Surviving the Game as a Barbarian chapter 59

Surviving the Game as a Barbarian 59

59 Survival Rules (2)

What is the most important thing in a disaster situation?

water? food? health? tool?

Well, these are all very important items… … .

If I had to choose just one, I would choose mental.

“I don’t… I can’t die like this, I can’t! How did I persevere like this? … !”

“Misha, calm down.”

When you’re in a fucking situation, you need the courage to not deny reality and calmly accept it.

This is because it is possible to have an objective understanding.

So I threw out all my doubts.

‘It doesn’t matter what happened over there.’

A strange monster may have come out, or the group of Elisha may have been a surprise attack in that brief moment.

All possibilities are open.

But that’s not what I should be focusing on right now.


I am now left behind in the group.

Next to him is a male companion.

Unfortunately, it is a warrior series with only physical deals.

And the chances of the lost comrades coming back here seem infinitely low.

Yes, in a word, fucked.

This area, where physical immunity monsters fight, is also called the Warrior’s Tomb.

It is almost impossible to get through with two barbarians and beast warriors.

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Meanwhile, there are also pursuers targeting us.

Actually, this is the biggest problem.

If the two of us run into them, it will be game over immediately.

But if that doesn’t mean you’re just going to bite your tongue out, you should think about it.

It’s not about how damn bad this is right now—

‘So what should I do right now?’

What action should be taken in the future?

Even if it’s just a struggle, what should we give up and what should we give priority to in order to survive?

Simply put, what is the best thing to do right now?

“… Don’t move.”

“What? But even if—”

“Even if you can’t find your way, it’s better to leave this place.”

After objectively grasping the situation, I can see what needs to be done even in the worst conditions.

After dividing the priorities among them, I decided to solve them in order of importance.

Once that first.

“It is dangerous here.”

get out of this place

The reason is simple.

We don’t have any information about what the dwarfs and gang met around here, other than that it’s dangerous enough that they couldn’t even come to pick us up.

“If that b*tch did a good job, one day we will find it.”

“But then, shouldn’t it have appeared sooner?”

Well, maybe I just got pushed out of their priorities. For the reason that the dwarf had to run away and follow him.

Of course, I didn’t mean to talk for a long time.

The first thing to give up in order to survive are intangible values such as warmth and consideration.

“So what are you going to do? The choice is yours.”

I have no intention of carrying luggage just because I am a colleague.

In the first place, you can’t see that as a colleague.

I just cut and drew a line.

“If you don’t like my judgment, I’ll move on from now on.”

“Wow, what are you talking about!”

“Answer me.”

I have no intention of wasting time arguing.

Yes or No.

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Misha, who was silently staring into my eyes, bit her lip and made a choice.

“… In the future, I will fully follow your advice. There is nothing I can do about it after being injured in the first place.”

A great answer that got exactly what the questioner wanted and spit it out.

I didn’t see it that way, but it seems pretty quick.

After all, even if you usually look like that, there’s a reason you’re an explorer with 5 years of experience.

“Well, that’s too much to say… … !”

When she released her stiff expression, Misha came whining as if she was hurt, but that’s it… … .

it’s probably good If you just follow my words.


When I opened a bottle of potion and handed it to her, Misha drank it slowly, as if she was receiving a potion.

And started to moan.

It wasn’t the weird kind.

In the first place, a potion is something that cannot be done.

“Higguk, turn it off!!”

Hearing the sound of suffering, it seems that the potion is listening well.

So I put Missha on my shoulder.

I sprained my ankle, so in 5 minutes the pain will go away and I will be able to walk… … .

It would be nice if you could save that time.

“Woow! Hey, take it slow! No, just walk slowly!”

As soon as the canter begins in earnest, Misha comes to beg and cry.

It looks like I’m getting motion sickness.

All I could say was this.

“Even if it’s hard, just be patient.”

Sorry, now I’m a Psycho Barbarian who has forgotten the warmth and consideration.

As long as the warning light comes on for survival, efficiency comes first.

A little bit of motion sickness doesn’t kill people, right?


Anyway, it was when I was running through the forest without thinking like that.

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Misha, hanging from her shoulder, pats her back like crazy.

“Come down, geek! My, take it down! Everything is fine!”

“Do not lie.”

“Really! I swear to the guardian of this clan!”

“Hmm, then why is there no power in your voice?”

I pointed out a logical loophole in Misha’s words.

But somehow, I was blown away.

“I have the power! This ignorant barbarian senility!! All right, let’s get it down!”

“i get it.”

Seeing him smash on the back, it seemed like he had some brain power to move, so he gently let Misha down.

“Ugh, I really thought I was going to die!”

ugh, tough.

At first glance it looked fine, but I asked because I didn’t know.

“So, are your feet okay now?”

“As you can see.”

“Speak right. Does that mean we can fight right now?”

