The Academy’s Only Monster Summoner chapter 13

13 - Soah Baek (2)

13 – Soah Baek (2)

Even if the man he didn’t care about suddenly changed.

Normally, I wouldn’t have cared at all.

However, Lee Hyun-seong was a little different.

A small interest blossomed in the man.

Is it because he was the man who confessed to me in the past?

It may also be to some extent.

The curiosity about what can change a person like that occupied a large part.

Even the way he speaks gets friendly without even knowing it.

I seem to have stopped drinking and smoking in an instant.

He diligently listened to classes and participated in sparring, which he always ran away from.

A change so drastic that the word “gaegwacheonseon” fits perfectly.

A worm suddenly became a normal person, but wouldn’t he be interested in it and give up?

I’m sorry to call it a bug, but…

In fact, to put it bluntly, I was a human who was worse than a bug.

Not only me, but everyone around me must have doubts about Lee Hyun-sung’s change. I am just one of them.

At first, it was just a small curiosity.

However, interest only grew.

Coupled with Lee Hyeon-seong and Baek Chi-yeol.

At that time, Baek Chi-yeol mentioned Lee Hyeon-seong’s deceased mother.

Even if it was a skill activation condition, it crossed the line.

Even though it was said to Lee Hyun-seong, not me.

My heart ached and my anger rose.

Because I also kept the pain of losing my mother.

I didn’t know.

Lee Hyun-seong also had the same pain as me.

The interest I had in him was transformed into sympathy and sympathy.

Maybe that’s the reason why I’ve been living like a madman.

It made sense.

The reason why my personality was a little crooked was because of the shock of losing my mother.

Unlike me, who had good surroundings.

Lee Hyeon-seong may have been severely estranged from an unfortunate family environment.

If, if…

If I hadn’t had a father who stood in a high position as the president of the association…

Is there any guarantee that he won’t become an asshole like Lee Hyun-seong?

thoughts deepened

For some reason, I felt like I could understand Lee Hyun-seong a little bit.

I had an arrogant thought that maybe only I could understand him.

So it was.

I wanted to give a little helping hand.

I wanted to throw off my sunglasses and support him as he tried to get up on his own.

Starting with buying a small meal.

In case it could be dangerous, I took the potion and followed the dungeon exploration.

Until Lee Hyun-seong became self-reliant, he wanted to help.

But that this would happen.

Obviously I was trying to help him.

Why did I get help in reverse?

Lee Hyun-seong even sacrificed himself to block the arrows that were being shot at me.

Even though his hand was pierced, he didn’t show much.

I was angry.

Not to Lee Hyun-seong, but to myself.

Even so, he was angry with Lee Hyeon-seong.

He scolded him for doing something reckless.

After that, I felt even more shabby and pathetic.

he just helped me

After receiving help, what am I doing without even saying thank you?

A brief regret followed.

I gathered my heart and carefully thanked him.

Thank you.

It was a word I was ashamed to say for the first time in a long time.


Baek So-ah’s red hair, neatly tied back, sways left and right like a horse’s tail.

in the awkward silence.

It’s been ten minutes since I followed Baek So-ah, who was walking ahead, to the entrance of the dungeon.

In the meantime, there was no conversation whatsoever.

Only the sound of heavy footsteps echoed in the cave where silence fell.

It’s been this way since I checked the dungeon core and got all the magic stones.

It’s really awkward.

I thought I was a little closer, but was I mistaken?

I thought about talking to her first to change the dull atmosphere, but I soon gave up.

Looking back, I never said it first.

I don’t know what topic to bring up.

The silence was never broken until they eventually came out of the dungeon.

[5th grade explorer. Hyunseong Lee’s access record has been registered. You’ve had a hard time navigating.]

[Level 3 Explorer. Baek So-ah’s access record has been registered. You’ve had a hard time navigating.]

Now the time to disband has come.

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Just looking at the atmosphere, it wouldn’t be strange if we just broke up like this, but…

I guess I should say hello first.

If you break up without saying anything, it’s like fighting and breaking up for some reason.

It was the moment when he tried to part his tightly closed lips.

“great job.”

Unexpectedly, Baek So-ah said hello first.

“Yeah, you too.”

“I didn’t do anything but what? Rather, it only hindered me.”

That’s right.

I couldn’t confirm it, so I kept my mouth shut.

I said hello, so when I was about to step away, Baek So-ah continued talking again.

“Hey. Can I ask you something?”


“It may be a little out of the blue, but why is your tone so harmful?”

It’s really out of the blue.

why are you curious about that?

Baek So-ah added a comment when I looked at him with eyes that didn’t know his intentions.

“I was always cursing when I saw it every time I passed by, but the gap between then and now was too big, so I asked. Of course, it could be that I only saw a fragment of it, but I was a little puzzled.”

“It is fragmentary. It’s not that I don’t curse at all, but I’m not the type to do it vulgarly often.”


“Perhaps all of the things you saw of me were when I was drunk, right? It’s only natural that the way he speaks is different now that he’s fine.”

I think I understand because I look around moderately.

“Are you really sober? It’s hard to quit.”

“uh. completely hung up Don’t drink even if someone gives you money.”

These are not empty words.

I should never consume alcohol.

I have an injection I can’t afford.

Such an injection that could go straight to hell and become a criminal in an instant.

