Surviving the Game as a Barbarian chapter 76

Surviving the Game as a Barbarian 76

Episode 76 Ghostbusters (5)

Secret security officer directly under the Rafdonia royal family.

“What? You said you came back with blood?”

Hearing the report from his subordinate, the man burst into laughter.

The reason was that he didn’t even know where to start getting angry.

“Tell me this, why did you contact him? I guess what I ordered was to just follow you?”

“… It is considered to be dogmatic in the field.”

“It’s a feed, are you kidding me? Speak straight.”

“As a barbarian in three months, he said he decided that he could easily identify himself.”

Immediately, the man took a deep breath.

It’s not that I don’t understand.

Novel from

Most of the demons younger than 1 year are naive. More than half of them vomit their identities just by taking a sneak peek and pretending to be in the same situation.

Even the other half revealed their identity through facial expressions.

“So you said there was no such reaction?”

“Yeah, he frowned as soon as he heard it, and then he said he got angry and told me to speak straight rather than difficult words. It would be quicker to see for yourself.”

A subordinate pulled a button out of his pocket.

A specially designed video recorder.

When I brought this to the crystal ball on the desk, the events at the scene were reproduced.

The man looked at the record over and over again, observing the changes in the barbarian’s expression, eyes, and facial muscles in detail.

[USA? taiwan? Europe? Where did it come from?]

The guy who made the mistake this time approached me too easily, but… … .

Nevertheless, this response is certainly special.

[What do you mean? Don’t say difficult things, just say it straight away.]

The answer came back without a single breath.

Ordinary evil spirits are embarrassed and roll their heads to find out the identity of the opponent.

But what about this barbarian?

[Wow, I was almost deceived. You’re really good at acting. Wasn’t it three months?]

[performance? I shouldn’t have said difficult words?]

vocabulary and speech.

[Then feel free to ask. Maybe you are a demon?]

[Now, what are you going to hide? you’re right. so… … .]

thoughts and doubts.

[done. You don’t have to say any more.]

[Yes? What does that mean—]

[The chieftain said so. Evil spirits must kill the people they see.]

and coping.

All of them are clearly different from the existing evil spirits.

No, rather, it coincides with the characteristic reaction that only came from those who were not evil spirits.

“Even those who don’t want to reveal their identity usually choose to evade in that situation.”

But what about this barbarian?

At the same time as I made the decision, I chose to break through head-on.

Without any hesitation, like a barbarian.

After thinking for a while, the man made the final decision.

“It certainly doesn’t look like a demon.”

Bjorn Yandel.

As the name caught our eye, the demons must have shown interest in him.

But he only gained fame a few days ago.

‘Because it’s not even before the ‘Assembly’ yet, you probably haven’t heard of our technique due to the timing… … .’

All circumstances indicate that he is not a demon.

Even if he recognized the existence of the secret security department in the first place, it was questionable whether such a reaction would be possible.

Novel from

Most of all, the incident that took place in the guild was impressive.

After being framed and on the verge of death, he escaped from prison and hit a bang? It’s not something that evil spirits who like to pretend to be noble just by looking at cancer can’t do it.

I don’t know if it’s a barbarian who can’t see anything.


“Bjorn Jandel is not charged.”

The man put a blue stamp on the report.

Then I put the report in a file and put it in the closet.

The subordinate, who was watching, exhaled a breath of relief.

“… Good luck.”

“Yeah, that’s fortunate. If I had been beaten by an evil spirit until it turned into blood, I would have died at my hands.”

“If you do, how will you be disciplined?”

“The guy arbitrarily made contact with the target on a follow-up mission. After three months of dismissal, the next 12 months will be reduced, and the evaluation of this promotion will be put on hold until next year.”

“Then I will tell you that.”

Afterwards, the subordinate left the office, and the man sat alone and meditated for a moment.

‘Even though I’m not an evil spirit, I got a tinnitus in 3 months… … .’

Regardless of this incident, it seems to be worth watching closely in the future.

‘Are you really born with the destiny of a hero? Maybe the Count will like it.’

Because there is always a shortage of talented people in this city.


“The character’s reputation has increased by +1.”

「The character’s reputation value increases by +1… … .”

“… … .”


‘Is it morning already? … .’

I spent the night awake.

Because of the letter I found last night.

Is the content of this letter real or not?

I let out a sigh as I pondered over and over until the sun came up.

‘It looks like it’s real, but… … .’

It’s just my intuition, I can’t be sure.

