The Academy’s Only Monster Summoner chapter 16

16 - Redefining human relationships (3)

16 – Redefining human relationships (3)

Is it the aftermath of last week’s Dalian?

As soon as the automatic door to the principal opened, the eyes of the students inside were all focused on me.

What you looking at?

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Just looking at it, the eyes are not good.

Then it is.

I didn’t expect that the negative gaze would ease in a short period of time.

‘… Uhm. Rather, it may have made his reputation worse by showing a violent side.’

It doesn’t matter.

I’m not immune to a friendly gaze, but I’m quite used to a look of contempt. Because that’s what I always received when I was a hero.

‘If I care, only I will lose. Just ignore it.’

I climbed the stairs in the center of the principal with the belief that things would get better as time went on.

all the way to your seat.

The stinging gazes continued to stab me in the back of the head, but I tried to ignore them.

I arrived at the back seat that I always adhered to.

‘It looks like Ra Je-young has moved.’

I can’t see Ra Je-young, who always greeted me in the next seat.

Looking around, I saw Ra Je-young, who was chatting with other students in harmony.

He’s the one who will betray later, so he distanced himself from me first, but… Still, something is a bit bitter. It sounds like you’ve been bullied.

‘···done. It’s a good thing.’

yes. Better to be an outcast than to have a traitor around.

I just slumped back in my seat and lay down on my desk to take a nap before class started.

I’m not pretending to sleep because I never have friends to talk to. It was because I was tired after running for an hour. Because I am very tired now.

“Ugh! What are you doing without hurrying up and talking!?”

“I’ll figure it out later…”

As I buried my face in my arms crossed on the desk and forced my eyes shut, I heard a familiar male and female voice.

“Don’t put off until tomorrow what you can do today! Don’t you know that?”

“No, who said it was postponed until tomorrow? I was going to apologize separately during lunch today.”

It’s noisy.

I lifted my head and looked at the source of the voice.

“No! Apologize in front of me and come back!”

“So at lunchtime…”

“now! right now!”


Nearby, Seo Han-bit was urging Baek Chi-yeol, fixing her pink sunglasses.

what are you guys doing

By chance, Baek Chi-yeol’s eyes met.

Baek Chi-yeol hurriedly avoided his gaze and cautiously moved toward me, gently draping his butt on the chair next to him.

Is it awkward to make eye contact?

His gaze was still elsewhere.

“There he… good morning?”

“…Uh yeah.”


Baek Chi-yeol, who suddenly greeted her, but didn’t say anything.

“What do you have to say?”


Baek Chi-yeol trembled and rose from his seat again.

“I-I was sorry about the last Dalian.”

He bowed politely, not caring about the eyes of others.

“I spat out the words without thinking because I used the skill in a hurry. As a human being, there are things I can say and things I can’t… I will sincerely apologize. It may only sound like an excuse, but I never meant to say it…”

There seemed to be a hint of sincere regret in his slightly trembling voice.

I can’t help but feel very frustrated.

I couldn’t have imagined that there would be an apology from that side.

I don’t have to apologize more than that. I haven’t been paying attention since that day.

I was confused, but decided to accept the apology quickly.

There’s nothing good when students from the same academy blush.

“done. I also crushed your face, but what?”

“…You apologized right then. Because I couldn’t properly say I’m sorry. And it deserved to be beaten… you can hit more if you want…”

“Stop it, okay so raise your head. They all look at you.”

“uh? uh···.”

Baek Chi-yeol’s face was also stained with embarrassment as if he had not expected that he would accept an apology so easily.

“Anyway, I’m really sorry…”

“Because it’s okay. Since each of us made a mistake one by one, don’t worry about it as a teacher.”

“How can you not care… I’ll buy you a drink later as an apology.”

“I quit drinking.”

“ah. Then even rice…?”

“…or so.”

Baek Chi-yeol smiled shyly and naturally sat down next to me again.

‘He’s more innocent than he looks.’

To be honest, Padlip crossed the line…

The first day I was possessed, I didn’t hate it because he was the guy who helped me to the infirmary with Han Seok-ho when I was in a state of disrepair.

It’s not difficult to forgive.

When I was a hero, I was active while eating pad ribs from citizens day and night.

Baekchi fever is a medicine.

There were also a lot of malicious people who sent mail or text messages saying that they were despising their dead parents.

Even so, I survived really well…

‘But why is Baek Chi-yeol sitting next to me?’

Even though they reconciled neatly, the awkward atmosphere remained the same.

We weren’t close enough to have a private conversation.

We were just staring at each other awkwardly in front.

“Very good!”

Seo Han-bit, who was looking at this scene with satisfaction, strode forward and looked at us alternately.

“Students in the same lower ranks should be friendly! cancer! Then I’m done!”

She just said what she had to say and went down the gunchong stairs and took a seat next to Kim Soo-han.

Do you want to be friends with people in the same subclass?

Do you feel like you’ve been ignored…?

I didn’t mean to belittle you, but it just doesn’t feel good.

