Surviving the Game as a Barbarian chapter 313

Surviving the Game as a Barbarian 313

313 Fire Legacy (2)

A body frozen as if facing a natural enemy.

Novel from

My heart is beating like it’s broken.

Even though I wanted to die every day, my body was longing for life. Perhaps reading her mind, Lee Baek-ho’s smile grew even deeper.

“You know that Bjorn Jandel is a player, right?”

“I don’t know. What the hell are you talking about—”

Novel from

Misha immediately denied what she said, but Lee Baek-ho did not even listen to her until the end.

“Oh, did you know that too?”

A voice that doesn’t seem like it’s just floating around.

“… … .”

Novel from

Misha looked into Lee Baek-ho’s eyes, as if reading the meaning of the words.

and… … .


Unknowingly, he held his breath.

Her eyes were so empty that it was impossible to know the depth of what was hidden.

A sense of being penetrated and pierced through all the insides.

Seeing Misha trembling without saying anything, his mouth opened.

“Bjorn Yandel, how did he die?”

A voice that only wants to confirm the truth.

However, Misha sensed an unknown anger.

The reason was unknown.

Could it be that the two were good friends? No, it still doesn’t make sense. Then why did he vomit his anger on himself—.

“It is said in the city that you died while buying time for you to escape… … .”

At that moment, the air became heavy.

“Are you sure you didn’t kill me?”

A feeling of oppression that presses down so much that it is difficult to breathe.

At the same time, the emotion of anger in Lee Baek-ho’s voice also became clearer.

“Besides, you knew he was a demon. So, didn’t you just hit the back of the head and swipe your fortune? You said the inheritance was also designated in your name? Do you have enough reasons to kill me?”

“What nonsense—”

“Why not? You don’t even see us as people.”

A cynical yet sarcastic accent.

At those words, Misha noticed that the man had had a similar experience.

Is that so?

It felt like a blade was piercing my heart.

Not just because he’s afraid… … .

Did Bjorn also think of this when he looked at himself?

If his true identity was revealed, would he receive hateful gaze from us, or would he secretly stifle his heart and suffer pain?

So, was he drawing a line in one corner?

and… … .

What was he thinking at the last moment he was left alone?

Just thinking about it made my lungs tighten.

Whatever it was, he would have been anxious and afraid.

That’s probably why he didn’t say anything in his will.

He always smiled in front of us, but behind that laughter, there must have been a lot of loneliness.

However… … .

“Answer me. Are you like that?”

One thing is clear.

Still, he valued us more than anyone else.

So, Misha said with straight eyes.

“Yes, there is no way… … .”

Even if Amman spoke to this man, knowing that his voice would never reach him.

she replied

“You don’t see me as a person… … . Bjorn… … . uh, how could that be… … .”

At least she couldn’t.

I regretted that fact.

I should have told you this sooner. Then Bjorn wouldn’t have to worry about looking at us.

“… … .”

Novel from

Misha closed her eyes.

This unknown man was no longer afraid.

I just closed my eyes and endured the emotions that rushed in like the waves of the great sea.

That was the time.

“… … I have good colleagues.”

Baekho Lee said.

“Unlike me.”

Contrary to his past appearance, which was like a tyrant, his voice was somewhat sad.

Novel from

Misha opened her eyes again.

At some point, the feeling of pressure that had tightened my skin to the point of numbness had disappeared without a trace.

“Is it because it was Misha Karlstein?”

“That, but… … ?”

When Misha answered with a bewildered response to the too chaotic change of attitude, Baekho Lee continued with a smile.

“What if I told you there was a way to bring Bjorn Yandel back to life?”

As he spoke, the corners of his eyes were long curved.

* * *

It has been two weeks since I joined Felic Barker’s clan.

and… … .


Now I am sitting in front of a burning bonfire.

The place is a rocky desert on the second floor.

Behind them, four men and women are busy moving and preparing to camp.

Oh, by the way, that’s what I ordered.

Doesn’t it take a long time to entrust all the tasks to one chauffeur as usual because it’s annoying?

“Oh, why are we doing this… … .”

“Shut up, I can hear you over there.”

I’ve already heard it, man.

I looked at the four men and women who were preparing to camp with a grin. Then the water muscle mass came out and our eyes met.