Of course, it’s a syringe from a previous life, but…

Even if this is not the body of the previous life, you never know. Because there are problems on the psychological side.

There’s nothing wrong with being careful.

“Is there anything else you want to say?”

“…Uh, what, isn’t there?”

“Then let’s go. See you at the academy the day after tomorrow.”

“Okay, bye…”

I felt that Baek So-ah’s character had changed dramatically, but I didn’t bother and left.


Baek So-ah was lost in thought as she watched Lee Hyeon-seong leave.

‘No matter how you look at it, it’s strange.’

The more I get to know him, the more I don’t know why.

Obviously, the appearance is Lee Hyun-seong.

But inside, I couldn’t get rid of the feeling that someone else was inside.

‘Is it because I’m not really drunk, but because I’m sane?’

I looked back over my memories.

Reminds me of Lee Hyun-sung’s academy life.

I didn’t draw it in detail because I wasn’t interested, but when I saw him in the memories that came to mind, he always had a face full of drunkenness. There was even a handful of blush.

It was different now.

The pale face was full of life.

‘Then, that’s my original personality.’

You shouldn’t judge people by their appearance.

To put it bluntly, Lee Hyeon-seong thought he belonged to the same rogue department as himself.

If you look at just one face.

Baek So-ah looks like a model of a bully to the point that even Baek So-ah couldn’t hold out a business card.

He never seemed to have the personality to save others even sacrificing himself.

However, breaking that prejudice, Lee Hyun-seong tried to save himself by burning himself.

It was an act I couldn’t understand.

Is that really his true nature?

if not······.

‘Do you really like me…?’

Baek So-ah, who had doubts, shook her head vigorously and denied it.

It can’t be.

Confession was just a stabbing way, wasn’t it?

There is no way that the confession he made while drunk was sincere.

‘···Wait a minute. But were you drunk when you confessed to me? I don’t remember well, but I think my face was fine at the time.’

Lee Hyun-seong was drunk even then.

Baek So-ah’s memories were being distorted as she wanted to think, as if she couldn’t remember that far.

‘Has he fallen into serious alcoholism since being dumped by me?’

Forcibly wash away the pain of broken heart.

Maybe he wants to stand proudly in front of himself with a changed appearance.

Confessing to Seo Han-bit or Lee Yoo-na afterwards could also have been due to someone not being completely sane. I want to forget myself as another woman.

‘It feels like all the puzzles are fitting together.’

Baek So-ah, who finished her reasoning with a nonsensical delusion, nodded slightly.

‘The image I’ve been showing lately could be acting.’

Second to the looks.

When you look at the behavior of the past.

The current appearance was unnatural enough to feel an excessive sense of separation.

‘Perhaps you act because you want to look good to me…?’

I didn’t feel any unpleasant feelings.

no matter how fake it is.

It’s because you’re sincere enough to try to protect yourself by throwing your body away.

It seemed that his original personality, not his acting, wouldn’t be too bad.

No, perhaps the act of protecting oneself was sincere rather than acting. It was a reflexive blow in an urgent situation where there was no time to think.

‘···First of all, it’s good to be certain, so let’s find out. I’ll see how he behaves when I’m not around.’

Baek So-ah finished her thoughts and followed Lee Hyun-seong, who was walking away.




Baek So-ah hurriedly bought a long beige coat, a pink cap, and black sunglasses from a nearby clothing store.

And inwardly, he was proud that his disguise was perfect.

I felt like I didn’t notice at all, even though I was following him by drastically narrowing the distance.

‘But why are you going there?’

The place Lee Hyun-seong entered was a women’s underwear store.

What is the reason for a man to visit there?

I had doubts, but I hurriedly entered the store with the mind to catch up.

Pretending to be a customer, she looked at the underwear in the corner of the store, pricked up her ears, and overheard the conversation between Lee Hyun-seong and the store clerk.

“Can I try this on?”

“Yeah? Ah yes···.”

“I’ll use the changing room.”

“But wouldn’t it be a bit big?”

“No, I think it’s just right.”

“I see…”

Lee Hyun-seong smiled brightly and went into the changing room holding a black bra.

‘···What? No, why are you wearing that!?’

It was a shock.

Everyone has a different s*xual orientation, but that was hard to tolerate.

The feeling of looking into the abyss.

I never thought I would have such a shady hobby.

Even so, Lee Hyun-seong’s favorability did not go down.

Originally, I would have hated it and hated it.

For some reason I didn’t think he was disgusting.

‘It’s strange. Is it actually a more healthy hobby than I thought…? No, it can’t be?’

A black light flashed in the dressing room where Lee Hyun-seong entered, but Baek So-ah, who was in shock, did not see it.

Right now, I’m just taking out my notebook and scribbling with a pen.

‘This, let’s take notes…’

[Lee Hyun-seong investigation data]

: No drinking, no smoking.

: Presumed to have used debentures.

: He still likes me.

: The current appearance is probably acting?

:I have a hobby of wearing women’s underwear. /Give me a gift in return later/

‘It’s hard to understand, but… It’s not really a castle that harms others…’

Strange misunderstandings were piling up.

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  1. Azeizel says:

    Healthy hobby……😏😏😏😊🤣🤣

  2. Lku says:

    Favorability won’t go down hmm..cuz
    it’s a healthy hobby hmmm…

  3. Lku says:


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