So, as soon as the sun came up, I washed up and went out.

First of all, I was thinking about finding out about this pill.

Of course, there is a good chance that this is a technique of demon hunters, but… … .

‘No, that’s why you should show the behavior you want to know.’

Anyway, think about it from a local point of view.

Someone broke into my room and left letters and pills with unreadable text?

It would be normal to wonder about its identity.

It would be terrifying for them.

“I thought I forgot my appointment because I didn’t come for a few days, but I guess that’s not the case again?”

For that reason, I visited the tower.

If you were a magician who was an intellectual in this world, he thought he might know something.

In fact, she knew about it.

Novel from

Much more than expected.

“Oh, seeing that pill came, it must have been a reputation this time around, right?”

This is the reaction that came when I showed Raven the letter and the pill.


“yes. So you don’t have to worry too much. I heard that once you become a little famous, you get everything.”

Soon after, Raven tasted the letter.

“Still, it’s a little disappointing. I wish you had come to me right away.”

Note that the letter was blank.

Novel from

Maybe there was something magical added to it, and the letters were erased in less than 10 minutes after I finished reading it.

“Aren’t you curious about Mr. Yandel? What the hell would the demons have written and sent?”


“Oh, I didn’t tell you that. It was a letter from a demon.”

“I didn’t even know it was a letter. Also, you are great.”

Raven made a distinctive snorting sound as she added the words that naturally stood up.

And I went into TMI mode as usual.

“Well, it would be. It’s a story that ordinary people don’t know. Can you give me that pill?”

“It’s here.”

“Do you know what this pill is?”

“I do not know.”

“It was made by a very talented wizard. He also possesses tremendous knowledge of psychic magic, dimensional magic, and alchemy.”

“So what is that pill?”

After a long introduction, such as how many wizards worked hard to interpret my short questions, she finally got to the point.

“If you take this pill, you can enter a certain spiritual world.”

“The Spirit World?”

“Oh, was it a little difficult to say? It’s easy to think of it as a kind of another dimension. The body is asleep, but only the mind moves somewhere.”

After that, Raven’s explanation continued.

To recap, it was this:

1. If you take this pill, you are called to a certain spiritual world at midnight on the 15th of every month.

2. Perhaps the demons are exchanging information with each other there.

3. So many people took pills and infiltrated, but the next morning, they were found dead and vomiting blood.

At this point, I was a bit stunned.

“Were they found dead?”

“yes. So, Mr. Yandel, don’t ever eat just because you’re curious.”

“Wait, isn’t it just like poison?”

“Hey, what do you think of our wizards? I swear there are no ingredients or alcohol in this medicine.”

“Then who are the dead?”

“Well, there are a lot of hypotheses here… … . First of all, most likely, they have a way to distinguish those who are not evil spirits. As the soul and body separate, the body dies.”

“… It’s a dangerous drug.”

These words were sincere.

That’s right, the moment I took the pill, he held my lifeline.

Of course, I’m going to believe to some extent now that the person who sent the drug is the player… … .

There is no information on who the player is.

“Anyway, it’s definitely not like poison. It’s not an official record, but there are rumors that a captured evil spirit made a statement about this gathering. I mean, it’s not a poison that will kill anyone if you eat it.”


“Oh, and one more peculiar thing is that there are souls in them, so you can’t really tell who they are.”

It’s good news to hear.

And this has cleared up most of my doubts.

Is this why relationships are so important?

If it hadn’t been for the wizard, I wouldn’t have heard of such a thing anywhere else.

However, I have one last question.

“Is there no way to recognize who took this pill?”

“Absolutely. If I did, I would have captured all the demons.”

I see

I can see why the sender was confident that anonymity was thoroughly guaranteed in the community.

“So, by the way, can I study this pill a bit?”

“It doesn’t matter if you’re going to spend the day with it.”

“Sadly, he answered all my questions. That’s Okay. I don’t think anything else will come out of my research anyway. Now, when the chatter is over, I’ll just sit here.”

As directed by her, I sat down on a chair.

Gutae, I didn’t ask if this chair was a tool for killing people’s heads.

“Then I will start.”

“… Please finish it quickly.”

hey, not now

supportive supportive-!!

That this chair is a magic tool crafted for blood collection.


At about four o’clock in the afternoon, the day’s worth of study was over.

It means you don’t have to waste your time by bothering to come to the tower until next week.

“Oh, the author is famous these days, right?”

