Surviving the Game as a Barbarian chapter 37

Surviving the Game as a Barbarian 37

37 Episode Guild (2)

sitting on a chair

Unusually, a chair made of iron is attached to the arms and legs as an option, and the floor is fixed with nails.

‘Aren’t you supposed to give yourself time to rest as a human being?’

To summarize the situation further, where I am currently is the interrogation room located in the basement of the Explorers’ Guild.

On the other side is the investigator.

His age is estimated to be in his mid-30s, and the characteristic is that he uses a high-pressure tone in a highly obese person.

“I am Koldo Biermann in charge of the investigation of this case. I will ask you some questions in the future, so I hope you will respond cooperatively to the investigation.”

“Investigation? Why don’t you first tell me why you got me before that?”

I asked impatiently.

I don’t even want the principle of presumption of innocence, but this is a reasonable right for a defendant in this era—


Investigator cunt kicked my shin

Looking at his face, he smirked as if something had happened.

“Rule one, you only have to answer what I ask. Do you understand?”

“… i get it.”

“Hey, if you follow the rules well, you won’t get sick, so you can rest assured about that.”

painful asshole.

I came from the labyrinth trembling, wouldn’t it tickle me if I got hit in the shin?

This bastard must have some fantasies about his profession.

“Anyway, to answer your question… Bjorn Yandel. You have been arrested here for looting in the labyrinth.”

“… A robbery charge?”

I wondered if this was the sound of eating grass again.

The investigator cub picked up my backpack upside down and spilled the contents on the floor.

“Wheeyu, that’s a lot.”

Exploration items such as torches or sleeping bags.

A special item obtained from the Blood Citadel.

Among other food items and other miscellaneous items, the investigator took out only the equipment and put it on the table.

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Mostly stuff from the party of four that hit us in the back in the land of the dead.

“If you didn’t commit looting, where did this come from? A barbarian wouldn’t use a bow.”

“that… They belong to those who tried to kill me first.”



There is no such thing, but there is no reason to be low-key.

I asked the opposite.

“Then do you have any proof that what I’m saying isn’t true?”

“Well, I’ll have to look into that from now on.”

“Are you going to hold people down and investigate?”

This was the part I didn’t understand the most.

This is different from the usual way of the Explorers Guild.

It is the unwritten rule of this city to not ask anything without evidence, no matter what the explorers brought out in the labyrinth.

Therefore, the guild would never search for looters in the first place until reports or testimonies came in.

but… … .

“The guild’s internal rules changed a few days ago.”

If I say this, I have nothing to say.

This isn’t just a game, it’s a world where many people live.

“The official guideline is to start with Level 9 Explorers to deter looting.”

In a nutshell, it means that we will try the test operation from the good guys.

Wherever you go, if you have low status, you will suffer.

The criteria to be investigated were also roughly expected.

Have you been collecting a lot of Manastones, or you have equipment that appears to belong to someone else in your backpack? it must have been

So I was a two-strike from the start?

“Well then, tell me. Where did you get this thing?”

Anyway, the first attitude was just to kill my ki, and after that, the investigator cub continued the investigation normally.

So, I tried to talk about what was happening at the time as cooperatively as possible.

Oh, of course, I forgot to mention the psychopath.

To say that, I also have to tell you about the oath, because a barbarian who breaks the oath will look strange wherever he goes.

It is far more dangerous to be driven by a demon than to be framed for murder. Especially in the part where there is no room for excuses.

‘If you report it for no reason, you may be ripped off by the woman without even a mouse or a bird.’

Therefore, I only briefly stated about meeting a group of looters of 4, falling into a state of ‘repression’ and then killing them dramatically.

However, the investigator’s cub was only sullen.

“What? Can you survive being stabbed in the neck? You tell lies that even a child will not believe.”

“I only told the truth.”

“Then where is that scar on your neck? According to what you said, it should have left a mark, right?”

Without realizing it, I rubbed my neck.

It was smooth with no lumps.

There was no reason to worry.