Joining Felic Barker’s clan and being the first to prove his skills in the bloody promotion battle… … . No, he was the one who fought a battle called scramble here.

Based on the ground, the explorer rating is 6.

There is a history of barely saving my life with a potion after my head exploded in 3 seconds in the Noskill battle.

But, so his name is… … .


“… … It’s Durbon, not Dumbo.”

Oh, it was.

It’s true that I made a mistake, but I’m a bit annoyed because I even color it.

Durborn must be a pseudonym anyway.

I don’t even know how serious it is.

“Aren’t you very out of your mind?”

He got up from his seat and turned to Dumbo.

Then, as if he remembered being beaten before, he began to tremble.

Hell, why are you so ambitious while standing in front of you?


I put my hand on the boy’s shoulder and whispered.

With the weight of the title of the 3rd team leader of the Barker Clan.

“Does the team leader look funny?”

He tightened his hands and spoke.

“Your name is now more than Dum. Because it’s easy to pronounce. Do you understand?”

“… … .”


“… That’s it.”

tt, it will be like that

He patted Dumbo on the shoulder to encourage him to accept his name change request, and then sent him off to prepare for the camp.

Then he came back to the campfire and forgot the jerky.


After three scrambles on the first day of joining, I became the team leader of only three teams as of that day under the clan’s approval.

And as Noark is a manly camp, the team leader’s power is absolute.

Especially if it’s in a labyrinth.

‘Who, is this the taste of power?’

As everyone was playing while they were working, one of Bisil came and said that the camp was ready.

“Sleep. We will stand by night… … .”

Bisil’s name is… … .

‘What was it?’

Anyway, he’s the explorer on our team.

He’s not a leader, his wayfinding skills are slightly below that of Rottmiller. However, because he has been a predator for a long time, he has good points for looting.

“I’m not sleepy, so I’ll see you later. Was it that little boy in the beginning? If he gets sleepy, I’ll leave him alone to sleep, so you go to sleep first.”

“Ah, yes… … .”

When I gave permission to sleep, Bi-Sil reported the news to his friends and went into his sleeping bag.

and… … .

“Can I sit down?”

“Of course.”

A red-haired woman sat in the chair opposite me.

He exudes a mature atmosphere for his age, but he has a youthful appearance.

Amelia’s older sister

“What was your name?”

“This is Laura Rainwales.”

Laura responded in a professional manner, as if wary of me, the newly appointed team leader.

But again, it felt weird.

‘How can the atmosphere be so different even though they are similar?’

The overall facial features are similar.

However, the older sister gives a much more gentle and sad impression.

He knows his past when he was 12 when he cut off the throat of a well-to-do explorer trying to save his brother, even though he was speaking in such a hard way.

“Are you having any problems?”

“No, I just thought you must have suffered too.”

“ah… … .”

Laura opened her mouth slightly at my words.

I didn’t know that I would say something like this, who longed for my subordinates more manly than anyone else.

“Isn’t your brother also a scammer?”

“Yeah, I’m working under Team Leader Martinis.”

“Aren’t you worried?”

“… … .”

At my question, Laura shut her mouth and glanced at me. I was curious as to what my purpose in asking such a question was.

But would it be unwise to ignore the new team leader’s question?

“I am not worried at all. I am relieved to think that Team Leader Martinis will take good care of my younger brother.”

Laura gave a pretentious answer.

Whoops, it seems like I’ve become some kind of pragmatist.

“It’s okay, so be honest. Are you a sister? It’s natural to be worried, right?’

When I insisted on asking, Laura had no choice but to confide in her a little.

“I am concerned, but I am confident that Chief Martis will not maliciously harass my brother or send him to his limbs.”

“The reason is?”

“… … That’s what it’s worth to me.”

“Huh? Please tell me in more detail. My name is that I am the team leader, so I need to know the circumstances.”

Laura thought for a moment whether to say this or not, then opened her mouth.

“I am a sheepdog, but after many years of exploration, I have grown to the capacity of one person.”

This is a known fact.

Although it is a low-grade essence, I heard that four people ate the essence.

But Laura is still a hunter.

Although he is well-received within the team for a hunter, he is a slave in the clan, unable to claim his share in the loot settlement no matter how hard he works for one person.

