. So I was curious. Is there something you are hiding or is it okay to believe?”

Amelia said so, avoiding her gaze.

Seeing that ‘misaligned trust’ is working, it’s not like I said something that didn’t make sense… … .

Ha, that’s why I’m so angry—

“Ah, of course, there was also a calculation that you wouldn’t be able to betray me recklessly if you found a weakness.”

I wish I hadn’t said that.

Well, what can I do? To be a woman born like this.

“I have a question.”

“… … Do it.”

“If it’s a demon, why are you so angry at the death of Jandel Zarku? Were you feeling guilty?”

“that… … .”

I do not know either.

I tried to answer that, but no words came out.

So I just admitted it frankly.


“Hmm, you were actually a very delicate person.”

Amelia looked at me with interest.

“Is your goal to become like other demons too?”

“… … I do not know.”

“Because of those colleagues?”

“… … .”

“It must have been like that from the beginning.”

Seriously, why is he so interested in me?

I’ll have to change the subject slowly… … .


Then, with a click, the saliva of ‘discordant trust’ stopped moving.

This means that the duration of the effect has expired.

‘Now I’m going to live.’

I quickly changed the topic of conversation.

Like it or not, it wasn’t a situation where it was revealed that he was an evil spirit.

You should check the things that you normally wouldn’t ask to hide your identity.

“Amelia, but why were you looking for Auril Gavis before?”

“Oh, then, if you were a demon, you would have known about him too.”

“I just want to know. I even met him in person a while ago.”

“Have you met him?”

“Let’s talk about that later, and answer my questions first.”

“… … Because on the day my sister died, she was there too.”


“I thought he must have been involved in some way. So I wanted to meet you and hear the truth. That’s all.”

Hmm, nothing more than I thought.

I thought there might be a bigger secret.

‘No, the fact that the old man was there that day is not bad information. Maybe we can figure out what the old man’s goal is during this journey.’

“Well then, tell me. Where did you meet him?”

“Do you know about Ghostbusters?”

“If you’re talking about a gathering of demons, to some extent.”

Okay, then there’s less to explain.

“It was 20 years ago, so of course I didn’t think I would be called, but when I fell asleep, I was summoned. There I met a man claiming to be Auril Gabis.”

After a conversation, I briefly explained that I had come from the future and continued.

“The important thing is from now on, so listen carefully. the old man said No matter what we do here, we cannot change the past.”

“… … Did he say that?”

“Yeah, I couldn’t believe it either, so I tried it. And the result is what he said then.”

Dwalkie and Raven.

They tried to change the future of the two, but things flowed as if even that action was part of causation.

“Then I will ask you again, Amelia.”

“… … .”

“Are you still thinking of doing it?”

Amelia didn’t answer.

Last time I told you, there was no movement.

It seems that the weight was different when the additional explanation that it was the words of Auril Gabis was added.

“I will.”

Amelia, who had been quiet for a while, opened her mouth.

“It’s too late to come and give up now.”

It’s late… … .

It’s like someone who bought stock on the top of a cliff.

“Right. Then I will help.”

Instead of recommending a stop loss, they expressed their intention to be together.

Isn’t she a very compassionate woman?

If I build a good affinity like this and get out of debt like this, I don’t want to play around with my weaknesses—

“… … I’m tired, so I’ll rest first.”

Then Amelia finished the conversation and went to bed.

I was a little embarrassed.

‘yes? are you sleeping? Isn’t this the time to say thank you?’

It’s like being willing, or being lucky to have you.

I didn’t expect such a line, but I guess I’ll just lie down without answering anything.

After that, the plan goes awry… … .

How can I score points?

“Amelia, are you sleeping?”

“… … ?”

“Well, if you’re just tired, I thought I might give you a massage.”

“… … .”

“Oh yeah… … . a bit too right? I’m sorry to disturb you.”

I lay on the bed opposite to Amelia’s eyes.

I close my eyes, but I can’t sleep.

It was a time when the quiet time passed without end.

“What was your original name?”

Then the question flew in without a blink, and I just answered honestly.

I don’t know why I suddenly became curious about my real name… … .

“This is Lee Han-soo. Oh, by the way, Iga is the last name.”

It was found out that he was a demon, so his real name was not very important, and refusal to answer could be a factor in the decline in favorability.

Well, yes.

Surely it must have been… … .

“Hans? So your name is Hans? A surprisingly common name—”

Without realizing it, swearing came out.

“What the fuck?”

Anyway, this crossed the line.

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  1. Phelipe says:






  2. The Rational Guy says:

    Damn these Han people LoL, he’s his own bad luck and he never realised it

  3. Reii i Reii i says:

    My boy got “Hansed”

  4. Akinak says:

    I can’t believe author planted this bomb so far in advance. The funny running gag transformed into existential question at a drop of a hat.

  5. MrPojsomnoj says:

    You can see it as ultimate conflict of mc against himself or you can just say “bruh”. I say bruh.

  6. Fayer says:

    It turns out han soo in that word sound like hans…. Considering hans has been depicted to bring misfortune to mc through novel, mc might hate it…

  7. Noobsama says:

    So MC is ultimate “Hans” all along lol like Conan that why who every met him go to sh*t lol

  8. H A N S says:

    AHAHA… He has the same name as me all along… XD

  9. Deep Indigo says:

    HAHAHA the relization, hes a hans all along

  10. Nalin says:

    This is the best chapter!! Hans means red signal!

  11. LexusMaximus says:

    Hans is the ultimate trigger word for mc XD.

  12. Namesss says:

    Damn did she still not realize that in the end The death of her sister she is trying to prevent is probably going to be caused by her trying to prevent it right now?

  13. shelwyn shelwyn says:

    Hans xD. Mc was the problem all along. Hahah

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