“I heard that Hernesion-sama came up with the nickname “Little Balkan”… … .”

“Is that stingy man so kind to the barbarian? It’s a strange thing.”

As I left Raven’s private lab, I saw wizards gathered in the lobby.

Everyone is looking at me.

Is this the power of fame?

‘Last time, he treated me like I saw experimental materials rolling around… … .’

It was felt that the price of the name had risen again—

“Did you eat the essence of an orc hero?”

“Aru said, you even have the essence of a vampire guardian?”

“exactly… This is precious.”

A gaze that seemed to be looking at a very, very, very, very valuable experimental material, rather than an ordinary experimental material.

After all, would these bastards have an explorer’s reputation?

“Look! Can you come here for a second?”


“No, in a very short time—”

“Not because I am hungry.”

Several times more than usual, he left the tower as if escaping through the awkward gazes.

‘I don’t have time to go to the library, so I should just go back and rest.’

To organize my thoughts, I returned to the inn after about an hour and lay down on the bed.

Then he took out the pill and observed it carefully.

The thoughts deepen as if the mind is silent.

‘It’s a community where anonymity is guaranteed… … .’

The biggest reason I didn’t want to contact other players was because of risk.

If even one person knows, it’s no longer a secret.

But listening to Raven, it seems like a virtual web space.

Well, in the past, I thought it would be useful to have contact with players, but… … … .

I have changed my mind a bit now.

‘Certainly, the people there must know more than me.’

I’m not talking about hidden pieces or hidden information in the game.

If someone else knows, there’s no way I wouldn’t know.

However, this is another world, not in a game made up of decimals.

As long as the risk of identity exposure has been reduced, the advantages are more prominent than before.

‘You’ll have to check it yourself to find out what’s correct, but it’s not bad that you can get information one step at a time.’

For example, what tactics demon hunters use. The Explorers Guild made a new law and applied it as a test.

Joining the community will make it easier to access those latest news.

In other words, there is a secret source of information.

‘I’m not really looking forward to it, but I don’t know if I know how to get back.’

After thinking about it for a long time, looking at the medicine, I made a decision.

‘It would be better to eat though.’

The conclusion I came to after carefully weighing the risk I had to take and the return I could get.

However, I don’t plan on eating it right now.

Not only does it take time to make sure there are no other risks, but… … .

‘Even if anonymity is guaranteed, there will be someone who sent you an invitation.’

Think about it.

If three invitations were sent, what would happen if all three joined the community?

The sender of the invitation will be able to infer the identity and identities of the three.

‘If you eat it, it will be safer after at least 3 months to half a year have passed.’

Of course, all of these assumptions are meaningless if the community isn’t running the way I envisioned it.

However… … .

‘The information is not urgent right now.’

Let’s wait slowly and patiently.

As always.

Isn’t there a saying that everything is all-in-one?


A laboratory on the upper floors of the tower.


The moment the minute hand of the clock passed midnight.

A man lying on a chair opens his eyes.

Then he immediately gets up and communicates with someone through the crystal ball.

“Soul Queens, how is the new one this time?”

He hid it by hiding it, but the expectations and excitement were clearly revealed in his voice.

The light of deep disappointment soon appeared on the man’s face.


“Huh, then it looks like he really isn’t a player.”

[It is very likely. So, what are you going to do with the unsent letters in this episode?]

The man thought for a moment.

Originally, there were a total of seven letters that should have been sent before this meeting. But this time it was sent to only one person.

Because there was one thing to check.

However… … .

“Because of my compulsion, I can’t delay here any longer. Can you send the letters that I couldn’t send this time in order before the next meeting?”

[Yes, I will pass it on.]

The short conversation ended with this.

The laboratory was suddenly filled with silence.

“I was expecting a shield at the coming-of-age ceremony.”

The man sighed and sighed.

“It wasn’t ‘he’ again this time.”

At this point, I even think that the rumors circulating among players may have been true.

In the meantime, I have consistently denied it as a fan, but… … .

‘Actually, it doesn’t make sense to have organized such a huge amount of data by myself… … .’

Does ‘He’ really exist?

As many have guessed, was he simply a person from the game company?

It’s been 20 years since I woke up in this unfamiliar world.

Cracks were slowly forming in the man’s trust.

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  1. Shivam says:

    Damn, it looks he has been waiting for the MC to come to this world and has been following his guides.

  2. Mimiฅ⁠^⁠•⁠ﻌ⁠•⁠^⁠ฅ says:

    ….. meow guys~

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