“Instead of giving up your share, I asked you to take care of my brother.”

“After all, just because I make money, it’s not something I can have. In fact, I was the one who brought him here when my father tried to sell him as a scammer.”

“The reason is?”

“At least in this clan… You don’t have to go through them.”

“You are kind.”

Laura did not respond to that, and a quiet time continued after that.

It wasn’t an awkward time.

I sat still, looked at the fire, organized my thoughts, and got up when I was moderately tired.

“Then I will go to sleep.”


“I think I’ve been on the watch for about an hour now, but wait one more hour and then move on.”

“Yes? But my shift time is… … .”

“If you do twice as much by yourself, you will be tired, so how will you fight tomorrow? One person said that he could do it.”

“… … .”

“So, after an hour, pass it on to the next turn, and you too. If that’s the case, say I did it.”

Saying so, I immediately lay down in my sleeping bag.

Laura said something as if she was in trouble, but she sighed and shut her mouth at the sound of my growling snoring.

‘Laura Rainwales… … .’

I kept thinking until I fell asleep.

How can I save this woman?

* * *

After completing the first day of camping in the rocky desert on the second floor, we hurriedly resumed our journey from the morning of the next day.

On the second day, I was able to get to the 3rd floor Pilgrim’s Path and continued on to the clan meeting point through the Twilight Slope, a rocky desert route.

thorny reed field.

A hunting ground covering a part of the field to the west from the witch’s forest, the center of the 3rd floor.

When we got there on the 4th day, all the teams had already arrived except us.

“… … .”

After a brief glance with Amelia, I headed towards the clan chief.

“Did nothing happen when you arrived?”

“There was none. Everyone was very good.”

“Haha, fighting may not be as good as yours, but one person is a good friend.”

Can’t this bastard know empty words?

I smiled and sat down in the empty chair next to him.

“Okay then, it would be better to move right away now that everyone is here, but I have friends who are new to this, so I’ll talk about it one more time.”

Clan leader Felic Barker briefed on his plans for the future naturally.

Actually, there was no plan.

With this reed forest as the base, the teams dispersed and plundered.

“I tell you in advance, if you meet an opponent that seems even a little difficult, contact the other team through the explorer. I’ll put everything aside and run to you right away to help.”

After a quick briefing, the clan chief asked if he had any last questions, and I quickly raised my hand.

“But isn’t this way too inefficient?”

“… … efficiency?”

The clan chief had the eyes of seeing all sorts of strange things.

Apparently, as a barbarian, it seemed foreign to me to put efficiency in my mouth… … .

a little bit embarrassing

Is there any race that values efficiency as much as the Barbarian?

“If you have an opinion, let me know.”

As soon as the clan chief’s permission was granted, I opened my mouth boldly.

“First of all, using a chaser is a problem. Why would you do that?”

“As I said before, just planting a helper inside is a huge advantage for a surprise attack. Combat consumables can also be reduced.”

“What do you mean? I wasn’t talking about that.”


So what does that mean?

The clan chief teased me with such a meaning.

Therefore, I spoke as if teaching a foolish person.

“That way you only kill the ‘good’ explorers who let the chasers in. And most of the ‘good’ explorers are poor.”

“… … What do you want to say?”

“It’s to hunt looters like us. Then we can take possession of all the equipment they have looted!”

As I seriously explained the plan, there was a moment of silence.

And soon laughter broke out.

“Ha ha ha ha ha!”

“Why are you laughing?”

“Oh, I’m sorry if I offended you. I’ve been at Noark for over 10 years, but I’ve never heard of it before.”

“So what is the answer?”

“At first glance, there is logic, but your opinion is missing the most important part. We are not God’s executors, how do we distinguish a plunderer?”

Whoops, I knew that word would come out.

I smiled and opened my mouth.

“Come on, listen. I have a way.”

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  1. Phelipe says:

    um dos melhores protagonistas que já li, e vou repetir quantas vezes achar necessário.

  2. MrPojsomnoj says:

    Looter x Looter.

  3. Nalin says:

    Looter Barbarian Mode on 🤣

  4. LexusMaximus says:

    Bjorn using looters to hunt other looters XD.

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