By eating the vampire essence, the natural regeneration power increased so much that even the scar was healed.

‘… Why are things so twisted up again?’

I was reluctant, but eventually had to talk about the rift.

The only problem is that the investigator cub didn’t even listen to me.

“Pu ha ha! crack? vampire me? Because he’s a barbarian, there’s no logic in his words!”

“I swear, everything I say is true.”

Perhaps he had hardened his heart at all, and even the oath of a warrior, which worked every time like a cheat, was useless this time.

“What honor is there to a looter?”

By this time, I, too, had a bulge.

“Then, call the wizard! Shouldn’t it be verified through magic?”

In fact, we never had such a long conversation.

Just one magic trick hides the truth.

However, the investigator cub just smiled as if it wasn’t the same.

“It is possible to make a formal verification request to the guild from level 7 or higher.”

Damn, when did this change again?

A level 9 explorer is not treated like a human being.

“Even if I pay the fee?”

“It is money that will be returned to the state when you die. You cannot waste it on meaningless things.”

Damn, it’s probably because I don’t have enough money to spend.

“Come on, just admit the crime.”

It will probably take some time to prove innocence.


As if announcing the end of the 15-day labyrinth life, the dazzling noon sunlight wraps around the body.

Erwen stood for a moment as if enjoying the warmth.

Fragments of memories interspersed in my head, perhaps because of the starkly contrasting environment.

‘I didn’t know the third floor would be so hard… … .’

The third floor that I entered with my sister.

The strength of level 7 monsters that I experienced for the first time in my life.

Even though she almost fought alone, even the 6th grade monster she met by chance at the end.

Truly, it was a journey that felt like an expedition for the first time.

The first labyrinth expedition I did with my uncle wasn’t bad either… At that time, I was in a hurry to survive, so I was not in a hurry.

‘Would you be very surprised if I told you?’

I want to run quickly and tell you about the things I experienced in the labyrinth. And I want to ask you how it was.

Just thinking about it made my tired body revitalize.

‘If I tell you that I have obtained a new essence, will it be like the last time? … ?’

That’s a bit worrisome, but… … .

For some reason, my steps are lighter than usual.

Erwen quickly headed to the money changer for level 9 explorers.

‘Is it different this time? I can’t see you… … .’

“It is 184,100 stones.”

“Wow… … .”

“Isn’t that a lot of money for a level 9 explorer?”

“I went there with my sister!”

“Can you know his name?”

“Daria Whitember di Tercia.”

“Yes, it has been confirmed. You may go.”

After exchanging magic stones, meeting her sister outside, unpacking at the inn, washing herself for three hours and changing into new clothes, she headed straight to Bjorn’s inn.

But how did this happen?

“That fairy girl who came every day. But what about this? Room 302 hasn’t come back yet.”

“Um, right?”

Bjorn was not at the inn.

How did this happen?

It seems that the room price has been paid in advance, and there are other luggage left in the room… … .

“Are you going to keep waiting?”

“yes! You will be back soon!”


The owner of the inn, who was usually kind, clicked his tongue, noticing that he didn’t like it for some reason.

how long has it been since

The sun went down. That too a few hours ago.

“Hey, why are you taking things out of your room?”

“Hey, annoying. Hey lady, do you have any papers?”

“Wait, paperwork?”

“Is there not? A certificate stating that the young lady is an associate with that barbarian, or that she has agreed to hand over a keepsake, or something like that.”

“There is no such thing… no! It’s more of a keepsake!”

“Then the labyrinth is closed and it’s been this long, but what’s the reason you haven’t come back yet? Dead crabs, in the labyrinth!”

Finally, the innkeeper kicked her out semi-forcibly.

Erwen squatted down in front of him.

‘It can’t be that he’s dead… … .’

It’s ridiculous.

No matter how common it is for an explorer to die in a labyrinth, it is impossible to imagine his death.

So I sat down and waited.

When it became morning, then night, and then morning again.

“Did you find it?”

Her sister came.

Novel from

My sister didn’t complain about staying out for two days, nor did she ask any other questions.