“for now… That’s right! But why are you asking that?”

Hey, it’s because I have a fight to do.

“Okay, there’s a monster over there.”

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Misha’s head moves in the direction I pointed. At the end of it, a huge tree was moving with its roots in the ground.

Level 8 monster ‘Snetry’.

It is an eerie monster that attacks explorers with its tentacle-like branches.

By the way, he is one of the few normal monsters that inhabit the Witch’s Forest along with the Half Troll.

Simply put, it is possible to hunt only with a physical deal.

“But do I have to catch it? That guy’s moving speed is too slow, so he wouldn’t be able to keep up… … . ah! I’m not saying I’ll never obey you!”

Well then I’m glad

Anyway, the question itself was reasonable, so I answered it briefly.

“I don’t know if the essence will come out.”


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Misha tilts her head as if she heard a strange word.

It deserves it.

If it wasn’t for this situation, I wouldn’t have come up with a plan like this.

“All the monsters in the Witch’s Forest have attribute-based abilities.”

Exactly, except for the half trolls.

Well, he won’t even catch me and skip it, so it’s an exception.

Soon, Misha grasped the gist of my plan and was stunned.

“Are you going to catch him for that?”

Yep, it’s not just him, it’s the visible tribe.

I have to somehow acquire the attribute-based ability.

It takes a day or two to avoid spirit dwellings, and that’s the only way I can’t sleep properly.

Well, if you get lost and luckily find a way out of the woods, you won’t have to worry about it… … .

‘It’s impossible for such a miracle to happen to me.’

Of course, the drop rate of the essence is also infinitely low.

But in a way, this is just a side quest.

I have no intention of being hung up on this plan alone.

If it comes out, it’s even better, and if you don’t, there’s nothing you can do about it.

Should I just say that?

‘In the first place, the moment Elisa came to visit us, everything would be meaningless.’

That the scavengers over there either dealt with the dwarfs, or go looking for us just because we missed them.

When that time came, these efforts today would have been in vain.

However… … .

That wouldn’t be a reason not to struggle.

“Anyway, get ready to fight.”

“I see!”

Soon Misha took out her weapon and raised it.


It ran towards Snettri, who was crawling on the ground with its roots.

one rule of survival,

To live, you have to fight.


「Snetry has been defeated. EXP +2”


You are walking through the witch’s forest without a seeker.

And if someone asks me how I feel, I will definitely answer like this.

It’s like walking around the mirror room in an amusement park all day.

By the way, there is always BGM in this mirror room.

[Just kill him! Or enjoy it! Why are you being so nice to a useless b*tch?]

[Kihihee, Khiheehee!]

[It’s all your fault! Even if it wasn’t for you!]

Is it because of the mood that the auditory hallucinations are getting more detailed?

Well, that doesn’t seem to be the case.

The hallucinations are also clearer than before.

[Hansu, why are you the only one surviving?]

Unlike before, when they only had the shape of a monster, the characters engraved in my memory appear.

People you will never meet in this world.

[hurt! hurt! hurt!!]

[When are you going to kill that girl? When are you going to kill that girl? When are you going to kill that girl? When are you going to kill that girl?]

Sometimes they show up in the form of hallucinations and wreak havoc on me.

At some point, hallucinations and hallucinations began to merge.

‘There is no way that the field effect suddenly became stronger, it’s just that I’m weak.’

I calmly grasped my condition.

However, that was all.

stayed up all night

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Meanwhile, a fierce battle was waged.

He was cursed and half-dead and came back to life, and now he is lost in a desperate situation.

Of course, the mental power is bound to hit the limit.

But what do you mean?

‘I just have to endure.’

That’s how life was originally.

At least for me.

Persevere, persevere, persevere, do what you can without dwelling on the things you cannot change.

“Misha, use this instead of a dagger.”

“Huh? I haven’t used the window… … .”

After defeating Snetry, I took a break and checked the expandable backpack. Then he handed the spear, which was Tyson’s weapon, to Misha.

It’s something we decided to sell and distribute when we go out to the city, but now isn’t the time to hide that.

“Don’t talk about it, write it if it is written.”

“Hey, I see… … .”

In the meantime, I respected a person’s individuality and accumulated experience and did not say anything.

However, my general opinion is that the longer a weapon is, the more practical it is.

In fact, when I caught the Snettree earlier, if it wasn’t for the dagger, I would have dug deep and destroyed the nucleus at once.

“Ugh, that’s awkward! Can’t you just give me a sword?”

Can not be done.

I don’t know which one is easier to handle, a sword or a spear.

But it’s clear that the window is much longer.

When I make a wall with a shield, it will be easier to help from behind.

“Isn’t it a weapon I haven’t dealt with in both cases anyway? Just use it.”


what is huh huh

I wish they would stop teasing people to get their spirits down.

I don’t know what you think of me, but I don’t consider you to be that close.