“Lee Hyun-seong…”


“I’m saying this because I’m afraid there will be a misunderstanding, but I never forced Seo Han-bit to apologize.”


“…Anyway, I’m sincerely sorry.”

“Stop apologizing.”

How many times do you apologize?

It’s embarrassing when it comes to this.

“That···. Rajeyoung seems to be sitting somewhere else today. Can I sit next to you?”

“You are already seated.”

“hahahaha, that’s true… I asked because you might have decided to sit with someone else.”

“I have no friends other than Rajeyoung.”


Baek Chi-yeol nodded in affirmation.

The meaningless conversation was cut off and the awkward air was still unresolved.


Someone physically opened the principal’s automatic door with force.

It was a familiar red-necked bully who showed off his presence.

‘Why does Baek So-ah open the automatic door like that?’

Surprisingly, it appears.

I closed my eyes and shook my head at her incomprehensible behavior.

Although it opened a little slowly, it wasn’t to the point where I couldn’t wait, but she was a really radical and impatient woman.

Baek So-ah, wearing pants instead of a school uniform skirt, began to climb the stairs, moving her hands in her pockets.

She continues to climb past the place where she used to sit often.

Baek So-ah, who reached the point where the stairs were cut off, stopped in front of Baek Chi-yeol.

“What are you?”


“Why are you sitting here?”

“…Ra Je-young sat down somewhere else, so I thought I’d sit down from today?”

“come out.”

Baek Chi-yeol just stared at her blankly without answering.

Baek So-ah’s voice raised a little, perhaps because she was frustrated.

“Hey. Are you deaf? Since this is my place from today, go away…”

Baek So-ah hurriedly shut her mouth.

He looks at me with a sidelong glance and corrects his words.

“Will you come with me? I promised to sit with Hyeonseong.”

Haven’t you ever done that?

Baek Chi-yeol moves his gaze towards me as if he is asking if that is true.

However, my eyes crossed paths with Baek Chi-yeol and turned to Baek So-ah.

“What are you talking about? If you want to sit in the back, the front seat is also empty…”

A small spark flickered in Baek So-ah’s eyes.

Did you use your abilities? What?

For some reason, I felt a threat to my life, so I hurriedly moved my gaze to Baek Chi-yeol.

“The front seat is also empty, so Baek Chi-yeol, give up your seat and go forward.”

“yes? That, yes… Come to think of it, the back seat doesn’t seem too good…? ha ha ha···.”

Baek Chi-yeol suddenly made a flushed expression, then got up from his seat and quickly moved to the front seat.

He must have sensed the eerie life flowing down his back.

Baek So-ah dragged the chair next to me and sat down as if she was satisfied.


“uh···. hi.”

A friendly expression contrasted with the one before.

It’s strange. Didn’t we part a little awkwardly on Saturday? Why are you approaching me more friendly?

I can’t measure the distance of our relationship.

“hit. I have something to give you.”

Baek So-ah rummaged through her bag and pulled out a box covered in striped wrapping paper.

“Take this.”

“yes? What is this?”

“Thank you for the last day.”

If it’s the last time, you’re talking about blocking an arrow in the boss room.

‘I’m surprised to hear you say thank you then, but you’re giving me a present like this today?’

Quite shocking.

I don’t know what the heck he’s up to that’s why he’s so friendly.

‘Have you ever put something like a bomb inside?’


When I was a hero, I remembered the past when a woman gave me a box with a bomb in it, saying that I was a fan.

Then Baek So-ah spoke in a slightly nervous tone and pushed the box she was holding.

“What are you doing? My arm hurts.”

“···Oh yeah. thanks.”

once received

It’s bad manners to refuse.

Could Baek So-ah have put the bomb there?

I haven’t done anything to dislike you lately, but there’s no way I’m going to do that. This is enough to end the disease of doubt.

Well. Still, it’s good to check the contents just in case.

“Can I take a look at it?”

“…Take it open later when you are alone. You will definitely like it.”

“I want to check it now.”

“No. If you don’t want to regret it, check it out where no one is watching.”

She stubbornly refuses to open the wrapping paper.

no! If you see a reaction like that, you can’t help but doubt!

I wanted to ignore it and tear it apart.

But I persevered.

There must be a reason for tearing it off later.

Write if you doubt your friend.

Aren’t you friends? Anyway, I decided to trust Baek So-ah and carefully put it in my bag.




Eventually, during a break, I ran to the bathroom, opened the wrapper, and checked the contents.

It wasn’t out of suspicion, it was just curiosity.

‘···phew. Fortunately, it’s not a bomb.’

Inside was a black bra.

I was thinking of buying another one.

How did you know and gave it to me?

Could it be that Baek So-ah was also bothered by Kkae-bi’s bobbing breasts in the dungeon?

That’s why I gave you this gift.

There is no answer other than that.

You probably don’t think of me as a collector of kinky underwear.

Anyway, it was a nice gift.

I’ll have to go back and say I’ll put it to good use.

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  1. Azeizel says:


  2. ReiSupremo says:


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