I just put my hand forward.

“… Let’s go eat first.”

Erwen took her hand and stood up, thinking.

I don’t know the exact reason though.

I know that has nothing to do with it at all.

“Sister, I want to be strong.”

I kind of felt that way.

Novel from

More intense than ever.


Trapped in a thick iron cage.

All of my luggage was taken away, and I was wearing only one piece of cloth rolled up below my waist and tied up.

He is standing slumped against the wall.

It’s also the second day.

‘Chiba… … .’

After the first day, the situation got worse and worse.

In response to my repeated denial and verification requests, the investigator had no choice but to summon a wizard… … .

“The character’s mental level is 90 or higher.”

「Resistance against spirit magic with anti-magic correction.」

The magic of a level 9 wizard working as a guild employee did not work for me.

“The mental barrier is too thick. It seems like we should call the magic tower of the tower.”

The situation got worse.

Even from the guild’s point of view, the help of a high-level wizard is inevitable to close my case.

“It doesn’t make sense to call them a level 9 explorer case.”

From then on, the investigator threw all kinds of bullshit on me to get my confession.

I thought this would be a much easier way.

But there is no way I will make a false confession because I am afraid of this bastard.

I even tried to name the 6th grade wizard Arua Raven or the dwarf, but this frustrating investigator cub didn’t even listen.

It was such a long case.

“ha ha ha! Bjorn Jandel, apparently this isn’t the first time you’ve committed a loot?”

A completely new charge was made, unrelated to previous investigations.

“What do you mean?”

“It was discovered while investigating you.”

It was none other than the Message Stone that the investigator held out with triumphant eyes.

“Message stones have a unique number, so the owner is not recorded. So I looked up what was in your backpack, and it must have been. It belongs to a dead explorer.”

By the way, the owner’s name is Artoa Serdin.

“Since there is a clan that I am a member of, I inquired about it, and they told me everything about what you did. It wasn’t enough to run away after injuring a person named Hearth Young, so you killed the person you were pursuing, right?”

This bastard thought he could be the main character of a mystery story, and his words were unnecessarily long.

“So what will happen to me?”

I was naive and asked only the main point.

Whatever you say here, you won’t be able to hear this baby who wants to handle me.

“Since the circumstances, testimonies, and evidence have come out, this guild has decided to reject your request for verification and execute the sentence.”

In this guild, it’s a doghorn.

Novel from

Maybe you just turned down my request.

“… So who will I get?”

“You are saying something strange. Rafdonia’s royal law has never been tolerant of predators. Oh, is that too difficult for a barbarian?”

The investigator cub smiled and continued.

“It means death penalty.”

This is exactly what happened last night.

By the way, this morning, the jailer visited and told me the date of my execution and asked if there was any food I wanted to eat.

For a moment, I felt it.

“… … .”

If you are alone, you will look flattered.

That means you shouldn’t be left alone.

The stage of resolution through dialogue has already passed.

But if you break the barbed wire and leave, you’ll be nothing but a looter who escaped.

‘How can I escape to the city, but I will soon become a wanted criminal.’

I thought about it for a while, but in the end there was only one way to survive.

To prove my innocence somehow.

Of course it wouldn’t be easy.

You can tell the forest by looking at the trees, and even the young investigators can’t communicate like this.

‘Innocent or not, the Explorers’ Guild will judge the easier and quieter way for me to disappear.’

With such a premise laid down, a plan began to appear to some extent.

First of all, the key was to create a situation where the Explorers Guild could not silence me.

There was something that came to mind about the method.

Of course, you will have to go through a lot of troublesome things in return… … .


Recalling the face of the investigator, I raised my motivation.

From a young age, I was a reluctant child who knew how to give back with words.

‘No matter how much I think about it, it’s not right for Suzy to save my life.’

I will surely pay the price for this work.

「The character has cast [Flesh Explosion].」

It’s also very good.

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  1. MrPojsomnoj says:

    Oh Lord Jesus, flesh explosion + natural recovery from vampire essence + acid blood

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not work with dark mode