Yes, after all, it’s been less than two weeks since we met.

‘This… I’d rather write.’

It wasn’t just Misha who upgraded the equipment, but me too.

“The character is wearing steel plate gaiters.”

「The overall item level increases by +45.」

First, Hans C’s gaiters were wrapped around the calf.

Gaiters with leather on the inside and steel on the outside.

I wish there were thigh parts too, but unfortunately they seem to be in the dwarf backpack.

“The character is wearing war boots.”

「The overall item level increases by +38.」

I also changed my shoes to new ones.

Likewise, Hans C was wearing it.

These are leather boots that look pretty good, but strangely, they have iron plates on the instep.

Also in the form of pointed spikes.

‘Explorer cubs are only practical here.’

I looked further, but I couldn’t find any more items that could be used by Missha or me in the equipment.

However, instead, I found something unexpected.

“uh? Bjorn! Isn’t this holy water?”

“… That seems right.”

Bad news overlapped one after another, and now is the time for a slow rebound?

I was very happy with the equipment.

Well, if you have holy water, you can enchant weapons.

“Sacred energy permeates the equipment.”

「Inflicts additional damage when attacking evil attribute monsters.」

Additional damage of the castle attribute.

In other words, it means that even if we don’t have the attribute-type ability we’ve been hoping for, we’ll be able to hunt down spirit-type monsters.

Although the evil attribute is limited… … .

Spirit-type monsters from the Witch’s Forest are usually evil, so you don’t need to worry about them.

‘The problem is that there are only five bottles.’

Holy water has no duration.

The effect disappears when all of the additional damage has been done.

How many can you catch with five bottles?

Well, I do not know, but until the 15th day and the third floor is closed, it will not be enough to write generously.

‘… It would be better to use it sparingly.”

Still, it’s a bit of good news.

So, I looked through the backpack one more time.

At that time, I was so busy that I couldn’t properly check things like exploration supplies.

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Maybe there’s more that might be helpful.

“Yes? Bjorn! ”

As I was rummaging through my bags one by one, Misha called me.

“I found something unusual, do you know what it is?”

It was a pendant with an unusual pattern.

And I knew the identity of the pattern.

‘Isn’t this a symbol of Karuiism?’

Unfortunately, that’s all I’ve found out so far.

Other than that related to Karuiism, I couldn’t figure out what purpose this item was used for.

‘Anyway, at this point, I think I’ve done everything I need to check… … .’

I put the things I took out and organized my backpack.

Also, as there was a variable called ‘Seongsu’, I also checked the plan I made briefly.

At first glance, there were three options.

1. Seek help from an explorer you stumble upon.

The witch’s forest is huge.

And due to the geographical characteristics, it is rare to encounter other explorers. But if you keep looking around, you will come across one day.

Giving equipment as a reward would have to humiliate any explorers.

‘The problem is that I can’t believe it.’

There are many efficient bugs among the explorer cubs.

It’s enough to just kill and take it away, so why bother and even help?

There may be people who think like this.

‘Besides, she’s also a woman… … .’

As I glanced at Misha, who was grabbing the jerky because she was hungry, I continued my thoughts.

2. Walk around until you reach the outside of the forest or the 4th floor portal.

It’s just a way of relying on luck.

Therefore, I decided that it was not necessary to set this as the final goal. I don’t like it, but I’m not in a position to keep wandering through the forest.

It’s not about wishing.

It’s not that you can’t do it if you don’t want it.

Anyway next.

3. Stay focused on survival until the closing day.

Food and drinking water are sufficient.

In addition, by securing holy water, it was possible to secure the minimum safety immediately.

If the elemental essence comes out along the way, the survival rate in this damn forest will increase dramatically.

‘It’s all under the assumption that those bastards can’t find us.’

I let out a long sigh.

It has only been 4 days since I entered the labyrinth.

It means that there is much more left to do than the journey we have taken.

It is difficult to expect that the rest of the days will pass smoothly when I think of the things I have experienced over the past four days.

‘I don’t think the essence will come out, and if I’m going to do it anyway, it’s better to do it now.’

So, I decided.

“Misha, are you married?”

“Huh? All of a sudden?”

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Misha, who was chewing jerky, is startled at my question.

Looking at it, I wonder what the hell this is.

Still, he said he would listen well, and in the meantime he answered.

“I never did it… … .”


I asked again.

This time, more direct.

“Then you shouldn’t show your naked body to an outsider. Do you have any such beliefs?”

“Well, it seems like there is no such thing… … .”


“Well, what’s good? Fuck! That, stop! Go, don’t come any closer!”

An option I would never have chosen if I hadn’t played [Dungeon & Stone] for nearly 10 years.

It’s a pity to use that thing already… … .

4. Awaken Misha.

Also this is the best

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  1. MrPojsomnoj says:

    To be continued…

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